Mysterious journey

Chapter 424 Assassination 1

The two of them each had their own thoughts, and after some pleasantries, they became familiar with each other.

"I wonder why the palace master came to my northern region?" The old man landed slowly and controlled the octopus to shrink rapidly. From a huge creature, it quickly turned into a palm-sized black octopus, lying on his left shoulder.

"I was just idle and bored, so I came out to find some powerful monsters to practice with." Garen smiled, "I didn't expect to meet the master of Anjiade Tower. It's really good luck."

"Our Seven Nights Tower is not far from Kuwaitan. Why don't the palace master and I come to the inner tower area as a guest so that I can treat you well." Anjiade also answered with a smile.

Garen originally had the intention to win over this man, but when he heard that he came from the powerful Kuwaitan Empire, he also had other ideas. Both parties have a heart-to-heart relationship. Let's just go together and chat about the scenery of the Northern Territory and various special landscapes.

When the other party mentioned that he was looking for a little guy who had stolen his treasure, Garen immediately agreed and asked his Black Fire Guards to help with the search.

The dozen or so Black Fire Guards they brought mounted on their own Big Thunder Eagles and quickly turned into more than a dozen small black dots scattered over the surrounding snow.

There was only one Blackfire elite carrying sundries left beside Garen.

The two of them were walking and chatting. After a while, the Black Fire Guards on both sides sent signals that they had found traces of people.

Garen and the old man Anjiade rushed over, only to see a group of people facing the Black Fire Guards as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

There are about ten people in this group, all wearing red clothes, and their strength is at least type two, and there are even two type three among them.

At this time, a black eel-like monster corpse was surrounded in the middle with an ugly expression. There were red blood stains scattered everywhere in the surrounding snow, and there was even a corpse lying in some places.

"Lords of the Royal Alliance, we managed to capture this black-tailed eel after a lot of preparation and sacrifice." Seeing Garen and the others coming together, a man in red stood out and said hurriedly.

"A type three black-tailed eel" Anjiade's eyes suddenly showed greed.

"It's just a Type III black-tailed eel." Garen next to him showed disdain. This thing is mainly used to make leather armor and spell scrolls, and the rest is not much. He has the black fire heavy armor specially made by the Wang family, and the spell scroll is also made of high-quality black dragon skin. That is a top-level monster with four types of subversion, and it is simply not comparable to this little monster.

It's just that Galleons didn't bother to carry it with him when he went out. Other totem masters, especially those who focus on totem combat, will pay special attention to their spells. In other words, most totem masters mainly use spells, totem talents and secret treasure abilities to fight. But Garen is different. He basically does not need to use magic to fight. His direct body is the fastest and simplest killing tool.

Coupled with Cowaitan's strong resource supply capacity, he can easily find finished products made of this type three material, and there is no chance of seeing dirty raw materials. So this kind of material about magic is not attractive to him.

Hearing what a master at the same level said, Anjiade's face twitched, and he was too embarrassed to ask for it after all.

For Qiye Pagoda, a type three black-tailed eel is already a good fortune, and almost its entire body is filled with treasures.

After hearing this, the other party still did not relax.

Even though there were so many of them besieging a black-tailed eel, in fact, black-tailed eels are social creatures, and it was not easy for them to seduce one to kill them. It even killed a member because of this. It would be a tragedy if it was suddenly snatched away by an outsider.

"Let's go, look at the next place, maybe you can meet the person you want to catch." Garen noticed the greed in the old man's eyes.

Next, several times in a row, the two of them encountered totem masters who came to the northern region to hunt monsters. Most of these totem masters were type 2, with very few type 3. Many of them came from the direction of Cowaitan. As soon as they saw the royal alliance clothes that Garen was wearing, these people were afraid to avoid him. Only a few people knew that Anjiade of the Seven Nights Tower was the tower master. But it is far less than the fear of Garen.

This allowed Anjiade to once again see the benefits of being a member of the royal alliance.

After a search, the two did not find any clues, but Garen took the opportunity to ask Anjiade to reject the invitation as a guest of the Black Fire Palace.

Anjiade just said that he would think about it and did not refuse immediately.

Garen is not in a hurry. Instead, in the name of the patriarch of his Terry Jones family, he hopes to obtain trade support from Anjiade's third tower. The specialty of the Northern Territory is a variety of high-end animal furs that are extremely warm and beautiful. , and some unique treasures.

An Jiade did not refuse this, and immediately agreed. The two agreed on a coded token, and Garen returned to the imperial capital.


Grand Princess Palace

Di Lusi frowned and sat on the princess's throne. Through the floor-to-ceiling windows on the side of the palace, she could see a black heavy-armored guard on duty outside. The heavy armor is engraved with a large number of dark red patterns. Apparently they were from the Black Fire Palace.

"It's hard to handle. This nine-headed dragon came out and planted his spies everywhere." A voice came directly into the princess's ears from the dark corner.

"That's why I need you to think of a way. For one more galleung, we need to add another preventive measure." Di Lusi's lips moved slightly, and a sound came into the corner.

"If it really doesn't work, we have no choice but to do this!" The voice in the corner seemed to make a decision.

Suddenly, a high-pitched voice came from outside the palace,

"Minister Vesga is here!!"

Soon, an old man with white hair and a stern face walked into the hall, escorted by two white-armored guards.

"I have met Her Royal Highness the Princess." Vesga bowed respectfully, "On His Majesty's order, I came to inform His Highness that the trust ceremony will be held tonight. I hope Your Highness will keep it secret and be prepared."

"Tonight?!" Di Lusi was slightly shocked. Her beautiful eyes flashed, and her heart was suddenly caught off guard. "Why did His Majesty suddenly order the ceremony to start tonight? I didn't have any news in advance. It seems to be a bit hasty."

"This is His Majesty's order. We are not qualified to interfere." After bowing, Vesga turned and walked out.

After a while, a maid in a red dress flashed in from the door outside the palace. She was the personal maid of the princess.

"Your Excellency, what should we do now?" the maid walked to the princess and asked in a low voice.

"Notify everyone and get ready. Although it is a bit hasty, we have finally waited for this day. This old guy Vesga may have seen something. You ask the other side to be prepared and on standby at any time."


"Okay, get down quickly. The people in the Black Fire Palace are cleaning out spies now, so don't attract attention."


Seeing the maid leaving the palace, Di Lusi's sea-blue eyes gradually darkened.

The Nine-Headed Dragon and the Garland Sword seemed to be the old and immortal Vesga who was giving advice to Ivic. It's really a big deal to clear all suspects at the same time, one bright and one dark.


As soon as Garen returned to the palace, he heard the news that the trust ceremony would be held tonight.

He was also slightly shocked that Avic had made up his mind so quickly to conduct a thorough investigation.

But even after searching for so long, Garen still felt that there were still many chess pieces of Princess Black Sky Society hidden in the palace, and there were quite a lot of them. This made him feel a little uncertain.

He made a special trip to the palace of the Eleventh Princess, and he kept guessing. Avic clearly felt the betrayal of the eldest princess, but still failed. It may have something to do with the eleventh princess. Therefore, he closely monitored the Eleventh Princess, not letting her out of his sight, and not allowing any outsiders to come into contact with her.

There was no movement in the Eleventh Palace. The Eleventh Princess was concentrating on practicing painting and did not seem to notice his arrival.

This made Garen feel a little relieved. He was determined to participate in this ritual activity.

Regardless of whether Avic was assassinated successfully or not, he wanted to get as much benefit as possible from it. Of course it's best not to succeed. The important thing is that unlike the previous massacre of garbage, this time he is a legitimate master of killing. In addition, he is also interested in the legendary ancient Yinduo secret treasure.

Soon, after dinner, the sky quickly darkened.

And Avic also entered the inner hall of the underground palace. At the same time, in the underground Blood Jade Palace, he summoned Garon, Aidin, Vesga and others to participate in tonight's secret ceremony.


In the underground inner sanctum

The dark floor was covered with smooth mirror-like black bricks, each one shaped into a huge square shape that could almost reflect a person's shadow.

Above is a hemispherical black ceiling dotted with silver light. A huge crystal chandelier hangs down in the middle, emitting an inexplicable reddish light.

The Blood Jade Palace is about the same size as an ordinary palace, except that the walls around the interior are covered with densely carved golden figures. All of these figures protrude from the wall, forming large reliefs. The carving technique is so lifelike that it looks like there is a circle of onlookers standing around the palace.

There were officials, nobles, children, and old people in the crowd, but most of them were beautiful and coquettish women.

These women are completely naked, some are only covered by gauze, some are half-covered, some have exaggerated movements, and some are shy and charming.

The eyes of all the reliefs were focused on a blood-colored pool in the middle of the Blood Jade Palace.

Aivik was dressed in a complicated imperial uniform, wearing a white and silver crown, holding a royal staff, and looked solemnly at Princess Di Lusi who was half-kneeling in front of him.

Standing neatly behind the two of them were Garon Vesga and Aydin, as well as some elite guards covered in silver armor and holding white double swords.

This ceremony was extremely simple. There were no large number of nobles attending the ceremony, no foreign ministers were notified, the two grand dukes were not present, and no one even arrived from the representatives of the Council of Elders.

It can be said that Aiweike held the ceremony right away in a hurry. No one knew what he was thinking. Maybe the princess had guessed it, but now it was a foregone conclusion, and she had to start with the flow.

The light red light shines on everyone, making the hall a little mysterious.

"The ceremony begins now." Avic said solemnly.

Dang. Dang. Dang.

The melodious sound of bells came from outside the palace.

chirp chirp

Suddenly, streams of white air flew in from the windows on all sides of the palace, flying like white ribbons above Avic and the half-kneeling princess.

The white air flow is composed of countless small yellow and white papers. They chirped like little birds and flew around the princess.

Avic raised his right hand, and an inconspicuous black ring on his finger slowly emitted black smoke. Black smoke lingered upwards, slowly fading into the air, and soon the entire palace could smell a faint floral fragrance.

Princess Di Lusi lowered her head and knelt on the ground. White and yellow pieces of paper slowly fell from her head and quickly turned into delicate petals.

Many white and yellow petals were scattered on her head and body. Like raindrops, the petals fell on her body, some slid down, and some slowly deformed and turned into white and yellow butterflies.

Butterflies were flying gracefully, some landed on her shoulders, and some flew around.

"In the name of my ancestors, from now on, I will grant you, my princess, the final right of protection!" Avic extended the ring on his right hand to the top of Di Lusi's head and said solemnly.

Suddenly, a wisp of black smoke came out of his ring, flying towards Di Lusi like a living creature.

Vesga, Edin, and Garen lowered their heads slightly to show respect. They are the only three close ministers that Aiweike summoned.

At this moment, in the middle of Di Lusi's loose golden curls, a braid of black hair was quietly undergoing strange changes.

The braid became darker and darker, and the tip at the end became sharper and harder. The entire black braid gradually turned into a scorpion tail-like shape.

With a sneer, the scorpion's tail needle popped out, glowing with a rich and dark red luster.

But Avic still raised his right hand high, hanging over Di Lusi's head. His eyes were focused, as if he didn't notice any movement at all.

At the last moment of the ceremony, which was about to be completed, it was the only time for Avic to lose the final protection and protection. At that time

The eldest princess lowered her head to prevent the coldness in her eyes from showing.

The black smoke flying out of the ring above her head was like a living thing, constantly getting into Di Lusi's head, in an endless stream, as if there was no end.

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