Mysterious journey

Chapter 205 Mediation 1

Gallon sat high on the stage and seemed to be watching the game seriously, but in fact he had a very casual attitude.

Watching the competition below casually, he quietly asked the leader of the Holy Fist Sect about the situation of Yunqueshan Waterfall.

"Over at Skylark Mountain, it's probably around this time that the first general came out of seclusion. Recently, we have been ordered to send in more and more supplements. No one is allowed to enter the vicinity of the waterfall without the general's summons." The door owner whispered. answer.

"It seems that it is a critical moment." Garen nodded, "I will stay here for three days, waiting for him to leave the customs. Please inform him when you send someone to deliver daily necessities."

"That's no problem." Bundy, the owner of the door, nodded. This man is the nephew of Holy Fist Palosha, and he has been trained by Palosha since he was a child. But even so, his qualifications are good, but he is still far away from the realm of Holy Fist. Now he is at the level of an average fighter.

Bondi glanced at Galen and asked tentatively: "Does General God have any opinions or suggestions regarding the current situation in the Federation?"

"Why did you think of asking me this question?" Garen smiled.

"I heard that the God General has a good relationship with the upper echelons of the Federation and he also holds important positions in the Federation." Bondi answered carefully.

"Oh? This news spreads quickly." Garen said noncommittally.

The sound of victory or defeat came again from below. "East Branch Aisha Fria wins!"

Garen glanced down and answered casually: "Although I have a temporary position with the Federation, I have only been exposed to a very small part. I am not very clear about these aspects."

"Just a little suggestion." Bundy looked serious. "Now that our Nantian Holy Fist Sect has no external enemies, it seems to be gradually scattered. Without external pressure, the various sects that were originally grouped together also have the idea of ​​​​separating again. If we are not careful, we may have to split again." He After looking at Garen's face, he continued, "The situation in the Federation is unstable and precarious now. You haven't received any news about the recent situation, have you?"

"What's the situation?" Garen became a little more serious.

"One day ago, the federal special forces port of Grindstone City was attacked by Weisman. The Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms came ashore. More than 200,000 people in Grindstone City were massacred. Only more than 100 people survived because they were responsible for burying and burning the corpses." Mention this This incident made Bundy look extremely ugly. "The federal government blocked the news. It was because my disciple's family members were there that I learned about it immediately. I think the news will reach here soon."

"More than 200,000 people were massacred?!" Garen's expression condensed. "Three Kingdoms Alliance? Which Three Kingdoms?"

"There are three empires, Wiseman, Red Moon, and Taritaan, with Wiseman as the leader." Bondi replied solemnly.

"Are you sure it's true? More than 200,000 people! Not one or two hundred people, one or two thousand people." Garen's first reaction was that he didn't believe it. "Nowadays, there are overwhelming reports of thousands of people dying anywhere. More than 200,000 people have died, but there's not even a splash?"

"One hundred percent sure!" Bundy nodded.

Garen's eyes narrowed, and his heart felt a little heavy. In any case, the turmoil in the Federation will have a great impact on the entire Baiyun Sect, as well as the safety of family members and relatives. Although he could ask Siren's people to help him go abroad to escape the war, but after all, he was not as safe as his own country.

"No rush. Let's see the reaction from above first. The Federation is not so easily defeated."

"I hope so." Bundy fell silent and said no more.

Garen put his hand on the armrest and squinted his eyes, wondering what he was thinking. But obviously the atmosphere around him was far less relaxed than it was at the beginning.

The day after getting the news from Bundy, Cynthia received a report from the following people, confirming the authenticity of the news. Presumably it won't take long for the news to spread throughout the entire federation. After all, the disappearance of so many people is not a small number.

In the evening of the third day, qualifying also reached the middle and late stages.

Garen did not go to watch the qualifying match. Instead, under the arrangement of the door owner, he came to a remote hall alone.

The main hall seemed to be a small church in the past. In the dark center was a seven- to eight-meter-tall bronze statue, and quiet incense floated faintly in the air around it.

Garen walked into the main hall, and the disciple leading the way automatically closed the door and left far away. He was the only one left in the entire empty hall.

The statue of the god was right in front of him, looking down at him. It was a gray-robed figure wearing a cloak whose face could not be seen clearly. There was a row of inverted spikes on his back. It looks ferocious and primitive.

Garen stood in front of the statue without speaking and waited quietly for a while.

Soon, a tall and thin figure slowly emerged from behind the statue. He has white hair and a white beard, a kind and peaceful face, and is wearing the same gray robe. Surprisingly, it was Palosha who was still in retreat.

"Long time no see, Garen."

"Finally out of seclusion, you should have made a decision, right? Join us." Garen said calmly.

"I heard that you grabbed a cipher mirror from the Immortal Palace in Baigadi?" Palosha avoided talking about it, but asked about it.

"If you join, I can naturally share it with you. Not only this, but also other information." Regarding the Island of Smoke, the secret treasure that can interest the Immortal Palace will naturally not be a simple thing. This is why Nightmare and Andrela decided to go take a look. But if Palosha refused to join them, naturally the news would not be told to him.

"Isn't the pursuit of breaking limits the only dream we have at this level? There is nothing to hesitate." Palosha readily agreed. As a master at this level, there is absolutely no need to use any tricks. Since you have agreed, there is no need to have any doubts.

Anyway, everyone has joint interests, and when there is no interest, they will naturally disperse.

Garen directly told Palosha about this agreement, just as he also wanted to avenge his last injury.

"Is your injury healed now?" Garen asked, "Last time we snatched the Silver Mirror from the Immortal Palace. This time we may have to deal with the people of the Immortal Palace head-on. Please be mentally prepared."

"Don't worry, even if it's not good, Xianflan will only be worse than me." Palosha answered affirmatively. "If there is really something worth doing, I won't drag you down."

"Then let's go there together?"

"No, I have to arrange some chores during this time."

"Okay. See you there, Hiluda."

"Well, see you Hilda."

Garen turned around and walked out of the hall, and the door slowly closed.

Palosha watched him leave, and then a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes until the sound of footsteps completely disappeared.

"This guy actually became stronger again. This time I have prepared a big gift for you!!"

After leaving the main hall, Garen could clearly see that Palosha's condition had entered the past, but he seemed more confident than before. Although I don’t know what trump card this guy has prepared, it’s okay. In such a precarious period, the stronger the companions, the better.

After notifying the situation here, Garen carefully considered his various affairs this time.

"There are two last things left."

He took the arranged car at night and quietly left the Nantian Holy Fist Sect. Head to Ocean Current, the federal capital.

That's where Finestine is now, and more importantly, the Golden Ring's intelligence shows that the top leader of the Demon Elephant Gate, Marshal Ulan. At this time, he had agreed to a private meeting with Garen. The two sides will formally meet in the capital, a bustling city where dragons and snakes are mixed.

All along, under Garon's initiative, the Baiyun Sect, the Star Ring Sect, the Red Sand Sword, and the entire southern martial arts community have launched multiple encirclement and suppression operations against the Demon Elephant Sect.

After Garen directly killed Clark, the master of the Demon Elephant Gate, he also snatched the blood of immortality he had just obtained.

Recently, the Star Ring Sect, with the cooperation of various intelligence sources, has surrounded and suppressed a secret stronghold of the Demon Elephant Sect. It can be said that in the entire southern martial arts world, there is almost no place for the Demon Elephant Sect to gain a foothold.

Originally, there was news from the Demon Elephant Gate that they hoped to have a formal and public meeting with Garen. But he was rejected by Garen.

Then the Baigadi Silver Mirror incident happened again. As soon as the news spread, the Demon Elephant Sect was not very proactive at first, but this time it became much more active. I have contacted the Baiyunmen intelligence branch many times, hoping to have a formal meeting with Garen.

After several attempts, the other party actually invited a powerful lieutenant general from the top of the federation to act as a mediator. Only then did Galen agree to the talks, but they could only be private talks. The location is located in Yangliu City, the capital city. Jinhuan mobilized heavy troops to surround and guard it.

Apart from the talks on the Elephant Gate, Finestine's troubles just happen to be solved this time.

Garen's return page does confirm Finestine's dilemma. Being a friend and helping the leader is nothing, and besides, this is not a big deal to him now.


on the plane

Under the starry sky at night, dots of blue starlight reflect on the smooth body, reflecting a gorgeous mirror-like luster.

The four-winged black military transport plane moved slowly above the clouds, and below it was an endless sea of ​​blue-black clouds.

The plane seemed like a black bird flying slowly on countless blue cotton seas, with wisps of clouds floating around it from time to time. And flew towards the full moon in the distant sky.

Garen sat in the cabin, quietly looking at the endless blue-black sea of ​​clouds around him. Sitting in the plane at this time is like being in an infinite world with only cotton.

The sea of ​​cotton clouds below moves slowly back, and above is the dark night curtain, dotted with countless blue diamonds, stretching as far as the eye can see.

"Sir, your coffee." A beautiful female soldier walked up to Garen carrying hot coffee and slowly put it down.

"Thank you." Garen took the white porcelain coffee cup and smelled it. It didn't have a very authentic aroma, but it was good to drink on such a high-altitude plane. "By the way, how long is it until the destination?"

"There's still about an hour, sir!" the female soldier replied standing at attention with a serious expression.

"Please bring me some newspapers for today."

"Please wait."

Soon another female soldier brought a large stack of newspapers and hung them all behind a seat hook on the left side of Gallon.

Garen randomly selected and flipped through it. Suddenly, his hand stopped and he picked up a newspaper and unfolded it.

‘The military port suffered a bloody massacre! Who should pay for this? ''The naval port was attacked by a sneak attack! The casualties reached 200,000! ’

‘The Weisman Empire publicly stated: This is a war of the system, a war of reform! ’

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