Mysterious journey

Chapter 225 Decisive Battle 2

The top of the statue.

Garen and Sylphran collided crazily.

The palm of the hand and the sword blade faced each other head-on again and again, and each impact caused a large amount of white clouds and red light to fly away. It hit the surrounding walls and ground, constantly making holes of different sizes.

"Idol. East King's Hand!!"

A platinum statue suddenly appeared behind Garen, and instantly rushed into his body, becoming one. His hand was filled with unparalleled white-gold light, stirring up countless clouds around him, and grabbed Xianflan's head with one palm.

laugh! !

Xianflan leaned back and his claws passed over him. In an instant, a red light lit up behind him, turning into countless red threads and stabbing Garen like a peacock spreading its wings.

Red lines shot out from all directions, and all directions were covered for a while.

"Red Moon Shadow." Xianflan turned over and jumped away, pointing his finger at Garen, and suddenly countless red lines shot towards Garen.

"Everything is flowing!!" Garen's arms shook, and a violent transparent shock spread around his body, swinging out a large red line. Some remaining red lines stabbed him, making a hissing sound of metal cutting, leaving only a Dao Baiyin.

He jumped forward and pounced on him again, the platinum-gold energy completely condensing on him, without any waste.

In his current state, if he faced any opponent other than Xianflan, and the opponent just looked at his figure, he might feel invincible and fearful.

This is the highest state of martial arts in this world. The spirit and human body are combined into one, and the world is called: King of the Century!

Similarly, Xianflan was also covered in black light at this time, like the eclipse sun, his aura and body tightly integrated into one.

As the two men struggled wildly, the stone statue began to shake violently. Every encounter was like a bomb going off.

Boom boom boom! ! !

At the entrance of the passage, a thin black figure was quietly rushing towards the top of the stone statue.

"Fight, fight... Hehe, when you both lose, be it the black smoke pot or the stars in the eternal night, everything will be mine!" He couldn't suppress a low laugh.

Violent vibrations continued to come from the stone walls of the passage. Getting bigger and heavier.

"The opponent this time is much stronger than last time. Xian Fran, you are finally going to be doomed." The black shadow stretched out his hand to touch the stone wall and sneered. Suddenly he felt something was wrong.

"Something's wrong, why is the vibration getting louder and louder?!"

He suddenly stopped and looked back. A trace of red fire suddenly lit up in the dark passage.

"This is a bomb!!???" His eyes suddenly opened wide. "No no!!! Xian Fran, you madman!!!!" He suddenly yelled crazily and rushed towards the front passage at full speed.


Mal, the assassin's spear, stood quietly in front of the passage, looking at the passage in front that had been collapsed by explosives. I didn't know whether to advance or retreat for a while.

"Let's go back."

The Arctic King stepped out behind him.

"Xianflan is a lunatic. In order to avoid interference in the decisive battle, he directly blew up the entire passage.

Mal clenched his fists, turned around and left without saying a word.

"Where are you going?" Arctic King looked at him doubtfully.

"." Mal didn't answer, he just jumped up and accelerated, disappearing into the passage from whence he came.


on the beach

Andrela sat cross-legged on the ground, with a long sword stuck on her side. He was raising his head blankly, looking at the gloomy and dark sky.

Pieces of black petals slowly fell from the sky, flying one after another, falling on his sword, clothes, and even his face.

At this time, heavy snow with black petals fell on the entire island.

"What's this?"

Andrella reached out and pinched a petal, but it shattered into black powder in his hands.

Nightmare stood beside him, gently picking up the petals, trying to keep them intact.

"I don't know, but I have a bad feeling that we'd better get out of here as soon as possible."

"Let's wait until Garen comes back." Andrela was unmoved.

Bang! !

Nightmare picked up the unconscious Andrela.

"If you tell me well but you don't listen and don't think about what level Galleon is, then you may not be able to survive even if he survives."

She took one last look at the red and white clouds that were constantly exploding at the top of the stone statue.

"Garen, don't die."


The island shook violently, and heavy black snow fell from the sky.

Pieces of petals of snow completely covered the entire Smoke Island.

Boom! !

A large ball of red flame suddenly exploded from the waist of the huge black stone statue, and a large amount of black smoke erupted.

The entire giant stone statue began to tilt slowly. The upper body began to slowly tilt, break, and slide towards the island.

There was also a rumble of thunder in the sky, as if weeping for the destruction of the giant stone statue.

The top of the statue.

Garen and Senfran were face to face. The red line and white clouds between them turned into two shadows, and the specific shape was almost invisible. Countless red lines and white clouds collided with each other and turned into countless fine red and white fragments, sputtering and scattering towards both sides.

The entire head of the stone statue began to shake violently as it tilted.

The platform gap gradually slopes to the right.


Garen's back hit a wall, and the wall was completely shattered with a bang, revealing a huge gap, and the empty black sky outside could be seen.

"The statue returns to its original state!!" His eyes suddenly opened, and his whole body suddenly expanded. His muscles bulged rapidly, and white-gold lines slowly emerged on his upper body, forming strange and twisted natural pattern runes.

"Xianflan! Die!!" He roared, his hair stood up, his palms expanded like cattail fans, and he hit Xianflan from both sides. It was like a huge platinum giant grabbing a little dwarf with his palms together.

The huge roaring sound waves combined with the vibration of his muscles all over his body actually formed a violent and strange vibration, causing his size to further expand to two and a half meters tall.

Before the move came, Xianflan felt a strong wind like a knife blowing towards his face, scraping blood marks on his face and skin.

He felt two huge forces impacting his left and right ears at the same time, as if two giant elephants were charging violently at the same time, and he was stunned for a while. This power was more than twice as strong as the Galleons just now.

Xianflan did not retreat but advanced, a calm smile suddenly appeared on his face.


As a fine sound rang out, countless black veins suddenly appeared on the skin of his face, like countless insects and earthworms, all gathered at the center of his eyebrows and squeezed into an eye-shaped piece of flesh.

He stretched out his hand and touched the sword. In an instant, red light burst out.

"Wang Ji Sword!"

He stabbed Garen directly in the face with his sword, but he didn't notice the two palms on his side.

The Elf Sword was as dazzling as the setting sun, bursting out with an extremely intense and scorching light in an instant.

clang! !

A long bell rang.

Garen's hands hit the air, and the sword light of Xianflan also pierced the air. The two people's positions are staggered.

For a moment, it seemed as if all sounds were silenced. There is only the simple and distant sound of bells.

Another bell rang.

clang! !

Garen's palm held the red sword, and the white air flow and the red light continued to collide. The entire gap was littered with scraped fragments of black stone. Xianflan was covered in black light and held a sword in both hands.

The last bell rings.

clang! ! !

Xianflan abandoned his sword and changed his hand, pointed a finger at Garen's chest, and his fingertips penetrated Garen's skin deeply. Garen couldn't dodge and looked down at his chest.

The two of them were completely frozen for a moment.

Boom! ! ! !

A large ball of red flame exploded from the head of the stone statue.

The ground of the platform was suddenly broken by a violent explosion, and countless black fragments were splashed and blackened in the flames. The figures of the two people were completely submerged.

The entire upper body of the giant stone statue fell completely, hitting the island ground hard, splashing countless smoke and black ash.

boom! ! !

Where the stone statue fell, a column of black smoke shot straight into the sky, causing countless black petals and heavy snow to fly everywhere, becoming increasingly dense.


The place of fall

Garen held Xianflan's arm tightly, and he began to vomit blood. They were all dark red, almost solidified blood clots.

The two stood facing each other, and Senfran's entire right arm passed through Garen's chest and stabbed out from behind.

And Xianflan's own right arm and right shoulder were covered with bloody cracks, like fine cracks on porcelain, which seemed to be completely shattered with just the slightest touch.

What's strange is that this crack is still slowly spreading towards his head.

Blood gradually overflowed from Xianflan's body, but it was not very visible on the black windbreaker. Only the blood dripping at his feet could show his current injuries.

Boom! !

There was a burst of thunder in the sky.

The two of them were standing on the huge face and forehead of the stone statue. Below was a cliff of ten thousand feet, and at the bottom was dazzling red magma.

A large amount of magma is constantly splashing and gushing, and it is slowly but surely rising and spreading.

The place where the stone statue fell turned out to be a huge volcanic crater. The entire volcanic crater was circular, with a diameter of more than a thousand meters, forming a huge cylindrical abyss.

Thick black smoke erupted from here, forming countless black petal-like volcanic ash that fell everywhere.

The entire upper body of the giant stone statue hit the edge of the crater, and its head hung in the middle of the crater, being roasted by waves of heat.

The blazing red light completely dyed the entire stone statue red, and the two people standing above it were also dyed red.

"Idol. Return!!" Garen roared violently, and the platinum energy all over his body exploded crazily. It turned into a white golden circle and hovered above the head. The huge impact slammed into Xianflan in all directions.

"Eye of all thoughts!!!"

Xianflan also roared, and the eye-shaped piece of flesh between his eyebrows cracked open, and an invisible sharp force of thought spurted out like the tip of a knife, hitting the platinum impact.

boom! !

Two invisible forces collided, and Xianflan flew backwards far away, falling into the crater of the volcano. His right hand suddenly grabbed the edge of the stone statue, but for some reason, his hand suddenly hung in the air and retracted.

A trace of confusion and tranquility suddenly appeared on his face, as if his thoughts had drifted to an unknown place for a moment.


Garen's hand grabbed his right hand and hung it on the cliff.

Some fine gravel fell down, falling into the fiery red magma, and was instantly melted and submerged.

"Do you really want to die that much?" Garen gritted his teeth and looked at Xianflan.

"Don't you think the red color of the flame is very beautiful?" Xianflan smiled, and for some reason, his smile was filled with a hint of confusion.


Suddenly, a piercing scream came from the clouds in the sky.

Garen looked up and saw the sound of a plane flying through the air.


Suddenly Xianflan broke free from his hand, lay on his back, and fell quietly. His windbreaker rustled in the air, like a black swallow falling into the red ocean.

"What a beautiful red." He murmured, looking at the red light on his body. Then he looked at Garen who was looking at him with wide eyes on the edge of the cliff.

At this moment, Garen's face suddenly overlapped with that arrogant and handsome face.

"Brother, I didn't expect that I wouldn't be able to get out of your shadow in the end."

Silently, Xianflan quietly fell into the magma and was completely submerged. There was no trace left, just like the previously fallen rocks.

"You guy...!!!" Garen clenched his fist tightly, his teeth clenched and his muscles all over his body were trembling violently.

He moved his hand to the right side of his neck, where a scarlet incision was clearly visible, which was easily stabbed by the Eye of Ten Thousand Thoughts just now. If Sylvia had used this trick from the beginning.

"You are actually giving me such a victory!!???" Garen felt an unprecedented sense of humiliation and unwillingness. In the long-awaited final battle, his opponent is still letting him?

Woo! ! !

Suddenly there was a piercing scream in the sky.

Garen raised his head, just in time to see an oval-shaped black thing falling vertically towards him.

In an instant, an extremely strong sense of crisis surged from my heart.

"Want me to die?!!"

His whole body swelled violently, and his white-gold energy expanded wildly in all directions.

While roaring wildly, Garen raised his fist and swung it towards the sky. Behind him, a huge platinum statue took shape. It also raised its fist and waved it towards the sky.

A silent flash. A black mushroom cloud suddenly rose, and a huge amount of radiation spread crazily in all directions.

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