Mysterious journey

Chapter 193 The Truth 1

"Humph!" Andrela snorted coldly, her figure instantly blurred on the spot, and when she reappeared, she was already in front of Julie. "If you don't want to die, get out!"

The Silver Mirror is also one of the goals of the three of them this time, so naturally no one else is allowed to take it away.

"The Silver Mirror is related to the original nuclear will. Once you obtain the secret method, it will naturally unlock the original nuclear will!" Julie explained hurriedly.

"Proto-core will? What is that?" Andrela asked doubtfully.

"An evil, cruel thing, the power that can change a person's spiritual will. It's too late to say more now, let's do this, we cooperate, you want the secret method, and we only need to solve the original nuclear will. How about it!?" Julie said concisely answer.

Andrela looked carefully at the girl's expression, as well as the expressions of the old woman and the old man not far away, and felt that there was no need to lie when the other party had reached this point.

"We'll keep the mirror!" He raised the tip of his sword and immediately threw the mirror up and landed it in his hand. "Give me your contact information."

Julie hesitated.

"Give it to him, Julie." The old woman shouted from behind.

"Okay." Julie raised her right hand and immediately threw out a red card.

The card snapped and was caught by Andrella. Just as he was about to speak, his expression suddenly changed, and he turned around and rushed towards the Fire Sparrow Mother.

At the same time, Garen's expression also changed, a big pit exploded under his feet, and he rushed towards the Fire Sparrow Mother.

At this time, the fire sparrow mother looked like she was crazy, and the elf sword in her hand turned into a red raindrop, pouring towards the nightmare like a tide.

The strangest thing is that the runes on the sword are getting brighter and more dazzling.

"Peacock!!" He suddenly jumped on the spot, and his body turned into three afterimages at the same time, attacking the three of Garen.

Dang, Dang, Dang! !

The three of them each took a step back and were slightly beaten.

The Nightmare King snorted coldly, picked up a stone with his toes, and fired it into the air in the distance. The figure of the Fire Sparrow Mother suddenly appeared there.

At the same time he snapped his fingers.

Suddenly there was a sharp whistling sound from all around, and more than a dozen rocket launchers trailing flames flew towards the Fire Sparrow Mother from all directions.

More than a dozen soldiers with dull faces and dull eyes slowly lowered the rocket launchers on their shoulders from all directions. At the same time, they pulled out the firearms from their waists and fired wildly at the Fire Sparrow Mother.

They were not afraid at all of the Fire Bird Mother's mental suppression.

Boom! !

There was a roar in the air, and a large ball of dazzling yellow fire flashed away. What followed was a clear ring of white smoke, spreading in all directions.

Suddenly, a transparent invisible pressure suddenly poured down from mid-air.


The pressure spread quickly like a soap bubble, directly covering the three people below.

The ground seemed to be shaking, the house was shaking, the air was distorting, and even the burning flames seemed to be intermittent.


The fire sparrow mother fell from the sky and squatted firmly next to a figure.

The figure was wearing a dark cloak, slowly raised his head, lifted his hood and looked at Garen quietly.

"Long time no see, Garen."

"Xianflan, you really showed up."

Garen stood calmly amidst the violent and twisted mental pressure, looking back at the man with an indifferent expression.

He slowly raised his arm.

boom! ! !

An equally huge mental distortion exploded instantly!

With him as the center, the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of meters was enveloped in a ball of violent platinum airflow. The air flow swirled wildly and quickly condensed into a huge bust with the same face as Garen.

This was a terrifying colossus that looked like it was made of platinum. The figure that was dozens of meters tall completely enveloped most of the square. The colossus formed by his aura was completely the face of Garen. He looked down at the people below indifferently, his eyes as deep and vast as the endless starry sky.

"Hey, this is just the time. One for each person." A thin man with a black beard and a military uniform jumped down from one floor. With a bang, he hit the street ground hard, and at the same time, a slightly weaker blue aura was released from his body. The sea-blue aura formed a phantom like a mermaid. Survived tenaciously between Garonne and Senfran.

boom! ! boom! ! ! boom! ! !

Several consecutive mental shocks sounded in everyone's heads.

Behind Garen, Andrela and the Nightmare King also released their own courage. At the same time, the fire sparrow mother released a huge fiery red peacock again.

With Xianflan and Garen as the core, two huge transparent and platinum auras confront each other, and are surrounded by two small auras of different colors.

At this moment, no matter how much Andrela and the Nightmare King didn't believe it, and how much the Flame Sparrow Mother and Gefeid didn't understand, they all had to admit it. On the field, only Garen is qualified to fight against Cianflan.

Regardless of victory or defeat, the two are already on the same level. After all, the powerful suppression of Qi cannot be deceived. It is the actual product of the combination of essence, energy and spirit, and it does not just represent spiritual will.

At this time, the passers-by, the police, and all the ordinary people on the street were instantly enveloped in a confrontation of spirit. In less than a few seconds, all the ordinary people were unconscious.

Only a little further away, visitors to the exhibition could barely see what was going on in the square.

Although ordinary people cannot see the illusory spiritual image, just because only the six people facing each other can stand on the field, they know that the situation is weird and dangerous.

The police officers and passers-by who were lying nearby were evidence of this.

In the venue, the old gentleman looked blankly at Garen and others in the square in the distance.

"Holy shit. Is this the legendary infrasonic attack?!! It's too exaggerated!! Where is the government! Where is the government? At the critical moment, it is our lovely government's turn to come forward to save the world!!!" He said directly A bit incoherent. "As soon as the body shook, the surrounding area immediately fell down. Could this be the tiger's body shaking in the ancient Eastern legend! The aura of domineering king!?"

"What does a tiger's body tremble?" Opponi asked innocently and stupidly.

"Don't ask random questions if you don't understand." The old man felt that his brain was a bit funny. "No, I have to calm down!" He closed his eyes hard and rubbed his temples.

Immediately, he carefully hid deeper with a group of bodyguards, watching Garen confront the black cloak who suddenly appeared. Although the old man said witty words and joked to ease the atmosphere and tension, in fact he was just trying to The people around him reduce their mental pressure. In fact, he is very aware of the lethality that such top powerhouses can cause.

The college girl Oupini couldn't see the danger at this time, but she looked a little confused. "Old sir, I think we should take the opportunity to leave here quietly!" she suggested in a low voice.

"It's useless. As long as you are enveloped in it, you will fall to the ground immediately." The old man pointed to the broken door of the venue, where seven or eight people had fallen silently, all trying to sneak away quietly while taking advantage of the confrontation. guest.

Opponi suddenly shuddered.

At this time, the unknown old woman and her party were helped by Julie and walked aside to rest. The bodies of the two old men with missing heads were also moved here.

Seeing the terrifying confrontation on the field, the old woman's face became paler.

"It's Xianflan, and he's finally here. Julie, be sure to help Garen and the others at any time! I didn't expect that a seed that Geguo randomly planted could now grow to such a terrifying level!" She said His eyes turned to Garen, with surprise and admiration on his face. "It's a pity. If he was still alive, I don't know how relieved he would be to see this scene."

"Teacher" Julie's face turned red, "What will you do if I leave?"

"Leave us alone! No one knows what that lunatic will do. As long as they fight, you should immediately help Garen and the others. It's the man whose skin turns platinum!" the old woman explained nervously.

Julie gritted her teeth and finally nodded fiercely when she saw the teacher's serious expression.

The huge spirits are fighting and squeezing each other. A terrifying spiritual storm rolled up between the streets and squares.

Garen raised his right arm, palm upward, and shook it lightly. Bang! A ball of white air was crushed out of thin air by him.

"Finally I caught you." His whole body seemed to be dyed, gradually glowing with a platinum golden light. "This time, I will truly avenge the old man."

Xianflan raised his head in surprise and looked at the spirit confrontation in mid-air. "Long time no see, you have grown to this point. I suddenly regret not killing you."

"Can you kill him?" Garen snorted coldly. He moved his arms, and the huge platinum statue behind him also shook violently. "All grievances will be settled today!"

He raised his right hand flatly and aimed at Xianflan and his group and grabbed them fiercely.

boom! ! !

The huge platinum statue also stretched out its hand to grab Xianflan. A terrifying mental pressure instantly grasped the three of them like a giant hand, completely ignoring the distance and passing it into the opponent's realm of spirit out of thin air.


An invisible spiritual explosion exploded at the location of Xian Fran.


The three people jumped up quickly to avoid the mental explosion and rushed in the other direction.

"Want to escape?!" Garen stretched out his hand again, aiming at the three of them and grabbing them one after another, forcing the three of them to scatter.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Continuously grasping, the giant hands of the platinum statue fiercely captured the figures of Xianflan and the others like catching bugs.

"Do it!" Andrela shouted, and she and Nightmare rushed out together.

A black cross sword light suddenly floated towards Gefeide.

At the same time, the Nightmare King silently stood in front of the Fire Sparrow Mother.

"This is not a good place for a duel." The Fire Sparrow Mother said coldly, looking at the huge platinum statue in mid-air.

"I don't think so." The Nightmare King raised his arm, and immediately scattered countless densely packed confetti. The confetti was flying all over the sky like raindrops and snowflakes, but it made people feel dizzy.

The three of them each caught a pair and freed up space for a duel.

Only Galleon and Senfran were left one-on-one.

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