Mysterious journey

Chapter 321 Cruelty 2

The streets were densely packed with people, most of whom were looking up at the sky. No one made a sound.

Garen then raised his head.

I saw a large area of ​​white dragon eagles and giant eagles densely packed in the sky above the inner city. There were almost a thousand of them, forming a circular circle and flying continuously, ready to deal with the countless monster armies outside.

"By the way, Goethe! Where are Goethe and the others?" Garen quickly moved through the crowd and ran towards Goethe's residence.

There is a high level of security everywhere along the way, and guards and totem divisions can be seen rushing to set up defenses at any time.

Garen had already remembered that this crucial decisive battle seemed to be the most significant reversal of change in Titan City in history. But he didn't expect that he would accidentally forget this critical period because of Lei Lan's appearance.


Goethe looked at the scene in front of him in silence.

The black and white photo frame at home was placed on the table, and there were slight cracks on the glass surface.

He picked it up gently and carefully wiped the dust off the surface.

There was chaos and chaos everywhere on the ground.

"Goth!!" Suddenly a familiar voice came from outside.

Goethe was startled, adjusted his facial expression, stood up, turned around and opened the door. He saw a gloomy-looking Garen standing outside his door, wearing a gray robe and looking dusty.

"Are you okay!?" Garen looked at him doubtfully.

"How could something happen? How could something happen to a great man like me who can abuse both of you?" Goth bulged his biceps on his right arm and laughed.

"Jessica's side?" Garen lowered his voice.


A big hand pressed hard on the door frame beside his face.

"Don't mention Jessica to me!!" Goethe lowered his head and his voice suddenly became low.

"What?" Garen was slightly startled. He simply squeezed in and closed the door behind his back.

As soon as Garen entered the door, he saw that the walls of the house were filled with all kinds of nasty and unpleasant curse words.

‘Goth, you are a shameless bitch! ’

'Curse you! Curse your body to be eaten by wild dogs after you die! ’ ‘I hope you will have no children for the rest of your life. Even if you give birth to a son, it will not end well! ’.

Vicious words were written on the walls, many of them clearly written by people who didn't often curse. It still looks a little raw.

Red writing fills all the walls in the house.

"What's going on?" Garen sat down and asked in a deep voice.

Goth also sat down. He didn't answer right away. Just silence.

The two of them were silent together, not making a sound for a long time.

"Andy is dead." Goethe suddenly said.

Garen's eyes widened suddenly.

Goethe glanced at him, his expression unexpectedly calm.

"He died because of me."

"!?" Garen didn't know what to say. He didn't know what happened during this period, but Andy died! ! ? ?

Goethe smiled. "A few days ago, our monsters had another close combat. Andy rushed out of the monster group alone and failed to come back."

"Why?" Garen asked in a low voice. He couldn't understand what was happening. "Is it because of Elilan!?"

"Eliran? He's dead too." Goethe said calmly, as if he was telling the story of an unrelated person. "I thought he would be a very good friend of mine."

"Actually, I don't know what happened. I just feel like everything has changed as soon as I wake up." Goethe's face was very white. "When I was a child, I was stupid and strong, but I always lost in fights. I was often beaten until my nose was bruised and my face was swollen. Also slow to react and simple in thinking.”

"Many times, my dream is actually very simple. I just want my mother to be recognized by the family and my father."

Garen looked at him without speaking. He suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Goethe smiled. "I'm old-fashioned, I don't know how to dress up, I have a one-sided personality, and I always like to giggle and daydream. I never thought that some girl would fall in love with me in the future. Even I look down on myself. I didn't expect , there are still girls who like me."

His smile was cold, as if there was a touch of sadness in it.

"I'm really naive. I thought that a girl really liked me. I'm so stupid, not handsome, and have no money or power, haha."

He stood up and looked out the window.

"Have you seen the crowd outside? I'm afraid they don't know that my father, the Grand Duke of White Dragon Eagle, has lost the Heart of Dragon Shadow. He has lost the most powerful magical secret treasure."

"How do you know?" Garen's heart sank.

"Because I took it." Goethe replied calmly. "Garen, I have nothing left. Really, nothing."

"You still have my friend!" Garen stood up and replied in a low voice.

"Friend?" Goethe turned around and laughed.

Suddenly he turned and stared at Garen.

"Then can you tell me how the light of the silver totem on your body came from? The totem master of the Black Sky Society?"

Garen opened his eyes wide, and for a moment he didn't expect Goethe's sudden words.

He was stunned in place, not knowing how to answer for a moment.

"I have lost everything a long time ago." Goethe laughed miserably, took a few steps back, and accidentally bumped into the photo frame on the table.

call! The black shadow flashed, and he disappeared instantly, as if he had never appeared before.

Garen stood there with a complicated and inexplicable look on his face.

He quietly turned around and walked out of the house, only to see a black carriage parked in front of the house. A man in black was guarding the door with several totem masters.

"Can I spare you a few minutes?" The man stepped forward seriously.

Garen glanced at him and took a deep breath.

"Exactly, I also want to know what happened?"

"You are Jessica and God Andy's friend, Mr. Gallon, right?" the man confirmed unexpectedly. "Do you have any clues about this case?"

"Case? Clues?" Gallon was startled, "What case?"

"You don't know?" The man looked surprised.

Ten minutes later, Garen put on his hood and felt an unspeakable feeling in his heart. Looking at the carriage gradually going away, he suddenly understood how Goethe got such ruthlessness in the end.

The man was not very clear about the specific situation. He just knew that the superiors had asked him to monitor this place. As long as someone came into contact with Goethe, he had to come forward and ask about the situation.

Galen was in a very complicated mood, Andy was actually dead, Jessica's whereabouts were unknown, Goethe seemed to be seriously injured, and he felt a sense of despair.

Perhaps only they know what happened in the middle. But now that Goethe has left too, he can't find anyone to ask about the situation. Still confused.

"Judging from Goth's reaction just now, he can obviously recognize the light of my silver totem. Since he can recognize it, there must be other people who can recognize it." Garen thought for a while and directly The black totem light on the body is put away, leaving only the totem light of the original totem.

Walking slowly on the street, Garon kept analyzing Goethe's current whereabouts in his mind. He could not understand the meaning of Goethe's last words.

There are obviously too many things included in it.

Unknowingly, Garen arrived at the War Guild headquarters.

Among the crowd at the entrance of the headquarters, a familiar figure was sitting on the steps. It's Angel, Tris Angel.

She saw Garen approaching and immediately stood up.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time. Not bad, the shackles actually have additional effects."

"Let's talk after we go in." Garen was in a bad mood.

The two squeezed their way into the guild through the crowd and sat down in a lonely corner.

"What specific plans do you have?" Angel asked in a low voice as soon as he sat down, at a volume that only Garen could hear. "The situation is obviously not good now. I have arranged an underground passage to leave through a secret passage in the guild. This place will soon become a paradise for monsters."

"Plan?" Garen thought for a while, "I've been out of town recently. Has anything major happened in the inner city?" he asked in a low voice.

Angel's attitude towards Garen has obviously changed a lot now, because the war shackles have an extra special effect, which gave her a good advantage in several battles. Now she has a greater sense of belonging to herself and Garen's shackles. .

"A major matter? You mean... the matter of the Commander-in-Chief of the Duke's Palace?" Angel asked doubtfully.

"Tell me about it." Garen whispered.

"A commander of the Duke's Palace, a guy named Goethe, his wife killed his mother, and it is said that he also took away an important thing from the Duke's Palace. He is now wanted throughout the city. It is said that the situation inside It's very complicated. I only heard the introduction from a few acquaintances who were hired." Angel thought for a while and whispered.

Garen felt a little uncomfortable. History had finally returned to its original path, and Goethe was finally forced to embark on this path. Andy, who was not supposed to die, died, and Jessica also disappeared. Did she kill Goethe's mother?

Galen found it hard to imagine the circumstances under which Jessica would kill Goethe's mother. Is it silver control?

Gallon didn't know whether Goethe had confirmed whether Jessica had been silvered, but he knew that no matter whether he wanted to or not, Goethe would eventually have to take this path.

Otherwise, there will be no way to survive in the entire Titan City.

He wants to stop it, but the result of stopping it is likely to be the destruction of Titan City. This conflicting feeling was constantly tangled in Garen's mind.

"If this is the path that the strongest must walk." Garen lowered his head and sighed. By ignoring him all this time, he might have made a choice subconsciously.

Did you really lose track of time this time? Garen asked himself this.

"What's wrong with you?" Angel asked doubtfully. "Do you know that Goth?"

"He's my friend." Garen nodded, "Okay, let's not talk about this. Where is your team? How is it developing?"

"It's okay. We're currently defending a section of defense line in the south." Angel replied, "How about it? Do you want to come with me?"

"Forget it, I have other things to do." Garen shook his head, took out a prepared note and handed it to Angel. "If you encounter trouble, you can escape here. Maybe you will get better. Remember, don't have too many people, no more than five."

Angel took it in confusion and looked at it. It turned out to be an address in an outer city. "What are you doing mysteriously?"

"Don't worry about it. Okay, that's it." Garen stood up. He had already heard the roar of the tide coming from outside.

The roars and roars of countless monsters suddenly erupted in the sky.

The final battle has begun.

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