Mysterious journey

Chapter 328 Idea 1

He had only evolved the silver totem before and had never used the original totem, so he didn't understand the situation at all. Only now do we really understand what is going on.

The primitive totem is a living organism, which has a certain amount of energy accumulation itself, and can also increase its energy reserves through external food. Therefore, potential point evolution only requires one step of guidance and activation.

The original totem is different. It does not need to eat and cannot store energy. Everything needs to be provided by the totem master. So evolution requires two steps, accumulation and activation.

"No wonder Leilan said that the silver totem will surpass the original totem sooner or later." Garon suddenly understood the biggest advantage of the silver totem. Not a deducer, not a control quantity. It's about the difficulty of evolution.

Now the cheap daddy in this world is also engaged in biochemical research. Garen is becoming more and more impatient. He wants to get there in advance and use the classics to improve his knowledge level.

"Striped crystal, my dad used it as a potted plant when I was a kid. I didn't expect that the black-striped white tiger actually needs this thing as the core of evolution." Garen said with emotion. "Now that I think about it, dad has such rare treasure resources everywhere. He is worthy of being a royal researcher."

In Ahashia's memory, resources of this level were simply taken care of casually. It’s everywhere in the house.

Since these are very rare and alternative resources, not mainstream evolutionary resources, after Galen learned some knowledge from Aining, he still did not think of the value of these things.

Only now did he realize that he was in a treasure house before and didn't know it.

Zebra crystal is a very peculiar crystal that can continue to grow as it is planted. Once you get home, you can have as much as you want.

Moreover, the black-striped white tiger requires hundreds of potential points to activate an evolution. Once the evolution is successful, there is no telling what kind of powerful existence it will become.

Garen is also looking forward to it.

He took a closer look at himself.

"If you think about it carefully, the silver totem cannot take back its storage, so it can only be kept in the outside world. In this way, the light of the silver totem is equivalent to always existing. It is equivalent to the role of the core totem. If there is no deduction device Trouble, I am now equivalent to a type three totem master."

Garon defined himself, and his mind suddenly became clear.

"The biggest trouble now is probably the deducer. As long as the problem of the deducer is solved first, then I don't have to worry about the silver totem under my command going out of control. The core totem should be improved as long as I go back."

His eyes finally glanced at the icon of the black-striped white tiger, and the data on it changed naturally.

‘Core - White Tiger with Black Stripes: The first form totem, which can be improved. Evolution success rate: 11%. Gene fragment activation consumes potential points: 700%. Accumulate 145 potential points to achieve a chain activation. Requires the core resource Zebra Crystal.

Abilities: Tail whip, piercing bite. ’

The data display of talent abilities was partly based on Garen's own understanding, and he was not surprised by this.

Although there are still many things that are unclear about the evolution of the original totem, Garen has decided not to delve into this aspect for now.

After coming back to his senses, Garen stepped out of the carriage.

Outside, the Wild Hunting Group and others were cooking something around a bonfire. White smoke and water vapor were mixed together, and a faint aroma of meat floated.

The surroundings are already vast dark green plains, and occasionally clusters of dense groves can be seen in the distance.

There were several one-horned monitor lizards hovering in the sky above their heads, but they did not dare to come down and attack everyone, and they just made strange screams.

It was approaching afternoon, and the reddish sunlight shone from behind, dragging everyone out into a long shadow.

Garen and Leylan walked aside alone. Discuss some difficult questions in the three subjects in a low voice.

Angel and Lala, who was still coughing, sat around the Wild Hunt group and chatted together.

There were no roars from any monsters around, which made everyone a little strange. But they all attributed it to the mystery of Gallon. I feel more at ease about the upcoming journey.

Only Garen, who was discussing with Lei Lan, could see the potential value that was constantly beating below his field of vision. That means that the silver totems under him are frantically chasing and hunting the large group of monsters around them.

"We are almost out of the Titan City area now, and the next step is a relatively desolate no-man's land. According to our slow speed, it will take at least two or three days to get to the nearest city." Lei Lan looked at it with some confusion. Garen, "Brother, what are your plans? What your current theory lacks is concrete practice. I hope to get better research tools as soon as possible."

Of course, Garen would not say that this was to increase his potential points, so his speed would be slowed down. "Can I get a set of research tools for the time being? What you taught me should be the content of a workshop master, right?"

"Yes, the workshop master is the silver lantern master who specializes in studying totems, but we prefer to study biological totems." Lei Lan nodded.

"So do you know, is there a way to turn humans into silver without being controlled?" Garen finally asked what he wanted to ask.

"Silverization of humans itself is our topic. Silverization itself is nothing new. The technical requirements are not high, but it is of little use. No matter how strong the human body is, it is impossible to evolve past carefully selected biological totems. Over at the headquarters, it is There are many people who choose to self-silver in order to extend their lifespan." Leilan confirmed Gallon's idea, "But I don't recommend you to do this, brother."

She paused, "The top primitive totem masters will have a strange phenomenon. The totem light brought by their totems will gradually transform their own bodies, making them stronger, healthier, and longer. . There are even many totem masters, and the totem and themselves merge into one, becoming a whole. Reaching an unprecedented level of power. This is the original source of silver."

"Elemental totems, plant totems, animal totems, in fact, the three categories of totem types will inevitably reach this stage in the end. The subject and the totem merge into one, turning into a terrifying inhuman existence with a totem. This is what we are doing in The main goal of Black Sky Society's research. Brother, if you want to embark on this path, the conditions required are very difficult. Technically, even I can't help. This kind of technical requirements is too high. Maybe I will study it carefully. You may not be able to gain anything for decades." Leilan rejected Gallon's idea, "The Black Sky Society has been researching for so many years to achieve a little bit of technical success. It goes without saying that I am the only one."

Garen smiled and changed the subject. "So how should a totem master define strength?"

"General evolution is divided according to form levels. The first type can never beat the second type, and the second type can never beat the third type, and so on. But there are also spells and secret treasures that will affect the outcome. Of course. There are also the strategic and strategic talents of the controller. Speaking of totems alone, the strongest among the totems is the ultimate body. This represents the final evolutionary apex of this species. The ultimate represents the final end of evolution. But who are the different ultimate bodies? Who is strong and weak depends on the essence. The better the essence, the harder it is to evolve, and the stronger it will be after evolution. If the essence is good and the number of evolutions is high, then it will be terrifying if it can really evolve to the top. Just like your white tiger with black stripes, brother, if it can evolve to the fourth type, its power will be unimaginable." Lei Lan explained carefully.

"But no one even knows if there is a third type, and no one has ever evolved this thing." Garen shrugged.

"That's because its foundation is too strong and its evolution is too difficult." Lei Lan shook his head. "I suggest you, brother, find an opportunity to change your core totem."

"Let's talk about it again." Garen didn't give up yet.

Galen and Leylan talked a lot together. This also gave him a deeper understanding of the totem masters.

In the late afternoon, the members of the Wild Hunt made potato soup, served with dry bread, and each person had an apple. It was quite a sumptuous meal.

A group of people sat around the campfire, warming themselves up.

The temperature dropped in the evening, and everyone felt a bit chilly. Lara, as an ordinary person, felt the same. She slept sideways by the fire with a quilt on her side, her face turned red, and her condition was obviously not getting better.

"Further ahead is Chromium Town. Chromium Town is the border town between Tilan City and Asuli City. I traveled there when I was a child, and the red leaf cakes there tasted good. I don't know how it is now. "In the Wild Hunting group, a petite young woman whispered, feeling a little depressed.

"This kind of environment has probably been deserted for a long time, right?" the man next to him whispered back.

"Tielan City and Asuli City?" Garen was not very familiar with these two places. "Which of these two cities has more resources? Does anyone know?"

"Chief Commander, Asuli City is rich in resources. Are you lacking any evolutionary resources?" The petite woman looked at Garen in a low voice. She and her companions unanimously called the eldest brother the chief, and after correcting him many times to no avail, Garen let them call him that.

"I want some striped crystals." Garen wanted to try and see if he could find this thing along the way. Anyway, in the current period of chaos, too many people have died, and a lot of resources have been idle. Maybe you can get it early. If you can find this along the way, you don't have to speed up. Wouldn't it be better to continue to earn potential points all the way back?

"As for the striped crystal, I know where to find it." The man in black in the Wild Hunting group, who had never been very talkative, spoke up.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on him, the man pulled down the collar around his neck.

"There is indeed a mottled crystal in Asure City. I once saw it in the city museum. It was a crystal stone embedded in a crown. It was preserved as a cultural relic."

"Are you talking about the Su Neng Crown? I have also heard of that crown, but I didn't expect it to be in the museum in Asuli City." The last man in the group whispered.

Angel nodded, glanced at Garen, and found that he was already thinking slightly.

After Gallon thought for a moment, he spoke again. "How long does it take us to turn from here to Asuli City? Does anyone know?"

The petite woman was most familiar with these geography, so she weighed her answer.

"It's similar to our current route, except that the turning direction is in the opposite direction. Time will not be delayed. We must pass through two roads, Aisuli City and Tilan City. According to our current direction, we are heading towards Tilan City."

"Vicky, are you so sure even without a map?" the man in black in the group asked doubtfully.

"My home is from Tilan City, and I've played everywhere around it." Vicky, a petite woman, replied. "How's it going? Are you going to Asuli City? Chief." Her eyes fell on Garen. She has always been interested in this powerful and mysterious man. He seems to have an unusual relationship with eldest sister Angel.

"Since it won't affect the distance, let's change the route." Garen nodded. "Do you have any objection?" He looked at Leilan and Angel.

Both of them shook their heads and said they had no objection.

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