Mysterious journey

Chapter 200 Processing 2

Jia Long is the leader of the Baiyun Sect. He has many unruly people under his command, and he has only just established a stable foundation. If he doesn't show up for a long time, there may be trouble.

And Leila is the senior brother of the Star Ring Sect, and the strongest person who has surpassed the masters such as the sect master and elders. There are still some internal affairs that need to be handled by the boss.

Not to mention the King of Nightmares, who has the Siren organization under her command, is wanted by various countries, and has many enemies. Lots of trouble.

The three of them made an appointment to meet in the federal seaside city of Hilda in April. It also officially decided on the name White Peacock, which was originally a joke.

The King of Nightmares directly decided that through this head-on confrontation with the Immortal Palace, which would be seen by many onlookers, he would directly publicize the reputation of the White Peacock in the dark circle. The Immortal Palace has been powerful for a long time. Except for the huge forces such as the Demon Elephant Sect and the government of the great powers, the other organizational forces are simply vulnerable to them. They have always been domineering in the world, and they can definitely absorb enough information to leverage them.

Taking an ordinary train directly, Gallon returned home in accordance with standard procedures. After entering the border, he directly used the energy of the golden ring to arrange a direct flight to Grant Province for military aircraft.

It’s already January and April is only a short time away. This trip to the Smoke Island is likely to be delayed for a long time, so all aspects need to be carefully arranged and handled. Otherwise it will be very troublesome if something goes wrong.


Ten days later.

Huaishan, Grant Province


Garen gently opened the door with the key.

"I'm back." He said loudly.

Immediately, there was a rush of footsteps approaching from far away, and his father Aisen Lombard and his mother Benila hurried over.

"Why did you come back so suddenly? You didn't notify him in advance." His mother quickly took out a new pair of cotton slippers for Garen. "I was so scared that I thought there was a burglar in my house."

"Mom, there is a thief in the house and he still yells for me to come back? You have a rich imagination." Garen smiled, changed his shoes and closed the door.

The family returned to the living room and sat down.

Mother hurriedly went to make hot coffee. His father Aisen was sitting on the sofa opposite Garen.

"How's it going? Did you gain anything from going to school this time?" Aisen is now clean-shaven, wearing a neat white shirt and black tie, his purple-black hair is shiny and clearly oiled, and he has a face Chunfeng's proud look is far different from before. "Living alone outside is definitely different than living at home, right?"

"It's not bad, I'm just not used to it." Garen picked up an apple he was sitting on and began to peel it with a knife. "School life is no different from high school. By the way, dad, I got a job from a big company. I have received an internship invitation. I may have an internship in March, so I’ll let you know first.”

"Not bad, is the internship your own opportunity or..." Aisen is no longer a person who knows nothing, and has a clear understanding of the actual influence of Baiyun Sect. Since the last funeral, he had truly seen the true power of his son Garen as the successor to the Baiyun Sect.

"I didn't arrange it. The other party is much stronger than Baiyun Sect. There is no need to be affected by this." Garen shook his head and explained.

Mother Benila now brought three cups of hot coffee.

"Come, let's drink something to warm up your body first. It's still a little cold outside, so don't freeze."

"By the way, where's Ying'er? Still at school?" Garen took a sip of coffee, and a strong aroma of coffee and milk poured into his mouth. It was slightly hot, but it was indeed warm and comfortable after drinking it.

"It's said that the school is going to hold some event and celebration. She is a member of the student union and needs to prepare in advance. I thought you had made up for it, otherwise you don't know your sister's character and will definitely be waiting for you at home." Mother. Benila looked at Galen tenderly. Galen was her biological child, and Ying'er was Aisen's daughter. But both Aisen and him swore that they had seen Ying'er's feelings for Garen. It's not a brother-sister relationship, but another kind of intimacy.

Both of them are happy to contribute to such a good thing. Anyway, Ying'er and Jia Long are not directly related by blood.

"Garen, I came back late today. Go to bed early. Now your mother and I are relatively free. We can arrange anything for the people below to do. We have more and more time every day. Come with me to play hockey tomorrow. We are a family. It's a rare opportunity to have a good chat." His father, Eisen, patted Garen on the shoulder, "Such strong muscles, as expected of someone who has practiced martial arts for so long!"

"That's to strengthen your body." Garen smiled. "But parents, I thought you were going to move and buy a bigger and better house. What?"

"It's not necessary. Although our family is rich now, the neighbors we play with have long been familiar with each other. For example, I go to concerts every week with Mrs. Davis from the next building. Occasionally we hold poetry gatherings together. Yes, teahouse. Life is more leisurely and fun if you have companions. I really don’t know who to look for after changing places." Mother Benila shook her head and said. "Don't worry about this, just think about your life-long events."

"Um, is it too early for this?"

"My son just came home and is tired. Why are you bringing this up now?" Father Aisen interrupted. The two of them had discovered Ying'er's strange feelings since Jialong declined the other girls he introduced last time. Now it's just a trial.

"Yes Yes Yes"

After that, the family didn't mention the matter again, and casually chatted about their studies and life.

I saw that my parents were relaxed and began to enjoy life because of the arrangements made by Baiyun Sect. Garen was relieved.

After staying at home for a few days, I went out to play ball with my father every day, and occasionally drove to a nearby swimming pool with my family. Then attend tea parties and concerts organized by others. The few days were fully scheduled and extremely leisurely and fulfilling.

As the core leader of the strongest local interest group, the news of Gallon's return spread throughout Grant Province in a very short period of time.

There are more and more cocktail parties invited, and more and more guests come to visit. Moreover, many of the guests came with their beautiful daughters and nieces, and they were all smiles when they met, obviously hoping that their family would be favored by the Gallon family.

After being disturbed, Jia Long was too lazy to go home and went directly to the martial arts school. His two apprentices, Ke Ling and Simon, managed it well. Baiyun Martial Arts School has returned to its previous prosperity. In Huaishan and some surrounding schools Here, physical fitness activities have been carried out, and many local schools have designated Baiyunmen clubs.

The operation of Baiyun Gate is becoming more and more prosperous, and there is no need for Garen to worry about it. Ke Ling and Simon went out for exchanges respectively, neither of them were in the local area.

Then he went to the local Golden Circle headquarters, where only the Cyclops Seventh Golden Circle was in charge. The two of them didn't know each other very well, so they casually chatted for a few words and then left directly.

A few days later, Jia Long visited the local governor, the third senior brother and his family one by one, protected by bodyguards sent by the Jinhuan and Baiyunmen headquarters.

Then it was time to go to my uncle's place.

It is said that Garen has not seen his uncle Tyr for a long time since the last incident with the Ring of Doom. But no matter what, he had been very kind to himself before, so he still had to visit. This was basic courtesy.


Huaishan Burnington Street

In a large suite on the fifth floor of the street.

Tier was wearing a thick black T-shirt and holding a pipe in his mouth. He was leaning back on a wicker chair and looking at the family members who were noisy in the living room in front of him.

In recent days, he has successfully made a big deal, and his business is booming. Customers come here one after another, and all the elite children from his wife's family come here uninvited, obviously hoping to find some connections. They have no way to do it, and he has to entertain them, which has made him a little angry recently.

"Lombas, Lombas!" he raised his voice.

His son Longbas was chatting happily with a tall girl. Hearing daddy's call, he trotted over quickly.

"What's the matter, father?"

"Where's Philia?"

"She was playing chess with some of her sisters in the bedroom inside."

"I knew that girl was unreliable, so you entertained too many guests. Many of them are from your generation. Minister Jet's son rarely comes here, so you should spend more time with him, and don't always be with these beautiful girls. Chat." Tierti pointed out.

"I got it." Longbas is so happy that he is so happy now that Garen does not compete with him for property. His father has obviously begun to slowly cultivate his abilities. It seems that he is preparing to let him inherit the future property.

Venus Veslin and Driando, two elite children who had previously wanted to compete for the Tire family's property, also came with them for some unknown reason. This made him feel a little unhappy.

After leaving his father, he politely apologized to his previous female companion, and then walked directly towards a blond man in the corner of the living room.

"Lombas, don't you want to chat with your beautiful female companion?" Deliando's voice came from the side. This gloomy man who was involved in the underworld was gently shaking a glass of red wine. Although he tried his best to appear elegant, his rudeness and savagery still kept people around him at a distance. He had one of his hands broken by Garen, but now he seems to have completely recovered.

Venus was right next to him, with a gentle smile on his face and said nothing, but the few young masters and ladies naturally surrounding him gave him the aura of a group of stars holding the moon.

"Who is here? There are so many cars down there!"

"That license plate number is the car belonging to the Governor's Palace. Is it a relative of the Governor?"

"Seven V8s are driving on the road. It's such a grand display. Each one is a million-dollar luxury car! Who is so arrogant?"

Suddenly some guests by the window began to shout softly, and they all gathered towards the window and looked down.

On the street of Burnington, a black motorcade slowly parked on the roadside.

The door of a car in the middle opened, and a strong bald bodyguard got out and quickly opened the front door.

A tall, muscular man with red eyes slowly got out of the car. He had short purple-black hair. Although his body was extremely strong, he did not look bloated at all, but was extremely well-proportioned. Just casually paired with jeans and a white T-shirt, standing next to the car gives people a strong sense of oppression.

The man wore a golden earring on his left ear, which added a touch of barbaric nobility to him. This person is none other than Garen, who has been visiting everywhere recently. With his current status, the necessary pomp is indispensable, otherwise it may affect outsiders' views of his Baiyun Sect. Coupled with the deliberate elevation of the golden ring, the current situation is formed.

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