Mysterious journey

Chapter 171 Regret 1

In the vast wilderness of mountains and forests between Yinjia City and Weimarn City.

The golden sunset in the afternoon is filled with traces of red, dyeing all the mountains, forests and hills into a golden red.

On the top of a hill, surrounded by a large number of pine trees, stands a white building.

The building looks like a lot of independent small squares and rectangular blocks close together, covered with a needle-like gray-green spire.

From an exit on the side of the building complex, two sweaty men in black, supporting each other, walked out, looking around nervously, as if they were wary of something.

Both were blond, one male and one female.

The man's face was ugly, and his mouth was tilted to the upper right, which looked extremely weird.

The woman was beautiful, but her face was pale, and her blond hair was wet with sweat and stuck to her forehead.

The two of them walked quickly down the stone steps behind the monastery.

"Hold on! That guy can't find us, he should have left!" The man helped the woman down the mountain carefully and quickly.

"Leo, this traitor! I'm sorry, Manila, if I hadn't dragged you down, you wouldn't have been injured by that guy." The blonde woman said with a sad expression.

"It doesn't matter, this is of my own free will." The ugly man Manila didn't hesitate at all.

A touch of emotion suddenly flashed across the woman's face.

"Tsk tsk tsk. It's such a touching scene."

On the stone steps behind, a strong man dressed in black also came down. The man has a handsome face, a hooked nose, blue-black eyes, and a mocking smile.

"Leo!!" Manila looked furious, staring at the man behind him, and at the same time, he turned his body and immediately blocked the woman behind him. "We are both boxing champions of the Black Label Club. I can't think of any reason for you to betray us! Why would you do this!?"

"Why?" Leo sneered.

"There is an old saying in the East, summer insects cannot speak of ice. Do you understand what it means?" There was a trace of fanatical distortion on his face. "I fight for the dream I pursue. The justice in my heart and the will in my heart are the criteria for all my actions. We are both boxing champions and fighters. Seeing that you are always so naive, I have long been I can’t bear it anymore.”

His right hand was hanging down, with a black leather glove on his fist, and the joints were all covered with silver-white metal pieces, like scale-like metal pieces.

With a slight stroke, the clear whistle of an eagle suddenly filled the air.

"Manila, encore, for the dream in my heart." Leo stretched out his hands and made fists, "Please die here."

"Do you think you can leave us two alone?" The blond woman An Ke stood up firmly, "Leo, you also know that if we try our best, you will also be seriously injured or even die." She paused After a moment, he said, "I don't know what your purpose is, but you have forced us to this point. Your purpose has almost been achieved, right? There is no need for us to continue to fight and lose both sides."

"Both sides suffer?" Leo's expression became even more sarcastic. "No, no, no, that ending won't happen. Don't you understand? In front of adults, all struggles are meaningless."

Manila and Anke were startled for a moment, and turned around slowly. On the steps below, a tall figure was standing there at some point, watching them with a calm expression.


A chill rose in the hearts of both of them.

The strongest master in the southern secret martial arts world! ! The invincible strongman second only to Palosha! !

Looking at Garen's calm figure, an invisible and huge sense of oppression completely enveloped the two of them like a shadow.

Garen raised his head upwards and stared at the two boxing champions of the Black Label Club, completely blocking the path downwards.

As the now recognized overlord of the secret martial arts world, Garen's appearance was a serious impact on the two of them.

He stood there, his whole body filled with an indescribable huge aura, a strong aura that was so thick that it was almost solidified. Like a huge mountain, even standing on the steps below gives people the illusion that they can only look up.

"The Black Label Association is over." Manila's face turned pale. The moment Garen appeared, he understood that all this had already come to an end. When Black Label attacked Baiyun Gate, they should have thought that sooner or later they would be retaliated against.

The blonde woman smiled miserably. "Let Manila go, I will ask my mother to transfer everything in the Black Label Society to Baiyunmen!"

Garen shook his head slowly. "You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me. Haven't you noticed yet? The Federation has become increasingly chaotic. A new era is coming. In the conflict between Wiseman and the Federation, the Federation has always been at a disadvantage."

He stared at the two of them calmly.

"The war is about to break out. The stronger the power an individual has, the safer he will be in the war situation. Boxing champion Anke, your father also saw this. So the Black Label Association was established. So the Southern Star Ring Gate Hongsha The swords all want to unify their power.”

For a while, everyone fell into silence and stopped talking. The two people who were blocked almost had the idea of ​​​​fighting to the death.

The golden red light in the afternoon fell from above the steps, through the leaves and branches, and fell on Gallon.

His eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at the two Black Label Boxing Champions leaning against each other.

"Killing you will do me no good."

The two of them suddenly understood a little bit of the meaning and looked slightly relaxed.

"We tell you the news about the fighter who injured Master Fei! At the same time, Black Label will be willing to join Lord Garen." An old man's voice came from behind Garen.

A white-haired old woman slowly walked up with several masked men with cold expressions.

"All the people who participated in that operation will be handed over." The old woman said in a low voice.

This is the person Garen is waiting for, the real mastermind behind the Black Label Association, Vivien Lida, the mother of the boxing champion Anke.

"Go back and hand over the matter. That's the end of the matter." Garen looked calm and turned around to look at the old woman below. The power of the Black Label Society was no longer a threat after the battle of Red Sand Sword.

As for the Demon Elephant Sect, they still haven't found a breakthrough. Their powers are so independent that it's hard to trace them from the bottom up.

Looking at the old woman Vivien Lida, Garen said no more and walked slowly down the stone steps. Boxing champion Leo followed closely behind him, and the two of them gradually disappeared from the long winding stone steps.

Vivien Lida and the two boxing champions looked at their backs in a daze. They understand that Garen will definitely decide whether to take action based on their performance. In fact, from the moment Garen appears, the Black Label Club will have no meaning regardless of whether the boxing champion is intact or not. What's more, now he has seriously injured a boxing champion.


It was already past nine o'clock in the evening when we arrived in Weimarn.

After the Black Label Association officially saw the general trend established by Garonne through force, it also announced that it was negotiating with the people of Baiyun Sect to merge and become dependents.

But the negotiation cannot be concluded in a day or two. While they are delaying, they are also waiting for the outcome of the battle between Garen and the White Bird Holy Fist.

All of Garen's forces are based on absolute power. If something goes wrong in the fight with the White Bird Holy Fist, everything will disappear.

Not just them, all the forces' attention was focused on Garen and Palosha. A battle between the two will determine whether the peak of the old and new generations can be replaced.

Groups of martial artists from various sects came to the Nantian Holy Fist Sect, and some unwelcome martial artists also gathered secretly.

Star Ring Sect, Red Sand Sword, Northern Martial Arts Alliance, and many martial arts schools that Garen had never heard of came from all directions. Some wanted to see what a higher martial arts realm was like, and some wanted more. has ulterior motives.

The government sent troops to maintain order, but there were still fights and fights, and the whole city of Weimarn was in chaos.

And just when there were more and more people in Weimarn.

On a small road leading from Weimarn to the Skylark Mountains, several men in white had quietly led Garen and Leo towards the depths of the Skylark Mountains.


The sky is dim and bright.

On the edge of a large green flat lake, three men in white and four Gallons in black were walking quickly along the shore of the lake. Like a small row of black and white ants beside a green mirror,

There are many yellow-green plants and small trees growing beside the lake. Some of their upper bodies are bent towards the lake, and some of their leaves and branches are also thrust into the water.

Garen stepped on the slightly moist yellow mud and followed behind the man in white. Look up to the lake on the right.

On the right front of the lake, a dark green 'pier' extends out of the lake, which is covered with dense green trees. From a distance, it looks like a large ball of green thread extending from the shore and floating on the lake.

Garen looked away and moved his neck slightly. A black and red mosquito the size of a thumb suddenly flew out from the collar. The mosquito struggled a few times, then fell from the air to the ground and was crushed by Garen's foot.

Except for him and Leo, the people in white in front, as well as Cynthia and Jack, were all dressed in thick, fully enclosed clothing, with some exposed skin covered tightly.

A man in white looked back and saw this scene, and his eyes suddenly showed a dignified look.

Ouch! ! !

Suddenly, a low roar came from the river beach ahead.

A black bear stood on the bank of the river, and two small black bears rolled and played in the shallow water of the lake, seemingly learning to catch fish.

The black bear turned its head and stared at the group of people. It slowly moved its body with its four thick paws and faced the people head-on, showing a warning. The two little bears also stopped playing and looked at Garen and his group curiously.

The taller one among the men in white stood up, took out a small bottle in his hand, and gently unscrewed the cap.

The black bear seemed to smell something, and immediately shrank its body, roared low, and hurriedly left the lake with the two cubs and went into the forest.

"Let's go." The man in white whispered.

Galen and others followed closely behind.

"It's coming soon, please take that thing out and cover your mouth and nose, and then be patient." The man in white added immediately.

Garen and the others didn't reply. They all took out a small white wooden bottle from their pockets and put it under their noses.

A faint smell of grass suddenly filled the team.

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