Mysterious journey

Chapter 149 Chase 2

I don't know how long it took, but the sun was shining brightly. Garen pressed forward step by step, and the speed was still a little faster than Ansara who had used the secret method. The two finally stopped on a cliff.

At this time, the two of them were already far away from where they were.

The cliffs are high and convex, with white cliffs and dark green cliffs. The dark green is full of lush and dense pine trees.

The two of them stood on the rocky ground between a few scattered large pine trees.

Ansara stood on the top of the cliff, and Garen stood downwind.

"Don't run away?"

Ansara wiped the dried blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Do you want the blood of immortality?"

Garen was slightly startled.

Ansara smiled and continued.

"You and I are both at the peak of hard qigong. In this world, the peak of hard qigong is almost in the single digits? Why do you have to chase me?"

"You almost killed my friends and family, and you almost killed me. That's the reason." Garen shook his head and explained. "There was no enmity between us originally. If we had changed places, maybe we would have become friends. It's a pity."

"Yes. It's a pity." Ansara also sighed. Raising his arms, his hands were covered with dense scalded blisters, which were the effects of ruby ​​palms. "Have you seen Palosha?"


"You are just like him back then." An Shaluo seemed to be recalling the past memories. "Back when Palosha had not yet become a boxing saint, he was just like you. He was invincible among the younger generation. Even compared with the older generation of fighters, he was not far behind. It's a pity."

"What's a pity?" Garen stared at him calmly.

"It's a pity that you don't have his grandeur."

Garen narrowed his eyes.

"Are you accusing me in disguise of taking advantage of others' danger? When an opportunity comes, you need to seize it. Isn't this human nature?"

"You can't surpass him after all." An Shaluo smiled slightly, stepped forward, jumped back, and landed on the edge of the cliff top.

"It's natural to seize the opportunity to achieve your goal. Otherwise, you wouldn't be in this situation now." Garen pressed forward step by step and walked up. "That person just now was your friend, right? After I deal with you, I will ask him to accompany you right away."

"You still don't understand." Ansara shook his head slowly, "This is the gap between you."

He looked up at the blue sky.

"Invincible and invincible. As long as he is alive, no one can be his opponent. Regardless of time, he will stand at the top of the times. Looking forward to the next meeting."

He smiled slightly, fell back, and fell off the cliff.

Garen was startled and rushed over to look down.

I saw a protruding black knife inserted deep into the cliff wall where Ansara fell. Ansara held the handle of the knife with both hands and slid it down with a hiss, leaving a deep knife mark.

Further down, another black knife was inserted into the broken wall. In this way, he quickly fell to the bottom of the cliff hundreds of meters high, and there were two black horses waiting there below.

A man in a black cloak sat steadily on the back of one of the horses, looking up at Garen.

From a distance, Garen saw the other person's face.

It was a beautiful female face with a white eyepatch on one eye.

"Third King General Charlotte" Garen murmured. "You must have been in the woods just now, but unfortunately, you came too late. How much can Ansara recover from such a serious injury at his age?"

An Shaluo was poisoned by the heat of his red jade palm and was injured even more. He had been chasing for so long and had no time to recover from his injuries. His body at this age was definitely severely damaged.

Knowing that there was no hope of pursuing him anymore, Garen turned around and ran in the original direction.

He must pick up Xilin, Sulin and others as soon as possible, although the main target of the wolf clan is not them, but the fire sparrow mother. But in that kind of quantity, it is inevitable that there may be accidental injuries.

Returning along the original path, Garen reached out and touched the golden sword holder in his trouser pocket. This penholder-sized object was not damaged at all in the fierce battle just now, and he was always careful to protect it from being hit hard.

A steady stream of cool air continued to flow into Garen's mind.

As he ran back, he checked the dark red attribute bar at the bottom of his field of vision from time to time.

The potential is slowly and steadily increasing. Although it is not as fast as the doomed antique that is released at once, it is still not slow.

After a fierce battle with Ansha Luo, his potential point had exceeded 200%.

‘Power 2.66. Agility 1.82. Physical fitness 2.15. Intelligence 1.53. Potential 214%. ’

"I can't even keep the seriously injured Ansara. It seems that my strength is still far behind. I don't know how terrifying Ansara and the others will be at their peak. He is indeed a man who stands at the pinnacle of the times." Garen still felt in his heart. Some regrets.

"Should I add attributes first or improve my secret weapon first?" He hesitated. There are two secret weapons he has mastered now, the giant elephant secret weapon and the red jade palm. The rest of the secret weapons have been combined by the two to enhance their effect.

"The current Ruby Palm can barely hurt Ansara as a sneak attack, but the damage caused is not serious, and there is no effect of one move to determine the outcome. It can be used as an additional effect in ordinary fighting skills. If the Ruby Palm can be improved In terms of effect, it should be much stronger than the Giant Elephant Secret Martial Arts, but the rest of the techniques are all in Celine’s possession. If she finds out that I have mastered the Ruby Palm so quickly, I may be in trouble.”

Garen hesitated.

After sensing the golden sword seat, there is a steady stream of energy, as if it has endless potential.

"Forget it, let's stabilize the injury first. Previously, two palms were sealed by Ansara's Seven Dragon Gate, and finally the palms suffered some hidden injuries."

He immediately focused his attention on the physical fitness column.

The physical constitution of 0.3 increased rapidly, and the physical constitution quickly changed from 2.15 to 2.45.

He suddenly felt numb all over, and his muscles and bones began to itch faintly. A stream of cool air flowed out of his head and circulated throughout his body. He felt as comfortable as soaking in cold water on a hot day. The previously injured areas on my palm also quickly became extremely comfortable.

"There are still some attributes." Garen felt the increasing potential aura, hesitated, and did not use it again.

Adding attributes is equivalent to increasing the overall physical potential for a long time. Over time, it will become stronger and stronger in the future. Even in its normal state, it is extremely powerful.

As for the enhanced skill Miwu, it can take effect in a short time and immediately enhance the strength. However, the power of Miwu is limited, and it will be difficult to improve it in the future. At most, it can be blended into an enhanced effect. In fact, the power is fixed. Once the secret weapon is not used, it will not be very powerful.

And the point is, the attributes themselves are strong enough. If you practice any secret martial arts, you will become far more powerful than ordinary martial artists. This is a strong enough foundation. Attributes apply to any secret martial arts fighting technique.

The improvement of the secret martial arts may improve physical fitness to a certain extent, but it is very limited. The main reason is the power of the secret martial arts itself. It’s just that the initial improvement is large.

One is for the long term and the other is for the present.

"It's better to wait until you save more." Garen resisted the urge to use up his attributes. Keep running in the pine forest.

Soon, the ruins of the tomb behind the abandoned village gradually appeared in the distance, and wolf corpses all over the ground could be seen through the forest.

The black-maned wolf leader was nailed to the trunk of a large pine tree with a silver sword, hanging in the air.

The scene was bloody, showing a mix of dark red and dark green colors.

The entire grassland was almost soaked in plasma, and there were werewolf limbs and corpses everywhere. Some werewolves' heads separated from their bodies and fell to the ground. Some are completely cut into two pieces from beginning to end. There were also being cut from the waist, being cut from the side, and all kinds of death methods.

The whole meadow was dead silent.

When Garen stepped on the ground, it felt like stepping on a thick wet blanket. Every time he lifted his leather boots, there would be a sound of water, which was the sound of the blood-soaked grass being squeezed.

The stench was extremely pungent. Garen frowned slightly and walked through the large number of werewolf corpses to the entrance of the tomb.

The entrance and exit of the tomb has been blocked by rubble, and it seems that it collapsed and blocked it from the inside.

"Su Lin!!"

Garen shouted.


He shouted as he walked towards the village house.

"Su Lin, Celine! Are you dead?!"

Soon, Garen returned to the building where the three of them had been hiding. There was darkness and silence inside. He walked quickly up the stairs.

Go up to the second floor, then the third floor, and come to the room where you hid first.

The door opened with a creak.

There were two people, one big and one small, lying on the floor in the room. Sulin and Celine were both there, and there was also the young man I had seen at the Witcher, who seemed to be a policeman.

The three of them were lying on their backs, not knowing whether they were injured or not.

Garen knelt down and checked. All three of them were unconscious. There were no external injuries on their bodies, but their clothes were a little tattered.

He was relieved that he was not injured. He walked to the corner of the separate room, found flint from the bag he brought, piled some pieces of wooden furniture together and started to make a fire.

Make a fire and pour some hot water in a metal can to heat it up.

He himself sat quietly on the side, waiting for the three of them to wake up.

After a while, Celine was the first to groan, slowly getting up from the ground, rubbing her head with a painful expression on her face.

The first thing this guy does when he gets up is check his clothes.

She was wearing the same white T-shirt and jeans as Garen, but they had become tattered and had holes everywhere.

"When did you come back?" Celine looked at Garen who was sitting on the side.

"Just now, it didn't take long." Garen poured out the heated water, put it in a paper cup and blew on it gently, waiting for the water to cool down a little. "We will leave here when one more person wakes up. So many people in the wolf clan have died, and they will never let it go. It's better not to get involved."

He glanced at Celine's clothes and noticed several neat cuts. "Did you take action?"

Celine rolled her eyes at him. "If I hadn't done anything, these two would have run out of energy! The fire bird mother with the sword is too strong."

When she recalled it now, there was still some horror in her eyes.

"It's simply not human swordsmanship! With just a random swing, red light flew out from the sword, and then turned into red lines, cutting off whatever they encountered! It was so scary." Celine slowly touched her own Belt, there is an obvious scorch mark on one place on the white belt.

"This is the place to block the fire sparrow mother's sword. Fortunately, he only uses this kind of sword technique occasionally, and other times it is normal sword technique."

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