Mysterious journey

Chapter 351 Decision 1




Gelis gasped for air, and she burst out four lightning displacement spells in succession. This was an ability stored in the spell chain in advance, and was used directly to escape.

The subordinates around her have completely disappeared, but she can't care so much now.

Just as his body came to a halt, several giant wolves with giant red eyes appeared in the woods ahead. Each of these giant wolves was as tall as a person. Their bodies were covered with rotten and suppurating wounds, and they felt like they might collapse at any time.

"Damn it! It's Vindman's corrupted giant wolf!!" Her face turned pale, and she felt how many such giant wolves were around her. "Green vine ball! It must be a green vine ball! Only the green vine ball can control these scattered... Experimental subject outside!"

She took two steps back and felt a familiar whine coming from behind again, which was the roar of the corrupted giant wolf.

There were too many of these giant wolves, and they were obviously prepared in advance.

"I've given up everything! Don't push people too hard!!" Guilisi shouted loudly.

Suddenly she rolled to the left suddenly and fell to the ground.

Click! !

Where he was standing, a huge mouth suddenly emerged from the ground, biting the hole, swallowing a large piece of dirt and grass, and then quickly retracted. A black hole with a diameter of two meters was left behind.

Guilisi's chest rose and fell violently, and she looked around warily. Her men had already dispersed from her, and with a few lightning displacements, she was far away from her previous men.

She gritted her teeth.

"As long as you help me hold that person down, I will definitely help you settle everything else when we get back."

Standing up from the ground, she looked extremely embarrassed.

The clothes on her body were in a mess, covered with grass clippings and soil, and there were a few soil clippings in her hair.

She thought for a moment and patted her lower back lightly.

A ray of silver light shot out, fell in front of her, and turned into a black and green python. The giant python has a pair of small white wings on both sides of its head, which is extremely weird.

"Kill that guy underground!" She ordered with her mind.

The giant python immediately dived down, pushed through the soil and disappeared on the ground.


A corrupted giant wolf rushed over, biting Guilisi's neck with a putrid smell.

At the same time, another corrupted giant wolf rushed towards him from behind. Surrounded by a dense crowd, more than a dozen giant wolves rushed over at the same time.

Roar! ! !

A manic roar spread from Guilisi's place. At the same time, a yellow ripple spread instantly.

More than a dozen giant corrupted wolves were violently knocked away at the same time, rolling on the ground around them. After struggling a few times, they quickly turned into pools of pus.

Then more than ten new corrupted giant wolves pounced.

Just as Guilis wanted to move her position, she was immediately entangled by the giant wolves again.

Garen slowly walked out of the woods and looked at Guilisi, who was tightly surrounded by the corrupted giant wolf.

There are also more than two hundred corrupted giant wolves that can be controlled by the green vine ball. These experimental subjects are obtained by covering ordinary wolves with spores. The power can only be regarded as a totem beast, not very strong. But it is very good to use as consumables.

Seeing the corrupted wolves clinging to Guilisi, the two-headed lizard dragon underground was temporarily blocked by the strange python she released and fought into a ball.

Garen was a little surprised.

"Where is your deduction device? Where are your other totems? Why don't you use them?" He clapped his hands and motioned for the large group of wolves to disperse.

Guilisi stayed in the center in a state of embarrassment. The spell chain in her cuffs had completely used up all escape spells. She stared at Garen.

"You can't be Ahashia! Who are you? Why do you want to harm me like this!?"

Garen smiled.

"Didn't we meet a long time ago? I am Shia. You actually forgot all about Shia who wrote love poems for you."

The green vine ball can control more than two hundred corrupted giant wolves, which Garen intends to use as a common method. The two-headed lizard dragon was actually held up by a weird-looking python, which surprised Garen slightly.

That strange python is obviously the opponent's only type three totem.

At this time, Guilisi was completely desperate. All her Type 2 totems had just gone through a battle and were almost consumed. Only the strongest green python was left, and then the only Type 3 double-winged python, which was attached to the magic chain. The preparation technique was all she had, but in the hands of the man in front of her, it was as if she had none.

The type three double-winged python was blocked, but there were still several extremely dangerous auras hidden around it, and she could feel it.

Guilisi has had a premonition of danger since she was a child. This feeling has saved her too many times, so when she first saw the man in gray robe, she knew that he had laid a huge ambush, and decisively dropped his men. Fleeing alone, four consecutive lightning displacements almost consumed all her totem power. After moving hundreds of kilometers, I still couldn't get rid of this man.

She had a vague feeling like when she met that person for the first time.

The scene in front of me was completely similar to before. It was also a terrifying enemy that could not be escaped no matter how hard I tried to escape. The same tall man stared at him with a playful look.

"Ke Aobo!! You are Ke Aobo!!" She suddenly shouted loudly. "How dare you attack me! My father will not let you go!! Absolutely!"

Garen was stunned, never expecting that she would say such crazy things.

"Who is Ke Aobo?" Before he could ask, he saw Gelis turning around and running, following the gaps in the woods towards the lake.

Raise your hand.


A giant Fukasawa crocodile rushed out and knocked Guilis to the ground. Rolled several times on the muddy ground.

The woman gasped and got up from the ground. The green totem light on her body was covered with sticky black mud. The black mud slowly slid down and fell back to the ground like it was on a mirror.

"What on earth do you want to do?!" She stood there and stared at Garen closely.

Garen slowly walked towards her.

"I also want to thank you for the supplies you brought me. Did you attract those people from the elite department of Vindman Manor?"

"So what? If they find out, you'll be dead!" Guilisi said viciously, her voice stern. "This time the Elite Department is led by a genuine lieutenant general with a strong background. It's still too late for you to retreat. I will explain to the superiors that this is a misunderstanding."

"Retreat?" Garen couldn't help laughing. "Quilis, I thought you were a very smart woman, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid at a critical moment."

He whipped out a spinning side kick.


Her right leg turned into a gray shadow and was severely slapped on Guilisi's waist.

Guilisi rolled on the ground more than ten times like a gourd, and hit a big tree hard, knocking out a large piece of bark from the trunk and falling down. A large number of leaves rained down from above.

Guilisi was protected by the light of the totem and was not seriously injured. She quickly got up from the ground.

Her hair was disheveled, and her eyes kept looking to the ground, and then to Garen, for fear that he would suddenly attack again.

"Are you summoning your type three totem?" Garen smiled, "It's a pity that my little baby has already entangled it. It won't be possible to decide the winner in just a few minutes."

"What on earth do you want to do?!" Guilisi retreated to the edge of the big tree and leaned her back against the trunk. "My father is the brigadier general of the Black Sky Society branch. He can give you money! He can give you whatever you want! As long as you take me as a hostage, you can exchange it directly!"

"That's not what I need, all I want is you." Garen shook his head, and suddenly a woman's muffled groan came from the right side.

He looked over suddenly and saw another Gelis being whipped back by a Fukasawa giant crocodile.

However, Guilisi, who was originally standing in front of the tree trunk, gradually faded away.

"Oh? A phantom?" Garen looked serious, "You have a lot of cards in your hand. A mere colonel almost deceived me."

He opened his eyes, his pupils suddenly turned red, and a circle of blood symbols flashed in his eyes.

Guilis, who was being watched by him, suddenly trembled, and the light of the black and green totem around her suddenly dimmed, and her entire defense dropped by more than half.

Guilisi's face turned pale, she turned around and ran very fast, like a frightened hare, rushing towards the bushes behind her.

Garen was faster, his figure turned into a gray shadow, and he blocked her way with a single lunge. He stretched out his left hand and gently pressed it on Guilis forehead.

The palm and the light of the totem collided lightly.


The light of the totem suddenly shattered like glass, turning into black and green fragments and dissipating in the air.

The debilitating ray weakened Guilisi's totem light by more than one step, and Garen himself carried a green vine ball, and all his attacks had the attributes of totem light. Actually, Guilisi's totem light was completely defeated in one fell swoop.

Bang bang bang! ! Guilisi's body was thrown violently, hit the ground several times, hit hard on a large bluestone, and rolled to the side.

She was covered in the green color of moss and grass clippings, her nose was bruised and her face was swollen. She was lying on the ground unable to get up. It was obvious that her waist had been damaged.

"No, don't kill me. I don't want to die!!" Guilisi tried to prop up her body several times, but she still couldn't. There was a hint of crying in her voice. "Don't. Don't kill me. My father is a brigadier general!"

Garen walked up to her and looked at the woman with snot and tears flowing out. She had completely lost her previous enchanting appearance and was just an ordinary human being.

"We attracted people from the Elite Department and made Vindman die in his own manor. It's too late to say this now." He said lightly.

Guilisi tried to push herself up, but she couldn't.

"Don't kill me, I can do a lot for you. A lot!!" she cried, shrinking back, trying to get further away from Garen.

Garen raised his head, looked at the gray sky, and suddenly felt inexplicable emotion.

"Don't you like me? I can be your lover! Be your slave! Don't kill me, don't." Guilisi started talking incoherently.

Garen stood in front of her, just looking at her quietly.


Guilisi suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and her chest was suddenly stained red. There was an inexplicable look on her face, as if she didn't know what had happened to her. Raising her hand, she stared blankly at the blood on her hand.


Another mouthful of blood spurted out.

"No!! I don't want to die!!"

She wailed loudly.

laugh! laugh! laugh! !

One after another, wounds began to open everywhere on Guilisi's body, and blood shot out of her body like a fountain.

"Mom, daddy...where are you?" Guilisi cried loudly, and began to fumble forward with her hands in confusion. Her beautiful almond eyes were completely blurred at this time, and she could not see anything, and her eyes were black.

"Mom. Woo."

Garen stood quietly in front of her, watching her covered in blood, groping on the ground and crying.

"Only in the most desperate times will the deepest things burst out." He tightened his gray robe and turned to leave.

Bang! ! !

Suddenly there was a dull explosion behind him. Gelis directly exploded into a ball of blood mist, which splashed onto the surrounding trees and grass, completely dyeing a large area red.

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