Mysterious journey

Chapter 310 Evolution 1

After getting the Eye of Isiah, Garen searched the house for a while, and except for some silver wheel cloth and jewelry, there was nothing else.

He then exited the house and saw his remaining resonance hawk waiting outside, covered in scars. He sighed inwardly.

"go back!"

A call came from his mind.

Immediately, the Fukasawa giant crocodiles and beetles began to move, surrounding Garen and crawling outside.

The Resonating Eagle relaxed and could no longer fly. It could only be carried back by the Fukasawa Giant Crocodile.

Following the way back, Garen rummaged through the drugstores on the street. This place was far away from the inner city, and many shops had not been looted by people from the inner city. Galleon was hidden in the silver totem group, but he found a lot of medicines easily.

On the way back, it seemed that the peak of monster activity was reached. Every ten minutes or so, a large group of hundreds or more monsters would fly densely overhead.

From time to time, large numbers of dead babies appear on the ground, crawling crookedly and looking for prey of non-kind animals. These purple-red babies crawled in groups, like purple-red bugs, and kept making wah-wah cries.

Even Garen had to let the Fukasawa giant crocodile and beetle hide himself. He used the bone-shrinking skill to hide himself in a closed alley. The Fukasawa giant crocodile and parasites blocked the entrance and exit to prevent any monsters from entering. Only then did he escape several waves of monster armies. But just like that, a few parasites were killed by the hungry dead babies, and the remaining three were huddled around the Fukasawa giant crocodile.

After the army of dead babies passed by, Garen speeded up and headed back toward the villa. The increasingly frequent swarms of troops made him afraid to stay for a long time. Once exposed, it would be no joke.

Maybe it can attract a large group of monsters like white bats in a matter of minutes.

When I quickly returned to the villa, the villa was silent, with two beetles patrolling and crawling around.

There were some more stray dead babies and another black-skinned monster in the community.

The black-skinned monster is covered in spikes. They are as tall as one person, like a standing hedgehog. Their eyes are blood red, and the sharp black claws on their hands are long and black, as if they are wearing two iron claws. One by one, they walked around the streets with their bodies hunched over. Looks like a hunter in disguise.

After Garen carefully returned to the villa, he no longer went out. Instead, he let the Fukasawa giant crocodile take the beetle to hunt by himself, find the corpse and come back to parasitize it.

He dove into the study and started practicing the techniques.

Time passed day by day. During this period, Garen carefully allowed the Fukasawa Crocodile to continuously accumulate beetles, and soon the number of beetles increased to ten. After more than ten days of Resonating Eagle's injury, he finally recovered a little and was able to go hunting.

Garen asked the Resonance Eagle to also give priority to the Fukasawa Crocodile. The giant crocodile kept catching stray monsters one after another to parasitize the giant crocodile.

After a few more days, the number of parasites finally reached twenty, which could no longer be increased. Although twenty parasites only need to be eaten once a week to satisfy them, even so, this kind of The terrifying consumption was not something Garen could bear, and he had captured all the stray monsters around him.

After two Resonating Eagles died, he also tried to capture those monsters to redo his silver totems. Unfortunately, these monsters were completely out of the control of silver, and they seemed to be extremely resistant to it.

Garen finally understood why the Black Sky Society was unable to control this wave of monsters.

Twenty parasites were used as consumables by Galleon, and they all began to be released, constantly detecting the surrounding movements.

Soon, a group of less than fifty monsters not far from the villa were all marked by Garen. Many of these are newly arrived monsters. The density of monsters has been increasing recently. It is obvious that more and more monsters are attracted by the humans in the inner city.

Now, no matter how strong his hiding ability is, Garen doesn't dare to go out alone. The density of monsters outside is too high, and there are almost no blind spots to escape.

Under the cover of the beetle swarm, he came to the ruins of the War Guild again and relied on the tunnel to re-enter the passage to the inner city.

The two guards have disappeared, and splatters of blood can occasionally be seen on the ground. It is not known whether they are still alive. Jia Long arrived at the inner city without any danger.

At this time, there was also a tense atmosphere in the inner city, but Garen couldn't care so much. His target was Goth.

After waiting for five days, Goethe finally went out again.


In a white mansion somewhere in the outer city

boom! ! !

An invisible twisted force field trapped a man in black robes, as if an invisible hand pulled him into the air.

"Where is Ansula!!??" Goethe's eyes turned red and he growled at the man.

The man in black robe was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, staring at Goethe in shock. "We have all underestimated you, Goth. Stop looking for Ansula. When you find him, it will be you." He suddenly stopped talking.

"So, tell me! Where's the medicine? The medicine to cure Jessica!" Goethe grabbed the man in front of him.

"Medicine? It's always been in Master Ansuola's hands. That's the only antidote." The man replied calmly.

"Where is the real Ansula!? What I'm looking for is not a substitute like you." Goth tried hard to suppress the anger in his heart.

"I don't know. I just know the whereabouts of the other Ansula. I don't know if he is a real adult. I always obey the other person's orders. It's useless even if you kill me." The man's face was indifferent. .

"tell me!"

The man whispered an address, and saw Goethe walking out of the hall without looking back, and quickly disappeared into the night.

He finally couldn't help but flopped and sat down on the ground.

"Haha. My hard work was destroyed in just an instant." His eyes fell on a pool of mercury not far away, which was the core totem and sub-totem that he had worked hard to cultivate for many years. Suddenly his eyes flashed and he looked towards the shadow of the hall.


There was silence in the shadows for a while, and finally a figure in gray robe slowly walked out. It was Garen with a blond haircut, his eyebrows were still light golden, and he walked out of the shadows with his chin slightly raised.

"What position are you at in the Black Sky Society?" Garen looked at the man and asked in a low voice.

"Who are you?" The man frowned slightly, "Why should I tell you?"

"Because of this." Garen sneered, and several black beetles slowly crawled out from behind, surrounding the man. "Goth won't kill you, but that doesn't mean I won't."

"This is this?" The man opened his eyes first, and then seemed to recognize something. "Silver Totem?! You are actually..." He immediately closed his mouth tightly, with a helpless smile on his face.

"Since everyone is here, I don't need to say more. Just kill me. Think of it as atonement for everything in the past."

Garen frowned and looked at this person gloomily. He could feel that the other person knew a lot of things, but

He looked up and looked outside the house. After hesitating for a moment, he finally raised his hand.


A black line flew past and was nailed between the man's eyebrows. It was a black wood splinter.

There was a trace of confusion on the man's face, and he threw his head back and lay down on the ground.

Garen turned around and walked into the darkness, his gray robe fluttering and quickly disappearing from the window.

But a few seconds later, a dark shadow slowly came in from the door and squatted next to the body.



Time and time again, Goethe kept going out, looking for the so-called Lord Ansuola, but unfortunately, he only found substitutes or impostors every time. Some were killed by him, and some he couldn't do anything about and let go. However, he was killed by Garen who was following him.

There are strong and weak among these people. The two strongest ones are about the same as the blond woman, and the weak ones are at least type two totem masters with a single totem.

Garen followed him for more than forty days. Finally, Goethe could no longer find any clues, and the injuries on his body suddenly piled up and exploded in an instant. She is seriously ill in bed and can only recuperate.

Jialong did not stop all the way and returned directly to his villa community. During this period of time, he finally successfully practiced the technique of vision sharing.

He opened the door and walked into the hall, handing the gray robe to Lala.

These days, he has been following Goethe around. While hiding, he even encountered a terrifying giant spider and was almost caught by a sneak attack and turned into food.

But the harvest is also very satisfying.

After hunting down the Black Sky Society totem masters six times without success, Garen gradually gained more than 30 potential points. With the hunting of his silver totems, he had almost 40 potential points.

This is the most potential points he has ever had in his hands. Garen had been reluctant to use it right away, but was saving it, preparing to use it to attack a Type 3 totem at once.

"Are you back?" Lala took the gray robe out of habit and prepared to wash it immediately.

"Wait a minute." Garen called her, "Be careful during this period. The density of monsters outside is getting bigger and bigger. Don't open the curtains casually, and don't go to conspicuous places. Just hang your clothes in the house."

"I got it." Lala replied quickly. Seeing Jia Lung's solemn warning, she also knew the seriousness of the problem and nodded seriously.

"I'm going up first. Don't disturb me if you have nothing to do." Garen ordered.


Garen walked towards the study on the second floor. The footsteps rhythmically stepped on the stairs, making a snapping sound.

"This time, we must first get a type three totem, otherwise our strength will become increasingly difficult to keep up with. There are more and more monsters around, and if we don't have enough strength, we may not even be able to save this house."

Taking a deep breath, he walked into the study and closed the door.

On the study floor, the Fukasawa giant crocodile was lying quietly on the ground. His small green eyes looked at his master motionlessly.

Garen walked over and squatted in front of it.

"This time it's all up to you. No. 2." He stroked the head of the Fukasawa giant crocodile and said to himself. This was a habit he had developed recently, a habit he had developed since Resonance Eagle No. 1 died fighting for him.

The Fukasawa giant crocodile crawled forward a few steps, raised his head and looked at Garen, as if he didn't understand what he meant.

Garen stood up and took two steps back.

"With the forty potential points accumulated this time, I will definitely reach Type Three in one go!" He took a deep breath and looked at the totem bar.

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