Mysterious journey

Chapter 187 Silver Mirror 1

Standing in the hall, Garen walked around casually admiring the collections in the black columns.

Leaving behind an exquisitely carved hollow gold bow, he walked to a row of guardrails beside the hall wall.

Inside the guardrail are thicker black columns, which hold more valuable collections.

Garen took a few steps and stopped beside a group of lively college students.

These college students were wearing uniform black and blue uniforms, and there were eight of them standing together. Three boys and four girls. They seemed to be having a heated debate about the collection.

"The blue wings of Antasi represent freedom and joyful bliss. The perfect kingdom of heaven that yearns for the sky is a mythical symbolic item that has been circulated for a long time in Antasi. Only the great nobles are qualified to own and build it." One The girl with blue ponytail said with a solemn expression. "It can't be the small businessman family you mentioned."

"That's true as usual, but this one is different. Look at this part of his body. It's the famous Asha mark, which was the most famous business alliance at that time. There are also some special details that can also tell about his birth, such as Here, here, and there." Another boy with white curly hair retorted gently and unquestionably.

"I think Kelian is right. At that time, ordinary people were not allowed to build such things."

"Perhaps it was secretly built and collected by someone at that time? Just like many wealthy ladies nowadays like to attend drinking parties with early morning revelry."

The students were divided into two sides, each supporting two people.

Garon stood to one side and quietly admired the collection they were debating.

It was a sky blue single wing sculpture. It is more than one meter high and two meters wide, and it looks like it is flying. The feather texture is carved extremely delicately and realistically. Just like real giant eagle wings.

Garen could tell at a glance that this was one of the antique imitation techniques that the old man once talked about. Although he couldn't take a closer look, a subtle spot on the wing base made him suspicious.

Involuntarily, Garen frowned, his eyes stopping at what looked like cracks on the base. The crack was actually not a crack, but was made deliberately. Presents a twisted S shape.

"Did you see it too?"

A white-haired old gentleman next to him seemed to have noticed where Garen was looking. He was wearing a black tuxedo and stood upright and powerful. He walked to Garen and stood next to him, looking at the Azure Wings casually.

"The blue wings are rumored to represent freedom and the Kingdom of God. Unfortunately, this one is just a fake." The old man sighed.

"I'm actually not sure, I'm not as sophisticated as you." Garon smiled humbly.

"Not bad, it's already very good." The old man shook his head, "How much do you know about the Antas civilization? Can you tell me about it?"

"Understanding doesn't count, I just read relevant information in some classics." Garon selectively talked about the information about the ancient civilization before Baigadi.

The old man suddenly became interested.

"You know a lot? Then tell me, what class of collection is this Blue Wings a replica of?"

"Judging from the pattern texture and detailed carvings, I feel that the small businessman copied it for his own collection." Gallon expressed his opinion directly.

"No, if it was a small businessman's collection, would he dare to engrave it with the emblem of the royal family at that time?" The old man shook his head.

"The royal emblem doesn't mean anything."

"You don't understand the strict laws at that time. You will be beheaded if you use the noble heraldry indiscriminately, let alone the royal heraldic symbol." The old man said solemnly.

"That's because you don't understand the special situation at that time. If I'm not wrong, this thing must have been made during a special period at that time. Antasi was already shaky at that time, the political power building was about to collapse, and the royal family had long since lost such a strong binding force. Yes." Garen shook his head slightly to express his objection.

"How did you determine its specific era? This is a fake after all. How do you know that counterfeiters will not tamper with the original appearance?"

"Obviously, the shape of this wing is about to spread out and fly. Such blue wings are everywhere, but you didn't notice that there is a trace of heaviness and hesitation in it. The point is here." Garen pointed at the root of the blue wing and said carefully. . "Do you see the shape of the wing base? These are the wings of a red eagle."

"Red Eagle?" The old gentleman was slightly stunned. He had never paid attention to the prototype of the Blue Wings.

"The Blue Wings were carved by the royal family's sculptors using blue eagles domesticated by the royal family. Blue eagles cannot be found in the outside world, so outsiders can only use the closest red eagle wings as a substitute. It's a pity. , after all, there are still subtle differences between the two. And only in a special period, the sculptors of Baigadi will use red sculptures to imitate palace supplies." Garon shook his head regretfully.

"Your observations are very careful, and your knowledge also surprises me. But you still didn't notice one thing, the inscription on this collection." The old gentleman was still not convinced.

"There are three symbols engraved on the inscription, which represent the three participating sculptors. And coincidentally, I recognize this symbol. It is the symbol of Robert Negan, the most famous royal sculptor of the famous Azure Wings."

"This doesn't mean anything, old gentleman." Garen shook his head in denial.

"What about you? Whose opinion do you agree with?" The old gentleman suddenly turned his head to face a female student who came over to listen unknowingly.

This is a pretty girl wearing a blue and black school uniform and white denim pants. She had obviously been listening in rapt attention just now, but was suddenly hit by the old man. She seemed to have no reaction and was a little confused.

"I think it makes sense."

"Don't be nervous, kid." The old gentleman lowered his voice kindly, "I saw your gaze just now. Among so many people here, only the three of us noticed several abnormalities in this Blue Wing. You listened It’s been so long, tell me what you think?”

Garen stood aside and looked at the girl.

He is eighteen or nineteen years old, with a delicate face, delicate and fair complexion, and long black shawl hair like a piece of fine silk. She stood to one side, dark and cramped, giving people a very innocent feeling. Especially her long legs, which were slender and round, and the thin fabric clearly outlined the tight curves of her hips and thighs.

"You're too nervous." The old man shook his head. "Relax a little and think about it carefully. You should be a student at Baigadi Women's University, right? It's not bad to be able to see so much at this age. You have to believe in yourself."

Garen and he both looked at the girl now, waiting for her answer.

The girl hesitated.

"What both gentlemen said makes sense, but I think this Azure Wings should indeed be the work of the royal engraver during peacetime. I remember a detail, it seems that the royal family at that time gave it to the royal family who was about to go to the territory. My disciple’s blue wings have undergone subtle changes.”

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard gentle applause in front of her.

She raised her head and saw the two people in front of her looking at her with admiration.

"You noticed a detail that none of us paid attention to." The old gentleman smiled, "I didn't expect that an ordinary female student could have such erudite knowledge. Can you tell me your name? Cute child."

"My name is Oupini." The girl lowered her head in embarrassment and her face turned red. She was obviously not good at facing compliments from outsiders.

"Opponi." The old man took out a black business card from somewhere and handed it to the girl. "Go on, here's my business card."

Opponi took the business card in a daze, but there was nothing on it except a big eye symbol.

"Keep it in your collection. This card will bring you good luck when you are in trouble." The old man winked at the girl mysteriously.

Garen stood aside, quietly watching the old man's trick.

Obviously, this old man may be a big shot who hides his identity. This can be seen from the vaguely protective bodyguards scattered around him.

"Congratulations, lovely Miss Opponi. It seems that this old gentleman is not an ordinary visitor." He smiled kindly at the little girl.

Opponi's face turned slightly red, she held the business card and didn't know what to say for a while.

"What about you? Is it interesting to pretend to be mature at such a young age? Young people should behave like young people." The old man looked at Garen with admiration, "Your knowledge is about the same as mine. I never thought that there would be children like you among the younger generation today." He also handed over a black business card. "This is for you too."

Garen looked at the business card handed over by the old man, smiled slightly, and was about to speak.

"Who is this?!" Suddenly, a loud roar came from outside the exhibition. "alert!!!"

The sound stopped suddenly. It seemed as if it was cut off by something.

The people in the exhibition suddenly became noisy, and people were commotion uneasily. Some figures with bodyguards quickly gathered all their people to protect themselves.

The same thing happened to the old gentleman here. Within a few seconds, seven male and female bodyguards in different clothes quickly formed a circle around him, and at his signal, they protected Garen and the girl named Oupani.

"Stay there and don't move." The old man told Garen and Opponi calmly. Garen and the girl both nodded quickly, looking a little nervous.

"Miga, go out and check the situation, be careful." The old man whispered to a bodyguard.

"Okay, sir." A cold-faced man with a hooked nose nodded and left the crowd, carefully walking toward the door against the wall while taking out a black pistol in his hand.

There were several people who were doing the same thing as him.

Garen also had a solemn and forced expression on his face.

It looks like it's about to start. He didn't want to show signs of abnormality early and be targeted. Otherwise, the advantage of darkness that you worked so hard to create in the first place will be wasted.

He looked through the gaps between the bodyguards around him and saw the surrounding situation.

The group of students next to them were also led by a middle-aged man to hide in a corner. Their faces were curious, frightened, and even excited.

Several middle-aged people not far away seemed to be extremely dissatisfied at this time. They were pulling out their guns and ordering their subordinates to cooperate with the exhibition personnel to maintain order at the venue.

At this time, the security personnel responsible for the exhibition also came out. Under the leadership of several team captains, they calmed down the guests at the venue. At the same time, a group of people also walked out of the door cautiously.

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