Mysterious journey

Chapter 36 Leaving 2

Garen walked into the room gently. He felt vaguely uncomfortable and the air was a little depressing.

"This room is too quiet."

He couldn't hear any sound in his ears. The sound insulation effect of the windows seemed to be very good. The birds chirping outside and the wind sound could not be transmitted in. The whole room was depressingly quiet. It was as if there were people resting here a moment ago, and the next moment it was empty.

Garen slowly walked to the big box at the end of the bed, and suddenly felt a little curious about the big box of Mercury in the tower.

"Didn't you say that you didn't carry enough kerosene? Are you still lighting a lamp in broad daylight?"

He reached for the kerosene lamp.


There was a sudden sound from the door behind him. Galen was suddenly startled. He turned around and saw that the door had closed by itself, and he didn't know when it had been locked.

He took a few steps over and turned the door handle. There was only a clicking sound but it couldn't be opened at all. I could faintly hear the footsteps of someone running away in the corridor outside the door.

Garen's face darkened.

"There is indeed something strange here." Suddenly he recalled the information that Mercury showed him in the tower. The information at the end contained key analysis annotated by the detective himself.

‘In the mystery of the deaths of the three owners of Yinsha Castle, the victims all have one thing in common. That is, they all wear a Bronze Cross Medal passed down from their ancestors. ’

'This medal was once said to be a second-level military medal awarded for military merit during the war. But in fact, according to my research, the owner of the castle had received this medal as early as two hundred years ago, so it is absolutely impossible. Later wars awarded things. ’

Thinking of this, Garen quickly pulled out a black thread from his neck. Hanging on the thread was a purple-red medal with a P letter in the center, which was the Bronze Cross he carried close to his body.

At this time, the color of this medal actually looked a bit delicate, as if it were newly plated, and it didn't have the shabby feel of age at all.

"Sure enough, this is the problem!" Garen looked gloomy, glanced around the entire bedroom, ripped off the medal, put it directly on the lid of the box, and then rushed to the window in a few steps.


He smashed the window with one punch.


The entire bedroom seemed to have escaped from a silent movie, as if Shizune suddenly turned on the sound and suddenly came alive.

Garen felt a weird feeling in his heart, as if some danger was approaching quickly, and subconsciously he didn't want to leave from the door.

He stood at the window and looked down. This was the second floor, more than ten meters away from the lawn on the ground.

"I have to find sheets to use as ropes, the height is a bit high!"

Just as he was about to turn around, he suddenly felt someone push him hard from behind. The power is so great that he is actually stronger than he is now!

Involuntarily, Garen was pushed out of the window.

"Who!!" He yelled, his mind went blank, and his whole body became extremely tense.


There was faint laughter from behind.


Garen threw himself on the lawn with his arms propped up. Fortunately, his physical fitness and strength were too strong. The arms were slightly dislocated just because of the wrong posture for exerting force.

He quickly stood up and looked back at the bedroom on the second floor. The curtains there were fluttering in the wind, and there was no trace of anyone at all. Looking at the castle gate again, the gate is locked. The gate that was clearly ajar just now was actually locked from behind.

Garen endured the pain of his dislocated arm, took a deep look at the castle, quickly turned around and ran away.

After leaving the castle fence, Garen didn't stop at all. He returned directly along the mountain path and ran quickly to the town of Konu.

"I was pushed downstairs just now. If I were a normal person, I would definitely be thrown to death. In that position, with my head down, my neck would be broken. If I hadn't been a person who specializes in martial arts, just like that Even if you don't die, you will be crippled!" Garen is still frightened. Fortunately, he didn't go to the room on the third floor to check. If he fell from the third floor,

Recalling the previous three terms of ownership of the castle, there are records of servants falling from windows and dying while cleaning rooms. And not just together.

"I used to think it was an accident and there was something wrong with the castle design. But now it seems that someone was definitely pushing me down just like me just now!" Garen was convinced because the servants who fell to their deaths always hit the ground headfirst. It's exactly the same as being pushed down.

The dislocation of his arm became more and more painful. Garen rolled up his sleeve and took a look. There was already a big red swelling.

"We have to go to the town quickly to find someone to set the bones!" His pace became faster and faster.



"Hiss!!" Garen's upper body was naked, and his left arm was swollen like a red bun. At this time, he was sitting in the doorway where he and Tali Mercury had tea together.

A doctor in a gray suit was sitting on the side, grabbing his left arm and slapping him hard with one hand.

Garen suddenly gasped and sweated all over from the pain. However, there was also a crunching sound from the bones.

"Okay, we're in position!"

"Thank you, Doctor Ashe." Gallon nodded, endured the pain with his newly reattached right arm, took out a stack of banknotes, and placed it on the table. "This is the medical fee."

"Okay." Dr. Ashe is a veteran private doctor who often treats everyone in the town. Apart from not having formal medical qualifications, the bone setting technique is quite authentic. After all, in a small town like this, the main injuries are minor illnesses like this.

As soon as Galen returned to the town, he immediately paid the townspeople for help and called Dr. Eshe over, and finally solved the problem of dislocated arms.

"I'll prescribe some medicine for you. You can rub a little of it on the injured area according to the above ratio every day, and you'll recover quickly." Dr. Ashe put away the consultation fee and said with a smile, "It's rare to meet a big client. This I took it for a thousand dollars.”

"You deserve this. After all, you were woken up by me when you were taking a nap. The extra money should be regarded as hard work." Garen nodded nonchalantly. "Then I'll trouble you."

"No trouble, no trouble." Essie dug out a milky white glass vial from the small white medicine box he carried with him, read the label on it, and placed the vial on the table.

"Just apply this ointment every day, remember not to use too much force, and there will be no other problems. Then I'll leave first."

Garen nodded.

"Thank you."

Kan and Essie left with the medical kit on their backs and disappeared into the bushes along a trail.

Garen sat at the table, gently picked up the wooden cup and drank the coffee in one gulp.

"Boss, have another drink!" He turned and shouted into the small building.

"Okay!" A fat middle-aged man with a black beard came out, carrying a glass coffee pot, and carefully refilled Gallon with a cup of coffee.

At this time, two more strong farmers carrying hoes came in and sat down at a table in the doorway.

"Two beers!"

The boss quickly went into the house and brought out the beer.

Garen sat on his seat, feeling the constant cold breath of the black jade plate he had just received. For a moment, the pain in his arm seemed to slowly ease.

When he was practicing martial arts in the martial arts gym, he would spar with his senior brothers and sisters every day, and he would often dislocate his arm, so he could endure it without much hardship, and it would not affect his normal activities too much.

Sitting in a small restaurant in the town, he had the energy to rethink the movement of mercury in the tower.

"Leaving aside the weirdness of the castle, someone like Tali Mercury would actually put aside the case and live in a small castle in the countryside for such a long time. It's abnormal no matter how you think about it." Garen took a sip of his coffee.

"But to put it another way, a person with a golden ring appears near the castle, and what if the target of the person with a golden ring is the Yinsha Castle? What if the mercury in the tower is not going towards the castle, but towards the golden ring? , then there will be a clue to all this.”

"Jinhuan's target is Yinsha Castle, and Mercury in the Tower was tracking down the case. It just so happened that I came over at this time. As a person of unknown origin, I was finally faced with Jinhuan's people, just in time to test who I was. It’s not an undercover agent sent by Jinhuan. There should be more to it, but the main story should be correct.”

"So, where is the mercury in the tower now?" Garen subconsciously wanted to rub the center of his brow, but he couldn't raise his arm. A burst of pain came from him, which made him laugh bitterly.

As the afternoon approached, the sun turned red, and the business in the doorway got better and better. There were more and more people, and the boss had no choice but to bring out a few more tables and chairs. The entire doorway was noisy, with farmers and townspeople shouting and drinking and eating together.

Garen moved his position and sat alone in the corner. Different from the noisy behavior of others, he sat in a chair and drank coffee quietly.

"Boss, please ask me something." When the boss passed by him, Garen quickly stopped him.

"What's the matter? Guest." The fat boss stopped quickly, but he remembered that Mr. Kelly had tea here with the previous gentleman with extraordinary temperament. A guest with this kind of temperament is not something ordinary townspeople can match. So his posture also seemed cautious.

"I would like to ask, has the gentleman who had tea with me yesterday come back to town?" Garen asked in a low voice. He just asked casually. With Tali Mercury's detective experience, if he really wanted to hide it, it would be impossible for him to be discovered by such a small boss.

"I'm back, I'm back! I had tea here today." The fat boss replied quickly.

Unexpectedly, the boss reacted immediately and answered in the affirmative.

"Come back?" Garen was stunned, "Did he say anything?"

"That's not true. I just ordered the same black tea that you drank yesterday. The seat where you sit is also where you sit together." The boss quickly replied.

"That's right." Garen nodded thoughtfully. Obviously this was the whereabouts Tali Mercury deliberately left for him. But now he is not going to look for him again.

"It seems that it's a bit of a disadvantage to work together with this great detective for no reason. We still have to separate separately. If what Tali said is true, he is also tracking down the antiques of doom and the secrets contained in them. Then I can do it too It just happened to follow his path. Anyway, it is difficult to find the antique of misfortune according to the normal path."

"If my guess is true, and Jinhuan seems to be looking for something in this area, it just so happens that they can help find the antique of misfortune. I will just find the right opportunity to exchange it with them."

Garen initially made plans for the future. Although this time was dangerous, it also gave him a taste of the sweetness. Got a black jade plate. Although a Bronze Cross was lost, it was naturally more precious than the black jade plate that had not yet been absorbed.

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