Mysterious journey

Chapter 1347 Tiamat 1

After Garen became the clan leader, the White Dragon Clan officially changed its name to the Winter Dragon Clan. Leaving Bailong Mountain.

The main material plane stronghold of Bailong Mountain was furious and sent troops to conquer. However, Garen was entrenched in his own territory and absorbed the two master souls. As expected, the two master-level souls were broken into pieces by Galleon. After eating them like oatmeal and absorbing a lot of memories, in just two days, he condensed two new soul seeds.

The eighth soul ring also officially began to gather.

The further the soul rings go, the slower the progress. The Despair Skull and the Death Bracelet, one absorbing potential points and the other sorting out the fragments of enlightenment, complement each other perfectly. Garen began to wonder whether he should take the initiative to search for the souls he needed.

After all, he is the Dragon of Disaster, not the honest White Dragon King.

After hearing that Bailong Mountain actually sent a crusade force, Garen suddenly became interested.


"What? Clan leader, are you going to take the initiative?" Annie, the newly selected captain of the White Dragon Guard, exclaimed.

"What's all the fuss about?" Gallon lay lazily on the ice sculpture throne, looking at the stunned expressions of Annie and a group of white dragons below.

"Since the team sent by Bailong Mountain has targeted me, I don't need to be polite to them."

"But...!" Annie wanted to say something else, but Garon raised his hand to stop her.

Garen has always had a human body since he was able to transform into a human. He sat on the throne and looked around below.

"I'll leave the affairs within the clan to you. If you have anything, you can crush the crystal stone outside my cave and I will get the news immediately." Garen will not be tied to the same place by a clan. This is a period of chaos. Void creatures and various The big plane was frantically fighting and fighting, and when the order was at its most chaotic, it was the critical moment for him to hunt for soul fragments.

Now that it is confirmed that a highly enlightened soul can help him condense the soul seed soul ring, it seems that the method of the Lie Demon Lord is indeed very effective.

Garon's thoughts were spinning in his mind, and he suddenly understood why many demon lords' true spirits started killing people as soon as they arrived. It turned out that it was not just because of the nine-sided body. Since we are already so far behind other demon kings and demon lords, it would be wrong to continue to be so lazy.

"The Tower of Winter will protect the entire Dragon King Peak. I have already arranged a special spell. Temporarily bringing the area within the scope of the labyrinth spell." Garen waved his hand and sprinkled a small piece of silver-white seed-like particles, which fell on the scene. In the hands of all the white dragons.

"This is my special amplification seed. You can choose whether to take it or not. After taking it, your overall physical fitness will be improved, but you will never be able to turn against me. You decide for yourself."

Garen looked at the white dragons who were still talking and didn't want to talk nonsense. He just teleported and disappeared from the throne in an instant.

Hundreds of twisted seeds have been released. The first batch to be released is the strongest white dragon Annie, as well as a large number of demons from the Abyss Revenge Fortress. These twisted seeds cannot control their minds, but they can make it impossible for them to pose a threat to the mother Garen, and they will also be linked to the safety of the mother Garen. If Garen dies, they will die.

After scattering a bunch of twisted seeds at will, Garen teleported directly back to the Tower of Winter.

Tanenadia is still in a coma, while Rosta and Elphes have been released by Galen, but they can only move around on the first floor of the mage tower and cannot go out.

Garen teleported directly to the level where they were.

The two guys were having lunch. When they saw Garen coming out of the shadow teleportation array, they immediately stood up together.

"Lord Garen." Rosta was the first to speak.

"What are your plans? Are you leaving here or staying?" Garen asked casually, sitting down next to the two of them.

He is not very interested in these two Void Stalkers. Masters of this level in this world are at most eight or nine levels, and he has many such subordinates.

"Since I have said that I will be loyal to you before, I will never break my promise." Rosta quickly replied, "And when we come to this world, there is no stronghold that can protect us. Sooner or later, things will continue to happen." He smiled bitterly.

Elphes next to him nodded.

"Originally we were chasing Nine-Headed Dragon King Nadia, but now, even she is not much better than a baby, so what's the point of our pursuit?" Elphes had an indifferent expression, as if he had already looked away. "The descendants of Guyinduo no longer need our protection. The true spirit has reappeared, and our existence is no longer relevant."

Garen pondered for a moment and threw out two twisted seeds.

"Eating this will increase your power. Then there is a library of basic knowledge on the second floor. You can go and see it yourself. I will open up your permissions. For the rest, you can grow and evolve through killing in this world. Specifically, Ask the snail about the situation.”

He waved his hand, and a piece of paper and pen floated not far away. He picked it up and wrote an address. That is not an address in the ordinary sense, but a special dream address that only void creatures and ancient Yinduo civilization can understand.

"Just contact him in your dream, and he will tell you everything you need to know about this world."

"Thank you, sir!"

The two of them quickly bowed to express their thanks. Garen also disappeared in an instant. The two looked at the twisted seeds in their hands, and faced each other with a wry smile.

It was obviously something to protect against them.

When Garen reappeared, he was already in the isolation room on the fifth floor.

This floor here is mainly a treatment room, and various medical facilities, arrays, books, and instruments are all here.

Nadia was lying in a ward, seemingly awake, and staring blankly at the faint sunshine outside the window.


Garen opened the door and walked in.

"How is your recovery?" He walked in the door with a smile and looked at the beautiful girl on the hospital bed. With jet black and shiny waist-length hair, and still skin as white as porcelain, Nadia leaned quietly on the hospital bed. The moment she saw Garen, her eyes widened.

"It's you!!"

She screamed in shock.

"Yes, it's me." Garen walked over with a smile and sat down beside the hospital bed.

"It seems like you're not doing well." He reached out and touched Nadia's face frivolously.

"What are you doing?!" Nadia's face suddenly became angry, "Don't think you can save me!" She didn't know what words to use to describe Garen's current actions.

"What can you do?" Garen dodged the hand he slapped, and his hand reappeared in its original place as if it hadn't moved. Gently pinched Nadia's soft and delicate face.

"You are my prisoner now, how about it? Why don't you ask me to let you go?!" He chuckled.

"Don't even think about it!!" Nadia wanted to gather her weapons, but found that her whole body was sore and she couldn't exert any strength at all, and her face suddenly turned paler.

"Gallon!!!" Her dark eyes almost burst out with fire. "It's a waste that I had some appreciation for you at first!!"

"Appreciate it?" Garen suddenly pulled her over, and the two of them were face to face and very close. "You beat me up several times back then!!"

His hot breath sprayed on Nadia's face, causing her to look away unnaturally.

"If it weren't for that, how could you suppress me?!" She shouted in embarrassment. "Kill me if you can!!"

"Kill you?" It was rare for Garen to find a fun old acquaintance, how could he let him go so easily? "Why should I kill you? We are all old acquaintances, and killing you will do me no good." He let go of Nadia and let her lie back on the hospital bed.

"You bullied me for so long, but now things have changed, and it's my turn to bully you." Garen was in a good mood and joked casually.

"You'll be dead when I'm healed!!" Nadia was so angry that she grabbed the white quilt and glared at Garen. The air behind her even vaguely condensed the black shadow of a ferocious nine-headed dragon, but this The suppression of a bit of phantom spirit is worse than that of a little cat for the current Garen.

"Okay, okay, stop being naughty and take good care of yourself. You can visit and use the entire floor as you like." Garen came over to tease Nadia to relax her mood. As he expected, his mood improved. Nadi Ya was obviously in a worse mood.

Build your own happiness on the pain of others.

Garen suddenly felt that he was really bad.

He touched his chin, wondering why Nadia was pleasing to his eyes. It is rare to see a familiar old friend in this strange world. Although the relationship between the two is relatively complicated and it is difficult to distinguish between friends and foes, they still feel a bit familiar.

After leaving the Tower of Winter, his original plan was finally about to be implemented. Ever since he obtained the method of the Lord of Lies, Garen has been planning a crazy plan. There are still more than ten years left. If he cannot obtain the power to protect himself within this period, once the war breaks out, the true spirit will be destroyed. The war between the demon lord and the gods will begin. In the chaotic war between gods, all those who are not gods will be ants.

Garen does not have much ambition for dominance, he only hopes to gain the power to preserve himself in this war.

But even this is a relatively luxurious dream. At this point, all we can do is fight to the death.

After carefully packing up everything, Garen brought a map of the entire north of the main material plane. Quietly left Dragon King Peak.


On the large snowfield, white snow fell one after another.

In mid-air, beneath the pale white sun, a huge sphere like a globe was moving at high speed. It was surrounded by a ring of satellites. It was completely white and could barely see its shadow in the heavy snow.

The sphere is thousands of meters large, with many ring-shaped spaces carved out by exquisite carvings. In each space are some men, women and children wearing white robes with white dragon patterns on their chests. These people slowly move inside their respective spaces. Walking around and patrolling.

At the top of the sphere, there was a small empty platform, on which stood a guard sentry lazily. This guy was yawning involuntarily.

"Really, we actually have to use the War Fortress. It's not enough to just jump and teleport over such a short distance. We also have to fly over slowly. I really don't know what those elders are thinking." The sentry muttered, with blue pulses dancing on his fingertips. The lightning showed his astonishing skill in magic. Such an ordinary sentry actually had at least five levels of arcane magic.

"Stop complaining. We will be back soon. There are very few opportunities to use the fortress to fight. This time we come out just to intimidate them, but we may not actually fight." Another sentry who came up from behind to change the shift said with a smile.

"There have been more and more void creatures recently. We may have to go to the battlefield one day. I guess this time we will just treat it as an exercise." The sentry from before shook his head.

"You can see far, but I think..." The sentry who came later suddenly stopped talking, "There is something wrong!" His expression became solemn, and he looked at the snow-covered sky in the distance.


Suddenly a sharp siren sounded from the fortress.

"High-energy creatures are approaching at high speed!" The tower spirit in charge sounded an alarm, "Please issue an identification command!"

In the middle of the fortress, there is a large control room.

Two elders with white hair and white beards sat on two high-backed chairs respectively, frowning and looking at the scene outside the crystal glass.

"It's so fast!"

"Bordeaux, it may be a dragon of the same kind. Do you want to take action?" Another elder looked at the elder sitting at the front inquiringly.

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