Mysterious journey

Chapter 273 Investigation 2

Two days later.

night time

On the vast grassland plain, behind a small hill, two piles of yellow bonfires were not far apart, glowing with two pale yellow haloes.

The two teams were gathered around the campfire, each making their own preparations.

"Gallon, you are responsible for the reconnaissance tonight. It's up to you tonight." Andy whispered to Gallon.

"Go to sleep, don't worry." Garen nodded and stood up.

The investigation was mainly carried out by him and Villari, both of whom were flying totems. Villari's is a small blue bird, very fast, and can be used as a letter.

The division of labor in these two days has made everyone familiar with each other.

Jana and Verali were sitting next to their captain, warming themselves over a bonfire. Seeing Garon getting up, Jana finally couldn't help but ask.

"Quidulan, what is Garon's core totem? Why do we only see him using fluorescent butterflies as totems these days? This kind of totem is very unpopular, no one has even studied its subsequent evolutionary route."

Quedulan was fiddling with the bonfire. Hearing this, he raised his head and gave her a surprised look.

"I advise you to have less contact with him, core totem? Don't you know that you and he have been together recently?"

"What do you know?" Jiana asked with a frown.

"This Garonne has no core totem. He only plays a reconnaissance role in their team." Quadulan glanced at Jiana strangely, "If you think he is a noble child, then you are wrong. That Garen Long used to work in the repair totem shop over at the night market, and was later recruited by Andy. Even if he is a son of an aristocrat, he is just a down-and-out aristocrat. So I advise you to find out first before making any plans. I thought you knew."

Jana was in a daze.

She didn't expect the answer she'd been guessing to be so simple.

However, she still trusted her own vision. There was always an aura about this Garen that she couldn't see through. It was very weird anyway. He will definitely not be an ordinary totem master.

"Don't think too much. Children of nobles are all people who attach great importance to their own safety. If they don't have core totems, they can't guarantee their own safety in this kind of mission." Villali couldn't help but said on the side. "That guy is actually the weakest in our team." He had been dissatisfied with Garen for a long time. Every time he saw Jana taking the initiative to talk to Garen and Garen still seemed to ignore her, he would get angry.

"Let's take a look again." Jiana frowned and whispered, but her heart became much colder. I started to have some doubts about my guess.

Early the next morning

Garen took back the fluorescent butterfly and was about to get on the horse and slowly practice taking a nap. The horse can be led by the attached rope.

He soon discovered that Jana, who usually came over to chat with him from time to time, was much colder at this time, and she was riding her horse and chatting with Verali.

He rarely had time to spare, so he was riding a horse a little behind. Start checking in on your current situation.

After hunting so many missions in the War Guild, he also had a general understanding of the situation of the Silver Lantern Master.

Generally, totems are divided into two categories, silver lanterns and ghost silver lanterns. There are fewer ghost silver lanterns, but all of them are very powerful. The scar left on Garen's neck was left by a ghost silver lamp.

He thinks that he has no core totem now, so his strength and secret martial arts are about the same as Type 1 Ghost Silver Lantern, and he is at the pinnacle of Type 1 Totem Masters. But if you want to confront the type 2 totem master head-on, it is beyond its capabilities.

Among the two teams present, only Andy and Quedulan were stronger. Judging from the strength of the control totem and totem light, they were the two strongest, and they were the main force in frontal combat. The rest are all fledglings, that is, at the popular level. They all rely on totems to fight, and they can only rely on the totems to distinguish their strength.

Just as he was thinking about something, he saw Verali whispering something in Quedulan's ear in front of him. Quedulan nodded and looked back at him.

"Garen, I want to check out the small forest on the left in front, please ask your butterfly to go there."

Garen nodded, took out his silver short staff and released the blue fluorescent butterfly, asking it to patrol the small woods on the right side in front of him.

Nothing was gained. The fluorescent butterfly flew back and the team moved on.

After a while, Garen was about to take a nap when he heard another voice coming from the front.

"Gallon, don't be too busy sleeping now. There seems to be something going on later. Let Fluorescent Butterfly take a look." Villali said loudly.

Garen stayed up all night last night, and now he is sleepy. He is ready to take a rest and regain his energy. Wenyan opened his eyes and frowned.

"Virali, you are also a flying totem, why do you always ask Gallon to do things?" Jessica asked somewhat unpleasantly.

"He is the weakest, so he should do more things." Villali curled his lips and said naturally.

"Forget it, it's okay." Garen didn't want to cause trouble with this team. This mission was of great importance to him, and he didn't want to overly influence the inertia of history.

He released the fluorescent butterfly, circled behind it, and chased away a few immature deer, before flying back and landing on Garon's shoulder.

The cavalry slowed down and moved forward neither fast nor slowly. The group of people simply got food and water right away. It wasn't until the afternoon that we stopped to let the horses rest and drink water.

In the afternoon.

Jiana hesitated for a while, then came over to chat with Garen for a few words. Villari couldn't stand it anymore. From the captain, he finally knew that Garen was not a nobleman at all. Even if they are, they are just down-and-out nobles, nothing to fear. Now that I see Jana approaching Garen, I feel even more uncomfortable.

"Garen, I'm a little sleepy. Let's take a nap first. I'll leave the patrol to you." Verali walked up to Garen and said loudly.

"What do you mean?" Andy frowned and stood up. "It's your patrol time during the day, right?"

"Forget it, forget it." Garen didn't say much. He had amazing endurance, practiced secret martial arts, and was extremely energetic. This was nothing. This mission is related to Goth's outbreak and the changes that may occur after he joins the team. He didn't want to fall out with Quadulan over a trivial matter. After all, in the scene in his memory, Quadulan and others also entered the lair together.

Seeing that Garen didn't care, Andy and Goethe, who was about to stand up, couldn't say anything and had to sit down.

Garen followed the request and began to patrol the surrounding area.

When he stood up, Villari whispered something to him.

"I'm just giving you a little lesson. If you're sensible, stay away from Jiana, otherwise it won't be so easy next time."

Garen wanted to laugh a little.

This kid actually dared to threaten him. This brat who couldn't smell any blood on his body actually dared to stand in front of him and threaten him face to face.

If he hadn't been afraid that too many changes would lead to too many changes in this mission, he would have slapped this guy away.

After a round of inspection, we returned to the temporary camp. Garen sat down next to Goethe and watched this guy eat half a breadstick like a pig. He suddenly felt very hungry. He took the hard breadstick and dipped it in ketchup. It tasted amazing. It also has a little sweetness.

"Garen, go get some water from around." Virali's voice came again.

"Hey, what do you mean?" Goethe rushed up. "You have hands and feet and you don't know how to do it?"

Villari also stood up and sneered. "People who don't even have a core totem are just a drag anyway. If they don't do more, why should they be given a share of the head money? Everyone in this team is a person who can contribute to the team and can contribute. Human. He is the only one. Totem is so weak and he is not the core. It can only be a drag on the team."

"Okay, Verali, are you done?" Jana finally couldn't stand it anymore, stood up and said coldly. "Don't make me look down on you!"

"Okay, okay, stop arguing." Andy and Qudulan both stood up. Qudulan frowned and glanced at Garen, "This matter ends here."

Verali gave Garen a sharp look, feeling even more unhappy because he was reprimanded by Jana.

The two groups were immediately speechless and separated into two groups, each sitting together.

After enough rest, we hit the road again.

Although Jana also knew that Garen was not a noble child as expected, she still couldn't do what Verali did. She didn't want to cause the two teams to separate directly because of this matter. So I apologized to Garen in person and chatted for a while.

It's a pity that Verali, who was just a little angry at first, became even more angry when he saw that Jana wanted to get close to her.

Judging from the gloomy look on his face, it was obvious that he hated Garen.

Four full days have passed.

The two teams gradually went deeper into the wild, and the surrounding human settlements and hunting houses became increasingly sparse, until they were completely invisible.

There are more and more weeds on the road, almost covering the road. And it's also covered with a lot of small gravel.

The two captains got together and studied the route with a map. They quickly got off the carriage road and followed a narrow loess path to another unknown area.

All around are endless green grasslands, with almost no trace of human beings. More and more sparse woods appeared, and it was obvious that they had left the loess plain area.

The team moved forward and finally found a small mountain-shaped hill, and the whole team stopped.

"It starts here." Andy held the map and compared it.

"There are bloodstains here!" Quadulan squatted behind the hills and shouted loudly. "The mission content said that several people disappeared here, leaving traces of bloodstains and fights. It seems that this is the right place."

Everyone gathered around and saw that there were still dried black and red blood scabs on the grass. The soil underneath was also dyed black and red, which was very conspicuous.

"Fortunately, it hasn't rained these days, so the blood has not been washed away." Quidulan said in a low voice. "Look at the map to find the way there? If I guessed correctly, there should be a bandit's lair nearby."

"It was mentioned in the mission that ordinary city guards came to check several times, but there were no results. That's why the mission was submitted to the guild. But I guess they are just cunning ordinary mortals, so the problem is not big." Andy walked over and unfolded the map and said . "Look to the right side from here and there should be an underground cave. The last time the city guards entered was five days before receiving the mission.

, it’s too dark inside, and there are many traps that make it impossible to move forward. After injuring a few people, the city guards came out. Just mentioned on the mission. "

"Let's go in and take a look." Quadulan stood up.

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