Mysterious journey

Chapter 40 Involved 2

"Dad said that he was planning to let you take care of his industrial business. He has been optimistic about you since he was a child. Neither Longbas nor I are this material. If you spend too much time on martial arts, you will fall behind in other aspects. A lot. If it was in ancient times, he wouldn't object, but times are different now. No matter how advanced your martial arts is, you can be surrounded by just a few guns." Filia imitated her father's tone and repeated the original words.

"Uncle wants me to take care of business?" Gallon was startled, "How is that possible?"

"Why is it impossible? Dad made this decision a long time ago. Anyway, I don't care. I am not good at studying and my martial arts training is average. The teacher also said that I have no talent. If I can't support myself in the future, it will all depend on you!" Fei! Leah hugged Garen's arm and acted coquettishly.

"Dad said that you are the only one of the younger generation who will not let the industry decline after inheriting his business. If Longbas and I were to completely destroy the family property in a few years."

"Uncle has such high expectations for me." Garen was a little speechless. He had always felt that his uncle's care for him had gone beyond a certain level and was better than that for his own children. In Garon's memory as a child, if he and Longbas had a conflict, Longbas would definitely be beaten. This favoritism is not ordinary.

This also led to Longbas always looking down on Garen and being extremely dissatisfied.

"Let's go, let's go." Filia pulled Garen's arm back.

Garen had no choice but to follow Filia towards the entrance of the floor. But after walking a few steps, a tall young man with a cold face suddenly walked out from the entrance mixed with a few passers-by.

"Are you Garen?"

The boy wore a white tights on his upper body and black trousers on his lower body, which highlighted his strong muscle lines.

Garen stopped and glanced at the young man. "Who are you.?"

"I am Longbas's cousin. I heard that you used your own martial arts to defeat Longbas? Is this true?" The young man frowned and stared at Garen.

"What do you mean? I suppressed Longbas? Where did you hear that?" Garen originally wanted to walk through the door, but was blocked by the young man's deliberate step, and he frowned. "Okay, stop making trouble, make way, I want to go in."

"You are also a member of the family. It is not appropriate for outsiders to teach you a lesson. Today I am here specifically to teach you a lesson for my cousin." The young man deliberately blocked the entrance and exit.

"Are you sick?" Garen looked at him speechlessly. Filia beside him had silently walked aside, as if watching the fun.

He already knew where this young man came from. His uncle's wife, Filia Longbas's mother, was a member of an ancient family in another place, and part of the original marriage between the two parties was a marriage of interest. Now my uncle has made it clear that he will adopt his property to another nephew who is not related by blood. This frustrated the hopes of many young men from the family who had been deliberately befriending Lombasfilia.

So a conflict of interest arises. Filia's mother's family is not good at running industries, and its income has declined in recent years. Naturally, his focus was on his uncle's increasingly prosperous self-made industry.

When my uncle started from scratch, he also used a lot of influence from his wife for development. It can be said that the strength of his wife's family also played a big role in his growth.

Now the uncle who is the controller suddenly said that he wants to hand over the industrial business to his sister's son. What does this mean?

Garen's mind turned around and he reacted immediately.

This means that the uncle believes that all the boys and girls on his wife's side of the family are not as good as his galleons. He proved it by saying that only Galleon could guarantee the longevity of his industry.

At the beginning, great efforts were made in the development of the industrial business, and it was natural for him to regard his uncle's property as part of his own. Now that this trouble suddenly appeared, he naturally felt unbalanced.

Looking at the young man in front of him again, Garen felt confident.

"It must have been Lombus's idea for you to come to me, right? Come on, stop making trouble, don't block the road, let's go in and have a good talk."

The young man sneered, tilted his body, and blocked the road again. He crossed his arms and looked at Garen coldly.

Garen frowned. "This is not what you think. Let's go in and talk about it slowly. Don't be used as a weapon by Longbas. Just believe whatever he says."

He didn't want to conflict with the people over there. The family over there was not an ordinary small family. It was composed of gray and black elements, and was not as complex as usual. Once this reputation is established and a conflict occurs, it will cause a lot of trouble.

"This is not what Longbas said." The young man stared at Garen with a sneer, leaning to one side and continuing to block the road.

"I asked you to get out of the way?" Garen was a little impatient. He was in no mood to play brawl with a little guy right now.

"So what if you don't get out of the way?" The young man refused to give in.

Garen's eyes turned cold, he reached out with his right arm and pinched the boy's neck.


The boy kicked Garen's hand hard with a side kick, making a crisp sound. Fine dust fell from the place where their hands and feet collided, shaking out fine white ash.

Following that, he quickly retracted his feet and performed another spinning side kick, forming a circle. His toes pointed sharply at Garon's wrists.


The strong wind brought up by the trouser legs made a whistling sound through the air. The boy's movements looked extremely graceful and beautiful, and he kicked Garen in the same position with two consecutive kicks. Then take one step back and stand still.

"Is this the end?"

Garen looked at him inexplicably.

"You!" The young man's face turned pale, and there was a hint of sweat on his forehead. It was obvious that those moves just now were not easy for him. Seeing that the other party didn't even move his body, he already knew how big the gap was.

Garen glanced at him lightly, stood there without moving, patted the dust on his hands, and walked directly into the door from the out of the way, his palms and wrists that were kicked were not even red.

"You don't want to leave today unless I explain clearly!!" The young man shouted angrily. He rushed forward and kicked Garen on the soft flesh of his chin.

Garen's face turned cold, and he slapped his right hand, knocking the boy's right leg away, then turned around and kicked.


There was a click.

An adult man behind him was kicked hard in the side and hit the wall next to the door with a muffled sound. The man leaned against the door frame and struggled fiercely for several times, but was unable to straighten up. His eyes when he looked at Garen suddenly changed.

He was the boy's bodyguard, and he originally attacked from behind. Unexpectedly, Garen turned around and kicked him in the side. His arm was completely broken and he couldn't even stand upright. The opponent's strength was far beyond his expectation.

Garen looked across at him and gave him a cold look, with a cold and unmoved look in his eyes.

The bodyguard's heart trembled. He had seen this look on the captain of the team before. He knew that if he moved again.

"He will really kill me." He froze and did not dare to move.

This sudden change not only stunned the young man, but also Filia on the side opened her mouth slightly with a dumbfounded expression. Several passers-by who were watching the excitement couldn't help but gasped when they saw the bodyguard's leg.

The whole person was kicked away like a sack and hit the door frame. The sound of bone fractures was extremely clear. It hurts enough just to look at and hear it. Everyone felt a little chilly in their arms.

Garen sneered, knowing that the feud was complete. Walking up to the young man, he stretched out an index finger and touched his forehead.

"Even the bodyguard is so weak. No wonder my uncle decided to hand over the family fortune to me. What's the use of incompetent people like you living in this world? It's better to die."


With a flick of his index finger, the boy's head tilted back slightly, and a red mark popped up on his forehead.

In the face of Garen's killing intent, his pupils narrowed and dilated instantly. The moment he was lightly flicked on the forehead, he really felt as if he was about to be killed.

"Don't kill me!!" He suddenly cried loudly. He rolled and crawled back several meters and hid behind a large vase. The look in Garen's eyes was already full of fear.

Garen smiled and straightened up. He knew that the other party had been completely frightened by him. From now on, he would become the most terrifying shadow in the other party's mind. Even if someone provoked him again, they would not dare to go against him.

This is what he wants to achieve. Such a young man is mentally immature and won't be able to do anything if he's just a little scared.

Since the feud was completely settled the moment the bodyguard attacked, he wouldn't be afraid of anything. The right way is to directly destroy their minds and resolve the matter once and for all.

"Let's go, Filia." He turned back to look at the girl standing outside the door. The girl looked at him, her lips were trembling, and there was a hint of fear in her eyes.

The moment Garen walked over and tapped the boy on the forehead, she really thought the boy would be killed!

She had only seen that kind of cold murderous intent from her father's bodyguards.

When she heard Garen's call, she opened her mouth, her voice a little dry.

"Brother Garen. That person's name is Delexima. He is a regular fighting master who has passed the amateur level. His"

"Don't tell me what kind of super master his so-and-so is?" Garen said speechlessly.

Filia calmed down her emotions, came closer and whispered.

"No! His brother Deliando doesn't know how to fight, but he is the most vicious junior in the family there. Now he has created a career in society! You have to be careful!"

"A gangster?" Garen frowned.

Philia nodded.

"He is the number one figure in the provincial government."

"You know very well."

"I also heard about it from the chats of the elders during family gatherings during the holidays. You have to be careful! This time it's not just a conflict between the younger generations." Filia said worriedly.

"Don't worry." Garen nodded. Now he has a black jade plate in his body, and he is getting stronger every moment. Even now, ordinary small pistols pose no threat to him at a distance. Only aiming and shooting at close range is dangerous.

"There are rules for fighting within the family, so don't worry. Let's go up and see my uncle first."

Garen shook his neck and made a snapping sound. Dark side or dishonorable means are generally not allowed to be used in intra-family struggles. Generally, it is necessary to use force to overwhelm others and confront them head-on. Otherwise, it is impossible to get the support of the elders.

Families with too intense internal struggles generally won't last long, and internal friction alone is enough to separate the family's interests. Therefore, this type of struggle is carried out within a set scope, with strict rules and boundaries.

He is actually not interested in his uncle's industry. He has talents and abilities. It is very easy for him to create his own industry. It only requires time and energy. But that's not what he's after.

Only the strength of one's own strength is the true path.

"As long as they don't break the boundaries, everything is fine." Garen licked his lips.

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