Mysterious journey

Chapter 347 Departure 1

Gallon looked at Hathaway, who lowered his head and blushed to his neck. This cousin, who had always been heroic, was completely at a loss at this moment, like a young child.

"Understood. From now on, Cousin Hathaway is my fiancée." Garon looked calm. He just wanted to leave an heir for this body. This is what he should do in place of the original Ahashia.

boom! ! !

Suddenly there was a huge earthquake throughout the manor, and the ground shook violently.

Garen's expression changed slightly, and he felt a huge and powerful qi and blood group in the distance, quickly moving towards the manor.

At the same time, the crystal deducer in his arms became slightly hot, which showed that there was an elemental general of the same level as him around him, and he was approaching quickly.

"He's from the Elite Department!" Garen immediately guessed the other party's background. That unknown behemoth is probably the work of the Elite Department.

"Leave immediately." Vindman seemed to have noticed the movement, with an anxious look on his face. "Xia, take everyone out of here immediately! Duxi, please."

"Don't worry, Master, I won't let you down again." Du Qian wiped the tears from her face and nodded.

"After completing the arrangement, you can follow Shia from now on. You are a type three power, and you will be of some help to him." Vindman whispered.

Du Xi nodded slightly.

"Uncle, what about you!!?" Hathaway asked proactively.

"I still haven't finished the arrangements." Vindman smiled. Rubbing Hathaway's head, "I watched you grow up. It's a pity that I can't see your and Shia's child born."

"Uncle, you can still live for a long time, don't say stupid things." Hathaway interrupted him.

"Go ahead. I'll be here in a minute." Vindman pushed Hathaway away.

Garen frowned.

"Father, I'm with you."

"No need. What I'm launching here is an indiscriminate attack except for me and Du Qian. You staying here will only be a drag." Vindman shook his head. "Let's go, take Hathaway with you."

He lowered his head and coughed again. A mouthful of black blood coughed out of his mouth and dripped down the edge of his palm.

Barbafia and others were now promoted as leaders by all the totem masters and gathered together. It is already difficult for Vindman to gain everyone's trust. The two old friends for many years looked at Vindman with complicated eyes, including confusion, strangeness, and even more sadness.

"Let's go!" Bafia didn't say much. Turn around and leave quickly with a part of you.

"Take care of yourself." Barr sighed, said one last word to Vindman, and then turned around and led the others away.

boom! !

There was another dull crash, and the ground trembled.

There was a commotion among everyone, and Barr looked back at Vindman. As a friend for many years, he calmed down and more or less understood Vindman's original feelings. Between morality and friendship, he still preferred friendship after all, and his dislike for Vindman immediately eased.

Decades of friendship cannot be thrown away easily.

"The Terry Jones family is ruined." Barr whispered and sighed, "No matter how powerful Vindman's son is, people from the Black Sky Society should be coming from outside. Their target is Vindman. "

Bafia remained silent.

Although Ahashia suddenly became so powerful, they didn't know how they came into conflict with Baker Stone Eyes and others, but the current situation is that Ahashia's two aura beasts were seriously injured, and it was impossible to deal with the remaining power. Get the incoming enemy.

They hurriedly left the manor and walked some distance away before they realized they were a little scared. That Shia acted decisively and killed Baker Stone Eyes and others at will.

Tarien and Berlina were seriously injured even if they were not dead. Not to mention whether Baker's Stone Eyes could recover, even if they could recover, it would take at least a long time.

Although their relationship with Vindman made them certain that Shia would never take action, but now they think about it, what if the young man acted impulsively?


Watching his old friend leave, Vindman looked at his son Shia.

"Let's go, get out of here quickly and take these people with you."

There are still some ordinary people who survived in the manor. These are old people who have followed the Viscount for many years. They seem at a loss at this time. Most of them don't care much about the Viscount's oath experiments, and many of them don't understand any experiments. , they only know that their interests and life glory are tied to the Viscount, and everything about the Viscount is everything to them.

These people have lived in the manor for generations and are integrated with the Terry Jones family.

There are about a dozen of these people, including Marcelan and Adni.

These two people had now become the leaders of this group. They looked at the Viscount with calm faces, waiting for his order.

For them, the life and death of the others has nothing to do with them, and the Viscount is the object of their allegiance.

As for the rest of the people, most of them looked confused and at a loss.

"Let's go, let's all go. Follow Shia, he is the future of my Terry Jones family. Wherever he is, that's where the family belongs!" Vindman said loudly. "Du Qian, take everyone and leave."

"Yes, Master." Du Qian wiped away her tears and clapped her hands. Suddenly, a large number of root-like vines sprouted from the ground and quickly opened a circular hole on the surface.

"Everyone, go in first. Following this passage, we can go directly to an exit ten kilometers away!" Du Qian said loudly.

Garen stood quietly aside, his thoughts complicated for a moment.

Vindman seems to be dying soon, and he is considering whether to make him silver, which may be able to solve such serious experimental sequelae.

"Father, I heard that Black Sky Society has a technical method called silvering, which can cure most of the difficult and complicated diseases."

"I've tried it a long time ago," Vindman said calmly, "It didn't work."

He looked at his son calmly.

"Go, there's no time. I'm just a dying person anyway." Vindman's face was unusually calm, not like a dying person at all.

Garen didn't know what to say, and Andalu Hathaway and others on the side didn't know what to say either. They could only walk into the tree root holes one by one under Du Qian's arrangement.

"Boss!" Leila hurriedly came from the corner of the ruins and rushed to Garen. "Sister asked me to tell you to leave immediately. She has already lured away the big guy outside, but she can only hold on for five minutes at most!"

"I understand, let Angel leave immediately after achieving his goal. We will meet up later!" Garen nodded. "Where are the others?"

"They are all out, but the situation is not good now." Leila said quickly, "There are many monsters coming outside, and they are clashing with some monsters around the manor, but it seems that they can't hold on for long. What should we do now?"

Garen pondered for a moment and was about to speak.

"You guys should go together and leave the hole." Vindman's voice interrupted.

boom! !

There was another heavy crash. It sounded like footsteps or trampling, which was unusually closer than before.

"Go!" Vindman suddenly shouted sharply. His eyebrows lit up, and a green light suddenly burst out around him.


The green light spread quickly, like a corrugated plate spreading into the distance.

Just as Garen was about to speak, suddenly another group of people ran in noisily at the gate of the manor in the distance.

The leader among them was the totem masters who had made a noise earlier and believed that Vindman was guilty of a heinous crime. One of the leaders was a man in red robes.

He was Cardiff, the patrol leader originally employed by the estate.

The group of people were forced back, all of them looking pale and a little embarrassed.

Cardiff was nearly fifty years old. When he saw people leaving the cave one after another, he couldn't help but blush, and walked over on his own initiative under the push of a group of people.

Garen looked at the group of people coldly.

"Didn't you leave with Barbafia and the two? Why are you suddenly back now?"

Cardiff blushed.

"I hope you can get us out of here safely."

"Why are you being polite to him! They must have provoked the monsters outside! It is their duty to protect us and leave!" Someone shouted behind him.

"If it weren't for the manor's experiment, how could there be such a powerful monster outside!"

"We are graduate students of the Royal East Totem College! According to imperial regulations, Vindman, you and your son are obliged to protect us from leaving here safely from outside forces!"

Most of the people who came back were greedy for life and afraid of death. The stubborn ones were still with Barbafia and were not willing to come back to ask for help. The totem master who really values ​​his friendship with Vindman is still here and is walking into the cave one after another.

There were only a dozen people left, including only three totem masters.

As for the group of people who came back, they looked like people who were greedy for life and afraid of death.

Both Ma Xilan and Adni recognized this group of people. They usually didn't see people when they were working and fighting, but they would definitely show up when there was something good for them. Some of them even wanted to rob the belongings of their totem master comrades who died in the battle. He was even severely scolded by the Viscount for this.

Garen looked at this group of people indifferently. Several of them were students of the two masters. They were all nobles and their eyes were above their heads. You value your own life more than anyone else.

"Why should I protect you?"

"Why? We fought for your Terry Jones family through life and death! We resisted so many monsters outside for so long! You actually have the nerve to ask such a question?!" A young man with a slender face stood up.

"You must atone for your crimes!"

This man was just a Type 2 Totem Master, but he actually stood in front of Garen with the arrogance of a noble. Feeling Garen's unkind gaze at this moment, he flinched slightly and then immediately stood up.

"Some of us have escaped safely. I have arranged that as long as we leave safely, the scandal of your Terry Jones family has nothing to do with us, and we are too lazy to care. But if we can't go back, your warmth will spread throughout Kuwaitan. Deman’s scandalous experiment on innocent civilians!!”

"Let them go." Vindman said calmly.

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