Mysterious journey

Chapter 1357 Hunting 1

Standing on the top of the snow mountain, Garen folded his wings and looked far away at the lake above an extinct volcano, where he could faintly see three figures of different colors standing.

The black woman is An, the purple woman is the Lord of Lies, and there is a scorpion-headed man, the Lord of the Earth.

The three of them are surrounded by a natural halo of terrifying power, which is the undisguised brilliance of God, a phenomenon naturally evolved from their own essence reaching the level of gods.

In the battle of gods, Garen is not yet qualified to participate in this level of battle.

After all, even Tiamat is only a low-level god, and what she will face this time is probably a plurality of mid-level gods. Although the difference is only one level, such a distance is considered two low-level gods. Gods may not necessarily be able to beat a mid-level god, and gods like the God of Time and Shadow are particularly good at fighting, and they have more bonuses in terms of fighting.

So he was arranged to watch from a distance, responsible for cleaning up other demigods, holy spirits and the like.

This is exactly what Garen meant. He has no interest in complete divinity. As long as there is a trace of divinity, he can perfect it and absorb it into a soul ring. If he has enough divine power, he only needs to confirm it again. The priesthood can be condensed into a godhead. This is not difficult for Gallon now.

"Hasn't it appeared yet?" Garen frowned slightly. They had been waiting in this state for three days, but the expected Kashavin, the god of shadows and time, had not yet appeared.

He came here just to seize enough types of divinity. As long as he has enough divinity and consumes some time, he can't get more soul rings quickly.

Garen waited patiently and glanced at the sky.

The sky was a little gray, and the thick clouds seemed like it was going to rain at any time.

From time to time, dark flocks of migratory birds fly from afar and pass over the volcanic lake. They are not aware of the three terrifying existences below them.


Suddenly An's voice sounded in Garen's ears.

Garen's whole body tensed up, and his breath quickly gathered.

He looked far into the sky on the other side, where a three-eyed gray dragon with golden wings appeared. It had a huge belly, its tongue was as long and red as a snake, but its skin was as gray as a rock.

"Golden-winged Dragon Mother, get ready." Garen recognized the other party. This gray three-eyed dragon was another student of An. He was considered his senior sister. She had been with An for a long, long time before he did.

"I'm on your left and you're on your right, and there are other beings on both sides who are in charge."

The golden-winged dragon mother whispered.


Garen nodded, and flashed several times with her, appearing directly in the air at the left and right ends of the volcanic lake.

Appearing on both sides of the volcanic lake at the same time, there were two other beings wearing black clothes whose faces could not be seen clearly.

The four of them directly surrounded the entire volcanic lake to form a square formation.

All four of them lit up with red light at the same time.

The red light became more and more intense and wider, spreading directly and quickly and intertwining, forming a dense red network over the entire volcanic lake.

The big net is dozens of kilometers wide and wraps up all the surrounding space, forming a bloody tennis ball.

"Hold on for ten minutes." The voice of the Lord of Lies spread.


The corner of the big bloody net that Garen grabbed with his claws suddenly shook violently, and something seemed to have changed inside. He applied force to stabilize the big net in his hands.

The same should be true for the other three.

The tennis ball shook for a while, then quickly calmed down.

But Garen was keenly aware that large groups of giant flame birds gradually appeared behind him.

These giant birds were burning all over, their eyes were as bright as green gems, and they all rushed toward his back like crazy.

Quack quack..! !

Garen's wings trembled amid the sharp bird calls. An invisible circle of poisonous fields spread out, and his unique talent poison field spread quickly like a layer of transparent mist invisible to the naked eye.

The poisonous mist covered the firebirds, and suddenly the flames all over the large groups of firebirds dimmed and became smaller.

Their screams became hoarse, and the flames all over their bodies became smaller and darker, and then they fell one after another like dumplings.

"An!! How dare you." Suddenly a majestic male voice came from inside the tennis ball, hazy and hoarse, as if coming from a very far away place.

The tennis ball vibrated violently, as if something was trying to break free from the inside out.

Garen grabbed the corner of the tennis ball hard and turned slightly. Behind him, countless firebirds gathered together and turned into a flaming humanoid.

It wears black armor, and its inner body is completely made of dark red texture like magma. It is basically an elemental life.

Garen narrowed his eyes slightly. Kashavin has three powerful gods under his command, one of whom has an appearance that almost completely matches the one in front of him.

"Elemental Lord. Aier." If he faced the incarnation of Tiamat last time, then this time, he will face the true body of a lower god.

"A mere dragon of disaster." Scorching flames burst out from under the helmet of this flame elemental lord, and his whole body continued to expand in all directions, emitting large plumes of black smoke and distortion of high temperature.

"How dare you offend His Highness Kashavin!"

He raised the scimitar in his hand and pointed it at Garen.

"I will take your soul" Boom! !

Suddenly, a huge black beast pounced him down from the side.

The beast grabbed him tightly in mid-air, and the two guys rolled. In mid-air, the beast suddenly opened a pair of huge black bat wings from its back.

Rainbow aperture ripples burst out from the collision between bursts of energy and divine power.

Garen watched this scene quietly. Since An had arranged so many preparations, he would naturally not forget to omit all the forces under Kashavin's command.

Two low-level god-level lords were fighting crazily, one was the earth elemental lord beast arranged by An, and the other was the flame lord.

The mountains and rivers below rumbled and arched, and cracks opened between the boulders, revealing the flowing magma below.

The power of earth and fire are entangled with each other. This is a natural phenomenon caused by the overflow of power from the two lords.

Amidst the loud rumbling sound, black shadows gradually appeared on the ground below. The black shadows suddenly shrank and turned into purple-black metal giants with a height of more than ten meters.

These giants wore sharp long triangle masks, held huge black swords in their hands, and had a large number of mysterious patterns engraved on their bodies.

They jumped up quickly and rushed towards the four web-setters in the sky.

"Shadow mask. People from the Gray Shadow Council!" The Golden Winged Dragon Mother snorted coldly. "Be careful, each of these giants is a fifteenth-level sword master of the giant clan."

"I come!"

On the other side, a woman in black slowly appeared in the air. The woman had dark golden horns like a demon on her head. She was wearing black armor that covered her whole body, and she was holding two slender swords in both hands. Her long purple hair was flying in the wind.

"Chaos of time and space!"

She suddenly raised her swords high, and her sharp voice instantly echoed through the entire nearby space.

laugh! !

A purple-red beam suddenly shot out from her sword, shooting straight into the sky and turning into a purple-red straight line, piercing the clouds.

"Come on, my most loyal tribesmen!!" The woman let out a weird, shrill laugh.

Buzz. A large group of purple-red clouds suddenly swirled in the sky, and the clouds turned into a huge vortex and slowly rotated.

With a click, a purple electric light flashed across, and the entire sky darkened completely.

Soon, countless purple-red moth-like insects flew out of the sky. These bugs seem to be dozens of times larger than ordinary moths. Each of their eyes is glowing with a faint red fluorescence, and their ferocious mouthparts are constantly opening and closing, as if they want to chew greedily.

Insects like raindrops swooped down from the sky, passed by the woman, and swooped down.

Roar! !

A giant let out a huge roar, swinging its giant sword and turning at high speed like a giant wheel, turning into a sword dance. But it was still blocked by a large number of purple-red moths.

The moth's body was extremely hard. Ju Ran was only slightly injured when he was slashed by the giant sword. He shook his head and continued to charge forward.

Dozens of giants below were instantly surrounded by countless moths and intercepted in mid-air.

On the ground, a giant swordmaster wearing a black gold-rimmed cloak looked up at the woman who summoned the moth.

Without any nonsense, a divine sword with blue electric current appeared in the hands of the giant sword master. He rushed forward a few steps, took advantage of the force, and kicked hard.

boom! !

Blue light rose into the sky, and the giant sword master and the woman collided in mid-air. The black and blue divine power fields filled the air around them, blocking all sight of the outside world.

Garen looked away.

The fight between the two sides is getting bigger and bigger.

Several gray-robed old mages gradually appeared in the air in the distance. There were still faint fluctuations of space jumps around them. It was obvious that they had jumped over from the teleportation circle.

As soon as these people appeared, they lowered their heads and quickly chanted incantations, and countless crystal fine particles spilled from their hands and floated in the air.

"Leader of the Gray Shadow Council!" Garen recognized these five old mages. They were all the top arcanists of the North, with the lowest level being eleven. The highest one is also a level 14 Grand Arcanist.

Behind each of them, the shadow of a tall tower faintly emerged, which meant that they were supported by a huge mage tower elemental pool behind them.

Garen glanced towards the Golden-Winged Dragon Mother. She had already fought with a yellow shadow, and golden divine power splashed out. It was obvious that her opponent was also the same low-level god.

"It seems I can only handle it myself." Garen didn't think that the Gray Shadow Council would only show such a small amount of strength.

At this moment, the sound of the curse suddenly stopped.

The bodies of the five old mages suddenly came together and merged together like mud. Then he quickly transformed into a double-sword warrior wearing huge white armor.

"Emperor!!" The warrior roared lowly. A white star suddenly lit up in the sky. The white starlight penetrated all the clouds and whirlpools and shone straight on him.

For a time, countless gorgeous and sacred patterns continued to appear densely on the warrior's body.

He stepped forward and his body suddenly disappeared, appearing behind Garen.

Draw the knife! !

A diamond-shaped crystal appeared in front of the blade and was smashed by the blade.

Bang! Countless crystal fragments shot towards the back of Garen's head. Covering the movement of the tip of the knife.

"Decay." Garen whispered.

Countless black mist exploded from his body, covering dozens of meters around him. Wrap the display directly in it as well.

This is the power of the priesthood, a powerful ability driven by divine power, and the embodiment of rules. Everything in it will be restricted by the rules here, and will slowly decay.

Both physical strength and speed fitness will pass quickly over time.

Puff puff!

Countless crystal fragments all hit Garen.

But it was like hitting wood, leaving no trace at all.

The tip of the knife also stabbed the Gallon scales hard, and the thin golden shield of divine power was instantly penetrated. The tip of the knife directly pressed against the dragon scales, making a harsh and violent friction sound.

"Dragon Light Slash!!" The warrior exerted all his strength again, and a golden arc erupted from his hand, spreading along the blade to the tip of the blade instantly. It turned into a huge driving force and rushed forward.


The electric arc rushed out of the tip of the knife and penetrated into the Galleon scales.

The warrior's other hand suddenly turned into a blood-red tentacle of pure energy, and tightly wrapped around one of Garen's wings with a snap.

"Artifact?" Garen raised his brows, and the blood-red energy tentacles appeared. The opponent was obviously relying on the artifact to temporarily resist the decay of his IDE power.

This is also because his divine power is too little. If the divine power is not just a weak divine power, but a low-level divine power, then unless it is a mid-level divine weapon or a high-level divine weapon, it will be impossible to resist the power of divine authority.

But Garen was not surprised at all. If the opponent didn't even have this means, how could he dare to participate in a battle of this level head-on?

"The Knife of Conquest!" He shook his hand and released a pitch-black ball, which instantly completely enveloped the warrior in front of him. The red tentacles were also directly interrupted and enveloped.

This is Tiamat's unique skill. As part of the power to conquer the godhead, he analyzed and absorbed it during this period and became his own power.

This is the benefit of focusing all his potential on improving intelligence. In just a few days, he completely digested Tiamat's power.

"Unfortunately, as the ability of the priesthood itself, it is only enough to use the lower power once without consumption. The second time, you need to consume additional divine power as a push." ​​Garen calculated his reserved divine power, leaving only a trace of it as a divine shield. The spontaneous protection mechanism operates, and all other divine power is used to absorb potential and strengthen itself.

The divine power gained from the incarnation of Tiamat was enough to push his intelligence to 400 points. Unlike before, it now required 20 points of potential to improve one attribute, which was a huge loss.

An intelligence of 400 points increases the computing speed of the conscious brain to an incredible level. Computational projects that previously took days and months now take just a few hours.

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