Mysterious journey

Chapter 155 Internal Trouble 2

"What do you want to say?" There was no emotion such as sadness in Garen's eyes. Birth, old age, illness and death are human nature. He experienced it once in his previous life, and the death of the old man made him experience it again. But now, he is more of a Calm and calm.

Fei Baiyun squeezed his hand suddenly, and his whole body suddenly began to tremble, trembling violently! The whole person seemed to be going crazy, and the hospital bed was shaking slightly.

Trembling, he put a black wooden ring into Garen's hand.


"Doctor!! Doctor!!!"

Ke Ling and Simon suddenly became anxious and immediately started to go out and call the doctor.

Fei Baiyun didn't care, his last eyes were sharp and frighteningly bright, staring at Jia Lung. His hand grasped Garen's hand like an iron vice.

"Losita find her. Kill her!"

After Fei Baiyun said these last words, he trembled all over, arched his body, rolled his eyes, and fell back on the bed with a bang. No more breath.

Garen gently brushed his eyes, letting them close, and stood up.

"do not worry."

He looked at his teacher Fei Baiyun who had no heartbeat on the hospital bed, and felt unexpectedly calm in his heart.

"I will avenge you."

By the time Ke Ling and Simon came to see the doctor, Fei Baiyun was completely out of breath and there was no possibility of recovery.

Ke Ling and Simon murmured into a moment of silence. Although they took care of Fei Baiyun during these times, Fei Baiyun also gave them a lot of guidance and care when he was awake.

"Do you know the latest news about Rosita?" Garen suddenly said.

"Elder brother's friends have received news. Eldest sister Rosita appeared in Swan Lake in Lakeside City a few days ago." Ke Ling replied in a low voice with red eyes.

"Let's go, it's time for Baiyun Sect to clean up its doors."

Garen took the lead and strode out of the ward, with a strong murderous intent on his face.

Simon and Ke Ling looked at each other and followed closely.


The funeral of Fei Baiyun, the leader of the Baiyun Sect, was held simply and briefly. Not many old people came, only a few boxers from the older generation who had good friendships in the past. The rest is all Galleons related. People from Su Lin, representatives from other members of the Golden Circle, representatives from the Northern Golden Circle, people from the July Group, representatives from the Round Dance Sect, etc.

On the day of the burial, the sky was overcast and it rained heavily.

The coffin was transported to Huaishan City Cemetery for burial.

Garen was wearing a black suit, holding an umbrella with one hand, and quietly watched the burial ceremony.

The invited nuns from the convent sang soulful poems loudly, and the strong men on both sides carried the coffin and slowly lowered it into the grave. Then add a bouquet of white lilies.

The raindrops hit the black umbrella, making a popping sound.

Garen's expression was stern, he put one hand in his trouser pocket and gently stroked the black wood ring.

Ke Ling and Simon were standing behind him, also holding umbrellas.

There was also the third senior brother Garcia. He had a guilty look on his face. He didn’t know when he arrived. He was soaked and had no intention of holding an umbrella. He just stared at the coffin quietly.

"Third Senior Brother." Garen looked at Garcia.

Garcia nodded, took a step forward, took the shovel from someone else, and walked to the edge of the grave in the rain.


The shovel scooped up the first shovelful of soil and sprinkled it lightly on the coffin.

Gallon noticed that the movements of third brother Garcia's left arm were somewhat deformed, as if he had been injured. He also knew that during his absence, Garcia ignored the family's objections and stepped forward to protect Baiyunmen. During a confrontation, he was attacked by people from the Black Label Society. His left arm was fractured and he is still not fully recovered.

After the first shovelful of soil, the people around began to shovel and cover it with soil.

The people at Baiyunmen watched quietly in the rain. A little further away there were a group of people led by Fatty Buvini, as well as the management staff of the branch library, the core students of the main library, and some disciples of Simon Keling who had just joined. .

Further away, there were other visitors who came to see the gift.

Garen calmly watched the coffin being covered bit by bit, and his mood became calmer and calmer.

"The flight you requested has been arranged." The representative of Jinhuan walked behind Garen and said softly. "This is a public resource. In addition, with your authority, you can also call on armed soldiers from nearby legions up to fifty people, as well as fire support below C level."

He handed Garon a certificate from behind.

"This is your identity document, please keep it. Please make reasonable use of public resources to strengthen your own power. Your strength is also the strength of the entire Golden Circle."

The hook-nosed old man bowed slightly to Galen, then walked away, presented a bouquet of white roses, saluted in front of the tombstone, and turned to leave.

Then came the other visiting guests, all of whom, without exception, would say a word or two of comfort to Garen alone.

Garen glanced at the document. Above it was a document clamped with crystals. On the hard shell, there was a shrunken national emblem of a flapping bird printed in the middle of the entire black body.

Opening it gently, it was also black inside, covered with plush.

On the left is the national emblem and a row of words: Federal Ministry of Security.

On the right is a bust of himself, and a row of numbers: NO.9.

Putting it away secretly, Garen stood aside and watched many visitors come forward one by one to bow with flowers.

Soon it was Su Lin's turn.

She is a young, beautiful and glamorous woman, dressed in a professional office attire, with long blond hair hanging over her shoulders, and a curvy figure.

She walked up to Garen, stretched out her hand and shook his hand.

"The news you asked for. Losita is still in Swan Lake."

"Thank you." Garen nodded softly.

"You're welcome."


Hundreds of kilometers away from Huaishan, Hu'an West Market, Swan Lake

As the sun sets, the entire turquoise irregular lake is dyed with a layer of dark gold.

Occasionally there are clusters of golden reed poles and weeds growing in the lakeside, and a few white swans are swimming slowly on the water.

On the shore of the lake, on an earthy river beach extending into the lake, two men and women in police uniforms squatted awkwardly by the water, taking large gulps of water and drinking. Their faces were so dirty that it was almost impossible to see their faces.

Not far behind them, two figures in black cloaks were standing in the forest. The cloak and vest are embroidered with a white arc with the inside facing upward.

"What's the deal with this mission?" A woman's voice came from a cloak.

"Have one person and half, take another mission, and I will get what I want." The other person said a deep male voice. "Of course, if you agree to be my woman, I can give you half of my life."

"This is Lakeside West Market, your old lair. If the people from the Red Sand Sword find out about it, be careful of being chased and escaping back." The woman said sarcastically.

"They can't keep me. You'd better care more about yourself. Baiyun Gate is not far from here. Heavenly General Gallon, tsk tsk, what a great name." The man retorted without showing any weakness. "Maybe then you will still agree to my conditions, help you once, and stay with me for one night."

"Huh." The woman said no more, "Whose two people have the stuff?"

"Maybe they were going to get it."

"As long as the people from the Immortal Palace don't interfere, the rest have already made arrangements. No one is willing to stop our Demon Elephant Sect for them." The woman whispered. “You always get something when you follow them.”

"Just kill everyone who blocks the road." The man said calmly.

Before he finished speaking, the two policemen in the distance seemed to have drunk enough water. They quickly got up and ran away. The speed was actually very fast. It looked like they had practiced martial arts.

Two black cloaks immediately followed.


After Jia Long handled and arranged some Baiyun Sect affairs, his return caused some unstable forces to shrink their minions, and the pressure on Ke Ling and the two was much less.

He told his family about the general situation of taking over the Baiyun Martial Arts School. He is now the new leader of the Baiyun Sect. The family didn't feel much change, but they just felt a little strange that it was the youngest Garen's turn to be in charge of the martial arts gym. They got the news late one day and were unable to attend the funeral.

But no matter what, Galleon became more and more strange to them. They originally didn't know much about the significance of Baiyun Gate, but after hearing the identities of the many guests at the funeral, they gradually fell silent.

The influence of Baiyunmen, or Garen himself, is a bit exaggerated, far beyond the scope of a martial arts gym leader.

All of a sudden, they and the people on their uncle's side also couldn't understand Gallon.

But no matter what, after being exposed at the funeral, Gallon's name suddenly became a hot new word in Huaishan City. People with some channels were talking about the funeral, which was not a big scene but had amazing energy.

Among them, Garen, the leader, also became famous. Even the Governor began to notice and take this matter seriously. Later, people were sent to send wreaths and condolences as remedial measures.

Through this funeral, those who are interested can see that Jialong's interpersonal network even covers outside Huaishan City, and many nearby cities have representatives from powerful companies.

The radiation network covers almost half of the Grant Province. Even Rampes, the son of the powerful chairman of the July Group, came to pay his respects in person.

Due to the poor decision-making of the July Group after the battle between Garon and Andrela, the board of directors unanimously decided to remove the position of the original chairman and elder, and replaced it with Rampes' father, the second elder. The reputation and status of the July Group in the martial arts world plummeted. Fortunately, the business community has a strong foundation and has not been greatly negatively affected.

Lampace's father came on stage. Naturally Lampace was close to Baiyun Sect, so it was natural for him to come here this time.

But when people who didn't know about the martial arts world saw this scene, they were all shocked and completely speechless.

However, her younger sister Ying'er admired Jia Lung even more, and the Holy Ying Academy simply listed Jia Lung's deeds on the school's list of famous figures. I also want to invite him to speak. But at this time, Garen was already on the military plane heading to Lakeshore West City.

Along with him, there were Ke Ling and Simon, as well as third senior brother Garcia. In addition, during this trip, in addition to several carefully selected core disciples from Baiyun Sect, two sharpshooters were arranged beside Garcia. One of them, Garen, even seemed to have a touch of Yoda's temperament.

Who is Yoda? The pinnacle of marksmanship in the entire era! !

It just so happened that he also planned to communicate with these two people on the plane about the level of spearmanship.

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