Mysterious journey

Chapter 230 Reason 1

Throughout Ahashia's life, this guy was addicted to gambling, fond of women, and had a funny mind. He was deceived by a woman named Guilis into not even knowing his mother's last name. He "sold" all the more important things in his home to Guilisi to increase his favorability.

Jia Lung took a deep breath, looked at the countless bad things on this body, and then compared it with his previous life, Jia Lung, and his previous life, Luo Jing. Although the first two have much higher IQs, they are obviously far less idiotic than this one.

"Okay. Let's see how the current situation is first."

He calmed down and began to carefully check the condition of his body.

The familiar light red power text appeared again at the bottom of the field of vision.

‘Strength 0.8. Agility 0.8. Constitution 0.7, intelligence 0.4. Potential 1872%. Has unknown qualifications.

Secret Martial Arts - God's Statue Skill, Vientiane Fighting Skills.

Full recovery time is 377 days (one year). ’

Garen frowned slightly.

"It actually takes a year to regain strength? And why is this body so weak? But what's going on with this unknown qualification?"

The power did not give a reply, obviously because the information in the memory was insufficient.

He continued to look at the last symbol.

Naturally, the meaning contained in a symbol quickly appeared in his mind.

‘Because the unknown energy protects the shuttle, the subject’s potential is not lost, and all states can be slowly restored through soul adjustment. ’

"Unknown energy? Does it mean the Eternal Night Star?" Garen thought thoughtfully, "The main body's potential has not been lost. Does it mean that if there is no Eternal Night Star, I will have to practice secret martial arts from scratch?"

He recalled the scene when he first traveled through time. At that time, he traveled all by himself. There may be some electrical energy in it, but that current is definitely very small.

Suddenly he saw a strange symbol at the end of the power column.

Not a light red, but a dark red that appeared for the first time.

He focused his attention on the symbol.

‘If you find unknown information, should you capture it? ’

‘Unknown image information found, do you want to capture it? ’

‘Start automatically protecting shuttle memory. Unknown image recording started.’

‘Unknown space-time fluctuations are generated. Energy is shattered. The fluctuations cease. Do you want to call up the recorded information? ’

Four pieces of information rushed into Garen's memory.

Obviously, if he didn't have supernatural protection, his memory might be erased by time and space travel.

He also vaguely understood at this time, and a faint enlightenment rose from his heart.

That red fragment unlocked his own superpowers, and in the previous world, Mi Wu achieved the unity of spirit, energy and spirit, pushing his superpowers to a level that no one could imagine.

Therefore, he could immediately recall the entire process of traveling this time, instead of just remembering a vague outline like the first time.

"But what is this record about?" Garen suddenly recalled the light on the planet he saw while traveling.

He pushed open the window and quickly cleaned the floor, leaving only some red oil that could not be removed. The room was filled with the smell of medicinal oil.

He had to leave the window open to let the cold wind blow in for ventilation.

Anyway, it would take a long time to regain his strength, so he simply pulled out a chair and sat down, and quietly began to recall the light he saw when he traveled back and forth.

It was an unparalleled light with no color. Now that Garen recalled it, he still couldn't tell what color it was.

It's like a 2D picture scene appears on a 3D object, and just by looking at the 2D picture, you can instantly read a lot of content that is not displayed. This weird feeling made him a little uncomfortable.

He firmly believes that as long as he understands the nature of his powers, he can find his way home, whether it is to the previous world or the original Earth.

In any case, there were too many things in the first two worlds that he couldn't let go of.

He leaned back on the chair and began to organize his thoughts one by one.

"How did you see that beam of light? Why didn't I see it the first time I traveled through time? Is it the function of my enhanced powers? And among so many planets, why can I find one so quickly? A planet with people? And it seems to be coming here specifically."

He recalled the scene during the shuttle.

As if there was a force pulling him, he was flying straight towards the planet, and at an extremely fast speed!

You must know that when he first traveled through the universe, he stayed in the universe for a long time and passed through countless uninhabited planets and star fields before he encountered Garen's planet.

But this time it was much faster no matter how you looked at it.

Finally, his eyes fell on the symbol behind the ability column again.

"It seems that we should be able to find clues from the unknown image information recorded."

‘Do you want to call up the recorded information? ’

The symbol appears again asking.


Garen replied in the affirmative.

Silently, a huge flow of information rushed into his mind.


He lowered his head and covered his head, only to feel his brain become confused for a moment. It was accompanied by a severe tearing headache, as if the brain had been split in two with an axe, and a bunch of stuff had been stuffed in the middle and then sewn shut.

The light from the planet's appearance quickly flooded into his memory.

Scene after scene, scene after scene, flashes and passes rapidly in the brain.

A series of wars, conflicts, changes.

The change of political power, the change of the world, the change of power.

That is the light from the past, the historical light emanating from the major events that have happened on this planet.

And he unexpectedly received it while traveling countless light years away.

Countless streams of information were suddenly poured into Garen's brain.

Earth Flower Society, Black Sky Society, Totem, Silver Lantern Master, Fall of Royal Power, Rise and Fall of Country, Transformation of Planet

A huge number of images flashed quickly in my mind instantly.

Soon, these pictures gradually connected into a complete structure

In October 3570 of the solar calendar, a great revolution and uprising occurred in Dongzhou.

The Kuwaitan Empire was the second country to fall.

What countless pictures tell is actually just a history.

There are a large number of political empires on the surface of this world. The emperors use cold weapons and backward firearms to rule the world.

But beneath the hidden reality, there is a group of people who call themselves Silver Lantern Masters. They hold power called totems.

Silver lantern masters are professional masters who make totems from silver and ignite them to produce special abilities. They are professionals in making totems and rare resource talents. The world revolves around the totem silver lantern masters. The silver lantern masters hide in the darkness of the world and hold the real power. They are divided into two main factions: the silver lanterns and the ghost silver lanterns, each adhering to different philosophies.

The change of the world is actually the change of the silver lantern masters.

The silver light that represents holiness and the ghost silver light that represents evil are the two main themes of the entire world. This actually represents the different views of the two factions, whether peace is the priority or the law of the jungle is the priority. This is the difference in management. One is that power should serve the peace of the majority of people, and the other is that the majority of people should serve the evolution of power. This is the difference between the two factions. This also represents two political systems: democracy and kingship.

Among them, the representative of silver lanterns is an organization of silver lantern makers called Dihua Society.

The representative of the ghost silver lantern is an organization of silver lantern masters called Black Sky Society.

The two factions have been fighting for a long time, and they are the strongest top forces in the entire silver lantern master totem world.

What drove the entire change was a young man named Baker Stone Eyes and some of his companions around him. They are the descendants of the Earth Flower Society who represent the light of silver, and are also the most powerful group of silver lantern masters in the future.

After Garen completely straightened out the entire structure, he finally understood some of the key points.

"To put it simply, it is the history of this man named Baker Stone Eyes and his friends, who went all the way through and finally defeated the ghost gate of the Black Sky Society, the master of the ghost silver lantern."

"Obviously, these things happened during the Great Uprising, when the king's power was shaky. And this body is still in a time when the king's power was stable, and the world had not even reported an uprising. If what I saw is true."

He suddenly remembered the information record he just saw.

The last record: the generation of unknown space-time fluctuations.

"Theoretically speaking, two planets suitable for human habitation are still between different galaxies, at least countless light years apart. And I span so many light years at once. According to the theory of relativity, going back in time is not It's impossible." He speculated carefully.

"If we really go back in time, then the things and scenes I saw might be everything that will happen to this planet in the future."

"In other words, I was countless light-years away, received unknown light with supernatural powers, and then saw what happened on this planet. But the super-light speed spanning countless light-years in an instant brought me back to where these things happened. The time before the great event?”

He could barely organize his current thoughts. Now only this guess can connect all the clues together and appear reasonable.

"Assuming these speculations are true, judging from the recorded information. The change ultimately ended with the failure of the Ghost Silver Lantern, the complete collapse of the Black Sky Society, and the complete establishment of a capitalist social system in the world. In other words, it was the Silver Lantern that gained Victory. From this point of view, this Baker Stone Eye is the legendary trend-setter, the so-called protagonist? He is a person who came into being at the right time. Even without him, a second Baker Stone Eye will emerge under the general trend. His little friend. This is caused by the urgent desire of the world class."

"The most troublesome thing now is not this." Garron frowned, "Judging from the memory of Ahashia in this body, his father Vindman is an upper-class noble of the Kuwaitan Empire and has strong power and influence. . And there is another identity, that is, as a silver lantern master on the edge of the Black Sky Society, but he is still relatively independent and has not completely fallen into it."

"But the situation is very bad." His face was gloomy. "If all those things are true and will happen in the future. The father of this body is Vindman. As a supporter of royal power, he also belongs to the Ghost Silver Lantern Sect. An ordinary silver lantern master. And Vindman, in the future scene, is one of the ghost silver lanterns destined to be killed by Baker Stone Eyes and Black Sky Society."

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