Mysterious journey

Chapter 422 Forming a Party 1

After leaving the palace study, Garen headed to the Blackfire Palace under the protection of four Blackfire Guards.

The Black Fire Palace is a dark palace with dark red patterns carved on it.

Viewed from above, it looks like a standard triangle, surrounded by dark red columns. Different huge black symbols are engraved on the columns. I don't know what they mean.

Opposite the Black Fire Palace is the Eleventh Palace of the Eleven Princesses, and the two stand opposite each other.

Garen left the office area, walked through the public area, and walked directly onto the small stone bridge leading to the Black Fire Palace. Four black fire heavy guards followed behind him, all wearing thick black cloaks, giving people a cold and forbidding feeling.

The maid guards passing by all saluted him in awe.

Before entering the Black Fire Palace, you have to pass through the Eleventh Palace.

It was early in the morning, and in the open-air corridor in front of the Eleventh Palace, a maid in red was leading a young man towards the Eleventh Palace.

The man's face was calm, but there was a hint of anxiety in his eyes. He looked unattractive, but the contrast between his face and his eyes gave people a strange sense of incongruity.

When Garen passed outside the corridor, he suddenly glanced at the maid and the man she was bringing from a distance.

The maid was currently bending down to salute from a distance, and even the man had to bend down to salute.

"Who is that person?" Garen stopped and asked a guard beside him.

"Sir, that person is a guest who came to see the Eleventh Princess. He is a commoner outside." The male guard was also startled by Garen's sudden voice and quickly answered.

"The man who came to meet His Highness Eleven?" Garen frowned, thinking of his previous guess. "Let him go."

"But... that person is the person His Highness Eleventh has personally specified that he wants to see." This guard was a little embarrassed. He was a guard guarding the Eleventh Palace. He had already known from the tone of His Highness's instructions that this person was very important to His Highness.

"Has he been here many times?" Garen suddenly asked.

"Yes, yes." The guard nodded awkwardly.

"This person will not be allowed to enter the palace without my order from now on." Jia Long said a word and strode away directly.

The heavy armors of the four Black Fire Guards trampled on the ground, giving people a dull power.


Snapped! !

Wow! !

Eleventh Princess Tina slammed a vase on the ground.

"Go to hell!"

“Fuck, die, die, die!!”

Tina locked herself in the study alone and smashed everything in the soundproof study into a mess.

"I'm so angry! Damn Garen! Damn Black Fire Palace!! What does it have to do with who I want to see?"

The floor was littered with fragments of porcelain and crystal, and the whole room was in disarray.

She didn't dare to make any noise outside. There are heavy Black Fire guards outside the palace. Recently, there was an order from the Lord of the Black Fire Palace. She is not allowed to go out at will. If she needs to go out, she must ask Garen for instructions.

This made Tina tremble with anger even more. The Baker Stone Eyes person she wanted to summon could not be seen, and now she was actually under house arrest in her own palace.

But she had no place to appeal. In the heart of his father, Aivik, ten princesses are no match for one right-hand man, not to mention that Garen is also one of the empire's top masters and top totem masters. Not to mention house arrest, even if Garen fell in love with him, Avic would probably marry him directly without saying a word.

After venting, Tina finally began to calm down.

"What should I do now? I can't even get out of the palace, and they can't get in. If I want to escape from here, I have to find another way."

In just a few weeks, the reputation of the nine-headed demon dragon Garen gradually became famous throughout the imperial capital. Together with Garland Sword Aydin, they are the two strongest generals under Avic.

Of course, in the eyes of outsiders and the enemy, the two of them are Avik's two most loyal eagle dogs. Perhaps the status is much higher than that of an eagle dog, but there is no doubt that this is the function.

Although Ai Ding is a genius and powerful, he does not care about management and is not good at it. Garen was different, he firmly held the power in his own hands. His Black Fire Guardian God is mysterious and powerful, and his black fire giant wolf is extremely ferocious. Coupled with the powerful equipment made by the royal family, each black fire heavy guard has the strength to challenge two totem masters of the same level.

Anyone who wants to target Aiweike must first pass through the two lines of defense of Edin and Garon.


Another week later

Inside the Palace of Blackfire

Garen walked into the side hall on the left side of the palace hall and came to a small room.

The door of the small black room was open, and a young man with a black ponytail was sitting inside.

Seeing Garen come in, the young man stood up immediately with a smile on his face.

"Garen, are you done with your work today?"

"Didn't you go to your grandfather's place?" Garen walked over and sat across from the young man.

There was a low table between the two of them, with two steaming cups of hot black tea on it.

There was a faint aroma of black tea floating in the small room.

This young man is Bai Lan, whom he hasn't seen for a long time.

This guy who grew up with Ahashia got in touch with Garen a few days ago. Garen goes to visit Bailan's grandfather Bainock. Of course, the main purpose is to visit my friend Bai Lan.

This guy is not living an ordinary life now. Although he does not have the qualifications of a totem master, he has a grandfather who likes him, and his family naturally cares about him. In addition, Garen's visit expressed his stance.

His current status in the entire family has skyrocketed. Although he cannot be called a successor, he is at least very important.

"My grandpa went out hunting. The weather has been good recently. It has been sunny for many days in a row. Grandpa got very excited and went out on horseback." Bai Lan shook her head, "It's a pity that I am not a totem master, otherwise I would also like to see it. ."

"Come to see me so early. Is there something urgent?" Garen picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea.

"That's not true, it's just that I plan to marry Marlene." Bai Lan said with a smile. This guy is more mature than before.

"What about Andalu?" Garen looked like he had expected it and was not surprised at all.

"Andalu's family is in some trouble. Most of her family members were attacked and died by monsters. Only she and her aunt are left in the family. The last few times I have invited her out to play, it has become more and more boring." Bai Lan said with a frown.

The four of them have had the best relationship since childhood, but now due to the turmoil, they have experienced ups and downs in their lives.

If Garen hadn't worked hard on his own, his family would probably be in ruins now. Even if he survived, he would be in a similar situation to Andalu.

Although Bai Lan's family was powerful, at that time, with his power and influence, being able to send people to pick up his friends was the limit of what he could do.

"Help her as much as you can." Garen sighed.

"So I'm here this time." Bai Lan nodded. "Xiao Lu plans to go to the palace to find something to do, so that she can be self-reliant and not burden her aunt. See if you can find something for him."

"Into the palace?" Garen frowned. "It's not that I don't want to, it's actually just a matter of my words. But as a good friend, I really don't want her to enter the palace now."

Bailan paused, looking slightly thoughtful.

Garen continued. "It will take a while. I will tell her after a while. There should be no problem with the palace manager."

"Exactly how long will it take? You know that if it was just a general position, I wouldn't bother coming to you. I can handle it myself." Bai Lan raised her eyebrows.

"Needless to say, it's definitely not an ordinary location!" Garen laughed.

"She said she'd better enter the palace as soon as possible. The sooner the better. Being idle at home is idle anyway." Bai Lan shook her head, "The situation in her family is very bad now. Even if we are there to greet her, she is not as strong as herself." You know the basis of this. After all, many things are disputes within the family, and we are just outsiders."

Garen immediately understood what he meant.

An Dalu must have lost all his relatives, and his distant relatives wanted to come over to divide the property. According to formal laws, this is natural. But how to divide this, there is a lot of room for manipulation. She is in urgent need of a relatively good position. At least she must have a certain amount of power and influence in her hands so that she can suppress the greedy wolves in the family.

"I can understand her difficulties, so I still think it's best to arrange for her to enter the palace as soon as possible." Bai Lan whispered, picking up the black tea, rubbing the tea cup against her lips, but she didn't drink much, just blew it gently .

"Then what position does she want most?" Garen pondered for a moment, and finally spoke. He knew that An Dalu was embarrassed to come to see these old friends, and only Marin still had a close relationship with her. Since he could beg for help, it was Bai Lan who took the initiative. Obviously the situation has reached a more troublesome point. It's better not to involve a few layers before coming to find yourself.

"From what she said, she hopes to find a job suitable for women." Bai Lan replied.

Garen nodded slowly.

"The only jobs suitable for women are the Palace Finance Department, Horticulture Department, and the Queen's Palace. Since my friend is joining the palace, the position cannot be too bad."

He thought for a while and said, "In this way, I will give her three positions, deputy financial director, flower director of the Horticulture Department, and maid of the royal palace. I can decide which position she wants from these three positions."

"Okay. Then I'll go back and tell her." Bai Lan stood up happily. He knew that it was very interesting for Garen to clearly lay out three positions for Andalu to choose from. After all, he is not the only one in charge of the palace, there is also the Silver Palace, the eldest princess, and His Majesty. Nor could he reach higher.

"In such a hurry to go back? Why don't you sit down for a while?" Garen said with a smile.

"No, Ma Lin and Xiao Lu are still waiting for my news."

"If anything happens in the future, can't I just ask them to come to me directly? We are all old friends, why should they be so out of touch?" Garen frowned.

"It's not that your identity is different now. Last time, Ma Lin planned to bring Xiaolu to find you, but she just glanced at you from afar and didn't dare to come up to talk to you. You were scared to death!" Bai Lan said angrily! . "With your usual aura, you look like you will die if you mess with me. Who dares to say hello to you rashly?"

"No way? Am I so cruel?" Garen touched his chin, looking confused.

"You must bring four elite black cloaks with you when you go out, and a two-meter-tall heavy armor. The Master of the Black Fire Palace can scare people to death even if he smiles." Bai Lan shook his head and was speechless, "Do you know what is being said about you outside?"

"What words?"

"You say you eat ten virgins alive every day, and you like to collect the hearts of strong men the most. When you are unhappy, you can glare at people with just one look. Your arms are as thick as a human waist, and your thighs cannot be hugged by anyone. Your teeth can bite through steel plates in one bite. "

"Stop, stop!" Seeing that Bai Lan was getting more and more outrageous, Garen had a dark look on his face and quickly stopped him. "Who spread this news?"

Bai Lan shook her head.

"I don't know. Anyway, it just came out like this. To tell the truth about some of your recent things, it is true." He glanced at Garen's face and hesitated to continue.

"It's just that we killed a few more people, and these people spread rumors." Garen narrowed his eyes slightly.

Bai Lan was speechless.

Just how many people were killed? The fourth princess couldn't clearly see the situation when the Black Fire Guards were patrolling, and fought against Garen for a close guard. Later, he actually revealed his identity and said that he was just a dog of the royal family and a servant.

As a result, the Black Fire Guards killed everyone in the Princess Palace except the four princesses. A total of ninety-six people were hanged overnight. There is not even a maid serving tea in the entire Fourth Palace.

That's it, Avic actually asked the fourth princess to apologize to Garen in public.

Not only this, but during the recent purge operations, anyone who was suspected by the Black Fire Guards would almost die.

In the name of investigating spies, the Black Fire Guards cleaned up the entire palace. Anyone who dissent was directly executed by Galen. The number of executions has risen to more than 300 people.

For the always peaceful and peaceful imperial capital, Garen has undoubtedly become an out-and-out butcher! Executioner!

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