Mysterious journey

Chapter 323 Dazzling 2

Garen quietly stared at the man in black robe not far away. He is not one of Jace's men in this area.

He had used the deducer to see information about all Jace's subordinates, but he was not among them.


In the distant sky of the inner city, a ball of black light was expanding, like an expanding fireball.

The heaven and earth began to shake. The surface of the light ball continuously projects black light pillars downwards, and each light pillar accurately hits the totem masters in the inner city.

Faintly, everyone can see the bird-like creature spreading its wings and singing inside the light ball. Slender black tail feathers, elegant wings, and a shining silver peacock crown.

Buzz! ! ! !

The blackbird once again made a loud vibrating call.

The black ball of light suddenly spread out in a circle of black ripples, knocking away all the approaching totem masters.

Garen did not look back to see the terrifying attack of the black ball of light. He stared quietly at the green-eyed man in front of him.

"Jace's men don't have you." He suddenly said.

The other party's green eyes suddenly jumped violently.

"who are you!?"

"Eat him, White Dragon!"

Garen faintly uttered a few words.

boom! !

A giant white shadow suddenly landed and rushed towards the man in black robe.

The petrified white dragon sprayed out a large amount of gray mist directly from its mouth, covering the entire area.

The gray-white mist seemed to be alive, gathering in large numbers towards the black-robed man. As soon as the mist touched the ground, whether it was grass, stones, corpses, or bloodstains. Everything was quickly petrified and turned into gray-white stone.

A large number of green-eyed giant wolves rushed towards Garen in a crazy and fearless manner, but were completely enveloped in petrified gray mist in mid-air. They howled, and their bodies quickly turned into stone gray matter, and they fell to the ground one by one. But it quickly turned into puddles of green liquid, which was not even solid.

The man in black robe wanted to raise his hand, but was shocked to find that his movements were more than a little stiff. He tried hard to carve the spell in the air.

boom! !

A huge amount of gray-white petrified mist washed away where he stood.

The man in black robe was instantly petrified into a humanoid statue.

Garen turned his head and looked in the distance.

The two-headed lizard dragon slowly emerged from the ground with its head holding a green-eyed giant wolf about the size of a calf in its mouth. The body of the giant wolf is drying up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Click. Click!

The two-headed lizard dragon bit off the green-eyed giant wolf's body in one bite.

At the same time, the petrified man in black robe also shattered into pieces. With a crash, it turned into a pile of meaningless rubble.

Garen quietly looked at the stone corpses that were killed instantly.

"A totem master other than Jace, interesting."

He turned around and looked at the sky in the inner city. The huge black light group was wildly shooting at the totem masters in the city. Several small white-gold dots are constantly impacting around the light ball, but they can only wander around the periphery and be blocked back.

"Goth, I can only help you get here." Garen murmured and looked at the inner city. "Don't die."

He stood alone among the monsters, and countless monsters passed by him, but they did not attack him at all. As if they were rocks in the turbulent current, they passed through each other naturally.


A huge black ball of light floats in the sky.

The Grand Duke was wearing platinum armor and riding the Platinum Dragon Eagle King. He avoided the black ray beams shooting towards him at lightning speed.

He held the huge golden dragon gun tightly and pointed the sharp spikes at the black ball of light.


A black beam of light passed by the side of his face, causing the light of his totem to oscillate.

"Are you okay, Red?" A worried female voice came from the platinum dragon eagle beneath her. A huge silver wound had been scratched out on its abdomen, and silver blood was slowly dripping from it.

"It's okay." The golden hairband on the back of the Grand Duke's head was blown away, and his long golden hair flew back. "It's been so many years, and I haven't fought with you for a long, long time. When I think of the time when we fought together, my heart is still filled with excitement."

"This opponent is far more difficult than any other battle. You and I may both die." The Platinum Dragon Eagle King said calmly, her silver eyes shining with humanity.

"It doesn't matter, I have wanted to go down with her for a long time. I just want to make it difficult for you, so I want you to accompany me." A trace of tenderness appeared on the face of the Grand Duke. The black light of the light ball shone on his face, as if giving him a layer of divine brilliance.

"Why are you and I talking about this? Your son has awakened the Black Domain Bird. Why don't you let him temporarily fuse the totem with you, so that you will be more sure to deal with this opponent?" The Platinum Dragon Eagle King whispered. doubted.

"I have asked him to leave the core here, so that my family can retain a trace of blood." The Grand Duke was suddenly startled. He came down from the sky and felt a familiar breath approaching quickly.

"Didn't I ask him to leave here!?" He frowned for the first time.

Suddenly he heard cheers coming from below.

"Black Territory Bird!! It's Black Territory Bird!"

"As long as you fuse with the Platinum Dragon Eagle King, you can create the most powerful King of Sky in the legend!!"

"We won't lose!!"

Many of the totem masters below were knowledgeable people, and they immediately recognized the black bird with its wings spread below.

As long as the Black Domain Bird merges into the Dragon Eagle King, the strongest King of Sky in history will reappear, and he will definitely be able to deal with this strange bird in the sky by then!

This is the consensus of everyone at this time. The dozen or so remaining Type 3 Totem Masters all stared closely at the Black Domain Bird carrying Goth. The giant black bird flapped its wings and rushed towards the Dragon Eagle King, its eyes also filled with black beating flames.

This is the last hope for all those who are suppressed by the ball of light!

The Black Domain Bird and the Dragon Eagle King kept dodging and getting closer among the large number of black beams.

The Grand Duke looked helplessly at his son on the Black Domain Bird's back.

"You shouldn't have come back." He deliberately asked her to go out of the city and away from the core, just to prevent her from coming back for a short time. Unexpectedly, he has always felt guilty for this mother and son. The once gentle female totem master , has been silently supporting himself behind his back. Unfortunately, it's too late to wake up now. She died too.

Now, now, he only has his son.

Looking at Goethe who was looking at him firmly, he suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

The Black Domain Bird vibrated its wings, suddenly accelerated, dodged a black light that shot towards it, and rushed towards the Dragon Eagle King.


In an instant, a golden thread suddenly spurted out from the Black Domain Bird's mouth.

The golden thread pierced the Dragon Eagle King's injured abdomen in the blink of an eye, and with a sneer, penetrated through the back.

The sky seemed to become silent for a moment. Everyone was stunned.

Silver blood dripped heavily from the Dragon Eagle King's abdomen.

No one could have guessed what was happening.

The smile on Goethe's face froze, and his eyes widened, filled with disbelief and despair. He shook his head, his lips were bitten and bleeding, and he had a look of bewilderment on his face.

"No, no. It's not me. It shouldn't be like this! It shouldn't be like this.!!" He kept shaking his head, sitting on the black bird, and the despair in his eyes was so rich that it was almost crazy.

The golden wire bent, and with a hiss, it directly pierced the Grand Duke's armor and his left chest and heart.

"No!!!" Goethe's desperate roar came to his ears.

The Grand Duke lowered his head in astonishment and looked at the golden thread on his left chest. His face went from surprise and pain to confusion, relief and calm.

He spit out a mouthful of blood involuntarily.

"The core defense of Totem Light will be canceled only when it fuses. You really calculated it accurately." He seemed to have understood something.

"Red, I didn't expect that we would really die together this time." The Dragon Eagle King smiled bitterly with some difficulty.

The Grand Duke also smiled bitterly.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, slowly turned his head, and looked down at Goethe whose face was full of tears. This simple action seemed extremely difficult for him.

"Don't cry, I've lived a wonderful life. It's not your fault." He raised his head, his face full of calm. "Life is like a play, with ups and downs, highs and lows. I just reached the ending I deserved."

"Father." Goth sat on the Black Domain Bird. He was completely unable to control his body. He couldn't help but grab the golden thread and swung it hard. The tip of the golden thread came out again and pierced the Grand Duke's heart again.


Goethe's face was filled with tears. He didn't know what he was doing. An unimaginably huge force controlled him, causing him to do such completely incomprehensible things.

The Grand Duke smiled, his face quickly turning pale. He glanced at the strange bird light ball directly in front of him that was condensing an unprecedented black light. The overwhelming sense of threat could break out at any time.

"Goth, don't blame your mother. If possible, please protect the Iron City of the Dragon Eagle family for me."

Before he finished speaking, he waved his hand fiercely.

An invisible huge force field suddenly spread out. Directly exclude Goth. It flew towards the Duke's Palace, the core of the inner city.

The Grand Duke faced the black light that was about to erupt, and a strong burning fighting spirit suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Come on Anna! Let my subjects see the true glory of my Dragon Eagle family!!!"

"As you wish!" Dragon Eagle King's soft voice resounded throughout the sky.

"The sky roars!!!"

In an instant, a golden ball of dazzling light quickly appeared in the sky, hanging high like the black ball of light. A large black golden arc was violently intertwined between the two light balls, and countless crackling sounds of electricity could be heard.

At this time, the totem masters had been involuntarily pushed down to low altitude or the ground by the huge force field. No one expected this outcome.

The two light balls quickly attracted each other like magnets.

Then there was a silent collision.

Goth was suddenly shot into the pond of the Duke's Palace. He and the Black Domain Bird were all numb all of a sudden, unable to get up and move at all. I could only stare blankly at the golden ball of light shining in the sky.

Tears streamed down his face and he tried to open his mouth, but no words came out.

A dazzling white light suddenly shone in the sky.


A set of golden armor suddenly landed in front of Goethe, firmly embedded into the gray-white stone floor.

That is the legendary armor of the Grand Duke, and it is also a secret treasure passed down from generation to generation of the White Dragon Eagle family. The left chest that was pierced by the gold thread just now was intact.

After a long time, the light dissipated, and the stiffness on Goethe's body gradually disappeared.

He walked out of the pond, covered his face with his hands, and knelt down in front of the armor silently.

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