Mysterious journey

Chapter 30 Spiral 2

"Maybe, but he can't be like me after all. He can't do anything without talent." The old man lowered his head and spoke in a low voice.

"Stop being naive, Geguo. Give me that book. Only I can protect it better now." The old woman slowly stretched out her hand towards the old man.

Old man Ge Guo lowered his head and was silent for a while.

"Power, wealth, fame, everything is not as secure as the power you control. Geguo, you have fallen." There was a trace of pity in the old woman's eyes. "The years are passing by after all, and in the blink of an eye you and I are already this age. And you who took the wrong path are no longer qualified to save it."


Gallon walked slowly on the sidewalk on Burnington Street, looking back at the antique shop from time to time. I happened to see the old man closing the shop door furtively.

"Oh no! The old woman hasn't come out yet?" He was stunned, "You are still so unrestrained at such an old age? You can't wait in broad daylight. She is indeed a wretched old man."

Shaking his head, his mind immediately recalled a series of stories that the old man and the old woman had to tell, and goosebumps arose all over his body.

"I saw the two of them flirting with each other in the store. I didn't expect them to be so anxious. They closed the door immediately after I left. It seems that the elderly have such needs."

He walked slowly along the street, kicking his hands in his trouser pockets, looking at the endless stream of carriages and cars around him, walked forward a short distance, stood next to a black car, opened the door and got in.

Grace was sitting in the driver's seat, holding the steering wheel with one hand and chewing a sandwich wrapped in paper with the other. She did not have the image of a cold lady that she should have.

"Where to go now?"

"Go home, and we have to think of a way to make money. Grace, do you have any ideas?" Galen sat in the car and asked calmly.

"There is a way, it depends on whether you are willing to do it." Grace thought for a moment and then replied.

"Tell me about it. It just so happens that the check you gave me last time hasn't been used yet. This time it's for investment."

"That money wasn't given by me, it was taken out of the company's accounts. It's just right as the principal." Grace nodded, "I wonder if you want to start a business or just make some money?"

"It's best to make some money. Of course, the source must be clean."

"This is simple. The one that best meets your requirements is to provide martial arts tutoring in the name of a martial arts school. Of course, this is based on the reputation of Fei Baiyun, the master of the gym. Your senior brothers and sisters can also introduce you to some tutoring jobs. In your opinion As a tutor, you can easily make a lot of money as a tutor." Grace explained.

"This is okay, but I haven't practiced it myself yet, so don't teach others. Is there any other way?"

"The other is Miss Finestine. Miss Finestine has opened an auction company. Isn't your purpose of making money collecting antiques? You can just cooperate with her. In the end, you will take the path of our company. , the company can give you a monthly donation, the amount is not small, but when there is a problem, you need to come and solve it."

"Don't worry, let me think about it carefully." Garen frowned slightly. None of these three paths met his inner standards. Especially now that I know that Tali Mercury is also collecting similar antiques. He was also a little moved in his heart.

"If I can get in touch with Tali Mercury, it would be best to visit his collection of antiques. The question is what name I need to use to get in touch with him."

He looked at Grace.

"Is there any way to get in touch with the mercury in the tower? I want to visit his collection of antiques."

"This is very simple. As long as you say that you have some antiques that you would like to appreciate and exchange with him, and go in the name of our company, you should not be rejected. Do you need me to arrange it right away? It's just that you need to put on a little makeup. After all, your You're still too young." Grace replied quickly. "As for the exchange of antiques, it will be arranged by our company."

"Let's make some arrangements and see if he agrees."


For several days, Garen went back and forth to the school's antique store, just like any other student.

But because the role of the medal has been minimal, he can only learn fighting skills from his senior brothers and sisters step by step every day. Baiyun fighting skills are simplified moves evolved from the giant elephant Miburi. The four major shapes alternate in a series and are extremely powerful. What Garen does every day is suppress his own strength and practice moves against his senior brothers and sisters.

I didn't go to school for a few days, just waiting for the results of the final exam.

"How did you go in the exam?" Finn and Kaledo came together to look at each other's papers.

"Not bad, ranking twentieth in the class is not bad." Caledo grinned.

"You're happy with twenty people. There are only a few dozen people in the class." Garen walked over, holding a paper in his hand and scolded with a smile. "I failed in the foreign language paper. I have no hope. I filled it out randomly."

Caledo glanced at Garen's foreign language paper, and the words 20 points were clearly written on it.

"Awesome!" He gave a thumbs up. "By the way, let's go to the White Eagle Salon together later. A new batch of purple wine has been purchased there. I asked the boss to leave a bottle for me."

"I won't go, you go ahead. I have other things to do." Garen declined politely.

"You're in trouble again. I've asked you so many times but you still don't act together. How many things have you been busy with all day?" Caledo was a little unhappy.

"I really have something to do." Garen shrugged helplessly.

Ever since Caledo and Effie got along, the gap between the two has become wider and wider, and they are no longer as harmonious as before. Although both of them consciously want to reconcile, Effie's matter is like a thorn stuck in the middle and cannot be removed at all.

Finn and Czech also saw it. Although they tried to persuade Kaledo, he was still coaxed by Effie and became somewhat alienated from the three friends.

"Okay, okay, since it's really something, let's forget it. I just want to go out with my girlfriend, so I will have a few free days during this holiday. The rest of the time, my dad will probably catch me to help." Fei En answered.

The two friends tried to persuade him by the side, and Caledo's face looked better, but he still left angrily.

Garen couldn't do anything about it.

"Garen, are you going to the martial arts gym?"

"No, I don't need to go to the martial arts gym for the time being. I'll stay at home during the holidays. That's another matter." Garen no longer needs to go to the martial arts gym every day. He has learned everything he can, and the rest is on his own. Comprehension exercise.

Since the matter with Grace settled down, life seems to have completely returned to peace.

After chatting with a few friends for a while, Garen looked at the school clock and saw that it was almost time before slowly walking out of the school gate.

A string of cars and carriages were parked at the school gate to pick up students. From time to time, vehicles would arrive and turn around and leave. Among the vehicles of various colors and styles, black, white, and yellow, Garen slowly walked to a black car, opened the door and got in naturally.

"Everything is ready." Grace whispered as she sat in the driver's seat. "Tali Mercury has agreed to our request, and the exchange will be at his temporary residence in the suburbs."


"Kanu Town."

"Konu Town? Is there a place nearby called Yinsha Castle?" Garen was slightly surprised.

"Yinsha Castle?" Grace hesitated for a moment, "It seems that I haven't been there either, but Mercury in the Tower seems to be quite interested in it and is currently cultivating there."

"Is his case solved?"

"It's not completely solved. We just found most of the antiques stolen by Jinhuan. The rest have been sold off by Jinhuan through various channels. Our company was also one of them at the beginning. You must also know this."

"That's true." Gallon also knew that the Manleyton Company behind Grace was indeed the largest antique reselling organization in Huaishan. "How far is it from here? How long does it take?"

"First go to a place to pick someone up and do your makeup. Then we will go to Konu Town to meet Tali Mercury. The agreed time is around three o'clock in the afternoon."

"It's not even 11 o'clock now, there's still time." Garen nodded.

He has always wanted to go to the Yinsha Castle to see what is so special about the origin of the Bronze Cross. As the most bizarre and lasting potential antique, Galen has always wanted to find out the secret behind the Bronze Cross. Yes, I didn’t expect Tali Mercury to actually seem to be pursuing this matter.

"It seems unlikely to be a coincidence. He collects potential antiques and lives near Yinsha Castle. It would be too strange if there are so many coincidences."

Garen turned his face and looked outside. Amidst the rumbling sound of the engine, the car moved forward slowly. On the roadside, you could see groups of college students coming in and out of the shops on both sides. The girls were wearing shorts. Most of them are young and pretty, wearing skirts and black stockings. The boys are playing around. They wear shirts, trousers and leather boots. Even if they look average, they still show some temperament.

This is a special aura that only Shengying Academy has. It is impossible for ordinary schools to have it. Students in ordinary schools simply cannot afford to wear this uniform.

There is more than one college in Huaishan City, and there are four or five middle and high schools. Among them, Shengying is the best, not only in terms of the admission rate of the unified examination scores over the years, but also in terms of environment, student quality, and other aspects.

Looking at the young students outside the car window, Jia Long suddenly thought of his younger sister Ying'er, who had been honest at home these days.

When I told my parents about my apprenticeship at the martial arts school, my parents came back from a business trip and personally visited my master Fei Baiyun at his residence to make up for their previous absence.

Jia Long's parents were both honest people and did not understand Fei Baiyun's actual status and power. They were just surprised that they felt so strongly about a disciple. And Fei Baiyun's family doesn't look like a wealthy one. Instead, the furnishings are very simple in all aspects.

His younger sister Ying'er also knew about his apprenticeship, but she didn't know the details. However, after learning about the apprenticeship process, she knew that it was a real formal apprenticeship, which changed her view of Garen a little bit. But for some unknown reason, he and Garen have become increasingly distant recently.

Putting his thoughts away, Garen leaned back on his seat and glanced at the attribute skill bar below.

"There is nothing missing now except actual combat skills. It would be great if there are still attribute points. You can quickly increase Baiyun Fighting Skills. It will save a lot of time and energy. I hope I can gain something from meeting Mercury in the Tower this time."

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