Mysterious journey

Chapter 417 Unexpected Guess 2

Gallon also learned from the two people that they worked in the Taxation Bureau and Water Conservancy Bureau respectively.

The water conservancy bureau where Nini works is in the neighborhood facing the palace. Many of the chat topics involved noble officials coming in and out of the palace.

"Speaking of which, I saw the Princess's car leaving the main hall this morning and going to the side hall. I used to see the Princess's guards enjoying the flowers from a distance, but now I haven't seen them for a long time." Nini said casually.

Garen frowned slightly. "The eldest princess left the main palace today. It's Saturday. Isn't it the day after tomorrow that the ceremony will be held?"

"You also know." Nini glanced at Garen in surprise. He only said that he also worked in the imperial capital, but the nature of his work needed to be kept secret and could not be disclosed. I didn't expect him to know this detail.

"Although under normal circumstances, preparations for any large-scale ceremony should not be completed until at least the day before the ceremony, but there may be some changes. The princess has many things to do, and she needs to deal with many things." Nini said casually. "If I hadn't discovered the patterns of the Princess's guards' movements, I might not have discovered this anomaly."

"Speaking of which, I also heard people say that the eldest princess did indeed leave the main hall early." Another person, Dilan, echoed.

Gallon didn't think much about it at first, but when he heard Dylan say the word "advance", a guess suddenly came to his mind.

The trust ceremony is so important, is it possible for Avic to perform it privately in advance? To avoid being disturbed by outsiders?

In this way, as long as the official ceremony comes, it will be enough. The ceremony has been completed in advance, and there is no need to worry about possible damage.

The more Garen thought about it, the more likely it seemed.

If this possibility really exists, then Black Sky Society's assassination operation will most likely be brought forward!

He was slightly startled. Although I don't have a good impression of Avic, I don't have any bad feelings either. The main reason is that if the ritual is really completed in advance, or even the assassination is carried out, it will be very detrimental to the situation, and the Black Sky Society will be in a situation where one step is the first and every step is the first.

When he thought of this, he couldn't sit still.

Glancing at Dany and others in the distance, he slowly stood up.

"Sorry, I suddenly thought of something urgent."

"It's okay, please do it." The two of them were slightly stunned and didn't care. They politely said that they would take good care of Danni and the others.

After paying the bill in advance for Dani and others, Garen walked out of the bar and looked back at the name of the bar: Dew Bar.

He immediately took a carriage and rushed to the War Guild. Disciplining Dani still requires a day or two of understanding and contact, but this matter cannot be delayed.

He had to get ready as soon as possible.


war guild

It’s still the Kite Tide Bar.

As soon as Garen entered, a waiter in black came up to guide him.

The two walked through the aisles and many sofa rooms, and walked into a small passage inside. There are rows of individual private rooms in the passage.

After knocking open a private room in the middle, a child dressed in black and two others were sitting inside.

One of them is a beautiful woman with short blond hair. She is dressed very hotly. Her white short skirt almost reaches the top of her thighs. But at this time, she is directly ignored by the child, with an extremely embarrassed expression.

The other person was the old workshop master from before. He was holding a black box in his hand and frowning, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Here we come." When the child saw Garen entering the door, he immediately smiled.

"Well, everything is ready?" Garen looked at the black box in the old man's hand.

"Of course, with two masters doing it themselves, there will never be any problems!" The old man stroked his beard and smiled. He stood up and handed the black box to Garen. "Just press it directly on your previous shackle mark."

Garen nodded and opened the box. Inside was a diamond-shaped white and silver metal hollow ornament.

Faintly, he could hear the footsteps gradually getting closer and closer between the door and the outside. They were obviously people used to protect this transaction. Even the war guild has to pay attention to such a top-notch item worth tens of millions. This place is not as short of manpower as there is in Titan City.

He picked up the ornament, gently rolled up his sleeves, and decisively pressed it on the previous mark of the war shackles.

Something strange happened.

The ornament quickly turned into a liquid, slowly melting into Garen's skin and blending into the mark of the war shackles on his arm.

Garen glanced at his attribute column and saw subtle changes.

‘Shackles of war:

Effect 1 - Eye of Isaiah. Effect 2 - None. Effect 3 - None. Effect 4 - None. Effect 5 - None. Effect 6 - None. Effect 7 - None. Effect 8 - None.

Shared by - Angel. ’

"A total of eight techniques, are you satisfied?" the old man asked with a smile.

"Satisfied, very satisfied!" Garen nodded. "There should be fixed techniques for sale here, right? Can you choose one?"

"Of course, please come with me." The old man nodded, and you could tell from his face that he was in a very comfortable mood now. It is rare for someone to upgrade War Shackles so much at once and purchase the solidification spell, which will also give him a huge commission.

Garen and the child followed the old man out of the private room and continued to move deeper into the passage. Under the protection of a group of black-clothed totem masters, they came to the end wall of the passage.

The old man stretched out his hand and slapped it on the wall, and a white light flashed in his palm.

The wall suddenly rippled and disappeared directly in front of everyone's eyes.

Garen remained calm and followed the old man into the hall behind the wall with the child.

This dark brown hall is circular in shape, with a circle of circular glass display cabinets lining the walls and a cylindrical glass column booth in the center.

In these glass display cabinets, there are sparsely placed strange and strange objects, none of which are very big. There are things like small boxes, living bodies with strange biological tissues, and even ordinary objects that look like minerals.

There were also three groups of people standing sparsely in the hall. It seemed that they were all guild customers who were brought in by the guild members to choose the solidification spell just like them.

"This is the exhibition hall for solidification techniques. You can tell me what you like directly." The old man explained with a smile, "I can provide you with up to 20% off the price."

"Thank you very much." Garen smiled slightly. "Kid, do you have enough money there?"

"No problem." The child responded nonchalantly.

"Just think I borrowed it from you first, and I will return it to you after a while." This time, thanks to the child, otherwise the upgrade of the war shackles would be really troublesome.

"It's nothing, I don't know how to use the money." The child obviously really didn't care.

Garen nodded and stopped being pretentious.

He walked to the counter and began to look at each one carefully.

This place is truly worthy of being a guild in the imperial capital of a great country. Unlike Titan City, where there are only a few choices for solidification spells, here they are openly put out for everyone to choose from. At a glance, there are no less than thirty items.

Garen followed the counters and checked them one by one.

The curing techniques here are divided into three categories.

Strengthen the ontology class, strengthen the totem class, and special class.

Strengthening the body is the strengthening of the totem master himself. This strengthening can affect the speed and power of the totem master's spells, or the flexibility of controlling the totem in battle, etc.

Strengthening a totem is a direct and temporary strengthening of a single totem.

The last special category has the most, including medical, reconnaissance, night vision, underwater breathing, levitation, camouflage, freezing, etc. These are equivalent to giving the totem an additional ability.

Garen looked around but couldn't find the technique he wanted. Although he knew that the Eye of Essek he found was not an ordinary magic spell, but none of these solidification spells had anything to do with it, Garen finally felt a little disappointed.

Looking at the price tag, each of these solidification techniques is worth tens of thousands of gold wheel cloth, which is at least the price of tens of millions of copper wheel cloth. Two or three sets are equivalent to the price of purchasing a basic set of first-level war shackles.

Seemingly seeing a hint of disappointment on Garen's face, the old man pondered for a moment.

"Well, in addition to our guild's own solidification spells, there are also some solidification spells that we plan to put up for auction. You can take a look at them in advance to see if there is anything you want."

"That's okay." Garen nodded.

The child simply told him through the black box on his collar that he had all his savings, which was about 20,000 gold wheel cloths. This amount plus the previous 80,000 gold wheel cloths spent on upgrading to the fourth level amounted to a total of 100,000 gold wheel cloths. This is a huge sum of money. Now even if the entire Terry Jones family sells all their properties, they will only get 40,000 to 50,000 gold wheels and cloth at most. This includes all fixed properties and real estate granted by His Majesty the Emperor, etc., all added up.

Garen felt a little sorry that he had spent so much money on a child this time, but thinking that now was a critical period, he couldn't care so much. There will be plenty of opportunities to repay this love in the future.

After waiting in the hall for a while, the old man asked someone to bring him a list and handed it to Garen.

The detailed information of five solidification techniques is recorded on the list, which is obviously auction information.

The first of these five solidification techniques is to imitate the hand of Dara.

The shape is a golden palm-shaped necklace pendant. There is no special pattern on it.

The effect is simple. Goldenization, spending a certain amount of totem light or totem power, can convert a certain amount of matter into gold.

Although gold is not as valuable as silver in this world, it is also an important precious metal second only to silver.

I believe that many totem masters will like this thing, but Galleons are definitely not included.

The second one is called Dark Blue Chain.

It's the same necklace style, all dark blue, with a white irregular stone hanging in the middle.

The effect of the dark blue necklace is a water mist field, which can form a water mist area with a radius of twelve meters after being released, blocking the enemy's sight. The concentration of water mist increases or decreases with the strength of the totem master.

The third one is called the Void Medal.

Seeing this, Garen became slightly interested.

This is just a black flame-like picture.

The effect belongs to the enhanced body type: after being activated, part of the totem master's body can be elementalized. If the totem master's level is strong enough and high enough, it can be used to avoid fatal attacks and can also be used for long-distance teleportation. Of course, if you are just a low-level totem master, elementalizing one nail is considered good.

The fourth and fifth were both strengthening spells for totems. Garen glanced at them. One had a strong healing effect, and the other added a cold attribute to the totem, which could damage the enemy totem. The cold damage is just much more powerful than the general enhanced spells.

"How do you sell this virtualization medal?" Garen asked, pointing to the third solidification technique.

"Your vision is indeed sharp!" The old man gave a thumbs up. "This Void Medal was snatched from the Black Sky Society by the masters of our guild in a monster lair. For this medal, two Type 2 elite totem masters were seriously injured. Although for high-level totem masters, , Elementalization is an inevitable path to improvement, but being able to use solidification techniques to master this method in advance, doesn’t it provide an extra guarantee for one’s own safety?”

"Stop talking nonsense, just tell me how much it will cost?" Garen was too lazy to listen to his nonsense.

"This number." The old man held out four fingers. "This is the 20% discount price I'm giving you two."

"Forty thousand golden wheel cloth?!" Garen raised his eyebrows. He bought this mainly for the sake of elementalization. Elementalization is a short-term ability that orthodox totem masters can achieve when they become spiritual. But the path Garen took did not touch the edge of elementalization at all.

Although the Nine-Headed Demonic Dragon is powerful, it is completely clueless in terms of elementalization, especially the elementalization of its own body. Perhaps through this thing, we can get a glimpse of the secrets of elementalization by high-level totem masters.

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