Mysterious journey

Chapter 342 Anticipation 1 (big chapter, thank you for your continued support, thank you)

Inside the manor

Baker's stone-eyed companion, Talian, was carefully avoiding guards and guards and walking to the most remote corner of the manor.

He looked around, took out his pocket watch, checked the time, and waited slowly.

Soon, a cold-faced figure came over from a distance, it was Baker Stone Eyes. He looked quite ugly.

"Got the answer?" Tarian asked in a low voice.

"Confirmed. Now the last thing is to find the place where he conducted experiments. Those experimental subjects outside cannot appear for no reason. He must have a hidden residence to house the core experimental equipment!" Baker said coldly with stone eyes.

"Then what are you waiting for? Just go and do it!" Talian was gearing up, with a hint of excitement on his face.

"Don't worry, that old guy has already become suspicious of me. Your inquiries in the past two days must have let him know what we are tracking. We must be careful."

Baker Stone Eyes spoke calmly.

He took out something from his pocket with his backhand. It was a small blue crystal, diamond-shaped and crystal clear.

"When I came out, the teacher gave me a total of three clock fogs, and I can use one at this time. Each one can use two abilities, one is to confuse, and the other is to teleport. And it can also be used separately."

As he spoke, the crystal in his palm suddenly slowly floated and rotated slightly in the air, soundlessly.

Baker Shiyan threw his hand upwards, and immediately pushed the crystal up gently, floating lightly on his right side.

"Okay, let's go. A certain area around us has been fogged, and any detection spell will be ineffective. But the time is only half an hour."

"You have enough good things in your hands! Why don't I have any?" Talien said unbalanced.

"Using this requires maintaining a certain calculation advance at all times. The difficulty is equivalent to asking you to solve an advanced physics problem in ten seconds. If you want to use it, I still have it here." Baker Stone Eyes replied calmly.

Tarien immediately fell silent. He is the worst at learning calculations.

Baker's stone eyes looked left and right, then he bent down and gently lifted it on the ground, and immediately pulled up a metal plate of the underground passage from the ground. This metal plate was camouflaged with green grass, and the surface was covered with a thick layer of soil. It was impossible to tell that it was the entrance to an underground passage.

Baker's stone eyes looked inside, and one of his eyes glowed with silver light. Soon, the silver light calmed down.


He jumped directly into the entrance, and his whole body was submerged in the dark cave just like jumping into a lake.

Without any hesitation, Tarien carefully entered with his lower body first, then pulled the entrance metal plate back with his backhand, pretending to return it to its original position.

The two of them walked forward in the dark cave. Only the blue crystal next to Baker's stone eye continued to emit blue light, illuminating a small area in front and behind.

The ground was very damp, and there was a faint rancid smell.

"How long has it been since there was no wind in this place? It smells so bad!" Talian muttered and covered his nose.

"It's not that there's no ventilation, it's that ventilation can't blow away the stench." Baker's stone eyes replied calmly.

"It's so disgusting, it smells worse than the monster we got into last time!" Tarien complained in great displeasure.

The two of them moved forward quickly, one behind the other.

A few minutes passed, and Baker Shiyan suddenly felt something strange in his expression.

"No!" He stopped suddenly. "After walking for so long, how is it possible that there is still no movement?"

His right eye flashed with silver light, and the entire field of vision in front of him was suddenly covered with a faint silver.

"It's a magic maze!" His expression suddenly darkened. "Sure enough, I was prepared for it! I actually laid out such a troublesome maze of spells in advance."

"What a maze it is! Just punch through him!" Talian became impatient.

He patted his side, and a huge black beast suddenly appeared beside him, a humanoid beast with an eagle's head, covered with thick black feathers, his eyes were slightly golden, and there was a black ring in the pupil. Its arms were two huge black wings, its legs were like goat's hooves, and it was a head taller than Tarien, about two and a half meters tall.

"Night Owl, straight ahead! Pierce!" Talian pointed forward.

The giant eagle-headed beast roared. His wings flapped violently.


There was a stabbing sound, and two forearm-thick white electric lights shot out fiercely, hitting the wall in front of him hard.

boom! !

Two large craters suddenly appeared on the wall. The rubble exploded and flew everywhere. Some of it hit the two of them hard and was bounced back by the light of the silver totem.

But soon, the two large craters that were blasted quickly returned to their original state, as if the living things were self-repairing, which was extremely weird. The gravel on the ground also sank directly into the ground and disappeared.

"It's useless." Baker Stone Eyes said calmly, "The maze of spells is made of strong composite materials and has the effect of deflecting attacks. You can only break the entire maze by following its rules. If you do this, it is equivalent to It is using one person's strength to fight against the power source that supports the entire maze. If it is based on geothermal heat, you will not be able to solve the problem even if your strength is exhausted."

"Then what are we going to do? Isn't it impossible to break through with strength?" Tarlian said unhappily.

"Find the four main nodes and destroy them, and you can directly solve the entire maze." Baker's stone eyes were filled with silver light, "Let's split up."


Somewhere underground in a secret room.

Du Qi stood quietly in front of a huge black crystal. She had been transformed into an inhuman form by Vindman.

The upper body is still in a normal human form, with snow-white skin, beautiful facial features, and wearing a set of close-fitting armor covered with green blood vessels. But the lower body has turned into a large piece of dark green tree roots, which are planted into a square pool behind. The roots of the lower body are densely packed, no less than hundreds, and the roots are constantly sucking the dark green liquid from the pool, as if the big tree is sucking nutrients from the earth.

As Vindman's housekeeper and Vindman's lover, Dusie has been following Vindman since she was very young. The relationship between the two is like a husband and wife, and also like a father and daughter.

In order to fulfill the plan of the one she loved, she was willing to let herself be transformed into this state.

"How dare someone break into the maze?" She looked up at the graphics revealed on the crystal stone.

It clearly shows that there are two small red dots moving forward from the entrance of the maze.

The entire maze is like a huge spider web, with the entrance network at the far right end and the exit network at the far left end.

And now the two of them are approaching the exit step by step. Every node guardian encountered in the middle was easily solved by them.

Du Qian pressed a symbol on the stone platform on the right, but no change appeared.

She was slightly surprised. "Is this a fog blockade? It has such high-end technology! It seems to have been planned in advance."

She pondered for a moment.

"Since I can't send a signal, I will come and meet you personally."

Her fingers moved anxiously on the stone platform again.

Soon the black crystal in front of him split into four different pictures. Four different weird avatars are revealed.

A clown, a blind giant, a boar with two heads, and a blonde beauty with red eyes.

"Someone has broken into the maze. Which one of you is going to solve it? The other person is prepared." Du Qian said calmly.

"Uh-huh!!" The two-headed wild boar was the first to hum, and his voice was very rhythmic, obviously expressing something.

The strange thing is that Du Qian actually showed a hint of understanding.

"Okay, Ralph, take care of it yourself. Just don't let them cross your territory."

The wild boar grunted twice more, and the screen suddenly closed.

"Why don't you leave it to me?" The clown licked his long dark red nails with a dissatisfied look on his face.

"Let you go, why not give it to me." The red-eyed beauty was holding a dressing box and dressing up carefully. "I've run out of all the ingredients here, so I just need to replenish them."

"You only use a few parts and throw them away, and bake them for me to save money!" the blind giant said dissatisfiedly. "Now that's it, let's get rid of that pig, Ralph, and nothing will be left after the madness."

Du Qian looked at these thorns. These four guys are the mutant biological subjects produced in the experiment. They are also the four strongest subjects. Each of them has extremely unique and powerful abilities. Strength cannot be judged simply by type.

Even she would find it difficult when they join forces.

Although I don’t know the strength of the two guys who suddenly broke in, on their own territory and with the help of the maze’s elusive presence, they can definitely solve the task easily.


Garen watched two black carriages approaching from a distance. Along the driveway to the manor, the carriages were scarred and about to fall apart. Two corners were missing from the top, revealing huge holes.

There were curtains made of rags at the windows, and the driver was her beautiful cousin whom she hadn’t seen for a long time: Sophie Hathaway.

Hathaway's cool temperament was not damaged at all, but the silver armor on her body was a little tattered, and the vascular inner armor was faintly exposed. The iconic inner armor with flowing red blood vessels is clearly the work of Vindman's experiment.

She was sitting in the driving seat. Although she was still handsome and had a high golden ponytail, she was obviously much thinner.

As soon as she turned from the forest driveway, Hathaway saw Gallon and Leila standing in the middle of the road.

"Xia!?" She suddenly became surprised, with a look of surprise on her face. "you are still alive!!?"


She quickly scolded the two black horses, got out of the carriage, and ran quickly towards Garen.

He hugged Garen tightly into his arms.

"You damn little guy! Where did you go? You're worried about me!" Hathaway was pleasantly surprised, and quickly let go of Gallon, reaching out to pinch his flesh. "Fortunately, there are no missing parts!"

"Don't be like this, cousin!" Garen helplessly broke away from her arms. "I'm an adult. If you touch me like this, I'll sue you for sexual harassment!"

"Huh? I haven't seen you for a long time and you actually learned this kind of accent?!" Hathaway was so angry that she grabbed Gallon's face. "Tell me! Where have you been fooling around during this time!?"

"Can you please stop doing this?" Garen was completely helpless and quickly kept a certain distance from his cousin. There is also Leila nearby. If this continues, the boss's majesty will be lost.

He took the time to look at Leila, who was indeed snickering beside him.

"Xia! You're not dead!?" A familiar voice came from the carriage.

Garen looked around and saw a young girl with flaxen shawl hair jumping out of the carriage. She was wearing a white tights that looked like jeans, with whitewashed holes on her knees and thighs.

This girl has a well-proportioned figure, and her face is not pretty, but there is a faint hint of morbid tenderness. Her cheeks were red, and she seemed a little sick.

"Andalu?!" Garen recognized the girl immediately, and his good memory allowed him to quickly recall the girl's identity.

Andalu, Marin, Bailan, and Ahashia, the four of them are the most prominent group of noble children in the entire Green Forest Province.

I didn’t expect to see An Dalu alive now.

"What's wrong with you? You seem to be sick?" Garen hurriedly walked over. He still had a good impression of this girl who had always had a little admiration for him.

"And where are Bailan and the others? Where's Ma Lin? How are you all?" He still missed the time when he was hanging out in the four-person group. It was a rare moment for him to relax.

"Bai Lan and Marin were taken to the royal capital by family members. Marin was attacked by a monster and was seriously injured. She had to go to the royal capital for treatment. I have nowhere to go now." An Dalu lowered his head and felt depressed. stand up.

Hathaway walked over and gently held her in his arms. "When An Dalu's family was transferred, they were attacked by monsters and couldn't stop them. Everyone scattered and fled. I don't know how the rest of the family is doing. I also met her when I came here. If Bailan hadn't sent her here, Escort our totem master, I guess." She didn't finish her sentence, but her meaning was already clear.

"Sister and mother will be fine," An Dalu said softly.

"Let's go back to the manor first. Tell us about your experiences by the way. Set up your life first, and we'll talk about the rest later." Garen knew that Bailan's status was more noble than his own, and he should be the strongest in the entire Green Forest Province. family. The strength and forces should be very strong. There's no need to worry about him, that guy's family has a deep background in the capital and even the royal family.

"I have to find a way to inform my uncle in the capital, and he will find a way for me. He loved me the most when I was a child." An Dalu said softly.

The four families are closely related throughout Cowaitan. That is to say, Garen, Ahashia's father Vindman, belongs to the academic aristocracy, but even so, Vindman has many connections and favors in the institute and the three major institutions. Now during the great chaos, Barba Feiya also came to help because of this terrifying network of connections.

The family power of An Dalu and the other two people is also extremely strong. As long as a person is alive, there is still a great chance of turning around.



A burst of silver beams of light was projected from Baker's stone eyes, quickly forming a silver swirl pattern on the wall.

The graphics kept changing and soon formed an extremely complex map network. On the Internet, two white and green dots clearly appeared.

"This is the map of the entire maze. It's not too complicated. There are only three hundred and twenty-two forks. It's just that the technology of building the maze is a bit backward and it seems to take a lot of effort." Baker Stone Eyes said lightly.

Behind him, Talion looked bored, his hands behind his head.

"Anyway, I'll just follow you and do whatever you say. Don't tell me these complicated things. I'll get dizzy just listening to them."

boom! boom! boom! !

The sound of heavy footsteps came again from the front passage.

"It's coming again, it's annoying, it's endless!" Talian waved his right hand impatiently, and the dark owl beast appeared again. "This monster is so annoying! It has to be killed five times before it can be completely eliminated!"

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