Mysterious journey

Chapter 227 New Life 1

A huge amount of radiation covered the sky and flew in all directions.

The explosion was silent for a few seconds before it exploded loudly. An extremely dazzling flash of light instantly blinded the eyes of countless people around him.

In the waters around the Smoke Island, on many ships that had escaped, everyone who looked at the Smoke Island had their eyes completely plunged into darkness because of this flash of light.

On a white ship.

Nightmare and Andrela stood quietly on the edge of the ship's side, looking at the huge mushroom cloud rising in the distance, both of them looking ugly.

Although at the last moment, both of them relied on their extraordinary reflexes and vigilance to avoid the explosive flash that blinded their eyesight, it was not this that made their faces look ugly.

Andrella held her hands on the side of the ship, faintly showing fingerprints on the metal side of the ship.

"The nuclear bomb must belong to Wiseman!!"

"It's just a small-yield nuclear bomb. I just heard that the Wiseman test was successful. I didn't expect it." Nightmare looked at the shock wave coming from the direction of the mushroom cloud. "Their purpose was not to kill the people on the island, but to trigger the entire Smoke Island. Giant volcano!”

boom! !

The ship was swaying like a small paper boat in the waves stirred up by the shock wave, and was in danger of capsizing at any time.

Teams of sailors began to stabilize the ships in an orderly manner and increase their horsepower. Head away from the island.

The mushroom cloud persisted, and black smoke pillars continued to rise into the sky below.

boom! !

There was another violent vibration, and a red halo suddenly shot up above the island of smoke.

The halo suddenly dispersed and sputtered down in all directions, revealing masses of black, red, and fiery red magma!

Countless magma flew in all directions like raindrops, and a large amount of magma quickly covered the entire island of smoke like viscous liquid, turning it into an island of fiery red magma.

A large amount of black volcanic ash flew up one after another, covering the entire sky and sea area of ​​​​thousands of kilometers in radius.

Some ships that were too close were directly overturned by huge waves, and some were hit by magma raindrops, directly broken, or burned.

The ship where Nightmare and Andrela were located was hit by a ball of magma in the center, and was cut into two pieces with a click.

The screams and exclamations were all drowned in the endless volcanic eruption.

The dim sunlight in the sky was directly blocked by thick black smoke and volcanic ash, making the day look like night.

The blue-black sea is covered with countless black floating objects of volcanic ash, like countless ink spots splashed on a blue-black handkerchief.

Some burning ships released dim red firelight on the sea, like small red dots, floating and sailing away desperately.

Nightmare and Andrela each took one person with them and swam quickly outside the area covered by the volcano.

But even so, the poisonous smoke emitted by a large number of volcanoes continued to corrode their lungs. They all also understood that no matter how powerful Galleon was, he would not be able to survive such a terrifying power of nature.

A large number of masters who did not have time to escape were all affected by this wave, and only 10% managed to escape. And Weisman's goal was finally achieved.

This time, many top players in the world were buried at once. And for them with the strongest technological strength, it is definitely the best development environment.

In an instant, the world structure completely changed here.



Everything in front of me is black.

Garen only remembered that he finally burst out with all his anger and punched the bomb in the sky.

He knew the other party's purpose, which was to detonate the volcano.

Smoke Island is actually considered to be the largest volcano in the world, and there are huge volcanic mountains under the sea. The capacity is astonishing. In fact, the entire Smoke Island is actually the crater of this volcano, so countless white smoke continues to seep out from the ground, which is a sign that it is about to erupt.

Once this huge volcano erupts, several small countries around it will be affected, and the resulting atmospheric pollution will cause extremely serious damage to the entire planet.

Gallon estimated that Weisman simply underestimated the scale and destructive power of this volcano, which was why he took such an unwise action.

But none of this matters anymore. What matters is what is happening to him now.

He wanted to move his body, but found that he had no concept of arms and legs at all. It was as if he was in a dream, and his brain felt a little dazed and chaotic.

The surroundings were completely dark and nothing could be seen.

Only at the last moment, the huge heat and pain that my body felt was still fresh in my memory. He clearly remembered that his body had been completely melted by the huge amount of high temperature.

The volcano that exploded at that moment was like the anger of the earth. The entire Smoke Island crater erupted with an infinite amount of white and golden magma, and the high temperature exceeding a thousand degrees completely melted it in an instant.

In fact, the moment he saw the bomb, he already had a premonition that he would definitely not be able to escape.

If it is just a powerful bomb, it is not terrible. If it is scattered, the huge earthquake and explosives will have some impact on you. As long as the so-called high temperature of the explosion is not the core point, there will be no problem with your own temperature resistance.

But the trouble is, that is not a bomb, but a nuclear bomb. Although it is immature, it is indeed a small-yield nuclear bomb. And the most terrible thing is not this, but that the Smoke Island is a huge crater that may erupt at any time.

The nuclear bomb is just an introduction.

Volcanic eruptions are the real killer.

The impact and high temperature that broke out at that moment left him no room to resist and was completely swallowed up.

"I never thought it would end like this."

Garen quietly recalled in the darkness that Xianflan and himself were the two most powerful people in the world.

If Xianflan did not deliberately seek death in the end and then gave in to each other, it is estimated that their final result would be to die together. In fact, at this level, he possesses the Divine Statue Skill, is physically strong, and has sufficient energy, to an astonishing level.

And Xianflan is not bad either. The explosive power is terrifying and the lethality is so strong that even Galleons can't match it. What he lacks is nothing more than his resilience.

But everything was completely doomed when Xianflan deliberately gave in. When two masters with similar strength deliberately give in to each other, the result is obvious.

In fact, Garen also understood it in the dark.

After that, it was no longer the world of martial arts. When personal martial arts reached their level, it was already at its peak, and it was impossible to make progress anymore.

Next, it should be the age of firearms, just like the earth. At this point in martial arts, it may just be his last song.

He looked around, everything was pitch black.

"Death may be the final outcome for others, but for me, it is obviously not."

Staying alone in the dark, without the concept of a body, as if you are just an invisible mass.

Garen didn't know how long he stayed in this darkness.

One day. Two days

One year.Two years

He didn't know how long he stayed. He took the initiative to count every minute. Unfortunately, after counting tens of millions, there was still no movement.

Gradually, he seemed to have returned to the time when he first traveled through the universe. Thinking gradually came to a standstill.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly, he seemed to have passed through some fog and saw a glimmer of light.

In the infinite distance in the darkness, a dark blue nebula finally slowly appeared. The nebula is getting closer and bigger.

On one of the light blue planets, scenes of continuous scenes flashed impressively. It seems like countless rays of light are radiating towards this side.

Garen only felt that he was watching these scenes with incomparable clarity. They were all the various events and changes that were constantly happening on that planet.

It flashed before his eyes like a movie.

Suddenly he felt a burning sensation coming from his side.

He looked down and saw a simple book pendant necklace floating slowly beside him. It was the Eternal Night Star Necklace that he had always worn.

Unfortunately, this necklace with unknown efficacy was already covered with dense cracks. Although the surface shone with a white shimmer, it was getting darker and darker, and seemed to be about to disappear completely.

A familiar light red symbol suddenly flashed under Garen's field of vision.

‘The unknown energy is about to be exhausted. The shuttle is about to stop. Will it automatically enter the nearest planet? ’

Garen was stunned. The Evernight Star actually existed as an energy source for traveling through the universe.

Reacting quickly, he answered immediately.


Suddenly, his innate abilities started to work, and he felt as if countless tiny red lines were flowing all over his body, pulling him towards a planet at a rapid speed. After a few beats and flashes, he was immediately at an extremely close distance.

The target planet is the one we just saw.

The planet grew larger and clearer, and Garen finally looked back behind him. A similarly light blue planet has completely turned into a small dot, as inconspicuous as the stars in the sky.

"I will return"

laugh! ! Speed ​​surges.

He only felt dizzy and completely lost consciousness. The stars of Eternal Night also made a complete click and shattered into countless fragments, scattered in the universe.



In a bright study room, a young man about twenty years old was writing something.

He sat at the red copper desk, holding a white quill pen and dipping it in black ink from time to time. After thinking for a while, he continued to write on the white paper.

The bright yellow candlelight illuminated his handsome and pale face.

‘On April 20, 3567 of the solar calendar, I met Miss Guillis from Walton again. Oh My God! For the third time in my life I was burned by her beauty. She is so beautiful, as pure as lilies, as bright as the moon, as beautiful as. As beautiful as..." The young man stopped writing decisively and began to think carefully about the next compliment.

"Ah!~~~~" He suddenly sighed and put a hand on his chest, "Beautiful Guilisi, I am your destined prince!!"


There was a slight running sound outside the door.

"Little Giles! You eavesdropped on me writing poetry again!! Stop!" The young man immediately dropped his pen and rushed to the door to open it. It was dark outside, and down the stairs from the second floor, a small figure was running down the stairs several times. , disappeared without a trace.

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