Mysterious journey

Chapter 263 Totem Skill 2


He closed the door and hung up the chain.

In the dark room, Garen closed the curtains, lit the oil lamp, then dragged the box and sat on the bed.


The suitcase was opened gently by him. The contents inside are a large illustrated book and some coins and wheel cloths. There is also a change of clothes.

"Fortunately I didn't get burned."

Garen breathed a sigh of relief. This book was given to him by his teacher Ening. Even if he finished reading it, it would still have commemorative significance. There are also these coin-wheel cloths. Now he doesn't have much money with him.

He reached into his pocket, took out a gray money bag, and threw it on the bed. Then take out all the money from the box and put it together. Then start counting carefully.

After a while.

"2457 silver wheel cloth... 56 copper wheel cloth... and a bunch of copper change. I don't have much money." 1 silver wheel cloth is equal to 10 copper wheel cloth, which is equal to 100 coppers. The purchasing power of one silver wheel of cloth is slightly greater than one dollar on earth.

Garen frowned.

"It's definitely enough for daily use, but if you want to buy something, you better go check it out first."

He found a small map from his suitcase, unfolded it, and searched for parts of the Green Forest Province. Soon his index finger clicked on a point on the map.

There were annotation symbols next to the small dots on the map, and Garen followed the symbols to find the annotation.

‘Paxi Night Market opens at five in the morning and closes at eight. Pay management fee: 100 rounds of cloth. Size: Small. ’

"I can't go back to the manor for the time being, so I might as well go there now, maybe I can find an opportunity. Let's go to the night market tomorrow morning. Let's understand the current situation first." Garen made arrangements, went out to the hotel lobby, and ate whatever he wanted. Ordered mushroom soup and egg rolls, then returned to the guest room to rest.


The sky was slightly bright and the light was still dim in the morning.

On the border of the vast green sea of ​​trees, somewhere in a vast and deserted forest.

A white disk area is embedded in the middle of the green tree sea, like a white pattern on the green carpet.

In the white disk area, you can vaguely see the bustling crowd flowing in and out.

There are four entrances and exits around the disk, each connecting four slender white lanes.

Guards in gray robes and cloaks were guarding the entrance and exit, collecting coins from people entering.

People coming in and out are dressed in different clothes, some are sloppy and dirty, some are gorgeously dressed, some are exquisitely dressed, and some are simply dressed.

At the entrance and exit due south, two men who looked like brothers paid money and entered, and then a young man in gray robe came over.

The young man wore a hood, with a hint of blond hair showing, and his face was fair and handsome. The figure is slightly muscular, but well proportioned.

He took out a stack of silver wheel cloth and put it into the large donation box guarded on the left. Then he received a number plate from the other party and hung it on his wrist.

This person is Galen who came all the way following the map.

He entered the disc area and glanced at the entire field.

In the white disk area, there are more than a dozen white stone huts built, with various name wooden plaques hanging on the corners of the houses.

Repair shop, equipment shop, totem shop, raw material shop, etc.

The stone house is about the same size as an ordinary store, and there is a constant stream of people coming in and out of the door.

Garen looked at the people coming in and out around him, and two out of ten had silver auras on them.

He frowned, increased his vigilance, and walked towards a stone house. The stone house bears the sign of a totem shop. It is very simple and obviously temporary.

The inside of the store is in a zigzag layout, with glass crystal cabinets in two circles, one small and one large, filled with various totems.

All were silver, and obviously all were inactive.

Three beautiful girls wearing white short skirts and smiling coquettishly were selling totems to the customers.

There were not many people in the shop, only four or five, and they all looked like Galleon, very young.

As soon as Garen entered the door, he saw a girl in a short skirt walking towards him.

"Hello sir, do you have any totems that you need?"

"Let me just take a look first." Garen replied casually.

"Okay, take your time. If you need anything, you can call me anytime." The girl bowed with a gentle smile, then walked away to greet other guests.

Garen walked around the counter.

Each totem is a small auxiliary totem, including mice, cats, dogs, various birds, and snakes.

He looked at an eagle totem with a price tag of 250,000 silver wheel cloth. Suddenly his heart skipped a beat. All the money he had on him now was less than 10,000 silver wheel cloth.

After maintaining his composure, Garen left the totem shop and went to other shops around him. Repair shops and equipment shops were all ridiculously expensive. There are only raw material stores, and the prices are slightly cheaper.

Gallon bought a book "A Brief Talk on Totems" and several of the most commonly used standard encryption passwords. Then there was only 120 silver wheel cloth left on me.

He went to the totem shop again and asked about the core totems. I learned that core totems can only be made to order, and they are only sold in larger night markets. They are all standard series. The price was also much more expensive. The girl in charge told him directly that he needed to pay a deposit of two million silver wheel cloth for customization. After that, it would depend on what requirements were required. The more difficult the requirements, the more money would be needed.

Garen carefully calculated the cost if he customized the core totem of the White Bear.

It was calculated that it would cost at least tens of millions of silver wheel cloth!

Only then did he understand how much teacher Aining had invested in him.


Near Terry Jones Manor

In the charred woods on the edge of Black Swan Lake.

Vindman and two old men in white robes stood together, surrounded by a mess. The tree trunks in some places were even frozen, and some were burning.

"It's them again, they don't know whether to live or die!" An old man in white robe said solemnly, "Do you think this is a small, backward country like Bai Qiangwei?"

"It all depends on the two of them." Vindman looked at the two old men with respect, "The Black Sky Society is getting more and more bold, and now there is a totem master in the second form. Isn't there any response from above?"

The two old men looked at each other and saw a trace of helplessness in each other's eyes.

"We have to trust the agencies. The royal family will not watch the Black Sky Society continue to plunder. All we have to do is wait."

"Understood." Vindman nodded.

"Don't worry, although the second form is a little more troublesome, it can still be solved." An old man patted Vindman on the shoulder.

Vindman nodded, but there was a gloomy look in his eyes. He was not the kind of person to trust his own safety to others.


in the hotel room

Garen was half lying on the bed, turning the pages of "A Brief Talk on Totems" in his hand by the light of an oil lamp.

In the quiet night, there was only the sound of pages turning. Soon he turned to the place where he needed it most.

‘Classification of totems: animal system, plant system, and theoretical element system. ’

‘Animal type is a popular type that ordinary silver lantern masters can understand. Various dangerous creatures can evolve into powerful legendary creatures. Of course, the difficulty of evolution continues to increase with levels.

The plant system is a field that high-end silver lamp masters have been studying. It is powerful and has the ability to heal itself. It is the most ideal totem technology. This kind of totem is said to have appeared several times in history, but it quickly disappeared.

The elemental system, the pinnacle totem worshiped by the Ghost Silver Lanterns, is an incomprehensible system. If there are traces of the plant system, then the elemental system is a myth with no understanding of its principles. Therefore, the element system only exists in theory, and I have never heard of anyone being able to realize it. ’

"Three series?" Garen frowned and continued to read.

‘The animal type is the weakest, but it is also the most popular. The first form of the plant system is equivalent to the second form of the animal system. But the difficulty is dozens of times that of the animal system, whether it is making, lighting, or operating. Therefore, the mainstream of silver lantern designers is still animal-based. ’

‘The animal system is divided into three parts: ground, air, and aquatic. The most popular ones now are wolf, leopard and eagle. Various schools, associations, and workshops have conducted very in-depth research on these three categories. Many of the best-selling models on the market are based on the three optimal structural theories originally proposed by the Heath School. Referred to as the Heath doctrine. This theory integrates various totems, and ultimately determines that the three totems of wolf, leopard and eagle are the simplest and easiest to make, control and maintain. Its evolution is also easier than other totems. This has resulted in the current phenomenon of numerous types of these three types of totems. The following book will list the distribution and origin of famous totems in various places for everyone to understand. ’

Garen's eyes moved down, and he suddenly saw a small box list, which was densely packed with various totem names and the organizations they belonged to.

Soon he found the Darsu La school of thought, and the corresponding totem was the black wolf totem.

With a bang, I turned to the next page.

‘The national animals designated by various countries actually indicate to a large extent the main royal totems of each country. For example: the Whiteman Empire, the national animal is the white bat. Vitamontilla, the national animal, the white water bird’

Garon soon found the Kuwaitan Empire.

‘The Kuwaitan Empire, Red Wolf. ’

Garen was about to continue turning the next page when suddenly a red light flashed under his vision.

He was stunned for a moment.

In the skill bar below the field of vision, the three-dimensional image of the fluorescent butterfly has finally taken shape!

He took a deep breath to calm down his somewhat excited heart. After a few minutes, he opened his eyes and looked at the skill bar.

‘Fluorescent Butterfly: The first form of totem, which can be improved. Evolution success rate: 21%. Potential points consumed: 500%.

Ability: Poison powder attack (poisonous butterfly powder is released, and can only be released three times a day. Effect: paralysis, death.)'

Garon noticed that the entire Fluorescent Butterfly seemed to be formulated as a skill.

"Does this mean that I can directly evolve the totem through potential points?"

He looked at his remaining potential points, which was 1272%.

"It seems that the most important issues now are two. The first is to determine the core totem, and the second is to find new sources to obtain potential points. The success rate of 21% is too low. There are too few potential points now. "

Garen recalled the three heroes who emerged in the later period. They were all absolutely powerful mainstays in the catastrophe not far away. Among them, the one that best suits his style is

"It seems we must go to Titan City as soon as possible."

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