Mysterious journey

Chapter 151 Return 2

Garen shook his head and smiled bitterly. "I actually forgot this."

Su Lin said nothing more, just stood beside him and looked at the street below.

The room slowly fell into silence, except for the sound of Celine sucking the coffee pot.

After a while.

"What are your plans after you go back?" Celine asked from behind the two of them. "Su Lin, if you can help me solve the card issue and help me recover from my injuries, I promise to help you twice, no matter what."

"What did you say?" Su Lin turned around and asked seriously. He understands that Celine's strength is not as good as Galleon's, but it's not far behind. From his perspective, it's basically the same as Yoda's.


"Okay, I will do my best to help you operate it when you get back." Su Lin nodded.

"My injury is very troublesome. I need you to borrow your father's power when I go back." Celine became rarely serious.

"Don't worry." Su Lin smiled.

Garen knew him well. Sulin and he were both members of the Golden Circle. Sulin was even the general person in charge of the southern region of the Golden Circle organization, and he had the final say even in the distribution of assessment tasks. Hearing this, Su Lin also smiled. Even if he just mobilized Jin Huan's resources, it was very possible for Su Lin to solve this problem.

"Speaking of which, how do you do that assessment task?"

He looked at Su Lin. There was no reason why he didn't care. Whether Jin Huan joined or not was related to whether he could mobilize official power. This was the only way he could mobilize official power without relying on Su Lin. It plays a good role in martial arts and protecting family members, and it also generates a certain amount of income every year.

"It's okay. You helped me a lot this time. Just count it as an assessment task." Su Lin replied readily. "But you will officially join us from now on. It's best to wear that gold ring at all times so that your subordinates can identify you."

"No problem." Garen nodded.

Celine also knew enough not to ask about these situations, although the two of them did not hide it.

The three of them chatted about trivial matters in the room for a while, and the men's perfume on Su Lin was criticized by the two of them. And for some reason, he never mentioned the Golden Sword Seat from beginning to end, as if he had completely forgotten about it.

But Garen understood that Sulin deliberately did not mention that he had obtained the Golden Sword Seat. It was obvious that he had seen that Garen needed that thing.

"The thing is in my hands, and I will return it to you in one year. Is that no problem?" Garen still took the initiative to propose it. One year was the time he estimated that he could absorb all the potential.

"You got it anyway, it's up to you. That thing is no longer important, it's just an official research item." Su Lin shrugged indifferently.

After chatting casually for a while, before the time was up, Garen went out to buy some gifts at the craft store to take back to his sister, parents and uncle.

Xin Jue Luo produces a lot of minerals and gems. Jia Long picked out a piece of sapphire for each of his parents. It is said that it can calm the mind and nourish the heart. I chose an amethyst corsage for my sister, which looks simple and elegant.

Then I bought a two-mast wooden ship model for my uncle. It was very exquisitely made and cost more than 20,000 yuan to get it. After that, I just bought a bunch of small things as gifts for other people, and gave each person one piece.

At noon, the three of them returned to the hotel to gather together, got on the carriage that came to pick them up, and rushed towards the nearby military airport.

It took nearly two days to travel, but it only took 8 hours to return. We changed planes twice in the middle and went straight to the military airport in Huaishan City, Grant Province.

Garen got off the plane, and Sulin and Celine transferred back to the manor in Scale City. He also had to solve the card issue for Celine and help her recover from her injuries.

Gallon took a military vehicle directly back to the city under the arrangement of the military officer.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening when I got home.


The sky was dark, black clouds completely covered the moon, and the entire Huaishan City fell into a completely deserted and peaceful time.

In the Blue Tree Block, a dark carriage slowly drove to a residential area in the middle of the block and stopped slowly.

The body of the carriage is printed with a black bird with wings spread, which is the symbol on the national flag, indicating that the vehicle belongs to the military region.

The driver was a young female soldier. She stopped the two black horses and turned around to gently knock on the side of the carriage.

"Here we are, sir."


Garen lifted the curtain of the carriage and walked down carrying things, big and small.

"Thank you, Sergeant Anli."

"Nothing, then I'll go back first."


The carriage slowly turned around and headed in the direction it came from, quickly disappearing into the darkness without street lights in the distance, with only the faint lights of horse lights visible.

Gallon turned and walked towards the gate of the community. The bald old man guarding the gate was drunk and was sleeping soundly on a recliner in the guard room.

Walking along the familiar road in the community, you can occasionally see some homeless people sleeping in the corner under the dim street lights. Men and women working the night shift hurried past.

I walked along the same path to the building where I lived, entered the stairwell, and climbed up one level at a time. From time to time, I could hear the residents quarreling and playing music. Climb all the way to the fourth floor. Standing in front of your own house.

There is a nameplate hanging on the side of the copper-red metal door: Lombard Eisen - Benilla Jody.

Garen rummaged around for a while and found that the keys to his home had been lost somewhere.

Boom, boom, boom.

He simply reached out and knocked on the door.

"Here we come, please wait!" Sister Ying'er's voice came from inside.

Then came the sound of hurried footsteps.

There was silence for a moment, and then there was a click and the door opened.

"Brother!" Ying'er obviously saw Jia Lung through the peephole first, and pounced on Jia Lung as soon as he opened the door, and hung him on Jia Lung's neck. "When did you come back?"

"I just got out of the car and rushed back. Okay, okay, stop making trouble. I'm still carrying something in my hand." Garen's increasingly stronger and taller body was already equivalent to two or three Ying'er, and he let her hang on him There's nothing wrong with it hanging around your neck.

It's just that the girl's development is obviously on track.

Hanging Ying'er, Jia Long went in and changed into slippers, then closed the door.

"Where are your parents?" He put the large and small bags in his hands on the floor in the corner of the living room.

"My parents have been promoted now and are now senior managers in the company. The situation has been a bit tense recently. I heard from my father that the rubber industry will also be affected. There has been a sudden increase in orders from military industrial companies. They have been busy dealing with things recently."

Ying'er hadn't seen Jia Lung for a long time and seemed extremely active. It took her a long time to get off Jia Lung.

"Brother, didn't you go to Mantra University to register? How come you have time to come back? I heard the university won't be on vacation for some time." Ying'er asked curiously.

"I finished all the courses in advance, and it will be fine if I stay at the school later, so I applied to leave the school. Don't worry, nothing will happen."

"Is it fun in college?"


The two sat on the sofa in the living room and chatted casually. Jia Long asked Ying'er about her college entrance examination, and Ying'er suddenly looked frustrated.

"It's over. This time, I failed the first math test." The previous estrangement towards Garen was all put aside as they hadn't seen each other for a long time. When she mentioned studying for the exam, Ying'er's face completely turned down.

"It would be great if I could be as good as you, brother."

"Suggestion. Uh." Garen almost didn't remember how he went to university for a moment. At that time, he only got the exemption from the examination because he had enough expertise in antique appraisal. Although Su Lin helped run everything, he was completely unaware of it.

Ying'er chatted non-stop and seemed to have become lively and cheerful recently. He told a lot of things that happened after Garen left, no matter how big or small.

From Ying'er's mouth, Jia Long learned that since he came back last time, the number of guests coming to the house has gradually increased. My parents have also been promoted, and have made several important friends. Recently, they occasionally attend high-class banquets and receptions in the city.

"How is the situation with my master?" Garen asked.

"The situation at Guilin Master Fei's side has improved. He can only wake up for a short time every day. My parents and I have both visited Master Fei." Ying'er quickly replied, "By the way, brother, the museum owner said that if you come back, let's You go to his place, he has something to tell you."

"Oh?" Garen frowned slightly. "I'm going tomorrow, and I brought back gifts for the teacher. On the way back this time, my friend and I went abroad for a few days at public expense, and I just brought you some gifts back."

"Gift?! I like it!" Ying'er immediately ran to the big and small bags in the corner. "Which one is mine?"

"I'll do it." Garen walked over and took out an oval box wrapped in black fur from his pocket.

"This is yours. It's for my favorite sister Ying'er." Garen smiled and put the box into Ying'er's hand.

"Thank you, brother!" Ying'er's face turned red, and she suddenly stood up on her tiptoes and kissed Jia Long hard on the face. The girl's soft lips brought out a faint body fragrance and blew it towards him, and Garen couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble."

"You're not much older than me, why are you getting older and older?" Ying'er felt more and more, and she didn't know when, Jialong became more and more mature, no longer being submissive to her like before, but also Bullied by her. This change happened very quickly, and before I knew it, I had become what I am now.

Now she was actually dealing with her like an elder, which made her feel unhappy suddenly.

"When did it start?" Ying'er thought in ecstasy.

Garen looked at her funny, reached out and pinched her cheek and pulled her away.

"What are you thinking about? Go back to the room and look at the gifts."

"Stop! If you lose weight, no one will want it!!" Ying'er struggled quickly, "No one wants you to be responsible!" She finally got rid of Garen's clutches and returned to her room with the small box in her arms.

The living room suddenly became quiet, and I could vaguely hear my sister humming quietly in the bedroom.

Garen sat on the sofa and closed his eyes slightly, wiping his face with both hands.

"The matter with Su Lin and the external troubles caused by the Star Ring Gate Black Label Society have almost been resolved."

"It's time to resolve internal worries." A cold light flashed in his eyes.

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