Mysterious journey

Chapter 220 Clarity 1

What Garen noticed was that the runes that would automatically flow and change on the sword were made of what materials. The same thing happened to the Fire Sparrow Mother back then, with red runes shining on the sword. This is no longer something that common sense can explain.

Although the rune sword was not enough to pose a threat to him, it was able to pierce his skin. This alone made him dare not underestimate it.

"Bai Ying, can you show me your sword?" Garen said quietly and calmly.

Bai Ying was stunned, looked at Garen, and at the same time glanced at the detective. He hesitated.


He walked over and handed the rune sword to Garen.

Garen took it and began to examine it carefully.


Northern Territory

somewhere in the thick fog

A dense forest of black figures.

Xianflan was half-kneeling on the ground, with thick, rough breath constantly blowing out from his nostrils. He pressed one hand on the ground and covered his heart with the other.

Plop! Plop! Plop! !

A clear heartbeat echoed throughout the stone forest like a drum.

Xianfran bit his lower lip tightly, and the hand covering his heart kept grasping his clothes and muscles. The excruciating pain coming from his heart made him almost unable to concentrate. Even the vision was slightly blurred.

"Is that possible?" The Fire Sparrow Mother walked out from behind a black stone statue, dressed in red, with the elf sword on his waist. Her whole body was clean and clear, like a pure flame. Even the feet seemed to have no trace of dust.

"It's okay." Xianflan reluctantly stood up and replied in a low voice. "Just withdraw when the time comes. I suspect I may not be able to restrain myself."

The fire sparrow mother was silent for a moment.

"Don't force yourself."

"I know. But after suppressing it for so long, it's time to let go completely." Xianflan replied lightly.

"I really don't know whether your original choice was right or wrong." The fire sparrow mother was a little helpless, and her figure slowly retreated, disappearing into the thick fog, and no trace could be seen anymore.

At this time, there were faint sounds of rapid footsteps outside.

"You are actually hiding here! Xian Fran, you are dead this time!"

"The revenge for killing my father! It can finally be settled today!" "Be careful of other people in the Immortal Palace! Ace, let everyone be on alert!" "Yes!"

A series of human voices quickly approached this side. Waves of extremely powerful aura quickly surrounded Xianflan.

These people are all top elites, and there are four or five auras among them that are able to release powerful spirit. They have reached the level of top fighters and are only a little weaker than Ansara. These people are all here for the Immortal Palace, and they are all enemies of Immortal Fran. Some of them are because Xianflan is too strong, so they should be cut off first to remove the threat of fighting for the black smoke pot.

Plop! !

There was another heartbeat in Xianflan's chest, and his eyebrows gradually wrinkled together, and countless veins emerged and gathered at the center of his eyebrows.


He stood up, and there were two fleshy bumps under his armpits.


Garen took the rune sword and inspected it carefully. The rune sword in his hand was no different from an ordinary long sword. There are no flowing runes, no special power effects. It seems to be just a simple long sword.

"It's amazing." He returned the rune sword to White Eagle. Although I didn't check out anything, some of the textures are really amazing.

The sky has completely darkened, and the faint moonlight shines down from above, and a faint outline can be seen through the fog.

"Mr. Gallon." Tali Mercury finally returned to Gallon. "I think I've been able to figure out who the Clown King is."

"Oh?" Garen looked at him with interest, "Are you sure?"

"OK!" Tali Mercury nodded.

"Then tell me, where is the Clown King hiding?" Garen looked at him intently. He carefully felt that everyone present, including the three generals Weisman, was all normal and nothing was out of the ordinary.

"Actually, the clown did not hide, but disguised himself as someone." Tali Mercury replied calmly.

"Pretend to be someone else?" Silan and Mengwei both came over to listen to the two men talking in low voices.

"Yes, it's just that his disguise is very realistic. It's difficult for ordinary people to see it." Tali Mercury said calmly. "Don't you feel that the atmosphere here has been a little weird since just now?"

"Oh?" Garen then noticed that, indeed, starting from an hour ago, all the forces present seemed to be a little weird, and a weird atmosphere continued to pervade.

He looked around intently.

The wolf clan members gathered together minding their own business, not knowing what they were talking about.

General Weisman and the three of them stayed quietly not far away, all closing their eyes to rest.

The demon hunters seemed to be arranging something in a hurry and seemed extremely busy.

Other forces, large and small, are also resting and recuperating separately.

"Is there a way to identify it directly?" Garen turned his gaze back and looked at Mercury in the tower.


Tali glanced at the other people around him, his eyes calm and calm. "Actually, the real Clown King is hidden in the most inconspicuous group of forces." His eyes suddenly looked towards a group of strangers in the corner. "I'll ask the Lord of Garon Sect to take action immediately when he hears my shout, otherwise he will definitely run away again!"

"No problem." Garen nodded.

"Okay." Tali Mercury's eyes were fixed on the group of people from unknown forces in the distance, and he raised his hand as if to identify the specific people. "The real clown king. Catch the white eagle!!!"

He yelled loudly, turned around and ran behind Garen.

At this moment, no one reacted.

The white eagle changed color instantly, and the rune sword suddenly drew a fan-shaped sword shadow, slashing at the mercury in the tower.

Snapped! ! !

A strong gust of wind suddenly blew away his sword, causing his head to tilt.

This wind was actually a breath of white breath released by Garen when he opened his mouth!

He jumped up, grabbed the White Eagle Rune Sword with one hand, and pinched his neck with the other. Like a tiger pouncing on a sheep, it brings with it a strong wind and chill.

Woo! ! ! !

'White Eagle' screamed, sheathed her sword and stepped back. She dropped her toes a few times and was actually one step faster than Garen. She jumped three times in mid-air to avoid Garen's pounce.

"It's you again!! Mercury in the Tower! I originally planned to let you go, but you are seeking death on your own! Today I will kill you completely!"

"I want to see how you kill the people I protect!" Garen's voice was cold.

"I, the Clown King, have never failed to assassinate anyone!" After the Clown King landed, a human skin mask was torn off his face, revealing a strange face of a man painted with oil paint.

Garen was about to take action when he suddenly heard Mercury groaning in the tower behind him. Look back.

Detective Tali was actually clutching his right arm, his face was bruised, he was obviously poisoned. And the scarlet wound on his arm was obviously injured just now.

"You are looking for death!" Garen suddenly became angry.

boom! !

A big hole suddenly exploded under his feet, and he rushed out like an arrow, grabbing the Clown King's throat with his right hand. Before the person arrived, a transparent force penetrated out of thin air, and it was sinister and hidden.

Just when the transparent force almost touched the Clown King's throat, an extremely powerful and ferocious impact suddenly rushed out from the side, hitting Garon's arm accurately and knocking him away.


Hitting one side of the stone statue with his claws, he immediately grasped the black stone into tofu-like powdery sand, and dug out a large chunk from it. The sputtered fragments hit the ground in the distance, and small holes appeared.

Just the sputtering fragments from the aftermath were so powerful that everyone around them felt chills in their hearts.

The Clown King was even more chilly. If he hadn't been rescued, he would have been torn into two pieces.

Garen was furious. With this sneak attack, he could kill the Clown King directly without knowing his strength. The opponent was unable to use any of his moves and was torn into two pieces just like the clown before.

If someone hadn't suddenly jumped out from beside him and smashed his arm.

He watched helplessly as the Clown King retreated and fled far away like a frightened rabbit. I felt increasingly unhappy. Look at the people who are blocking you.

"It's you!!" His eyes suddenly opened wide, with an expression of surprise and astonishment on his face.

Not only him, but also Andrela and Nightmare looked extremely surprised. Originally, they thought Garen could handle it on his own. After all, no matter how strong the Clown King was, he was still ranked below Ansara, making him vulnerable to a head-on confrontation. But I didn't expect that such twists and turns would suddenly occur.

"Let's go after him." Andrella stood up abruptly, holding the hilt of the sword in her hand, but said nothing.

Nightmare also looked serious at this time and looked around.

The surrounding wolf leader, demon hunter leader, and Weisman's three generals all stood up at this time and stared at this side. Moreover, their positions vaguely showed an encircling formation.

The Clown King laughed sharply and stood looking over from a distance.

"Weisman's generals have long wanted to deal with you, the elites of the Federation. I didn't expect you to foolishly negotiate terms with others and form a temporary alliance? Idiots!"

The Right of Glory stood there with his arms crossed.

"White Peacock, as long as you agree to join me, Weisman, I don't want to ruin my credibility for many years because of you."

Garen turned a deaf ear, but his eyes gradually calmed down and he looked at the person blocking him in front of him.

"I thought you would take action later, but I didn't expect you would do it so early."

In fact, he had already thought of this situation, and Weisman's people were not trustworthy. I just didn't expect it to be so early.

The figure in front of him looked at Garen calmly.

"Actually, for me, you are the biggest threat. Give up, you have no hope."

"Palosa, do you really think you can suppress me?" Garen casually tore off his upper body clothes, revealing his fair and strong upper body.

"Don't forget, I am the number one divine general." Palosha also took off his upper body coat, revealing a black close-fitting martial arts uniform.

The person blocking him in front of him was the White Bird Holy Fist Palosha who had separated earlier. He didn't know what kind of agreement he had formed with the Clown King, but he actually temporarily rescued the other party.


Garen slowly clasped his hands together, as if worshiping and saluting the Buddha statue. As his palms slowly faced each other, a huge invisible air flow slowly surrounded him.

"The self-image is so successful that I have never used my full strength even once. Don't let me down, Palosha."

His eyes suddenly opened and he thrust forward with both hands.

"Idol. Xifeng Fist!"

grumble! !

As Garen took action, two huge giant bird wings suddenly appeared on both sides of his body. They were huge wings like phoenix birds, transparent and invisible, and thrust forward with his hands. The crisp phoenix calls continuously.

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