Mysterious journey

Chapter 139 Night 2

"Werewolf!" Although Annie and Johnson had guessed it, they still couldn't accept it.

"Werewolves are infinitely powerful, have extremely strong vitality, and are extremely terrifying in their fighting ability. We humans were their slaves in ancient times and only existed as blood food for them. It was not until later that we discovered pure water." Joseph explained in a deep voice. , "Pure water can greatly weaken the strength and vitality of the wolves, reducing them to a level that we humans can deal with."

"Is this it?" Anne took out the small bag that Joseph gave her earlier.

"That's it. Take it with you carefully. Now that you've seen it all with your own eyes, you should completely believe it, right?" Joseph's real intention was actually to make his friends and girlfriend truly believe in him. Only by seeing it with your own eyes can you truly believe the somewhat absurd reality of it all. I just didn't expect the witcher to arrive at such a coincidence.

"The most powerful thing about us humans is our ability to use tools." Joseph whispered, "Okay, now that the demon hunters have appeared, we can leave safely."

It was the first time for Johnson and Anne to see so many dead people, and they felt a little chilly, so they naturally had no objections.

The three of them began to retreat slowly.

At this moment, a black shadow quickly ran past the three of them, heading straight into the battlefield between the werewolves and demon hunters.

Just two breaths later, another figure followed closely.

"If you want the Golden Sword Seat, then catch up with me first!"

A hoarse and deep old voice sounded in the forest. It was from the black shadow in front.

"Hmph!" The figure who was chasing after him snorted coldly, and suddenly accelerated a little faster.

"Oh? You're faster than last time!" The hoarse old voice was a little surprised.

Joseph and the other three stared in astonishment as the two men chased each other and rushed directly to the core of the battlefield.

"Are they also witchers?" Johnson asked in a low voice.

"No, it's not. They don't smell of pure water! They are warriors among humans." Joseph frowned.

Woo~~! ! !

A half-werewolf covered in black fur looked up to the sky and howled, staring hard at Ansara and Garen.

"Warrior? Hey, it's been a long time since I've eaten the meat of a warrior! How dare you rush over to seek death without pure water."

With a gasp, he rushed out.

At this time, Ansara was finally caught up by Garen.

The two collided hard and flew forward at the same time.


Garen and Ansara's arms collided hard.

"Single-shot form! Throw!!"

Garen's right arm suddenly stabbed Ansara's chest like a poisonous snake. The moment he approached the opponent, his arm suddenly turned into an upward swing, and his five fingers came together like a knife, stabbing Ansara's chin fiercely.

Snapped! !

Ansara slapped the opponent with one hand, and slapped Garen hard with the other hand.


Garen grunted and flew backwards, just in time to meet the charging black werewolf.

The black werewolf roared and slammed into Garen.

"Get away!!"

Bang! ! tear! !

The entire black werewolf was suddenly torn in half, and in the rain of blood, Garen rushed towards Ansha Luo again without saying a word.

With a dull clashing sound, the two fell to a place on the grass and stood still. Without the slightest hesitation, the two sides charged together fiercely again, and the banging sound of their arms echoed in the forest like shotgun blasts.

The fight between the werewolf and the demon hunter was directly cut off by the two. Some stray bullets hit the two of them, and actually sent out little golden sparks, which was useless at all.

All the surrounding creatures were stunned.

The werewolves stopped, and the demon hunters lowered their guns. All three people, including Joseph, stared blankly at the violent fight between Garen and Ansaro.

The two of them had no eyes for anything but looking at each other, and they fought with ferocity. Dismantle whatever you encounter!

The thickly encircled pine trees continued to fall down, and large and small pits began to appear on the ground, like bombs exploding.

Bang! !

A figure was severely knocked away and hit a large pine tree before he could stand still. This man was none other than Garen. His shirt was in tatters and the pine trees behind him had numerous cracks. He actually looked as if nothing had happened.

With a cold snort, Garen once again fit in and pounced.

The two fought fiercely again.

Anything Garon's arm hits will be torn apart by a violent vibration, while Ansara's arm will break in two if it hits anything. The two arms collided, as if they were not flesh and blood, but four hard and terrifying weapons.

"Okay, okay!! You are worthy of being a general of this generation! I recognize your strength." Anshaluo made a slight backward jump and actually jumped more than ten meters away, landing lightly on a horizontal tree trunk.

"If you want the Golden Sword Seat, come to Dal Falls. I'll wait for you there."

"Want to run?!" Garen's eyes were full of excitement. During the battle with Ansara, his grasp of the Ruby Palm became stronger and stronger. If he continued to fight, he thought he would definitely become more familiar with it, although inside Most of them have the function of innate abilities and his understanding of fighting skills after becoming a fighter. But it is undeniable that only real combat can continuously improve one's strength.

Without hesitation, he rushed forward quickly.

However, Ansha Luo jumped down and fell into a crowd of werewolves.


With a gentle slapping sound, a black werewolf unexpectedly rushed out and pounced on the chasing Garen. There was still a hint of surprise on its own face.

Bang! !

The black werewolf was flung away and rolled more than ten meters away. Half of his body was beaten to pieces, and his flesh and blood were blurred. He fell to the ground and howled miserably.

Not only the werewolves, but also the demon hunters felt chills in their hearts.

"You want to use this garbage to stop me?!" Garen narrowed his eyes, a trace of anger flashing across his face.

Rubbish! ?

"What a loud tone!!" A trace of anger flashed in the eyes of the elder among the werewolves. Not to mention the rest of the werewolves. “Without pure water, it’s just livestock.”

Before he could finish his words, he only saw Garen glance over, and a terrifying pressure suddenly fell on him.

Garen's eyes seemed to be flashing with red light, and a huge red-eyed giant elephant seemed to twist and expand around his body. The giant elephant was tens of meters tall, and there seemed to be violent airflow and wind around it, wrapping all creatures within tens of meters. .

The elder trembled all over, his face turned pale, and he actually exited the half-wolf form and fell to his knees with a thud.

"We are the great Tuk tribe!!!" The elder frantically tried to stand up, but could not move at all. The bones in his body creaked.

In the eyes of outsiders, Garen just glanced at the elder, and the elder put away his transformation and fell to his knees, as if suppressed by some invisible force. He tried hard to get up but couldn't get up at all.

Ansara was hidden in his cloak and could not see any change in his expression. He just kept throwing all the werewolves towards Garen, like throwing goods. At the same time, he was also retreating rapidly.

Bang bang bang! !

Amidst the continuous collisions, Garen roared and tried to catch up, but was always blocked by flying werewolves at critical moments. His speed was originally a little slower than the other party, but in the end, he could only watch Ansara sink into the darkness and disappear.


Garen hit the big tree next to him with his palm, and with a click, a large amount of wood slag flowed out from the thick tree trunk like sand. There was a big white gap missing from the tree trunk, and it suddenly fell to the other side.

At this time, most of the original werewolves of the Tuk tribe had been seriously injured by him when he was chasing them. The injuries of these werewolves recovered very quickly. Some of the werewolves who were only stumps had their wounds closed and stopped bleeding. They quietly took advantage of the increase in speed. Long didn't pay attention to them, quietly collected the corpses of the elders and tribe companions, and slowly retreated to the distance in the forest.

Celine and Sulin were standing next to Joseph and the others at some point. It seems that he has been watching the battle from the beginning to the end.

Looking at Garen in the distance, Su Lin smiled bitterly.

"Garen has become stronger again. It wasn't this fast some time ago."

"He is a pervert!" Celine said speechlessly.

"Ansara seems to recognize Garen's strength, but it's a pity that neither of them is serious about it. If there is a real fight, we don't know the outcome?" Sulin shook his head.

The three of them lay on one side, not daring to move, for fear of being discovered by the two men.

Hearing what Su Lin said, the three of them couldn't help but look horrified, and Joseph even swallowed his saliva.

"This is not serious. Then what is real?!"

Joseph squeezed the skin bag containing pure water on his body, and for the first time he doubted the world.

"Didn't my grandfather say that without pure water, it would be impossible for humans to fight against the dark race? Am I dazzled or is this world too crazy?!"

"You three, after watching for so long, it's time to come out and meet each other, right?" Su Lin suddenly looked in the direction of Joseph and the others with a smile on his face.

Xinjuluo and some surrounding small countries all use the common spoken language of the Federation, with only slight accent differences. To be precise, Federal Language is the most widely spoken language in the entire Shiyan Continent.

Joseph finally stood up with a wry smile. Johnson and Anne had no choice but to get up.

Garen in the distance already knew that he couldn't keep up with Ansara, so he turned around and walked towards Su Lin and the others with some reluctance.

This time, he didn't expect to be able to stay and entangle Ansha Luo. He just wanted to test how far he had improved.

Sure enough, in this test, he did not use the first stage of hard qigong and the second stage of hard qigong peak, but simply used the normal state to fight Ansha Luo, but he was only at a disadvantage and did not suffer much injuries. Ruby Palm's fighting system makes up for his shortcomings in delicate skills for his fighting skills. When fighting Ansara, although he cannot use delicate skills, he already has enough understanding and handling of such skills. ability.

To put it simply, even if Ansara wanted to kill him, he would have to pay a certain price.

Ansara also saw this, so he did not choose to fight, but left decisively.

The most important thing is that Garen finally confirmed the Golden Sword Seat this time.

It is indeed on Ansara, and it is indeed an antique of doom with a lot of potential!

During the close combat, Garen had completely confirmed this.

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