Mysterious journey

Chapter 281 Reward 2

After he took the crystal ball into his hand, it suddenly glowed with a faint red light.

Like liquid, a line of text emerged from inside.

‘Please enter your voiceprint to unlock’


‘Unlocked successfully, Dear Lord Gallon, your upper limit of control modules is 9. Silvered creatures are limited to animals. Control has been transferred. ’

A row of data status automatically appears below.

‘The light intensity of the main totem: one type is ordinary. (The silver totem controlled by your current module will provide you with the same intensity of totem light as the public totem masters. Please note that only the totem light intensity provided by the silver totem controlled by the deducer is calculated here. The intensity of your own totem is Unable to calculate, if you need to test, please go to the third black day for defense assessment)

(The specific grading levels are for reference and comparison in the database collected by Black Sky Society. The database needs to be updated every two years to ensure authenticity and rationality, so that you can have a clearer understanding of the specific positioning of each totem.)’

Garen understood that this Type 1 was ordinary, and if it was the Black Sky Society's assessment, it should be very accurate.

Type 1 Normal means that among Type 1 Silver Lantern Masters, the additional totem light provided by the Roaring Wolf Rabbit has the same defensive power as the Type 1 normal totem. There may be subtle differences, but they are roughly the same.

"The Roaring Wolf and Rabbit is a type 2 totem, but it only gave me the light of type 1 totem. It seems that the rabbit itself is too weak. Maybe I can choose a stronger biological silver."

Garen had some concerns in his mind.

"The evolution of the silver totem consumes less than the totem controlled by oneself, but it requires eating and excretion. And the strength is probably not as good as the real totem." Garen carefully compared the difference between the silver totem and the original totem.

"A silver totem, a little rabbit, needs two potential points to evolve to type two. My fluorescent butterfly needs 5 potential points to evolve to type two, and the chance is astonishingly low, only 21%. The success rate. Logically speaking, fluorescent butterflies should not be so much higher than rabbits. From this point of view, it is probably due to the difference in the totem itself."

Garen breathed a sigh of relief.

"When my body is completely healed, I will go to the market to see if there are any rare animals that can be bought as silver totems. Since there are atavistic creatures now, after my silver totem evolves, I can also disguise myself as a silver totem. The atavism phenomenon, since the silver lantern masters have evolved all kinds of strange forms, it should not have any impact."

Garen remembered that there seemed to be a large wild animal market in Titan City, where all kinds of animals were sold as food and pets.

There are a total of five districts in Titan City, and the five sectors form a complete circle, which is the entire Titan City area.

Noble area, trade area, civilian area, mixed area and the largest Titan area.

There are two pet markets in the trade area, which specialize in providing various pets for sale to big businessmen and nobles in the noble area. There is also an irregular animal market in the mixed area. Some animals caught by hunters are sold here, but it depends on luck.

Finally, there is the Tietan District, which has the largest wild animal market and a weekly beast wrestling show. Galen heard this from a familiar grain and oil boss.

Tietan District is a mixed bag, with colleges, hospitals, government departments, factories, wholesale markets, etc., everything can be found there. The entire Tietan District occupies most of the city. There are extremely prosperous banquet halls, and there are also impoverished slums.

Compared to extremely expensive unactivated totems, these wild animals are much cheaper. Galleons are completely affordable with the current income.

After making up his mind, Garen began to carefully study the crystal ball of the deducer in his hand.

This thing is like a touch-screen computer, and you can encounter some strange functions from time to time.

After studying the deducer for a while, Garen accidentally dug out some information stored in it.

This deduction device is used at the general level. According to the above display, there is also a school level below. At the school level, one can control silver totems within five heads.

From the general level up, there is also the commander level, which can control twenty silver totems.

Thinking of the war that is about to break out later, the overwhelming silver totems. Obviously, the number of deducers at the school level is far more than that at the general and commander levels. In addition, after the deducer silvers a creature, once the creature dies, it can immediately re-silver a new creature. There is no time limit.

Unlike the original totem, which requires at least a five-year gap.

After staying in the hospital for a full week, Gallon fully recovered.

Most of the burns on his body have healed, leaving only large scars. Andy and Goethe, on the other hand, were not as quick as him and were still lying in the hospital. I have to lie down for at least half a month before I can be discharged from the hospital.

Their families on both sides came to visit occasionally. Jessica was not injured, but she often came to take care of the two of them. Goethe's mother also came over a few times, taking care of Goethe with Jessica.

Before Galen was discharged from the hospital, he had a pretty good relationship with Goethe's mother and Andy's brother and sister's family.

But this time he was mainly a soy sauce player. The main players were Goethe and Andy. Relatively speaking, there was some separation.

Garen didn't care either. As long as he was still in the team, he would be taken care of by Goth, and the level of tasks he could perform in the future would also increase rapidly.

Seeing that Garen was discharged from the hospital early, Andy and Goethe unanimously asked Garen to submit a task to the guild. There is a totem master in this mission, and his level must be raised several levels.


Hire Silver Lantern Engineer ICBC

In the spacious and deserted hall, Garen stood in front of the task handover window and looked at the young girl staff member inside.

Gallon took out Andy's mission medal and handed it over.

"Have the subsequent investigators already visited the investigation mission that the Black Panther Team received? What is the mission level now?"

The female staff member took the medal, flipped through the thick notebook, and quickly found the record.

"Yes, the Black Panther team took on a reconnaissance mission to investigate the bandits' lair. In addition, there were three other teams that took over this mission. There was an abnormal change in the mission location five days ago, and the level is now upgraded to difficulty level."

She raised her head and looked at Garen.

"Are you the representative of the Black Panther Team?"


The female staff member looked at the medal, picked up a pen and wrote something down in the record.

"Okay, come with me, your reward is at the back."

Garen walked in through the small door on the side and followed the staff into the inner room.

There were some large items placed in the room inside, all covered with black cloth, so you couldn't see what was underneath.

The staff said as they walked.

"Many of the tasks this time have been increased in difficulty, and most of the rewards have been added from above. The same goes for your tasks, with a lot of good things added."

She took out a list and handed it to Garen.

Garen took it and looked at it. The additions to the list are all great.

Among them, two unactivated white dragon eagle totems caught Garen's attention.

The White Dragon Eagle Totem, this is the most powerful totem in Titan City, with a market price of 900,000 yuan, and it is not yet available to buy. It is known as the most ferocious bird in the animal system. This is the family totem of the Grand Duke, although it is difficult for outsiders to cultivate and evolve to the highest level. level, but even if it can reach the second type, it will be extremely powerful.

Feathers like steel, lightning speed, extremely sharp claws, and powerful special abilities.

The White Dragon Eagle Type 2 of the Grand Duke family has a special ability called tearing roar.

Similar to the infrasonic attack of the bat totem, but far more powerful than a bat. It is impossible for an ordinary type 1 totem to withstand the tearing roar. This kind of roaring sound wave impacts from high altitude. It once killed the type 2 of the same level within ten meters. A totem master who breaks the totem's light is directly shocked to the point where he bleeds from his orifices and dies. The power can be regarded as one of the strongest totems among the known second-type totems.

This is all because of its strong foundation.

There are actually countless changes in the cultivation of totems, just like biological evolution. Different conditions are given, and the direction of evolution is also different. The basic body of the White Dragon Eagle is powerful, and it will not be any worse no matter how it evolves.

It is one of the best basic totems.

The directional instructions of the Grand Duke family summarized an evolutionary direction that is most suitable for them.

The white dragon eagle would not originally be circulated in the market. This top-level totem is made by imitating the long-extinct creature dragon eagle. Only the Grand Duke family, the rulers of Titan City, control the flow of White Dragon Eagles.

Now, it is obvious that these two white dragon eagle totems are special rewards given by the Grand Duke family.

Gallon felt a little eager.

He has the ability to forcibly evolve. Unlike other totem masters, the totem will self-destruct after the evolution fails.

The failure of the potential point to evolve will not affect the totem itself at all. This is clearly explained by the symbol above.

As long as he gets a powerful type 1 totem like a white dragon eagle, he can use his potential points to turn it into a type 2 white dragon eagle, without being restricted by the evolutionary knowledge of the grand duke family at all.

"Is this White Dragon Eagle totem a leak from the Grand Duke's family?" Garen pointed at these two things and asked in a low voice.

"Yes, those who get the White Dragon Eagle totem can spend money to buy basic cultivation knowledge at the Duke's Palace. Other different types of cultivation materials can be purchased at the Duke's Palace." The female staff member nodded in reply. "Go this way."

The two walked through a hall, turned into a deserted wooden corridor, walked along the corridor, and soon came to a row of wooden doors.

The staff began to take out the keys and read the corresponding numbers.

Garen is ready to get the reward. After the team distributes it, he goes to the wild animal market to have a look. He should be able to buy some good creatures for silvering.

As for the two white dragon eagles, one must be given to Goth, and the other one, Garen was thinking about whether he could get it from Goth at any price.

The White Dragon Eagle has a price but no market, and you can even exchange it for a basic unit factory. For Gallon, it is an indispensable good thing both from the core totem and the unit factory.

Gothic's core totem includes the Black Domain Bird, which is a more powerful totem than the White Dragon Eagle, and there is no need for this at all.

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