Mysterious journey

Chapter 296 Resources 1

Walking slowly in the corridor on the second floor.

Garen kept pushing open the doors of all the rooms he passed and glanced at them without entering directly.

Soon, he walked to a room on the left at the end, and the door was opened. Inside, you can see many bookshelves through the cracks in the door.

Garen pushed the door open and walked in. There were two steaming cups of black tea on the coffee table in the room. The glass of the window was covered with fine mist.

He glanced around and soon landed on a large black leather box in the corner of the study.

He walked to the box and squatted down. He squeezed it gently and immediately crushed the keyhole into pieces and powder. Open the box with a sigh.

The inside is divided into two parts: left and right.

On the left are stacks of notes and books, all in hard-covered red leather. Garen picked it up and flipped through it, including precise drawings, detailed explanations of techniques, and some scrawled experimental records. At the bottom was a book of Isaiah's poems.

Putting the book back inside, Garen looked to the right.

On the right side of the box were placed some cash, silver wheel cloth, some fine diamonds, gems, and silver bricks. The topmost silver brick holds a stack of paper tickets.

Galen took it out and looked at it. On it were bank deposit and withdrawal notes worth one million, ten in total.

"This guy is quite poor. Even Angel is not as good as him." Garen shook his head. "No wonder they want to occupy the supplies in the warehouse district."

Garen picked up a book of precision cartography and flipped through it.

This is obviously the type used by totem masters, and many of the above requirements are not as difficult as those of silver lantern masters. Galleon's master-level precision cartography can easily meet the above standards.

"The Totem Master is much simpler than the Silver Lantern Master. This thing should be the book from Mecca."

Totem masters only need to learn precision drawing to the entry level, but they are much better than silver lantern masters and workshop masters in terms of spells. They are the ones who specialize in mastering and manipulating totems.

Totem masters, workshop masters, and silver lantern masters actually have their own preferences among the three categories. Silver lantern masters are average, but in terms of expertise, totem masters are good at magic, and workshop masters are good at manufacturing and maintenance.

Garen turned to the column of activation techniques required by the totem master. The activation technique that was far more complicated than that of the silver lantern master suddenly made him slightly stunned.

"It seems that no matter which category, there is no shortcut. It's just that the location of the difficulty is different."

Totem masters' precision drawing requirements have been reduced, but the price is that it is much more difficult to activate the spell. The activation technique also contains a lot of mathematics and physics knowledge. If Galen's own foundation was not there, he might not have been able to master it so quickly.

Precision cartography focuses on stability and precision, while activated spells focus on instantaneous calculations and the basis of physical principles. The former is accumulation and the latter is adaptation. It also represents the two different development routes of the Silver Lantern Master and the Totem Master.

Silver Lantern Masters will become stronger and stronger as time accumulates. The more knowledge they master, the more they can accumulate wealth and improve themselves.

The Totem Master relies on adaptability and instant calculation power. He is very strong at first, but later develops far behind the Silver Lantern Master.

"I don't know what a workshop master is yet, but he should be in the direction of a silver lantern master. Judging from the name, he should be a scientific research type who has completely given up on fighting and focuses on making totems."

Garen closed the lid of the box and stood up. Let the Fukasawa giant crocodile stay here, and then wander around again to search.

He didn't find anything else, so Garen wasn't greedy. Finding this box of wealth was already worth the price of admission.

He simply held the box with one hand and jumped directly from the second floor window.

Behind him, Wilde and others were still searching on the first floor. It was obvious that several of them had found something. Wilde himself had been standing guard at the gate, holding a cigarette in his mouth, his eyes slightly narrowed, and he seemed to be taking a nap.

Hearing the jumping sound, he opened his eyes and looked at Garen, giving him a smile.

"It's better to leave without sending it away." He glanced at the box in Garen's hand and remained calm.

"I don't have that many people in the warehouse. I only need this box." Garen grinned. The value of this box, apart from the wealth, the most important thing is the notes and books about the spells, which must contain the spell arrays used in this villa. This alone was enough for the warehouse of green rice he was robbed of. It’s worth more than tens of millions.

Garen held the box and accelerated towards the distance, followed closely by the Fukasawa giant crocodile. He could feel the vague sight behind him. As the distance became farther and farther, the sight finally left.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief. His movements became lighter and more agile, he quickly turned into the alley, and quickly ran along the shadows towards the outskirts of the city.

Woo~~~! ! !

The long horn sounded again above the entire Titan City.

Garen suddenly stopped. He heard a sense of desolation and sadness from the horn sound.

He stood in the shadow of the alley, looking up at the sky outside the city.

The gray cloud formed by the one-horned monitor lizard has surrounded the white dragon eagles, leaving only a small group of platinum dragon eagles still resisting tenaciously. They drew white-gold trails in the air, and encountered a giant lizard every few seconds, leaving almost no time to breathe.

At the beginning, they were able to shoot down one for every giant lizard they came into contact with. But now, they can only be pushed away.

There are too many dark clouds.

Garen quickened his pace and gradually approached the city wall area.

The ground is littered with the corpses of one-horned monitor lizards. These corpses bear the characteristics of silver totems and will not completely turn into puddles of mercury.

In addition to the monitor lizard corpses, there were human corpses mixed in, some complete and some incomplete. The huge and slender spear was broken, blood mixed with mercury flowed slowly, silver and red mixed with dust and mud were everywhere.

Garen became more and more cautious. He took back the Fukasawa Giant Crocodile, gathered his energy and blood, and carefully followed the shadow in the corner.

As we walked further out of the city, a large number of buildings collapsed and were destroyed, leaving only broken walls.

Ouch! !

A reddish-skinned unicorn monitor lizard walked with thumping steps on the street full of corpses. It flicked its long thick tail and easily knocked away the piles of corpses around it.

Galleons huddled behind a triangular section of broken wall. He slowly spread his aura, and in his surroundings, dense urticaria-like dots suddenly appeared in his senses.

"At least a few hundred." Garen made a mental assessment and did not dare to make any big moves.

He knew that in the current situation, only by breaking up into parts and lurking in hidden places could he successfully escape the first wave of chaos. During this crisis, Titan City also eliminated several decadent noble leaders and established a new and more efficient leadership group.

And the more critical point is that although Black Sky Society released these monsters, they are the fundamental force that disrupts the world. But in fact, they themselves have no way to control these creatures whose experiments failed. They can only avoid being attacked by these monsters.

In other words, these monsters are unmanned and they just hunt around following their instinct to eat. If the Dragon Guards hadn't angered these monsters with their massacre and pursuit, I'm afraid there wouldn't have been such a large-scale siege.

Garen waited until the red giant lizard passed by, then stepped forward and rushed into another cluster of shadows like lightning. By analogy, he continued to quickly approach the outside of the city.

There was a family of three hiding in a house he passed on the way, but he could only protect himself and could not take anyone with him. The speed and physical strength that Mi Wu brought to him were only enough to hide him alone.

If you encounter any gaps along the way, rush forward. If there are no gaps, use small rocks to lure away the monsters and expose the gaps.

Soon, with such continuous advancement, he finally returned to the mission hall of the War Guild.

The small building where the entire guild was located has been completely destroyed, leaving only a fragment of ruins. The surroundings were deserted, with only a few monitor lizards crawling slowly by.

The cold wind howled, causing a thin wooden board on the ground to roll, making a snapping sound.

Garen released the Fukasawa Giant Crocodile and was alert to the surroundings at all times. He searched the ruins of the mission hall alone.

"Hey! Here!" A weak voice came along the wind.

Garen immediately looked in the direction of the sound and saw a bald, middle-aged man standing next to a sewer cover in the distance, waving to him.

"The guild went underground."

Garen nodded, took back the Fukasawa Giant Crocodile, and quickly ran to him with the box in his hand. Watching the man get into the sewer, he followed him in, and then pulled the lid closed.

The two of them walked down the iron ladder and quickly stepped onto the ground.

After walking along a narrow black passage for a few minutes, we went underground for about forty or fifty meters. Only then did the bald man speak.

"Okay, it's safe here." He suddenly stopped and pulled open a person-high iron door from the right wall, and a bright yellow fire suddenly appeared inside.

"Go in from here. Inside is the guild's new mission hall. Boy, you are lucky to have met me, otherwise others would not be so kind."

Garen smiled and popped out a few silver wheel cloths.

"Thanks man."

The bald man took it and smiled.

The two walked into the firelight passage. This passage extended in all directions, with many forks appearing on both sides from time to time. Other people, including men and women, kept walking out of it. Obviously, there was more than one entrance.

After the chaos, this was the first time Garen saw so many people. From the looks in other people's eyes, it was obvious that they had similar feelings.

"Save people! Hurry!" Suddenly, a group of people rushed out of the right passage ahead. They were carrying a stretcher, and lying on it was a young man with his hands on his abdomen. Blood kept flowing out from between his fingers. He was panting heavily, his face was pale, his forehead was covered with sweat, and he looked like he was about to die.

The stretcher quickly rushed into the corner of the passage ahead.

"He's dying!! Get the anesthesia! Operate immediately! Henry!!"

"Here he comes! Everything is ready, carry him in quickly!" "Be careful!" "Jasis! Go and disinfect!"

A series of urgent sounds came from the front.

"It's from the sacrificial group. People from the three major groups were seriously injured." "Even the Dragon Guards suffered heavy losses. If the Iron Ring Technique Formation had not been activated, the final inner city would have been completely breached."

"Fortunately, our war guild also has an emergency dungeon."

Garen heard someone talking. He looked around and felt that he was surrounded by people he didn't know, and all of them were unfamiliar faces.

"Gallon!" Suddenly a voice came from behind.

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