Mysterious journey

Chapter 158 Genius 3

Sitting in the car, Garen closed his eyes slightly.

"Clark" He didn't know what kind of opponent this Clark was.

"I heard that he is the strongest fighter in the history of the Red Sand Sword," Jack whispered from the co-pilot's seat, "Boss, I checked the information. Before joining the Demon Elephant Gate, this Clark once suppressed the Star Ring by himself. After he betrayed the sect, he took away some of the core martial arts. In terms of strength, he should be almost the same as Ansha Luo."

"It's similar to Ansara, which means it's still weaker than Ansara?" Garen said lightly.

"Well, you can say that." Jack nodded, "Ansara once commented that among the younger generation, the only one who feels threatened by him is Clark."

"It's a very high evaluation, but it's a comment that puts yourself in a higher position and looks down. In other words, it's just a threat." Garen shook his head, "That's fine, just to see what level I have reached now. .”

"Of course you are the strongest, boss." Jack whistled.

When the car was still one kilometer away from Hongshajian's headquarters, it found a deserted and remote street and stopped.

Garen sat in the car and looked far above the Red Sand Sword Gate headquarters. There are people from the Eighth Golden Circle there, waiting for Clark and Losita to appear.

The surrounding sky changed from bright to dark, then overcast. It rained lightly in the afternoon, and the streets became even more deserted.

The Jinhuan driver who was driving glanced at Garen in the rearview mirror.

"Sir, would you like something to eat?"

"I'll just buy some snacks." "I brought some beef jerky with me. It's air-dried chili beef and it tastes good." Cynthia and Jack each have their own arrangements.

Gallon asked the driver to buy four hard-boiled eggs for dinner.

Hu'an West Market is much larger than Huaishan, nearly three times larger. The population is only half of Huaishan, and the density is too small. The driver walked around for a while before finding a stall selling cooked eggs, and bought seven or eight of them.

After finishing dinner casually, the sky finally darkened completely.


A small ball of white light suddenly lit up above the Red Sand Sword headquarters, like a mushroom.

Garen's eyes narrowed.


He pushed the door open and got out of the car. Cynthia and Jack each prepared their ammunition and firearms and followed him out of the car.

"Hide it yourself." Garen said calmly and hurried towards the red sand sword.


Clang! !

With two consecutive crisp sounds, Clark's hunched body slowly stood up straight, and the rapier in his hand slowly retracted.

Beside him, two gray-haired old men each took a step back, and the rapiers in their hands automatically broke into two pieces with a click. The two people's faces were full of horror.

"You actually mastered the double sword sword!!"

One of them spoke intermittently, and even his voice trembled a little.

The leader of the Red Sand Sword Sect stood in the middle of the headquarters compound, with a large crowd of people standing behind him. They are all the elite of the sect.

Clark smiled and looked around at the cowering Red Sand Sword Sect members.

"Hand over the thing. That thing is not something you can get your hands on."

His eyes fell on the two policemen behind the owner of the Red Sand Sword Sect.

The two men were pale and listless, and their long-term escape had caused serious physical damage to them.

The situation in the yard was extremely strange.

Clark and Rosita were surrounded by a group of people. There were already more than ten disciples lying on the ground. The others did not dare to go up again, but just stayed on guard from a distance.

And outside the entire Red Sand Sword Courtyard, there was another dense circle of people in black uniforms. These groups of people appear to be together, but in fact the symbols on their clothes are different. Some are white arcs, which are the symbols of the Demon Elephant Gate. Some have black crosses, which are the symbols of the Black Label Society.

There were two leaders standing in front of the Black Label Club crowd, a middle-aged woman and a tall man as tall as an iron tower. The two stood side by side, quietly watching the progress in the yard.

The leader of the Red Sand Sword Sect glanced around.

"Clark, you came here with people from the Elephant Sect and the Black Label Society, do you want to put pressure on our sect to demonstrate?"

The current situation is very delicate. The people of the Black Label Society are not helping Clark wholeheartedly. They also want the secret book of the Elephant Gate. It can be regarded as an independent force.

Moreover, in addition to the Demon Elephant Sect forces represented by Clark and others, there are also people from the Star Ring Sect who are also rushing here quickly. The people from Hongsha Sword notified the Star Ring Sect members in advance.

As long as someone can stop Clark, then maybe the secret book can be kept.

The door owner's eyes flickered, but there was still a confident smile on his lips. Regardless of whether he feels confident or not, he must show enough confidence to stabilize his disciples.

He glanced at the two elders not far from Clark. Both of them were bleeding from their mouths. It was obvious that they had failed in a sneak attack from behind and were injured by the backlash.

Clark didn't look back at all. He just flicked his sword casually and blocked the full-force sneak attack of the two people behind him.

"If the sneak attack fails, then besiege him! I don't believe he can walk out of this courtyard today." A cold light flashed in the door owner's eyes. Some secretly glanced at the people of the Black Label Club.

He flicked his thumb and little finger.

Bang! !

Suddenly there was a series of footsteps, and the four people at the front of the Red Sand Sword, together with the two people who had sneak attacked before, a total of seven masters of martial arts all rushed towards Clark.

The door owner suddenly raised his hand, and a black scroll was immediately thrown up more than ten meters. That is the secret book that the Demon Elephant Sect requested to be destroyed.

Suddenly the eyes of the Black Label Club became hot, and the people of the Demon Elephant Sect also started to move quickly.

At the same time, there was a constant sound of clothes flying in the dark, and two unknown masters jumped up to grab the scroll with manic spirit.

All the eyes of people from all directions were focused on the scroll in the air.

"Leo Boxing Champion!!" "Kobela's General!!"

Someone in the surrounding crowd exclaimed.

Someone recognized the two fighters who jumped up first.

The big shot of the Black Label Club, Leo, one of the three major boxing champions, and the general of Korbela from the Nantian Holy Fist Sect!

boom! !

The two huge spirits collided in the air, and everyone seemed to feel a dull hammer hitting their brains, and their vision was faintly spinning.

You can hear the roar of eagles and the roar of tigers in the air.

With a bang, the two faced each other in the air and flew backwards in opposite directions.

Boxing champion Leo fell into the camp of the Black Label Club, while General Kobela rolled and fell into the crowd of disciples of the Red Sand Sword.

"Do it!!"

The master of the Red Sand Sword Sect roared, and immediately all the disciples and elders of the Red Sand Sword Sect, as well as the masters of each branch, rushed towards the surrounding Demon Elephant Sect members.

Some people even took out their sidearms and started shooting, but untrained shooting could not do anything to the agile martial artists.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

There were actually five people from the Red Sand Sword holding submachine guns and shotguns, aiming directly at Clark and shooting wildly.

The sound of clanging and intensive collisions is endless.

Sparks kept popping up around Clark, and the hand holding his sword disappeared, as if a transparent protective shield was formed around him, shooting out all the bullets coming from any direction up and down around him.

The bullets that were shot away actually managed to avoid the people from the Demon Elephant Gate, and all bounced towards the people from the Hongsha Sword Gate. In just a short while, the people from Hongsha Sword fell in large numbers.

Between the sparks formed by countless barrages, Clark's face glowed with a sickly flush.

"As a fighter, you still want to rely on firearms. The Red Sand Sword Sect is really rotten."

Seeing that the firearms were ineffective, the sect leader gritted his teeth and rushed forward with the four strongest elders himself.

Five people surrounded Clark and drew their swords wildly, like five red shadows spinning around him. Because the sword was drawn out too fast, the temperature continued to rise. The specially made rapier had extremely strong thermal conductivity and soon turned red. As long as it touched the enemy, it would penetrate and cause burns.

The shadows of the sword bring out large afterimages like red sand. This is how the Red Sand Sword became famous.

Five people surrounded Clark and got into a melee. Among the five top players, even Clark was completely held back. No one dared to come close within a radius of more than ten meters.

The six of them are all from the same sect and are very familiar with each other's tricks. There are no secrets between them at all. The competition is based on the hard power and foundation of both parties.

On the other side, Leo, the boxing champion of the Black Label Club, and Korbera, the general of the Nantian Holy Fist Sect, fought together again. It was a melee. Both sides were very familiar with each other's strength, and they couldn't tell the winner for a while.

The other sub-level masters were fighting with each other.

Losita was entangled by one of the chiefs of the four branches of Red Sand Sword, who was also a top martial artist close to the fighter level like her. The red sand brought out by the sword shadow is slightly lighter, but the speed is not comparable to that of ordinary martial artists. This is the first-class secret martial arts, the foundation on which the Red Sand Sword Sect relies on to thrive.

Although she joined the Demon Elephant Sect, the time to learn more powerful martial arts was still too short. If the other party hadn't been distracted and kept looking in the direction of the sect master, she would have been completely defeated long ago.

"Tsk tsk. Rosita, haven't you solved your opponent yet?" A coquettish female voice came from behind Rosita.

"Angela! Mind your own business!" Rosita's face sank, her heart became a little impatient, and her boxing skills suddenly became messy.


Her left shoulder was rubbed a little, and a burning pain suddenly came from her shoulder.

The opponent was already stronger than her, and since she was a boxer, she would suffer even more against a swordsman. Moreover, the Red Sand Sword is the most troublesome speed-based swordsmanship. If you are not careful, you will get burned if you are not careful. It was so embarrassing.

"Sure enough, with the reputation of Heavenly General Gallon, the higher-ups paired you with Clark. I have such high expectations for you, but it's a pity that you don't live up to your expectations. Is this kind of rubbish strength actually worthy of Lord Clark? "

A woman standing behind Rosita was dressed in a coquettish manner, with a plump figure and short light green hair. A short thorn flew up and down in her hand, and all the enemies around her were stabbed with bloody holes. She walked as calmly and leisurely as walking in the forest surrounded by masters from the Red Sand Sword Sect.

Rosita gritted her teeth and tried to concentrate. Ever since Garen became famous, she had been promoted to a very high position and was performing missions with Clark. But it was obvious that from an ordinary member to such a high-level executive, most of the Demon Elephant Sect were unruly masters, so they were naturally not convinced by this. Everyone regarded her as someone who had benefited from the glory of the heavenly general Galleon.

The junior brother is so strong, and as the senior sister, she should not be much weaker. Unfortunately, no matter how hard she tries, her strength will improve slowly, and sometimes she will even get injured due to excessive exercise, causing her strength to regress.

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