Mysterious journey

Chapter 394 Lost 2

"Is there something wrong with your method?"

"Impossible! This method has been used in many special occasions and can avoid a lot of interference. There can be no problem!" Feng Chime immediately retorted.

Garen also fell silent. He frowned and looked around. This building was the tallest building around, and everything around him could be clearly seen.

The entire city area was deserted. There was dead silence.

"There are obviously so many mutants outside the city, why can't we see anything inside the city?" Garen whispered.

"Go down and take a look?" Feng Chime glanced at Garen. "I suspect this is not where we are going at all Vival."

"In this case, the best way is to look for the store's nameplate, or a publicity bulletin board or something like that." Garen nodded.

He looked around, quickly locked onto a target, released two masses of black mist, and once again enveloped the two of them and flew downwards.

Flying in mid-air, the buildings around me were more than ten stories high. The windows above were all dark, like dead hollows, exuding a cold chill.

The two of them landed firmly at the corner of the street, in front of a publicity notice wall.

There are some tattered newspapers and notices posted on the earth-yellow walls. Some of them have been mostly fallen off, some are still intact, and some are covered with red graffiti.

The two of them glanced at the posters separately.

"Found it!" The wind chime tore off a small piece of newspaper from the wall. Start reading according to the words above.

"The 23rd rectification document of Gudan City. All infected people, please go to the nearby medical clinic for statistics as soon as possible. Free vaccines are available for injection. Special infected people are missing most of them." Feng Chime raised his head and said, "Gudan City ?I have heard about this city. It is the largest and most prosperous city in the country, bigger than the capital."

"Where exactly?" Garen asked in a deep voice.

"In the middle of the distance we are going to pass. That's not right. I calculated it based on our speed. It's impossible to fly such a short distance in so much time!" Feng Ling became confused.

"Whether it is Vival or Gudan City, they are both major cities belonging to the Nevis Empire. Since the turmoil occurred, what is the specific situation in this country?"

The wind chime shook its head.

"I haven't heard of anyone from this country showing up. After the turmoil, everyone paid attention to the big countries. Who cares about such a small country, especially a country like Nevis that only has a small territory? What should we do now?"

"Go around here and see what's going on here." Garen replied calmly.

The sky has become completely dark.

Everything around him was dim and unclear.

Wind Chime took out two pieces of flint and a small assembled torch from his waist bag.

Mount the torch head on a wooden stick to create a simple small torch.

"This kind of torch is my unique good thing. It can burn for five hours at a time, which is at least! And the materials are easier to find and very convenient." Feng Chime said with a little pride.

He struck the two pieces of flint together.

Hee hee hee hee

"Huh? Why can't it burn?" He checked the flint stone strangely.

"I'll do it." Garen took out the matches from his pocket.


The match rubbed against the skin, but there was no spark.

"Huh?" Garen was a little surprised. "Damp?"

"I know a lighting technique that can illuminate for ten minutes in a short time." The wind chime also felt a little wrong.

The surroundings are getting darker and darker, and there is no gap in the clouds in the sky. The black clouds in the sky are getting denser and denser. No moon, no stars. The whole city seemed to be being swallowed up by darkness step by step.

The wind chime moved very quickly, a white light spot lit up slightly on the fingertips, and a simple magic symbol was quickly carved in mid-air.


After a soft sound, the symbol collapsed in mid-air.

"Something's wrong! The lighting technique doesn't work!" The sound of the wind chime rose an octave, and he began to try again hastily.

Garen also noticed something was wrong. The surroundings are getting darker and darker, there is no light, and now there is no way to light the flame for lighting. This doesn't seem like a coincidence.

The wind chime still couldn't light up, neither the totem nor the flame could light up.

"It seems that light is not allowed to appear here." Garen said in a low voice. "Go out first and then talk!"

"Okay!" The wind chime also felt wrong.

The two men were covered in black mist and quickly flew towards the outside of the city.

Taking advantage of the fact that the whole city was not completely dark, the two quickly flew out of the city wall.

laugh! !

The wind chime has been repeating the action of outlining the lighting technique. As soon as it flew out of the city, the lighting symbol he outlined suddenly lit up with white light.

"It's done!!"

A small ball of light floated quietly in the air between the two of them.

"One of my totems belongs to the fire element, so it can be used for lighting. I just don't know why, but it can't be illuminated in the city."

Garen did not reply, but stared blankly in the direction of Gudan City where he had just flown away.

Feng Chime looked back in astonishment.

I saw that the entire city area was completely empty. It was basically a barren flat land with no buildings or walls on it!

There were only a few small trees standing alone on the ground, looking like they might die from lack of water at any time.

"Where is Gudan City?" Feng Ling looked stunned.

"I don't know." Garen shook his head slowly. He took a deep breath, "Could it be that what we just saw was an illusion?"

"Impossible!" Feng Chime shook his head decisively. "Go take a look around." He suggested directly.

Garen nodded.

The two men were wrapped in black mist and began to patrol around this generation.

The moon and stars could be seen in the sky again, and a faint light shone down, spreading over the entire land. There were no cities, no buildings, not even the mutants seen before.

It seemed as if everything I saw during the day was an illusion.

The two were unwilling to give in and searched back again. As I passed by during the day, not a single mutant I saw was left, they all disappeared.

Garen actually had a vague guess in his mind.

Unlike the wind chime, he had experienced the strange phenomenon of Gu Yin Duo twice. Now that he encountered this kind of strangeness again, he quickly found the corresponding possible guess from the legend of Gu Yin Duo.

Youcheng is a strange city in ancient Yinduo legends.

You can come in and out at will during the day, but when night comes, the city will disappear completely and enter unknown darkness. If someone does not come out before darkness comes, they will be left in the city forever. No one knows where they went, no one knows how Youcheng came to be. The next day, Youcheng was still empty and dead.

According to legend, after identifying the dangers of Youcheng, the hero Mogust, who was already in his twilight years, took the Lost Chains given by his wife, Queen Starry Night, and entered Youcheng and never came out again. This is also the end of his legendary life. This great hero who could even compete with the five sons of Mother Earth finally fell in front of this unknown city. And Youcheng quickly disappeared, leaving only mysterious legends.

Garen recalled this legend and felt a little lucky in his heart. Fortunately, the two of them made a prompt decision and quickly left Gudan City before the light completely disappeared. If the legend is true, then this kind of secluded city where even deified heroes cannot leave is simply the most dangerous and unpredictable place. If you really get stuck, you don’t know what will happen.

"It's the black copper phenomenon again." The wind chime whispered, looking down at the empty land below, with complicated eyes. "We call these strange phenomena caused by black copper the black copper phenomenon. No one knows what direction the world will eventually go. From the moment black copper was discovered, it was destined to change the entire world. .”

"Black copper." Garen thought thoughtfully.

"What should we do now?" Feng Ling spread his hands, saying that he was completely at his wits end.

He pondered for a while.

"Let's continue to the original mission point. Although I don't know why, we have only advanced this little distance, but we still have to do things." Garen replied.

After a pause, he took one last look at the large open area where Gudan City used to be.

"Maybe we'll come back here when this is all over."

"I don't want to come again." Feng Chime immediately responded. "If you want to come, come by yourself. You can tell at a glance that this place is not ordinary dangerous."

Garen didn't bother to pay attention to him.

Two masses of black mist enveloped the two of them and flew rapidly in the original direction.


In a white mountain range far away from the two of Garon.

Somewhere on top of a snow-covered mountain range.

On the white slope of the mountain top, in the white snow, there are large black trees sparsely scattered, some connected in a line, and some isolated. A large piece of sharp mountain rock arched out a black section from the snow.

Black trees and white snow are mixed together, and the entire peak seems to be only black and white.

Black rocky soil and black cedar weeds are embedded in the white snow. It's like a pure white blanket covered with black mud.

Beneath the large tracts of snow, in an oval-shaped cavity between the snow layers, a young woman dressed in white had her eyes slightly closed, seeming to be in a state of silence similar to hibernation.

In the woman's arms, she held a round dark gold bracelet. The bracelet was engraved with dense black magic symbols. These symbols seemed to be independent, but they were strangely connected together, like a dark ring-shaped snake. The snake eyes are two inlaid green diamonds, emitting a faint green light.

Ai Weixi has not eaten for four days and has only relied on a little pure water he carried with him to support himself until now.

She hid under the snow, restrained all the breath in her body, and even her heartbeat slowed down to the minimum. It is to reduce body odor and metabolism and reduce all physiological activities to a minimum.

As an elite student of the Mathematics Institute, her performance in wilderness survival training is the best. As long as she successfully delivers the secret treasure to the tutor of the Mathematical Institution, her mission will be completed.

But she didn’t know exactly when the coordinator would arrive.

What is certain now is that people from the Black Sky Society are still searching for her on the ground. Perhaps many other desperadoes who want to try their luck are also searching for her. Even the secret agencies of the three major agencies are also part of the search team.

If the state agencies hadn't been able to spare more manpower, there would have been a lot more searchers in Ivy.

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