Mysterious journey

Chapter 308 Adventure 1

Returning to the War Guild in the outer city, there was no one there anymore, except for the two guards who stayed behind to change shifts. Seeing Garen leaving here, both of them were a little surprised, but didn't say anything.

After returning to the villa in his community without any incident, Gallon found that the entire community had become a paradise for his little pets. All the scattered monsters had been cleaned up, leaving only There are large groups of monsters, and there is no way to find lone monsters to hunt.

It was drizzling lightly in the sky, and the clouds were gray and gloomy.

Garen walked into the yard, and the parasitic beetles guarding him leaned slightly toward him from both sides. The giant eagle on the roof stood up from its nest and let out a clear whistle.

Taking out the key and opening the door, Garen walked in and closed the door behind his back. Lala, dressed as a maid, stepped forward and took the gray robe for him and hung it on the hanger beside him.

"Thank you for your hard work." Lala whispered.

"You adapted very quickly." Garen joked.

He walked to the sofa and sat down. Under Lala's service, he put on a pair of cleaner slippers. Then he picked up the prepared black tea and took a sip.

"The tea is a little cold."

"Sorry, although there is water in the house, dry firewood is running out, so I don't dare to use it indiscriminately." Lara stood aside and answered.

"This is a problem." Garen nodded, "I will find a way to deal with it. It's just that the smoke from burning the fire for heating is a little more conspicuous. Let's see if there are other ways to solve it."

"Let me give it a try." Lala nodded hesitantly.

Garen slowly drank the black tea, leaned back on the sofa and closed his eyes slightly. After waiting for a while, I found that Lala was still there and had not left. He opened his eyes again.

"Anything else?"

Lala hesitated and grabbed her white apron.

"Although I have already troubled you a lot, I still want to know how my family is doing in the inner city now? And my friend, Bisi, is my only good friend."

"There are too many people coming into the city, and the branch is very messy. It's very troublesome to find people." Garen frowned, "I also have a lot of things to do. In exchange, you first think about the remuneration you need to pay me. If it's appropriate, , I will start to deal with this matter."

"Okay." Lala nodded. "I'm so lucky to have an employer like you."

"You're welcome."

Garen took the black tea and drank it in one gulp, then looked around the hall. Everywhere was cleaned and tidy. He smiled with satisfaction.

"Then I'll go up first. There's nothing to do. Please don't disturb me. Until dinner."


Garen walked into the study and locked the door.

The study window was open, and the wind blew the curtains up, bringing in the slightest bit of moisture.

He walked over and slammed the window shut. He sat down at the table.

Taking out the things he got from the blonde woman again, he spread them out on the table.

A leather bag and a booklet.

The brown leather bag was about the size of a fist, and I didn’t know what was bulging inside.

Garen ripped open the knot of the bag and poured out all the contents with a splash.

What fell on the table was a large pile of scattered gemstones and jewelry. There are rings, rubies, diamonds, and even the rarest and most expensive amethyst.

Garen's face also showed a hint of surprise.

"It's actually this thing?" He recognized the role of these gems and jewelry.

"Evolution gems. Various key primers that must be used when the totem evolves. Red represents the direction of the flame, purple represents the random unknown direction, and diamond represents natural evolution. It is really rich enough."

Garen smiled with satisfaction.

"Although I have no use for these things, other totem masters will definitely not have too few of them. Among them, amethyst is the necessary evolution primer for various totems. While using other resources to cultivate them, high-quality gems must be used as primers for key evolutions. , can guide the desired direction. Otherwise, the evolution will be chaotic, and it may even evolve completely useless abilities. These things are good for exchanging with others."

Put away these gems and a few pieces of jewelry for girls. Garen's eyes fell on another thing.

A black booklet.

Gently opening the cover of the booklet, there were densely packed handwriting inside. The handwriting was sloppy and the order was chaotic. It was obviously an essay or something like that.

Garen flipped through it for a while, browsing through all the words he could recognize.

"Huh?" Suddenly he sat upright, his eyes suddenly became serious, and he stared at the page in the booklet.

He took the quill out of the pen holder, unscrewed the ink bottle and dipped it in it.

Copy this line on a piece of white paper.

‘March 15th, what’s really interesting is that an old man who appears to be a wealthy businessman is secretly a powerful totem master. When the task is completed, find someone to kill him. Such a good thing as the solidification technique is not something that an old man can keep. ’

Garon copied down the place names at the end. Some are blurry and scrawled, making them difficult to identify. Although it was written in Enite script, which he recognized, it was so crooked that it was hard to read. But what is certain is that this place name should be within Titan City.

He took the map of Titan City and started comparing the place names one by one. Soon, his index finger stopped on a place.

"The Nist neighborhood is a famous immigrant area. It is filled with immigrants from outside. They are either rich or technical elites."

He put away the map and wrote down the place name and address. I looked at the sky outside.

"It's still early, you can go take a look."

After saying hello to Lala, he began to mentally instruct his totems to prepare for departure.

After leaving the villa, he jumped to the top of the wall and quietly looked at the totems under his command.

The three giant eagles on the roof are constantly circling, and occasionally emit a menacing whistle to warn the monsters in the surrounding sky that this is their territory.

On the ground, the Fukasawa giant crocodile led eight beetles in an array in the yard.

Garen left two beetles behind to cooperate with the petrified giant lizard in guarding the house, and took away all the remaining six beetles.

Then he recalled the route on the map, and he led the totem group directly and slowly moved forward around the city wall.

Soon, the resonance eagle discovered a damaged part of the city wall, which seemed to have been broken by some huge monster.

Garen walked in through the breach with the giant crocodile and beetle. Inside was the craftsman area of ​​the inner city.

A series of white and gray bungalows are built together next to the city wall. There was no one inside, and it was silent. From time to time, there was the sound of the wind blowing the wooden doors and windows.

The ground was wet black soil, with bones and blood everywhere. There were many tools such as hammers and iron felt scattered in the blacksmith shop on the roadside. Several arrows were nailed to the wooden pillars of the house.

Surrounded by beetles and giant crocodiles, Garen quickly walked through the area.

After wandering around the inner city buildings for a while, a faint voice suddenly came from the front.

"Jagula, Stindia!"

Garen frowned, not understanding what it meant. It's like a local spoken language, not the language of any of the three powerful countries.

He ignored it, and suddenly another burst of women's whimpering and crying came from the direction of the sound.

The voice from before suddenly became cold and stern, seeming to be cursing the woman.

Garen ignored it and walked directly through the neighborhood. In such troubled times, those with strength are the ones with the greatest power. Such things can be seen everywhere.

Soon, they crossed this area and moved forward for a while, dodging large groups of horned monitor lizards flying in the sky from time to time. Although these monsters regard the silver totem as their own kind and will not take the initiative to attack, once they are offended, their kind will also attack.

Gallon walked and avoided until late in the evening when the intersection of the Nistel neighborhood loomed ahead.

Along the way, he discovered six basements in the outer city where surviving people were hiding. Many of these basements have become the private kingdoms of strong men. They hide in the basement and become kings like never before, enjoying and trampling on the dignity and interests of other people.

Garen ignored these people. He followed the address in his memory and rushed towards the residence of the wealthy businessman on the block.

Soon, a white house with a silver dome appeared in Garon's field of vision among the white buildings.

A huge white bat lurked on the silver roof of the house.

The bat is very large, up to five meters high and more than four meters wide. Two white wings lay on the roof, like two white rags, spread out more than ten meters. From a distance, it looks like a white glider.

Garen directed the totems to spread out and surround the silver-domed building. This house is where the wealthy businessman lives. Obviously, this place has become the residence of this monster. The wealthy businessman is either hiding or has been killed directly.

Garen hid behind a broken wall and quietly looked at the giant bat.

There was a black iron chain hung around its furry neck, and at the end of the chain was a red meat ball composed of a man's corpse, with blood dripping from time to time.

Garen looked carefully and found that the black iron chain seemed to grow from the bat's chest. It's actually not a man-made thing.

He quietly released his energy, and the white-gold ripples slowly spread and covered the white bat's body.


Bat suddenly opened his eyes and seemed to feel something. He shook his head from side to side and looked around.

A huge burst of energy and blood suddenly dispersed, and it actually forced Garen's energy back.


Garen groaned and covered his chest.

"There is actually a monster with such strong Qi and blood!! Qi is the aggregation of my essence, energy and spirit, and does not belong to this world. It can actually use unconscious Qi and blood to circulate and force my Qi and blood back. Amazing!! This kind of Qi and blood It is so powerful that in the previous life, ordinary bombs and missiles were probably unable to kill it. Perhaps only nuclear bombs could kill it!"

This is the first time he has encountered such a situation. After the cultivation of his idol has reached its peak, the energy and blood in his body has reached the limit of human beings. Even the other wild creatures are not much stronger than him. But the bat we met this time had extremely powerful vitality and blood, which meant that it had extremely strong vitality. Once it couldn't be killed, it would quickly recover as before and make a comeback. This monster with strong vitality is the most difficult to deal with.

"If we want to get in, it seems we can only kill this monster." Garen narrowed his eyes slightly and hid himself deeper.

With a thought, a black beetle slowly crawled into the courtyard of the house, and its ferocious mouth hissed provocatively at the bat.

hiss! !

The bat doesn't even look at the beetle, completely pretending it doesn't exist. He leaned down again and prepared to rest. But when the beetle tried to enter the building, the white bat suddenly hissed in warning.

Garen thought for a while, then quietly summoned the fluorescent butterfly, and began to use poison powder to paint all the claws of the resonance eagle, as well as the Fukasawa giant crocodile and beetles, a little bit one by one.

Although this bat is a mutated creature released by the Black Sky Society, it also has attack properties similar to the totem light. It is unknown what its specific strength is.

Garen took out the monster information he got from the War Guild and thumbed through it.

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