Mysterious journey

Chapter 426 Shock 1

underground cella

In the dark blood jade palace

The numerous maids and guards around had completely disappeared. They quickly exited the palace in a hurried and orderly manner, and ran into hidden facilities everywhere.

Only Aiweike and Princess Di Lusi were left in the Blood Jade Palace.

Di Lusi's black braids were like a scorpion's tail, and the scarlet tail needle was suspended in front of Avic's face. Only one finger away, the sharp needle point was about to pierce his right eye.

The two were completely in a stalemate.

What's weird is that although Di Lusi's face is covered with black blood and his facial features are still bleeding, there is a hint of a ferocious smile on his expression.

"Final asylum. It's really exciting." Di Lusi laughed softly, and her voice turned into a deep man's voice! Hoarse and full of magnetism! !

She still has a good figure, a beautiful face, and her hair is blond. But his eyes completely turned into two black whirlpools.

Avic's face turned green and white, and he was shaking all over. His throat kept shaking, as if he wanted to vomit, but he suppressed it.

"You are Shen Yun?!" His voice was hoarse, holding on to a glimmer of hope, hoping to get a different answer from the other party.

"You guessed it right." Di Lusi chuckled. "From the beginning, I was Shenyun. In other words, the Di Lusi from the beginning was my clone."

Suddenly his face changed, becoming soft and lovable. "Your Majesty~~Don't you love me anymore?" Her voice suddenly turned into a soft female voice.

The coquettish voice that usually sounds pleasant and comforting, to Aiweike's ears now, made him feel an uncontrollable chill all over his body.

"You...!!!" Avic felt his heart churn, and a strong desire to vomit surged from his stomach. When he thought about sleeping with a man for so many years, he couldn't help but feel chills all over his body, and goosebumps appeared densely all over his body.


"You monster!!" Avic yelled, staggering back a few steps. He seemed to be surrounded by invisible invisible barriers, protecting him from harm.

Shen Yun returned to his sneer expression.

"Your Majesty, how can you say that about me? Have you forgotten all of these days and nights?" His voice sounded alternately male and female.

Avic could no longer hold back the nausea in his heart, his face turned pale, and he raised his finger to point at Shenyun.

"Kill him! Kill him!!!" he shouted.

In an instant, three thick figures emerged from around the palace. They seemed to have walked out of the void and stood there from the beginning, never moving.

The ability of the phantom array allowed them to hide here without anyone noticing.

Even Shen Yun showed a hint of surprise on his face.

He glanced at the three people surrounding him.

"Musu, the leader of the national agency Silver Knights?"

Among the three, a white-haired old man holding a brown wooden staff greeted him with a smile.

"I didn't expect His Excellency Shen Yun to come in person. It's such an honor to see the number one genius here."

The old man Mu Su was wearing a white silver-patterned robe and a white bone and tooth necklace around his neck. He doesn't feel like the leader of a knighthood, but more like a wizard from a primitive tribe who performs great dances.

Shenyun's eyes moved to another person. This man had a prim and serious face, his black robes were meticulously groomed, and he was holding a short dagger with a black handle and a blue blade in his hand. There was a faint smell of damp seawater surrounding the dagger.

"Vesga, as expected you are here too."

Vesga deadpanned.

"I didn't expect that the eldest princess is Shenyun. Now that she's here, don't leave."

Shen Yun smiled and looked at the last person.

"Star Kings. Is the Star King Palace, the math center involved, also involved?"

The last person was a young man, wearing a black aristocratic dress, with a pale and handsome face, playing with a black paintbrush in his hand. What's strange is that the hair on the brush is beating like a burning flame.

"Your Excellency Shenyun, you have crossed the line this time. This is the Kuwaitan Palace, not your secret labyrinth."

The three people formed a triangle around Shen Yun. Although everyone had a natural expression, they were all focused on Shen Yun.

"It seems that you are planning to leave my clone here completely. This is not possible. Each of my three major clones has been made successfully with a lot of hard work." Shenyun smiled calmly.

When she turned her palm over, the palm of her right hand suddenly bulged up rapidly, and the originally fair skin continued to arch, forming a ball shape.

The raised skin color is getting greener and greener, and the arc of the arch is getting wider and wider.


A huge wave centered on Shen Yun and spread instantly. Invisible waves hit the three people around them hard.


The three of them were pushed away forcibly, and their feet were dragged with six clear scratches.

"The original secret treasure!!!" The expressions of the Star Kings changed, and their eyes flickered. "Hehe, I didn't expect His Excellency Shenyun to be willing to take out the original secret treasure. The Pearl of Distortion, what a masterpiece!"

"If this clone falls here, the Orb of Distortion will be ours." Vesgar suddenly said.

"Even the original secret treasure, the Twisted Orb, has been brought. It seems that we won't be able to do it today if we don't use our full strength. Don't hide it, everyone, just use the strongest method, otherwise no one will win tonight." Silver Knights The leader Mu Su said in a low voice. Like Vesga, although his mouth was relaxed, there was a hint of deep solemnity in his eyes.

The original secret treasure. His Majesty Avic's absolute protection is also the first secret treasure. This is the most powerful secret treasure. Although the Black Sky Society cannot compare with the entire royal alliance, it is still powerful compared to a big country alone. Unexpectedly, he dared to make a desperate move and took advantage of the temporary gap between the top five types of strong men to attack Kuwaitan with the Orb of Distortion.

"Can you please spread the news and inform the head of the agency headquarters?" Mu Su asked in a voice.

Vesga finally showed a wry smile. "The illusion array we set up blocks all information from the outside world. It will take at least an hour to completely remove it."

Mu Su smiled bitterly.

At this moment, there was a sudden vibration above the Blood Jade Palace.

Roar! ! !

A fierce roar of a giant beast came from above.

The entire palace shook slightly, scattering some fine gravel dust.

"There are people fighting above." Vesga looked up at the top of his head. The moment his eyes left Shen Yun, he heard the violent sound of wind.


There was a voice shouting, and out of the corner of his eye, Vesga saw a black chain shooting towards him. Before he had time to think about it, he quickly dodged to the right.

Whoosh whoosh! !

Countless chains shot out from Shen Yun's body in an instant, whizzing towards the three of them.

A huge black giant figure emerged behind her.


Eleventh Palace on the Ground

As soon as the huge white bird took off into the air, it was severely shaken down by a violent and violent sound wave.

The white bird's wings tilted, drawing a slanted parabola, and crashed into a garden on the right front.

Bang! !

The garden was in a mess, and a large area of ​​plants and flowers were crushed.

The white bird was lying on the edge of a white stone flower bed, half of its body pressed against two gardeners. Blood flowed out from under the white bird's body, and became a piece of black soil.

The screams of the maids suddenly came from the surroundings, and the maids and waiters in white were like frightened honeycombs, and they all fled towards the openings they could find on all sides.

Just when Baker Stone Eyes and others were dizzy and climbed down from the back of the white bird, there was a dense sound of footsteps behind them.

Dozens of Black Fire Palace heavy guards rushed over, their eyes glowed green, and green viscous liquid continued to drip from the gaps in their armor. It dripped onto the ground, corroding the floor tiles into pits of varying sizes.

The one at the front suddenly opened his mouth, and countless green sour-smelling mucus spurted out wildly, turning into a torrent and rushing toward the three of them.

Boom! ! !

clang! ! !

The nine huge dragon heads in front of Garen slammed into a half-moon white sword arc.

The red light and white light exploded, and countless tiny totem light fragments flew in all directions.

Ai Ding snorted coldly, and the white arc in front of him broke. He jumped slightly, flipped over and landed on the eaves not far away.

"Stupid fool."

boom! !

The nine dragon heads chased him instantly and smashed the place where he stood into rubble. In the corridor under the eaves, a crystal chandelier was shaken down by the violent vibration.


Amidst the crisp sound of crystal shattering, Ai Ding flipped over slightly, just in time to avoid the attack of the nine-headed dragon, and landed on the eaves on the right.

The blood color between Garen's brows became thicker and thicker, and a strong violent murderous intention rolled in his heart. His eyes were getting more and more bloody, and the terrifying vertical pupils of the dragon's eyes filled his whole body with an inhuman fear.

With a wave of his hands, the nine dragon necks immediately moved to the right.


The nine dragon heads were like nine red pillars, biting directly along the eaves, chasing Ai Ding all the way to the right.

A large number of eaves were chewed to pieces, and the crystal chandeliers in the corridor below fell down one by one.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! !

The sound of crystal shattering continued one after another, deafening. Huge amounts of crystal fragments splashed around like ice crystals and snowflakes. The entire corridor floor was covered with a thick layer of white crystal debris.

Nine-headed dragon still couldn't catch up with Ai Ding, and the blood in Garon's eyes became thicker and thicker.

Suddenly, his feet hit the ground.

boom! !

Galleon disappeared instantly, and a large crater several meters wide opened directly on the ground beneath his feet.

Ai Ding sneered.

"I've been waiting for this move from you for a long time."

He waved his right hand, and several white roses drew several white lines, which were instantly fixed in the surrounding air.


The white rose exploded and turned into countless white petals.

Garen's figure passed between the petals in an instant, and was caught by Ai Ding's sight for a moment.

A cold light flashed in his eyes.

"The Sword of Flower Language." A white rose appeared in his hand, and with a slight sniff, Ai Ding closed his eyes, completely ignoring the sudden figure of Galen.

hiss! !

A white line shot out of thin air.

Garen was surrounded by the phantom of the nine-headed dragon. He flew down and brought out an unparalleled powerful wind with his left hand, bringing out a red afterimage and heading towards the white line like lightning.

The red shadow and the white line meet instantly.

The red shadow was cut open without any hindrance. The white rose passed through Garen's fingers like lightning and stabbed directly between his eyebrows.

In an instant, he could see the clear white petals on the rose. They were white without a trace of color. The pure petals seemed to be stacked together in circles of white rings. There was even a drop of dew left on it.

It came at a very fast speed, but it seemed to be at a standstill.

Garen ignored it and struck out instantly with his right hand, and the aura that had not been used for a long time surged and circulated crazily in his body.

A crazy and terrifying aura erupted from him.

"Everything. Ruby!!!" His right palm brought out the ruby-like crystal, and when the palm rubbed against the air, it actually started to burn!

That is a high-temperature flame ignited by pure friction gas! !

The flaming red right palm was like a ferocious fire dragon. Surrounded by nine dragon heads, it struck first and struck the ring sword in front of Ai Ding.

boom! ! !

A red fire cloud erupted directly between the two, with a ring of silver light inside.

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