Mysterious journey

Chapter 266 Robber 1

Among the continuous earth-yellow mountains, the carriage roads are like gray cotton threads, winding between the yellow rock mountains. A few clusters of small green trees are scattered sparsely, like a few dots of green ink accidentally splashed on a yellow canvas.

The afternoon sun fell on a high rocky cliff between the earthy mountains.

Four young men in khaki hunting attire were lying quietly under the shade of a fruit tree. They were nibbling round red fruits in their hands while staring carefully below.

There is a gray lane below, in the gap between two cliffs.

The four of them were lying on the cliff on one side, staring closely at the crack in the middle lane.

There were three men and one woman in total, and they looked like a small team.

"Garen, let your butterfly fly a little further east. See if you find anything?" one of the kind-faced young men whispered. "We've been waiting here for so long, but we haven't found anything. Isn't it said that it is easiest for robbers to attack here?"

"Let me give it a try." A handsome young man with blond hair sat under the tree trunk. It was Garen who came from Titan City. "My fluorescent butterflies are too conspicuous in this kind of terrain, and the maximum control range cannot exceed 3 kilometers."

"Now we can do nothing but wait." Goethe lay on his back, holding the fruit in one hand and gnawing hard. Five or six fruit cores were already missing beside him.

"Be patient." Jessica replied quietly.


Goethe chewed the lipstick fruit hard, looking bored.

Time passed by minute by minute, and soon more than half an hour passed.

"We've discovered it!" Garen suddenly stood up, "The robber has been discovered!"

"Specific location? I'll let Black Panther go there!" Andy stood up immediately.

Garen frowned.

"The robbers have just evacuated, I'm afraid we are a step too late."

"Don't worry about it, we'll talk about it when we get there first."

The four of them got up and quickly rushed towards the direction Garen pointed.

Along the slope of the khaki and gray stone mountain, the four of them quickly went down the mountain and onto the upper slope of another small stone mountain.

As soon as they climbed over the hillside, the four of them were stunned by the scene in front of them.

Several white cattle carts overturned on the ground, and the black cattle pulling the carts fell in a pool of blood, surrounded by swarms of blowflies.

An area the size of a football field was littered with corpses. The stench of blood kept evaporating, giving people a feeling of chest tightness.

The corpses stretched for thirty to forty meters, and not a single living person could be seen in the lane from left to right.

The four members of the Black Panther team just stood there for a moment, and Jessica couldn't help but cover her mouth and retched.

Andy took a deep breath, frowning and scanning the scene in front of him. "It's too tragic. Let's see if there are any survivors first."

Goethe patted Jessica on the shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Although his face was pale and he looked uncomfortable, his endurance was obviously much stronger than Jessica's.


Garen's expression remained unchanged, but his brows furrowed slightly.

"I have seen worse places before. Now is not the time to talk. Go and see if you can find any survivors. The robbers have just left. If they turn back, it will be troublesome."

Goethe snorted.

"It would be better to turn back. All such scum should be arrested and sentenced to death!"

"I'm afraid we don't have the ability." Andy walked to the pile of corpses and began to examine them carefully.

The more he checked, the uglier he looked.

"At least three totem masters took action! One of them is obviously Type 2 in lethality!"

"Type 2." Goethe stopped talking. "It's impossible for a Type 2 totem master to be short of money! How can he become a robber?"

No one answered him, and everyone wanted to know why.

Garen might have guessed a little bit, but he didn't say anything.

The four people began to search for survivors in the pile of corpses, spreading out from the middle to both sides to check.

After a while, a voice of surprise came from Jessica.

"I've found something! Come on, everyone!"

Garen turned his head and looked over there, and saw Jessica pulling open a wooden board in the carriage and taking out a white swaddle from a hole inside.

"This baby is still alive!" Jessica shouted excitedly.

The four people quickly gathered and formed a circle around Jessica.

I saw that the baby was sleeping soundly in his swaddling clothes, and even after being held and rocked by Jessica for a few times, he didn't wake up. Looks like he's sleeping soundly. There were only a lot of incompletely dried tears in the corners of his eyes, obviously he had been crying for a while.

Andy reached out and touched the baby's forehead and nostrils.

"Fortunately, I'm not sick, and my breathing is normal. I've asked the Black Panther to summon the nearby pickets. Someone should be here to deal with it soon."

Garen stood aside and watched the three people gathered around the baby. He tried to find the memory of this time from the pictures he saw. Unfortunately, not everything was included in the pictures. Only the extremely important parts were recorded. There is no record of such ordinary moments.

He raised his head and looked at the blue fluorescent butterflies hovering in the sky above him. Suddenly his expression changed.

"Be careful, someone is coming! It's a robber!"

"How many people are there?" Andy asked calmly.

"Five people!" Garen's expression changed slightly, "Three of them have totems!"

"Get out quickly!"

"It's too late! Hide quickly. They are so fast! Get down! Pay attention to your breathing!" Garen immediately fell down into a stone groove on the side.

Andy and Jessica quickly climbed in, leaned down, and carefully placed the baby next to them.

Only Goethe was slow to react and hadn't figured out what to do.

Garen gave him a hard pull, tore the guy off in one fell swoop, and dumped him into the groove of the stone.

"Ouch! You."


Garen quickly pointed to his mouth.

On the far right side of the corpse scene, from the corner of the driveway, a group of figures in black robes quickly walked out.

The daylight was bright, but they all wore pitch black robes without any impurities, and even their heads were covered tightly.

There were five people in this group of black robes, one of whom was leading the way, wearing a black robe embroidered with white edges. The most eye-catching thing is a huge black python hanging on this man's shoulder.

The giant python glanced at it and saw that it was like a thick black thread hanging on the right shoulder of the man in black robe. This snake seems to be similar to ordinary snakes, except that it has a third eye between its eyebrows. It's a green vertical pupil.

Three light green eyes stared at everything around them coldly and cruelly, spitting out scarlet snake cores from time to time.

"It's a three-eyed black python!! Damn it! It's really Type 2!" Andy cursed in a low voice, "How can a Type 2 totem master do such a promising thing as a robber!"

"Shhh" Garen felt like he was being pinched.

Andy immediately stopped talking. His voice was very small, but the other party seemed to hear something faintly, and his eyes actually looked over here. His eyes were a little confused.

The four of them were shocked and quickly lowered their heads, not daring to look any further.

Garen also felt his heartbeat pounding.

The second type is a totem master or silver lantern master whose totem has evolved into its second form. He had seen with his own eyes the scene of Type 2 Totem Masters fighting.

His teacher Aining had fought a Type 2 totem master and nearly lost his life. He was still recuperating and slowly recovering. If it were the previous world, the strength of this kind of silver lantern master would definitely exceed B level. If it angered the opponent, it would be like a humanoid nuclear bomb, but the range is not as large as a nuclear bomb.

Garen also understood now that most of the silver lantern masters were ordinary type one totem masters, and those who were qualified to evolve into type two were people supported by different organizations.

With the silver light of his current fluorescent butterfly, not to mention the second type, even the first type silver lantern master, or totem master, he can't break the opponent's silver light.

This is the most troublesome point.

Garen himself knew very well that although he had some experience in combining secret martial arts and totem moves. But it's okay when dealing with mortals, but pales in comparison when encountering a silver lantern master. It is estimated that it would take more than ten or twenty minutes for a type-I silver lantern master to break through the defense while he was standing still.

In the field of silver lantern masters, in fact, only those with type 2 totems can be considered a true silver lantern master totem master. Because starting from the second type, the totem will be greatly improved in various ways. Many have special abilities.

It's just that the resources and knowledge required for type 2 totems are a jaw-dropping number.

Lying in the groove, Garen also saw the pale faces of the three people around him.

"The three-eyed black python is the second type of totem of the black python. I have seen its ability." Andy said in a very soft voice, almost in a breathy voice. "Garen, don't come out. The third eye of the three-eyed black python will release green corrosive light. You don't have a core totem, so you can't stop it."

Garen's heart trembled. Nod.

After laying their heads down for a while, the four of them did not dare to express their anger. They could only listen to the footsteps approaching in the driveway and did not dare to look up at all.

The footsteps got closer and closer, then stopped at a certain point.

"Gaduma, Angis Latin Hut." A young woman's voice sounded, which was completely incomprehensible.

Garen frowned and looked at the other people. Andy shook his head, indicating that he didn't understand. Goethe simply looked confused. Just Jessica.

Jessica glanced at the three of them and began to translate into Kuwaitan, using her mouth movements to read word by word to the three of them.

Titan City is nominally a vassal state of Kuwaitan. The territorial lords here are also involved in the royal family of Kuwaitan, so they always speak Kuwaitan with a slight local accent.

But what this woman in black robe said sounded more like some kind of southern dialect, which was very convoluted.

Jessica began to translate sentence by sentence for the three of them.

The young woman said: "Captain, my totem clearly noticed someone coming just now."

"How many are there in total?" This seemed to be the voice of a man in black robes. It was low and controlled, giving people a sense of restraint.

"Four people." The woman answered.

"Dress up?"

"It's yellow clothes."

"Then it's not a picket team anymore." The captain whispered, "Let's go, those people should be passers-by, but there should be people from the picket team coming soon."


The footsteps gradually faded away.

The four people in the stone groove all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh? Someone has moved here!" The woman's voice sounded again, "There is actually a hidden compartment here. There should be something hidden in it!"

The footsteps stopped for a moment.

The four people's hearts were lifted again.

"It seems there may be still alive... Haha, interesting. Granya, search the surroundings to see if there are any alive." came the captain's voice.

"Yes." The female voice responded.

Suddenly, a sharp crow sounded.

Ga! !

The cry was brief and sharp, then stopped.

"There are no survivors in the convoy." The woman's voice answered.

"Forget it, let's go." The captain said calmly.

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