Mysterious journey

Chapter 326 Inference 1

Golden sunlight shines down.

Between the green grass, an earth-yellow driveway winds and stretches into the distance.

Three black carriages drove slowly into the distance in the driveway.

Garen sat in the carriage and looked out the window quietly.

On the high mountain in the distance on the left, there stands a continuous gray fortress. The fortress is surrounded by sawtooth-topped walls, and some of the walls have been smashed to create gaps. There was silence.

Several giant black bats were hovering over the fortress, and another black bat had just flown up from inside the fortress.

There was a smell of burning fire or something in the air.

Garen took out his pocket watch and checked the time: 3:24.

"Take a rest, we have been traveling all morning." He said calmly.

The sound was not loud, but just loud enough for the other two carriages to hear.

He sat in the middle carriage, and Roland sat opposite him.

The carriage in front was occupied by Angel and the Wild Hunt. Behind is Lala and some food and debris that need to be removed.

The three carriages suddenly stopped at the same time. The three mutant dark horses stopped naturally without anyone directing them.

Garon opened the carriage and stepped out of the carriage. He raised his eyes and looked around.

Surrounded by emerald green lawns, there are two rows of welcoming flower beds built on the roadside, with small red and yellow flowers blooming inside, which are extremely bright. The breeze blew these little flowers and swayed slightly.

He looked along the lawn into the distance. The green grass continued to the fortress on the top of the mountain in the distance. The large green in the middle was occasionally interspersed with a few withered yellow weeping willows.

Garen looked up at the fortress and frowned slightly.

"This is a private fortress near Titan City. We haven't left the jurisdiction of Titan City yet." Leylan got off the carriage behind Garen with a low voice. "It will take at least a day to get out of the jurisdiction, at our speed."

"It seems that the fortress has also been captured." Garen guessed.

"Definitely, there are scavenging bats hovering in the air there. These bats come out during the day and rest at night. They are different from ordinary bats. They only eat rotten corpses." Lei Lan replied calmly, "Scavenging bats only appear when there are no It is a dangerous place and has a very timid personality. Whether it is a monster or a human, it is an object that needs to be avoided.”

She took out a small notebook and began to record something in detail. She could only hear the rustling sound of the portable pen tip on the paper.

Garen nodded, indicating that he understood.

"How long do we have food and water left?"

"I'll ask Lala to come out. This is best understood by asking her." Lei Lan frowned and walked directly to the third carriage.

She quickly got on the third carriage, but did not hear the scolding voice.

"Brother, come here and take a look. Lala seems to be very ill." Lei Lan's voice came from the carriage.

Garen glanced at the Wild Hunt group who had just gotten off the carriage, and waved his hand to signal them to rest. He strode to the third carriage and stepped on it through the open door.

The carriage was a little cold and damp, and there were various garbage barrels piled up in the dark interior. The yellow wooden barrels were all wrapped in a cross shape with iron sheets. Lala was leaning against a wooden barrel, her face flushed and she was panting.

"Cough cough. Cough cough." Lala coughed hard, and the sound of phlegm could be heard faintly in her throat. She covered her chest with her hands, as if she couldn't breathe. Sitting on the ground feeling weak.

She was only wearing a gray and white summer dress and no stockings.

Garen scanned Lala's body, squatted down, gently grabbed the fabric on the right shoulder of the dress, and gently twisted off the black spot on it.

"I feel out of breath." Lala said with difficulty. Seeing Garen was like seeing the savior, his eyes glowed brightly.

Garen sighed and gently pressed his right hand to Lala's chest.

"Brother!" Lei Lan's dissatisfied voice came from the side, and she blocked Garen's hand. "It's just a servant. If he dies, he will die. But be careful of infecting you too."

Garen glanced at her, and Leilan's pale yellow eyes shone with jealousy and dissatisfaction. She slightly avoided her gaze and instead stared at Lala fiercely.

"She is suffering from an acute asthma attack. It's because I didn't think carefully and lived in an unventilated environment for a long time, and there are many microorganisms such as bacteria multiplying. She is just an ordinary person, and it is considered good to be able to survive until now. "

"Let her die, we don't have any medicine to treat asthma." Lei Lan's eyes flickered. "Just let me manage these supplies for you."

"You go out now." Garen said calmly. "obedient."

Lei Lan glared at Lala unwillingly, then stood up and got out of the carriage.

His fingers quickly began to tap on his lungs.

"I don't know the specific treatment, so I can only temporarily relieve your condition. And it's not necessarily true that asthma is confirmed." He said in a low voice as he watched the thumbwheels pull more and more easily.

Garen was not focused on anything else, and after quickly relieving the problem of poor blood and qi in his lungs, he finally gently aggravated it with a sudden palm strike.


Lala immediately leaned forward and spat out a mouthful of black phlegm.

The black phlegm was about to fall on Garen, but with a flick of his finger, he shot out a strong wind, ejected from the carriage and landed on the grass in the distance.

Garen stood up, his heart sinking slightly.

"At this time and in this environment, once you get sick, it is difficult to find treatment drugs. Now we can only ask you to take some anti-inflammatory drugs and cough medicine. It's all up to you."

Lala nodded. "It's okay, I'll get better soon." She smiled at Garen and said there was no need to worry.

Garen frowned. "I found cockroach excrement on your clothes. You'd better stop staying here. Get a carriage."

Lala nodded, she also discovered the reason.

Garen shook his head, got out of the carriage, and met Lei Lan with a gloomy look on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"You shouldn't have agreed to come with her." Lei Lan whispered. "That guy is a burden, useless for anything, and now she's sick and can't even do trivial things! What use do we need her for?"

"You're a little extreme, Leilan." Garen frowned. "Her relatives died in the last war. Now she has no family and can only follow us."

"So what?" Lei Lan glanced at the carriage jealously. "Brother, you don't want to have sex with that bitch, do you? You just want to be prettier and have better skin!? Do you still want to enjoy it in this environment? If it is peace time, I can give you as much as you want. You catch me! But it’s different now!”

Looking at the expression on her face, Garen knew that she was becoming more and more jealous of Lala. She herself was disfigured, but she was extremely jealous of other women whose faces were intact.

"I once promised her that she would serve me in exchange for enough security. Now I have not fulfilled my promise." He whispered, "Okay, Lei Lan, I know you are in a bad mood, but don't take it out on others! "

Lei Lan didn't say anything more, he just became more and more gloomy, turned around and left without saying a word.

Garen rubbed his temples with a headache.

Looking at the sun above my head, the golden sunlight is bright but not very warm.

Leilan is indeed much more important than Lara, and she is still teaching him the basics of various research deducers. Now I have to rely on her. So Garen shouldn't annoy her too much.

But this distorted world view and values ​​may indeed cause great trouble to the team.

From the Wild Hunt group, Angel walked over with a look of confusion on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"Lala is sick, probably due to acute asthma." Garen replied helplessly, "She is the only ordinary person among us, her physical fitness is not very good, and she was injured before. It is not bad that she is only sick now."

"What should we do?" Angel also frowned. She also had a good impression of Lala, a dedicated maid. "I still have some Tawini here. You can give it to her. It should bring some relief."


Gallon gave Lala the medicine, and after taking it, she did feel relieved soon after. This medicine mainly acts as an antitussive.

Garen didn't think much about it. He was busy letting the petrified white dragon in front clear the way, followed by a two-headed lizard dragon carrying two petrified monitor lizards behind him, surrounded by Fukasawa giant crocodiles and resonance eagles on both sides. They brought a large number of beetles to drive away powerful monsters that might appear around them, but only let some guys with low strength levels in to practice their skills for Angel and others.

The potential points are constantly increasing, and the speed is very slow, far less than during the Titan City period.

I didn’t meet any powerful characters in the wild at all.

Next, they advanced for more than a day, until they reached the edge of Titan City's jurisdiction. All they encountered were type 1 monsters, and very few type 2 monsters. There was no need to expel them, so Garen simply let his subordinates ignore them and let them in directly.

His potential points at this time have also accumulated to an unprecedented 125 points. I have been saving since Titan City.

He planned to save more at once and focus on the evolution of the black-striped white tiger.


The pale morning white light shines through the gaps in the curtains.

Garen slowly woke up from his sleep. He rubbed the sore back of his neck. He opened his eyes and saw Lei Lan sleeping soundly on his side, lying on his side.

It was quiet outside, except for the occasional snort of mutated horses.

Sitting upright on the cushion, Garen pulled away the quilt and put on his leather boots. He peeled off a wooden board from the wall of the carriage to the right of the two of them, put it down, and propped up two wooden sticks underneath to form a simple table.

Picking up the dried vegetables and beef jerky that he had not finished last night, Garen took two large glasses of water from the water bottle on the table and threw the dried vegetables and dried meat in.

Then he held a cup in each hand, and the palms of his hands were slightly as red as ruby.

More than a minute later, the aroma of dried meat and vegetables suddenly filled the spacious carriage.

"Brother?" Leilan woke up from his sleep and opened his eyes in confusion to look at Garen. Across the table, she immediately saw two large cups on the table.

White water vapor floated from the mouth of the cup, which contained a faint fragrance.

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