Mysterious journey

Chapter 404 Hot Spring 2

"Of course. That is the foundation of the War Guild, and other forces cannot imitate it. I also studied it for a while and tried to imitate it, but unfortunately failed." The old man nodded and replied.

"The geothermal energy here is rich. Can you help me transform a war shackles? I want to improve the level of the shackles. This thing can solidify permanent spells and improve the strength of the shackles members in disguise. It is still good to use." Garen asked directly. road.

"If it's just an upgrade, it should be no problem, but it's troublesome to need some materials. The War Guild has always controlled these rare materials, and it's difficult for outside workshop masters to interfere." The old man shook his head and said there was nothing he could do. "If you, team leader, want to upgrade your shackles, you can only go to the War Guild to upgrade. There is a branch in the capital of Kuwaitan."

"Okay." Garen didn't really have any expectations. He just asked casually and got the expected answer from the old man. This core thing, the war union naturally holds firmly in its own hands.

Now that Kuzuryuu's potential has been exhausted and cannot be improved, he must carefully consider comprehensively improving his strength from other aspects.

In addition to the solidification spell effects of war shackles, there are also secret treasures. Of course, if it is someone else, they can only think of these two ways. The potential of the core totem has been exhausted, and it is impossible to improve in the future unless the core is replaced. But how can it be so easy to cultivate a top-level totem that has reached the peak of type four? There is no telling how many hardships and encounters it has to go through in the process.

After all, there are no tricks on this road. The core totem will eventually become one with the totem master, which is part of the characteristics that are reflected in the aura. If it weren't for the core totems that had been grown and cultivated together from low levels, it would be impossible to merge the two into one.

If a strong person directly gives a high-level totem to a low-level totem master, then the high-level totem will not be able to match the totem master, and the power of the totem that needs to be consumed will increase instantly, becoming extremely terrifying, enough to suck the low-level totem alive. division.

Only the totem master cultivates the totem, and in the process of evolution, the totem feeds back to the totem master. The nature of the two gradually matches, and finally reaches the level of merging the two into one.

If the nature does not match, no matter how advanced the totem is, it will only be a burden and encumbrance to the totem master, rather than a help.

Therefore, only low-level totem masters can change core totems at will. When it comes to high-end, few people are willing to pay such a high price. After all, changing the core totem and cultivating it from scratch would take too much time and effort.

Most people, even those with good talent, will need at least ten years. Every time you cultivate a high-level totem, the resources spent during the period are astronomical.

But Garen is different. He has superpowers. Although it is a similar cyclic system of cultivating totems and totems feeding back on themselves, he also has superpowers, a terrifying ability that can accelerate evolution.

Cultivating totems is much faster than all totem masters. As long as he has enough potential points, he can push it to a terrifying level.

But Garen is very satisfied with Nine-Headed Dragon's abilities. He has nine lives and can continuously replenish them through his superpowers. This is a perfect match for his superpowers! It may be stronger if replaced by other totems, but it may not necessarily have such good abilities and talents.

Next, we have to consider how to strengthen the Nine-headed Dragon.

Marshal-level totems such as Shenyun are all type five, while Nine-Headed Dragon is only the pinnacle of type four. If it weren't for his own physical strength, there would be no way he could compete with Type Five. Although the strength is only a rough comparison, the actual battle depends on performance, secret treasures and other means. But this basic gap is real, and other means can only make up for it, but it is not essentially on the same level as Type Five.

Garen sat on the white rhinoceros, his thoughts becoming clearer.

He looked directly at his current attribute column.

‘Power 14. Agility 10. Physique 10. Intelligence 10. Potential 2218%. Possess the qualification of silver lantern technician.

Mi Wu - Wan Shui Jing Wang Gong, Wanxiang fighting skills. ’

The rest was simply ignored by him.

The dense red symbols in the skill bar all represent skills and their explanations. Garen himself didn't know exactly how many skills he had mastered. Anyway, looking at the densely packed skill bar, you can tell that there are at least dozens of them. It has been accumulated since the last secret martial arts world.

He focused directly on the relationship between the secret weapon and the core totem.

"Miwu is now at the first level of Ten Thousand Waters and Blue King Kung Fu."

It is clearly displayed on the skill bar.

'Wanshui Biwang Kung Fu: The first level, (five levels in total), is the top ancient martial art of Haiwangmen. It can increase the body's adaptability to water flow and control the flow of most liquids.'

Garen was not very clear about this top secret martial art. At first, he only used the God Statue Skill in exchange with Xilin.

That little fox Celine thought she was taking advantage, but she didn't expect that the God Statue Skill was only a top-level secret martial art that only existed in theory, and it was impossible for ordinary people to master it. It was all pushed up by Galleon's potential points. If you give that secret book to other people, no one will be able to practice it.

Now that the God Statue Skill has been abolished, Garen has lost his extremely powerful physical body and resilience, and the Ten Thousand Waters and Blue King Skill he has replaced does not look very powerful.

I looked at the remaining potential points, and there were still 22 points.

He tried it and stopped his gaze on the Ten Thousand Waters and Blue King Art.

There was no movement at all and it was still the same as before.

Garen frowned. He had been thinking about how the secret weapon that could be improved in the past as long as a few points or ten points would be like this now.

"It's probably because of insufficient potential points." He had a guess in his mind.

Now he is almost becoming one with the Nine-Headed Dragon. The Nine-Headed Dragon is huge, terrifyingly powerful, and even has nine lives!

Such a huge physical foundation is completely different from the original human body, the gap is too big.

This change should be caused by this fundamental gap.

A weak human body requires less energy to transform, but the huge nine-headed dragon is naturally not as huge as it could be transformed.

Just like if the foundation is 1, then the transformation can be easily changed in single digits. The base is 10,000. The changes, increases and decreases in those points are just scratching the itch and have no impact at all.

After thinking about this, Garen planned to try to accumulate a lot of potential points. At the same time, when you arrive in the Imperial Capital, go to the War Guild to upgrade the War Shackles. And look at the other member of the Shackles, Angel.

This woman who had worked with her in Titan City didn't know how her team was developing now. She was already an elite second-type totem master back then. I don’t know if I have entered Type 3 now.

When they came back to their senses, the group of people had gradually entered a rocky area shrouded in mist. There are still those rugged and messy rocks around, but in the gaps between the rocks, there is a somewhat turbid and white water flow.

These water flows formed large and small pits, which were steaming and rolling continuously.

The old man was leading the way, leading the way.

"It's a rare trip here. I don't know if the hot spring in front is still there. We can clean ourselves there."

"We can have a good rest here for a day. This road is much faster than the one we came here. Thanks to the team leader." Kitty flattered Garen with a charming smile, but saw that the latter was closing his eyes to rest. , without even looking at her side.

"Tch!" Kitty pouted, feeling angry.

"Is there anything delicious here?" The child was actually concerned about food.

"In the past, there were small and medium-sized whitebait. It tasted very good. It was good when grilled or cooked into soup. It was rich in nutrients. I don't know if it is still available now." The old man replied with a smile.

"I don't think there's any need to waste time here. Go back to the imperial capital as soon as possible and take a shower or whatever." Garen said in a puzzled voice.

"Team leader, don't you need a rest? You've been running for so long and you're so dirty. Can I ask, how long was the last time you took a bath?" Mao Mao finally couldn't help but retort.

"Huh?" Garen's eyes moved over.

The latter immediately jumped off the rhinoceros and shrank directly behind Hong Umbrella, too frightened to come out.

"Team leader, I believe that a broad-minded person like you will never mind my little joke!" Mao Mao shouted loudly from behind the red umbrella, and almost lost his breath after speaking in one breath.

The others couldn't help but chuckle. Before Garen came, Kitty had always been lawless in the group and had a vicious mouth. The only thing that could control her was the red umbrella, which she didn't care about at all.

Unexpectedly, when Garen came, this guy was like a mouse meeting a cat, and he was kept submissive.

"A man's bathing time is the same as a woman's age, so you can't ask. Do you understand?" Garen stared at the kitten behind the red umbrella with a cold face.

"Obviously!" Mao Mao nodded heavily, his face turned pale. She, Hong Umbrella and the white rhinoceros below were all scared to death.

"That's good." Garen looked back with satisfaction.

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

After this banter, the atmosphere in the team became a little more lively.

Soon, the rocks in front became larger and larger, and the pits in the middle became more and more numerous and larger. Some small pits are even equivalent to small pools, with gray water flowing in and out continuously.


From a crack in the stone in front, white water mist sprayed out directly, like a high-pressure water gun. The water mist sprayed for a while and then stopped, as if it was accumulating power for the next spray.

The air was already filled with water vapor, and no one could be seen a few meters away, only dark shadows could be seen vaguely.

"A little ahead is the former hot spring. Please be careful. I haven't been here since the turmoil. I don't know what kind of monsters are entrenched here." The old man said loudly.

But surprisingly, everyone went straight to the big hot spring pool where the old man led the way, and no monster appeared around them.

Garen initially thought that there might be some more powerful monster taking this place as its territory. So after confirming the location, I patrolled around and still didn't find any monsters, which suddenly made me feel a little strange.

There is a blank air lingering on this rocky hill. The outer temperature reaches more than 30 degrees, and the core temperature even reaches 50 or 60 degrees. The hottest hot spring water temperature is actually close to Baidu.

A large amount of high-heat steam puffed up, forming a thick layer of black clouds in the sky.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but when Garen looked up at the sky, he found that the black clouds seemed to be changing their shapes, twisting and moving.

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