Mysterious journey

Chapter 391 Meeting Again 3

Of all the people present, only Baker Stone Eyes understood best the weight of what Garon said about these battles. Especially the underworld carriage, if it was really that thing he was referring to, then he simply couldn't imagine what level the other party's strength had reached!

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind Baker Stone Eyes.


The person who spoke was one of the two people who had been standing behind Baker's stone eyes and said nothing.

Garen was startled for a moment, feeling that the voice sounded familiar, and looked at the place where the voice came from.

The other party stood out from the shadows, wearing a gray robe and a black wooden ring on his hand. With one hand, he gently tore off a thin layer of human skin mask from his face, revealing an old and deep face.

It turned out to be the teacher Aining that Garen came to look for on this trip! !

"Garen. Is it really you?!" Aining couldn't believe it and looked closely at the strange and powerful man opposite.

The image of the other party gradually overlapped with the pious image when he taught knowledge.

"Teacher" Garen's voice was a little surprised, but then there was a hint of relief and bitterness.

This answer immediately made the two people, Baker and Stone Eyes, and the little boy behind Aining widen their eyes.

This was an obvious recognition of Garen's identity. He was indeed Aining's disciple and the only student he had ever had.

Aining was the one who pointed out the location of the mystery of the dryad to Baker's Stone Eyes. He was also the silver lantern master who accidentally joined their team on the road. Although his strength was not very good, his knowledge was extremely profound. He is the heir to one of the branches of the famous Darsu La school. Unexpectedly, he turned out to be the teacher of the Eight-headed Mist Crow Garen.

Enin looked at Garen with great confusion.

"I was sure that you would become a powerful totem master, but I didn't expect that you would become a powerful totem master so soon."

He paused, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

"You have finally joined the royal alliance."

Galen was silent. It is impossible for him to choose another direction, and Vindman's force field also determines that he can only stand on the side of the Royal Alliance.

But the royal family will eventually decline.

From the beginning, he could only be a member of the royal alliance.

Dihuashe was badly offended by Vindman. The Black Sky Society also conspired to assassinate Vindman, and later their relationship with him was completely incompatible.

The royal alliance is different. Vindman paid so much for the royal family, and finally handed over his lifetime research results to his monarch. This is the most solid premise.

Perhaps due to the increase in intelligence attributes, Garen was thinking more and more during this time.

Could he really just follow the royal alliance to its demise? This thought flashed through my mind again when I saw teacher Aining.

After coming back to his senses, he looked at the little boy behind Aining. There was a small red butterfly on the boy's shoulder. This kind of butterfly is still a small poison-type totem that he and his teacher Honghe discussed together.

I didn't expect it to actually come out.

Noticing Garen's eyes, Enin pushed the little guy out.

"This is your junior brother, my new recruit Beit Ning. He is also very talented."

"Beit Ning, call me senior brother."

Beitning is a little boy with short red hair and many freckles on his nose.

"Master, master, master, brother!" His mouth was trembling, not because of fear, but because he was so excited, "Can I be as powerful as you?!!"

"Yes, as long as you work hard." Garen showed a gentle smile.

Beitning's eyes suddenly lit up, and he seemed to feel that his senior brother was easy to talk to. He hesitated for a moment, a little hesitant.

"Brother Shiyan is a good person, please don't embarrass him, okay?"

Baker Shiyan couldn't help but feel out of breath, and wanted to speak again, but a mouthful of blood spurted out. Bolina, who was caught up, quickly supported her.

"Brother Shiyan came to find the mystery of the tree spirit, but it was actually because of the teacher's body. Senior brother, please don't embarrass him. The teacher is ninety-four years old and has no dew of life." Beitning couldn't continue. , the eye circles also turned red.

One of the master and the apprentice joined the Earth Flower Club, and the other joined the Royal Alliance. Although there was no conflict in their positions for the time being, Garen knew that sooner or later, there would be a huge collision between the two forces. And they will inevitably stand on the opposite side.

As for Beitning's words, Galen knew very well what Ening actually meant.

He didn't expect that the dew of life was actually begging for Aining. Baker Stone Eye actually made a special trip to find the Dew of Life to extend life for Aining.

Thinking that it had taken so long for him to think of checking on his teacher, Garen felt a little guilty.

His eyes were fixed on Baker Stone Eyes. After he killed Stone Eyes' friend Talian, the hatred could not be resolved again. And the other party, as the carefully cultivated seed of the Earth Flower Club, would never let it go silent like this.

But now he is seeking the dew of life for Teacher Ening. And the teacher also means

Garen's expression fell silent.

Berlina and the others stared nervously at Garen's face. Whether it was war or peace was in his mind.

An invisible pressure slowly enveloped everyone, and the air seemed to be frozen.

Berlina felt that it was a little difficult to breathe. She tried to breathe in, but she did not dare to make any sound. She really didn't want to experience this feeling of life and death being controlled by someone else's thoughts.

She couldn't help but look at Baker's stone eyes at this time.

This normally calm and wise man fell into an abnormally excited state after meeting the man opposite. Obviously the other party had left too great a shadow on him.

Sweat seeped out bit by bit on the tip of Baker's stone-eye nose, but he didn't even move to wipe it away. He just stared at Garen. Since being completely defeated last time, he has fallen into an unprecedented setback.

The smell, as if even the sun had turned gray, was still fresh in his memory.

He was in a daze all day long, not wanting to do anything but just stay in the room in a daze, like a living dead. After eating and sleeping, he was in a daze, as if he had completely forgotten everything.

All the efforts he had made were worthless after being defeated.

It was not until later that the teacher sent someone to deliver the diary with a white shell. It was sent by Leanna's parents, specially for him. It is full of every day that Rhianna has spent.

Then, he heard the news that his teacher was seriously ill. When he arrived, he could not see the teacher for the last time. It was raining heavily that day, and he knelt in the rain all night. He didn't know if he shed tears. The rain was astringent, and so were the tears.

From that day on, he vowed to fulfill his teacher's lifelong wish.

Although the anger in his heart kept attacking his reason, Shi Yan finally suppressed this impulse. This urge to rush forward and fight Galen!

A breeze blew by, making the leaves rustle.

Tiny shards of sunlight trembled on everyone's bodies.

"Teacher, when did you join the Earth Flower Club?" Garen suddenly asked.

Aining hesitated for a moment and finally answered.

"I have been a member of the Earth Flower Society from the very beginning. Our entire Dasura school is actually one of the schools that founded the Earth Flower Society."

Garen closed his eyes, as if lost in thought.

But Bolina and Baker Shiyan opened their eyes wide, as if they just realized that Aining was actually a member of the Dihua Club.

"For the teacher's sake, let's go." Garen finally whispered. "As compensation for not coming to see the teacher immediately when the turmoil occurred, Shiyan, please don't let me meet you next time."

Baker's stone eyes popped and spit out a mouthful of black blood again. Bolin helped him stand up. His lips trembled, obviously badly hurt, and he took a deep breath.

"If you let me go this time, I will let you go sooner or later!"

He is an extremely proud man, but he was frustrated twice in front of Garen. This made his desire to become stronger grow stronger.

"Let's go!" Baker Stone Eye encouraged, pushing away Bolina's support, turning around and leaving.

The two of them, Aining, glanced at Garen one last time and finally left.

The four of them got further and further away and reached the edge of the floating stone. After a flash of green light, a huge green jade-like eagle was released.

The eagle has a wingspan of more than twenty meters, and its back is nearly six meters wide, making it extremely spacious. The four of them boarded the Eagle one after another.

Garen just watched them from a distance until they took off into the sky.


On another mountaintop in the valley, there is a small forest of red ferns.

At this time, there were several figures in green standing. Each of these people was wearing tight-fitting white full-body leather armor. Their heads were tightly wrapped, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed.

The white-armored people looked well-trained and stood quietly in the woods. The two white-armored people stood at the front, observing the changes in Gallon and Baker's Stone Eyes below from a distance.

"Interesting. I didn't expect that the eight-headed fog crow was actually Aining's disciple." A green-armored leader whispered, the voice of a man.

"Being frustrated at the hands of the same kid twice in a row, Shi Yan must be so frustrated that he wants to die. It's so pitiful." The other person had a female voice, but her voice was a bit frivolous.

"You felt so pitiful, why didn't you help that Tarien at that time?"

"As long as Baker doesn't die, the rest will take a lot of energy!" the woman retorted.

"Then stop talking nonsense." The male leader said impatiently.

"Watching these little guys fighting, isn't it sometimes very emotional? Wouldn't it be nice to express your emotions?" the woman said. "By the way, look at that boy named Garen. Isn't he very stylish? He looks good and has a good figure. He is much better than you! I just don't know how it tastes."

"Stronger than me? I can crush him to death with one finger!" The man became a little angry.

"One finger? How can you crush him with one finger?"

"Then I can do it with two fingers!" The man said in anger.

He stared hard at Galen below, planning when to teach this boy who had embarrassed him a lesson, to let him know how high the sky is and how thick the bottom is.

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