Mysterious journey

Chapter 191 The Truth 1

"Humph!" Andrela snorted coldly, her figure instantly blurred on the spot, and when she reappeared, she was already in front of Julie. "If you don't want to die, get out!"

The Silver Mirror is also one of the goals of the three of them this time, so naturally no one else is allowed to take it away.

"The Silver Mirror is related to the original nuclear will. Once you obtain the secret method, it will naturally unlock the original nuclear will!" Julie explained hurriedly.

"Proto-core will? What is that?" Andrela asked doubtfully.

"An evil, cruel thing, the power that can change a person's spiritual will. It's too late to say more now, let's do this, we cooperate, you want the secret method, and we only need to solve the original nuclear will. How about it!?" Julie said concisely answer.

Andrela looked carefully at the girl's expression, as well as the expressions of the old woman and the old man not far away, and felt that there was no need to lie since the other party had reached this point.

"We'll keep the mirror!" He raised the tip of his sword and immediately threw the mirror up and landed it in his hand. "Give me your contact information."

Julie hesitated.

"Give it to him, Julie." The old woman shouted from behind.

"Okay." Julie raised her right hand and immediately threw out a red card.

The card snapped and was caught by Andrella. Just as he was about to speak, his expression suddenly changed, and he turned around and rushed towards the Fire Sparrow Mother.

At the same time, Garen's expression also changed, a big pit exploded under his feet, and he rushed towards the Fire Sparrow Mother.

At this time, the fire sparrow mother looked like she was crazy, and the elf sword in her hand turned into a red raindrop, pouring towards the nightmare like a tide.

The strangest thing is that the runes on the sword are getting brighter and more dazzling.

"Peacock!!" He suddenly jumped on the spot, and his body turned into three afterimages at the same time, attacking the three of Garen.

Dang, Dang, Dang! !

The three of them each took a step back and were slightly beaten.

The Nightmare King snorted coldly, picked up a stone with his toes, and fired it into the air in the distance. The figure of the Fire Sparrow Mother suddenly appeared there.

At the same time he snapped his fingers.

Suddenly there was a sharp whistling sound from all around, and more than a dozen rocket launchers trailing flames flew towards the Fire Sparrow Mother from all directions.

More than a dozen soldiers with dull faces and dull eyes slowly lowered the rocket launchers on their shoulders from all directions, and at the same time pulled out the firearms from their waists and fired wildly at the Fire Sparrow Mother.

They were not afraid at all of the Fire Bird Mother's mental suppression.

Boom! !

There was a roar in the air, and a large ball of dazzling yellow fire flashed away. What followed was a clear ring of white smoke, spreading in all directions.

In the violent explosion, a red shadow shot out, smashed the glass window of a building not far away, and disappeared directly inside.

"I didn't expect that he escaped even when the three of us were besieging him." The Nightmare King's face was a bit ugly.

"Masters at this level all have countless secret ways to save their lives. It is easy to defeat them, but it is almost impossible to kill them completely. Unless they are willing." Andrela shook her head and said, "Now that you have the mirror, retreat."

The three of them nodded at the same time, jumped a few times, and turned into three shadows, disappearing into an alley in an instant.

"Let's retreat too!" The old woman gritted her teeth as she looked in the direction Garen was leaving. Julie and the remaining old man nodded, took their bodies with them, and quickly disappeared behind the exhibition venue building.

Wait until people are almost gone.

At the edge of the square, amidst the chaos, among the ruins of stone pillars, statues and the collapsed walls of the venue, a person burst out with a crash.

Covered in white ash, with his hands broken at the wrists, he was the former Silver Cult Leader.

"I didn't expect that my great leader would actually be reduced to a mouse, pretending to be dead and hiding under the ruins!" He gritted his teeth.

With two clattering sounds, the two Black Snake couples also came out at the same time.

"Aren't we the same? If you can't beat me, you'll have to hide." The female black snake said disdainfully, "If you have the ability, go find someone to fight!"

"A cipher mirror actually provoked so many masters of unknown origins." The male black snake frowned and looked at the ruined square, not knowing what he was thinking.

"What are you thinking about?" The female black snake glanced at her man.



A few kilometers away from the square, on a wilderness grassland in the countryside.

A black truck was parked diagonally beside the abandoned loess path.

Amidst the click of the door opening, Andrela, Garen and Nightmare jumped out and gathered on the empty grass beside the car.

Andrella leaned against the truck door, gently tossing an oval white and silver mirror in her hand.

"This is the Silver Mirror and the Encrypted Mirror. Now that I have it, Nightmare, you should know how to use it, right?"

His eyes fell on the Nightmare King.

Nightmare nodded. "It's natural. It's a pity that he couldn't seriously damage the Fire Bird Mother. I didn't expect that he didn't confront us at all last time. He left immediately when he saw the situation."

He took the mirror and carefully touched the delicate patterns and symbols on the edge.

"Unblocking requires a certain amount of preparation time. Before that, how about we go see the group of people who suddenly appeared to intercept the Fire Sparrow Mother?"

"That old woman seems to know me." Garen frowned slightly. He reached out and took the mirror from Nightmare. He didn't feel the existence of potential at all. It was obvious that this thing was not a doomed antique.

While observing and playing with the mirror, he hesitated.

"Those people said there is some kind of proto-nuclear will in this? What is that thing?"

"Never heard of it." Andrella shook her head.

Nightmare also said that he had never heard of it. "That's why I said go and see what these people have to say. They must have mastered something that we haven't been able to touch."

Garen touched the book pendant on his chest. The thing started to heat up again. There was no regular heat at all. He didn't know what was going on. "Do you know your contact information?"

"It says yes on the card." Nightmare took the mirror and looked at it carefully. "According to the translation of the patterns and symbols on it, the secret method recorded on this cipher text mirror is a sealing secret method that can seal the essence at ordinary times. The key is It breaks out at any time and achieves a sudden effect. However, according to the intelligence, I have also found some antiques in the Immortal Palace in the past, but I have never heard of any proto-nuclear will." He paused, "Well, let's just go and see what they say first. , anyway, with the strength of the three of us, we don’t have to worry about anything we encounter.”

"Maybe I guessed the identities of those people." Garen finally found an almost forgotten scene from his dusty memory.

In the old man's Dolphin antique store, an old woman he saw that day entered the store. The woman's appearance was very similar to the old woman he saw today.

He suddenly had a hunch that he might soon be able to find the whereabouts of Xian Fran.


night time

Following the address card given by Julie, the three of them quickly found a remote grove along the outskirts of the city.

An abandoned deep well in the middle of the woods is the entrance recorded on the card.

The three of them were hesitant at first, but then they saw a faint light at the bottom of the well, and a young man in black climbed up from inside.

"Please follow me. The teacher is waiting for you below." The young man whispered respectfully to the three of them.

The three of them did feel that there was a lot of movement down there, and there was even music from the record player.

Follow the young man down the wellhead and drill into a tunnel as high as one person from the left side of the well bottom. The three of them quickly entered a wide underground stone chamber.

The gray-brown walls are made of square stone bricks and look old. There is a black piano in the corner, and a girl in black is sitting in front of the piano, playing unknown music gently.

This girl is the same Julie who appeared during the day.

The soothing music slowly stopped with the arrival of Garen and others.

"Teacher, they are here." Julie stood up and said to the other corner of the stone room.

Only then did the three of them notice that there was actually an old man sitting on a black wicker chair in that corner, with a vague aura that had been hidden from them from the beginning.

This old man was the old woman who was seriously injured during the day.

"There's something here that makes me feel uncomfortable." Nightmare frowned and whispered. He sniffed and pulled out a piece of white silk to cover the end of his nose.

"Your senses are very keen." The old woman smiled and nodded, "I haven't thanked the three people for their help during the day. If it hadn't been for the help of the three people, our lineage would have suffered heavy casualties today."

"Two old people died, doesn't it count as heavy casualties?" Andrela asked.

"No." The old woman nodded, "Those two have recovered a little and went to a secret place to recuperate. Just being seriously injured once is not a bad thing."

"It's not so bad to be seriously injured once?" Garen repeated her words, "Interesting."

"You three, please sit down and talk."

The old woman asked Julie to bring three cups of coffee.

A few people sat down in the stone room. The King of Nightmares left the ready-made stool and went over to sit with Andrela. His face seemed expressionless, but in fact his movements were extremely intimate.

When he saw the surprised looks of several people, he immediately reached out and rubbed his face vigorously. Soon, a thin human skin mask was torn off by him, revealing the beautiful and heroic face underneath.

She suddenly transformed from a mustachioed gentleman into a top beauty with some small breasts.

Andrella put his arms around her waist, and the two of them kissed as if no one else was watching.

"Okay, let's talk if you have anything to say. I heard from Garen that you seem to know him?"

The old woman turned to look at Garen and narrowed her eyes.

"As a matter of fact, I do know him. Mr. Gallon Lombard."

She picked up the coffee and took a sip.

“I’m inviting you three people to come here this time, mainly because I have news about the Silver Mirror that I want to tell you.”

The three of them said nothing, just waiting for her next words.

The old woman paused and introduced herself.

"My name is Zhao Xingqin. As you may think, this name comes from the East. My father and I are telepathy masters who traveled across the ocean from the East.

The power of mind is the fundamental manifestation of the mind's ability to distort reality and interfere with matter, which is what we often call talent. Anyone with this kind of power is a dragon among men, with incomparably powerful talents. "

"I heard that some national forces have studied this kind of thing before, trying to artificially activate the human body's telekinesis." Nightmare whispered. At this time, her voice became crisp and sweet, very clear.

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