Mysterious journey

Chapter 285 Market 2

"Ahem!" Garen walked in holding his nose.

The first floor is empty, there is nothing, all the furniture has been removed. In the hall on the first floor, there is a corridor on the left, leading to the backyard or a room such as the kitchen. To the right is a spiral wooden staircase leading to the second floor. Most of the red paint on the wooden stairs has also fallen off, and it looks like it has seen some age.

Garon opened all the windows and the door, and it was full of dust.

He coughed and walked out of the small building and found a cleaning advertisement posted on the wall on one side.

Soon, he went out, followed by four middle-aged women carrying cleaning tools.

The four women entered the small building and began to clean it. Garen stood outside with his arms folded, waiting quietly.

Once things have settled down and the pets have been delivered, the process of silvering the totem can begin. In a few days, when the White Dragon Eagle is returned and the core totem is found, it will be time to start hunting at the War Guild. And those hoarded grains should be able to make a lot of money in a while.

He was calculating in his mind the time when the war was approaching. Everything had been arranged, and now he just had to follow the steps.


A young woman's voice came from behind.

Garen turned around and saw the woman who lived opposite walking over with a golden retriever in her arms.

"Hey, I just moved here today, and I will live here from now on." Gallon stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "Gallon, Gallon Longbar."

"Alice, Alice Vera." The woman stretched out her hand and shook Garen's hand. "Are you renting it or..."

"It's rented, but I might buy it." Galen smiled, "Alice, how long have you lived here?"

"This is my grandfather's house. I like to read and rest here. I have lived here for about three years." Alice recalled, "The environment here is good, far away from the city, and surrounded by uninhabited courtyards. Like the two courtyards around us. No one has lived in them for many years. A total of twenty-three courtyards have been built in this Huangfeng community. There used to be a lot of people, but now only five families live here."

She shrugged, a look of helplessness on her not-so-pretty face. "You know, it's too far away from the city. It's very inconvenient to go shopping. The water supply can only rely on a few deep wells nearby."

"But quiet enough," Garon added. "That's why I decided to move here. My job itself is noisy enough, and I can't stand no matter how noisy my place is."

"Yes." Alice nodded in agreement. This woman, who was only twenty years old, seemed to have an intellectual temperament. She looked simple and elegant in a white shirt and white trousers. Her long blond hair was tied into a ponytail. She was not tall. Good, but not bad. The face is not beautiful, just ordinary. But his mind is extremely mature and rational.

She didn't seem at all afraid of Gallon's lack of eyebrows, beard, and hair. Noticing Garen's confused gaze, she explained with a smile.

"My grandfather was just like you. He lost his eyebrows, beard, and most of his hair in a fire, so as soon as I saw you, I knew you were the same. Look carefully, you are actually quite handsome."

"Thank you for the compliment. Then I should really thank your grandfather. He prevented me from scaring you." Garen smiled.

"Okay, I'll go over there first, there are still some things to finish over there."


Garen watched Alice turn back into his courtyard and looked away. Continue to wait for the cleaning to be completed.

Four women fetched water from a nearby deep well to flush the yard. It was troublesome to fetch water and it cost them five galleons of silver wheel cloth.

It wasn't until the sun was about to set that the yard was thoroughly cleaned.

Gallon also straightened the wooden mailbox outside the yard, wrote down the address number on it, and went to the post office of this community to register the residents.

Then he went out to hire a carriage and piled all kinds of daily necessities into the small building. Then he wrote letters to Andy, Jessica and Goethe, telling them his new address.

Dinner was bread sticks dipped in strawberry jam.

By the time everything was in place, it was already night.

The pet store truck that delivers the pets has also arrived. The pet market is under unified management. The market staff removed the seven iron cages from the ox cart and transported them one by one into the backyard of the small building.

Standing in the yard, Gallon held up a glass lamp and watched the bullock cart from the pet market slowly leave and quickly disappear from sight.

Then he turned and walked towards the yard at the back.

Seven different pets are still waiting for him to be silvered.

Checked the surrounding environment carefully. Garen discovered that the situation here was indeed very similar to what Alice said. It was very quiet, and the nearest household on both sides was hundreds of meters away.

He stood in front of seven iron cages of different sizes. He stretched out his hand to grab the first cage and walked into the back door of the small building.

Close the door and hang the glass lamp on the doorknob on the right.

Gallon lifted the black cloth on the cage and looked at a blue-backed monitor lizard crawling around inside.

Putting the cage on the ground, he carefully took out a red crystal ball from the lining pocket, which was a deduction device the size of a fist.

Carefully place the deducer next to the iron cage.

The crystal ball's bright red light illuminated his face. A line of text slowly floated above it.

‘Whether to silver nearby creatures. ’


The blue-backed monitor lizard suddenly became a little restless. It kept crawling around in the cage, trying to avoid the red light, but to no avail.

The crystal ball slowly turned into silver light, and the silver light enveloped the monitor lizard, as if it had a paralyzing effect. The monitor lizard stiffened suddenly and stood still.


A silver beam of light shot out of the crystal ball and landed on the head of the monitor lizard.

After five full seconds, the silver beam quickly disappeared and the crystal ball turned red again.

"Silverization is over, biological samples are loaded. Please do not move during the main link transfer." The crystal ball suddenly shot a red light in the direction of Galleon.

Just like last time, the area illuminated by the red light felt warm and very comfortable.

There is also a new totem 3D icon in the skill bar below the field of vision.

‘Blue-backed monitor lizard: the first form of living totem, which can be improved. Evolution success rate: 66% (the weaker the body, the higher the success rate). Potential points consumed: 300%.

Abilities: Venom, burrowing. ’

"Three points, this actually costs 3 points." Garen frowned.

Release the giant lizard from the cage, then repeat the process just now, drag all the cages into the small building, and use the deducer to silver them one by one.

Three blue-backed monitor lizards, three gray-feathered eagles, an alligator, plus howling wolf and rabbit. There are eight silver totems in total.

Garen stood in the corridor at the back door of the small building, raised his hand, and looked at the colors of blue, gray, and black, three different totem lights that were constantly covering his arms.

The three colors eventually merge into blue-black.

He held the crystal ball of the deducer in his hand and looked at the information slowly displayed on it.

‘Your Excellency Garen, your current totem light level is: Type 2 Normal. The light of your totem is composed of eight different silver totems. ’

"Have you reached the light of the second type totem?" Garen was delighted, although there was no way to defeat the second type totem master, nor did he have the strange special abilities of the second type totem. But reaching Type 2 defense did make him feel a little happy.

The pets he selected, except for the snarling wolf and rabbit, were all creatures with good defenses. The blue-backed monitor lizard's skin was very resistant to corrosion. If the gray-feathered eagle was attacked and bitten, its feathers would naturally take away most of its strength. Alligators are armored and extremely strong. Gallon has taken all these aspects into consideration.

He clenched his fists and felt the light of the totem covering his body. It's like wearing a thick layer of clothes, but it's extremely breathable and not airtight at all.

I looked at the other two icons that were automatically formed in the skill bar at the bottom of my field of vision.

The evolution success rate of the gray-feathered eagle is also over 60%, and its abilities are flight and eagle vision.

The success rate of alligator evolution is even lower, only over 50%, and its abilities are bite and camouflage.

Sitting on the newly bought sofa on the first floor, Garon had a gray-feathered eagle on his head, an alligator lying at his feet, and three blue-backed monitor lizards constantly spitting out red cores on the sofa.

He felt like a circus animal trainer.

Speechlessly letting all the silver totems leave his side, Garen carefully considered the strength in his hands.

Silver totems are different from regular totems. They cannot be stored in tools, and the only ones that can be taken away are three gray-feathered eagles. Alligators need constant nourishment from water, and monitor lizards are not very good at hunting, so it is okay to take them with them. Very useful. Only the gray-feathered eagle, a bird of prey, can be easily brought to participate in hunting.

"We have to wait until the White Dragon Eagle is obtained. Before that, let's accumulate some potential points."

Garon stood with a gray-feathered eagle on his shoulder, holding one arm on each arm. He walked straight out of the small building, climbed over the fence at night, and walked towards the dark suburbs outside the city.


war guild

Garen was holding a glass of bubbly wine but didn't drink it. He sat in his old seat, holding a few pieces of mission paper in his hand and frowning at it.

The fat maid in charge of the reception held a chicken drumstick in one hand and gnawed it, and pressed a few mission leathers on the galleon table with the other hand.

"You can choose these tasks. They are all type 1. Your task completion rate is good. Keep up the hard work." She turned around and took care of other guests.

Garen glanced at the task lists on the table. They were all Type 1 tasks, and the hunting objects were all Type 1 totem masters, most of which were ghost silver lanterns.

These totem masters who believe in natural selection are all people who kill without blinking an eye. They are very harsh on themselves and their fighting skills are very skilled. They are not comparable to the previous silver lamp totem masters.

Garen asked for so many Type 1 tasks at once just to choose the most suitable one. He picked up a task list and saw it read: Hunt Triss Angel. This totem master has a twisted mentality and fled from the north to Titan City. Although it is only one type, it has four different totems. It is difficult to provoke.

"That's it."

Garen decided on the task, stood up, and walked towards the lobby counter.

This opponent should be a good test of his current strength to see which one is stronger, the Silver Totem or the Original Totem.

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