Mysterious journey

Chapter 259 Turmoil 2

He gently closed the illustrated book and looked out the window at the receding grassland.

In the distance, a group of cows and white sheep were sparsely walking among the grass. The strong wind blew the grass down continuously, causing ripples like waves.

"What a terrifying silver lantern master." He let out a sigh of relief, "What if I faced a giant lava wolf." He stopped speaking and simply imagined it. No matter how he simulated it, he was completely defeated. He couldn't even get close and was easily killed.

"It seems that we have to quickly choose the core totem and become a true silver lantern master earlier so that we can officially intervene in this world. There is only one and a half years left."

Garen put the illustrated book away in his bag, held the silver cane as long as his forearm, closed his eyes, and began to look at the attribute bar and skill bar below his field of vision.

Below the skill bar, a translucent red symbol is faintly appearing, like a growing embryo, jumping and flashing with a heart-like red halo.

Gallon discovered this yesterday. After careful observation, he discovered that inside this embryo, there seemed to be a delicate 3D image of a fluorescent butterfly.

This made him very happy. He had been looking forward to the ability to help him on the road of silver lantern masters. Otherwise, if he wanted to catch up with those elite silver lantern masters in more than a year, he would have to do A fantasy.

But now we can finally see some hope.

Super powers seem to be slowly including the totem fluorescent butterfly.

"Today's pattern will be clearer again." Garen withdrew his gaze, "I estimate that the specific effect will be demonstrated when we return to the manor. However, we cannot place our hopes only on this, we have to prepare in many aspects."

What he lacks now is the core totem.

During the shuttle scene, all battles are very blurry, obviously too complex and too volatile. All you can see is a mess of colors. You can probably only judge the strength from the degree of shaking. It's just that the specific totem form is not clear.

Garen refused to choose the totem of the Dasula school, mainly because he wanted to find a totem that was powerful enough to serve as his confidence in the future.

But such a totem must require detailed knowledge inheritance, how to cultivate it, how to care for it, what conditions are needed, and even the environment and time requirements.

It's just that he already has a certain plan.

The carriage arrived at each small town it passed, and Garon kept changing carriages, or joining the caravan, and soon approached the border of Green Forest Province.

Green Forest Province is a park province, covered by large forests and forests, and has an endless stream of tourists.

Garon arrived at Ferundur, a small city between Hana Province and Green Forest. From here, he took a sightseeing bus and headed to Terry Jones's territory in the middle of Green Forest.


Between the emerald green forest, two rectangular ox carts, like white buses, slowly moved forward in the sea of ​​trees.

The tour guide was the daughter of an Orion. He was holding a trumpet-shaped paper tube and was loudly introducing the customs and customs of Green Forest to the passengers in the car.

The car was full of tourists, mostly couples, couples, and families of three. There are workers, businessmen, small nobles, military officers, etc. There were almost twenty people in one car, men, women, old and young.

The cart is pulled by a sturdy black bull, with four heads and more than one meter tall, which is equivalent to a stronger version of an ordinary black bull. From time to time a low roar was emitted.

The wheels rattled over small rocks and pits from time to time, causing some shaking and unevenness.

Garen was sitting on the left side of the last row of the car, next to the window.

He was still wearing a gray robe, with a black leather box at his feet, and he was neatly dressed. He looks like a young teacher in a university, with a very gentle and gentle temperament.

Two people sat opposite him, a middle-aged male priest wearing black clothes with white trim, and a taciturn young girl.

The two seemed to be together. They didn't speak when they got in the car. It seemed that the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

It's been more than half an hour since the two got in the car, and they haven't said a word. On the contrary, the four people sitting opposite each other on the left were talking loudly. The four people were two young newlyweds. The men were talking passionately to each other. You talked about the glorious history, and I talked about the anecdotes. The two wives were bragging about the new things they bought at home and where they were imported. Also what kind of food was eaten and what chef cooked it.

Two pairs of vanity-loving petty-bourgeois families got together, and as a result, the people around them were also influenced by them, and began to use various ways to point out that they were not easy to mess with, and that they could be related to so-and-so.

So the poor tour guide could only talk dryly about the local customs and customs of Lusen, although it seemed that no one was listening.

Of course, there are a few people who don't like to participate, such as Gallon and the priest and girl sitting opposite. There was also a white-haired old couple and a young male officer sitting in the front seat next to them.

Garen reviewed his understanding of the basic techniques for a while. Feeling that his brain was a little tired, he paused and rested for a while.

He looked out the window and saw a metal street sign that had just passed by. There seemed to be something written on it. He didn't have time to see clearly.

"Excuse me, where are you now?" Garen asked politely to the black priest.

"Isenhar, it was written on the street sign just now." The priest replied with a gentle smile.

The girl next to me sneered,

"We turned left, and now we are going to White Gascar. Don't talk nonsense if you don't see clearly!"

"Maybe I saw it wrong, I'm sorry." The priest smiled at Garen in an educated manner. "If it's Baidi Gasca, it's almost there in one hour." He took out a pocket watch and checked the time.

"It's so fast. After passing Baidigaska, Terry Jones should be the one taking the lead, right?" Gallon asked again.

"Yes. The Terry Jones family is a local lord and aristocrat. They have maintained the original style of the territory very well. It is a good place for tourism." The priest nodded.

"We can see black swans there!" the girl rushed to say, "Oh my God, there are as many black swans as ducks there. It is a very famous scene!"

"But bandits are rampant there. We won't be robbed, right?" A man from the two couples on the left interjected worriedly.

"No, it is said that some time ago, the bandits there were almost wiped out." The priest replied warmly. "I once went there to pay tribute to a newly built chapel and visited the planning officer of the territory. I probably know a little bit about the situation."

"The planning officer there should still be Xinke, right? Zinke is an imperial official from Hana." The man asked.

"You know him too?" The priest was slightly surprised.

"I've met him several times. He's a very well-educated big man. We met him at a concert." The man replied slightly proudly.

"Sinke Planning Officer is said to have been transferred from Hana Province where there was unrest." The priest frowned and said,

"Unrest? Are you talking about those damn Nell thugs? I heard that the southwest is very serious right now. The governors of several cities have fled." The man suddenly lowered his voice.

"Don't talk nonsense about important matters in the empire!" The wife beside the man gently pulled him.

Immediately neither the man nor the priest said any more. It's just that his expression is a little serious. They all noticed that the male officer sitting in the front row looked here with a somewhat cold look.

Garen's heart moved.

"You just said that there was unrest in the southwest?" He looked at the priest and the man who had just spoken.

"Don't talk about it. It's better not to talk about such a national important matter on such an occasion." The priest reminded in a low voice.

"Can you tell me which cities are experiencing unrest?" Garen also lowered his voice and looked very interested.

The man on the side couldn't help but answered. "I heard they are Yunguang City and White Rose City."

"White rose!" Garen was slightly shocked, and a black and white square flag suddenly appeared in his memory. The black on the left is pure jet black, and the white on the right is the white rose flower that symbolizes purity and nobility.

"It finally started." He felt a little heavy.

The wheels of history finally began to roll.

According to the historical axis compiled by Garen, everything started with the war between the Black Sky Society and the Royal Alliance.

And this time the White Rose Rebellion was the beginning of the Black Sky Society's actions. It was also the beginning of the end of the royal alliance's thousands of years of rule.

Under the flames of war in the Black Sky Society, the huge, bloated and corrupt body of the Royal Alliance completely collapsed in just one year.

"The Royal Alliance will not collapse so easily." Garen began to think carefully in his mind, "According to the established history, the overall strength of the Royal Alliance is much stronger than the Black Sky Society in the early and mid-term, but it has been drawn into a large number of internal wars. Strength, internal and external troubles, coupled with the fact that the alliances are fighting on their own, and they also want to annex each other and do not rescue. This led to the outbreak of the second turmoil and the third war."

"Those stupid kings and royal families thought that this turmoil was the same as before and would be extinguished soon, and then they divided up the national interests cleared from the turmoil. Unfortunately, this time is different." Garen sat alone. on, my heart was filled with ups and downs.

The Battle of White Rose was an action taken by the Black Sky Society to challenge and test the authority of the Royal Alliance. They still believe that the royal alliance is powerful and do not dare to provoke large-scale conflicts. Unexpectedly, the results far exceeded their expectations.

A simple small-scale turmoil ended up destroying the small empire where it was located, and it also tended to spread to surrounding countries.

Garen's mind quickly wandered.

"This turmoil is unstoppable. Soon, two months later, the war will officially break out. The Black Sky Society declares war on the royal family. This war will spread to every corner of the world, and there will be no place to hide. Silver The lantern masters were also completely exposed to the public. They joined the army and fought life and death battles. I must determine my core totem within these two months, otherwise the war breaks out and my father is transferred to join the war. My safety is the main problem ”

This is the First World War of this world. The Black Sky Society provoked wars in twenty-three countries and launched the most powerful charge against the royal alliance of traditional powers. They did not use formal means, but the way of silver lantern masters, igniting the flames of war all over the world.

Garon remembered that during World War I, the Black Sky Society used totems as its foundation to create countless terrifying inhuman armies, destroying everything like a natural disaster. The royal alliance was defeated one after another, and large areas of territory were occupied.

Within a year, the royal families everywhere were finally defeated and the world was in chaos.

But in this near-apocalyptic situation, three extremely powerful and young heroes emerge. Grand Duke Gothic, Prince Alexander, and Queen Joan Annes.

The city where the three of them are located has become the front line in the fight against the Black Sky Society, and at the same time it has also restored the three major institutions that were about to collapse. Become the last resistance flag of the Royal Alliance.

What Garen wants to do now is to find his own core totem that is powerful enough from this turmoil.

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