Mysterious journey

Chapter 436 Harvest 1

In the deepest part of the treasure house, on the high black wall, there is an open square door.

It was dark inside the door, and there was a biting cold wind blowing out.

Garen looked around and saw a large area of ​​empty space around him.

There is a layer of white frost on the ground, obviously the temperature here is extremely low.

His heart moved slightly, his throat trembled slightly, and actually sent out a subtle vibration wave that could not be heard by human ears. The fluctuations spread far and wide, with unparalleled penetration, all the way to unknown places far away.

"Ephesus, I'm in the Wang family's treasury now. Send someone over."

This is a special method of contact between Garen and the dragon demon. It has a limited range, but it is no problem within the Imperial City.

Soon, there was a response from there.

"I know, my disciple is coming to you. He brings fifteen family totem masters, which should be enough strength. He will arrive in about twenty minutes."

Garen put away his fluctuations and was about to enter the door when suddenly a low voice of surprise came from behind him. It seems that an outsider came in and was ecstatic after getting the treasure.

His face turned cold. Flick back.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Three black poisonous gases shot backwards and disappeared into the darkness instantly.

This is the nine-headed dragon poisonous smoke secreted by Garen itself. It can spread in the treasure house and kill any living creature silently.

The time will last for fifteen or six minutes, and then almost all the disciples of Ephesus will arrive. If someone else takes away the contents of the treasure house in the remaining few minutes, that's his luck.

Stride into the black door.

Garen suddenly felt that his eyes were completely dark, and his vision quickly adjusted.

At the foot is a long black stone passage that stretches forward into the seemingly endless darkness.

On both sides were bottomless pitch-black abyss, and large waves of cold air kept coming from both sides.

Garen moved forward slowly, always paying attention to the surroundings.

He could vaguely hear a vague humming sound coming from the abyss below, which seemed to be crying and laughter, but if he listened carefully, he could hear nothing.

He looked down to both sides and saw darkness beneath the abyss.

Garen's eyes lit up slightly, with a hint of purple in his pupils, and he looked directly down.

The Eye of Isiah was activated directly, but there was still no movement below the abyss.

Garen frowned, turned off the technique, paused, and continued walking forward.

The long black passage under your feet seems to have no end and stretches forward. There are no guardrails on both sides. If you are an ordinary person, you will slip down if you are not careful.

Gradually, he increased his speed, and the frost on the passage under his feet became thicker and harder.


Suddenly the passage ahead was cut off.

Suddenly, the dark abyss below suddenly lit up with a little red light.

The red light grew bigger and bigger, flying directly upwards. Along with the violent whirring sound, red light directly illuminated the entire surrounding space.

Surrounding it was a vast, huge black cave, surrounded by uneven stone walls and pillars.

The red light in the abyss became larger and larger, and the surrounding cave walls became more and more red. The coldness in the air was swept away, replaced by unparalleled heat.

Garen took a few steps back, and the ice beneath his feet melted rapidly. Under the reflection of the red light, it flowed down the channel to both sides like lava.

boom! !

A huge fireball with a diameter of more than ten meters flew in front of him.

With a crash, the fireball suddenly cracked. A black square stone door in the middle was revealed. There was a doorknob and a keyhole on the door.

A fiery red human face is engraved in the middle of the door. It is carved with bright red lines and stripes, and it looks like flowing magma under the face, which is extremely magnificent.

The intense high temperature accompanied by flames and sparks spread into the surrounding air. After the ice water in the passage melted, it actually began to steam.

"Is this the entrance to the real inner treasury?" Garen narrowed his eyes slightly.

Walking forward, staring at the blazing heat, he reached out and touched the stone door handle in the middle of the fireball.

"Please answer to activate the secret word." A cold female voice suddenly sounded around. It seems as if there is no emotion at all, just like a computer machine on earth.

Garen hesitated.

"I am the master of the Black Fire Palace of the Empire. The central totem system should have recording authority, right?" he asked uncertainly.

"Permission query is asking if you are not eligible to enter. Please leave immediately." The female voice came up with the result in an instant.

Garen's expression changed slightly. Suddenly, he reached out and grabbed the doorknob and twisted it hard.

"Intruder!! Intruder!!" The female voice suddenly became sharp.


It sounded like glass breaking.

Countless black cracks were like spider webs, spreading towards Gallon from all directions. They cracked along the void, as if space were a fragile layer of glass.

Bang! !

Garen's right palm instantly hit the stone door.

The palm collided fiercely with the stone door, and the entire cave suddenly shook violently. Garen took advantage of his strength and quickly slid back, retreating a long distance with a hiss. Just barely avoiding the attack of spreading black cracks.

At this time, the huge fireball I Ching began to sink.

Garen rushed over in a few steps and felt that the temperature around him suddenly increased. Compared with the scorching heat at the beginning, the current temperature could almost bake a person. And the temperature is actually still rising.

But these are meaningless to his 10-point physique. His current physique can completely withstand hundreds of degrees of heat without being injured, not to mention the light of the totem.

As soon as they approached the Fireball Stone Gate, several more black cracks spread from both sides.

This crack gave him a strong sense of crisis.

Garen's eyes flashed with a stern look, and he clapped his hands instantly. Countless qi and blood in the body flowed out instantly along complicated and mysterious lines.

Vientiane Tianluo! ! !

He roared low, rubbed the air with his palms to bring out blazing flames, and pressed them together in the middle.

Bang! ! !

A dull shock wave spread invisibly around, shaking the surrounding black cracks.

Taking advantage of this moment, Garen shot out with electricity and punched the stone door.

There was still no movement at Shimen.

A dragon shadow flashed across Garen's face, and he opened his mouth and suddenly let out a low roar like a giant dragon.

Countless white water vapor, like white clouds, gathered crazily at the center of his right palm, forming a white cloud ball.

For a moment, the insights from the battle with Ephesus suddenly came to my mind.

A violent energy and blood surged out from Garen's heart, driving the totem light of the nine-headed demon dragon around him, and the two seemed to merge into one.

"Ah!!!!!!" Garen roared wildly.

Nine dragon shadows suddenly flew out, wrapping around his right arm, like dragon cloud pillars, with blazing red light, and struck hard above the stone door.


A crack opened directly on the surface of the stone door, and then, in an instant, more and more cracks spread across the entire stone door in an instant.

Wow! !

The stone gate collapsed directly.

Garen flew into the door. Countless spider web-like spatial cracks passed over his back. He scoffed and opened a bloody gash on his back.

He stood at the door, calm and calm, feeling that his bowels were beating extremely hard.

This move was inspired by Ephesus, and he integrated many of the secret martial arts fighting skills he had mastered into one, and used it together with the light of the nine-headed demon dragon totem.

It can be said that it is a move from the master of the world of secret martial arts. There are countless secret weapon explosion routes involved, all of which enhance explosive power and speed.

"Let's call this move Tianlong Zongheng!" Garen opened his mouth and spat out, and a black energy shot out like an arrow.

After creating Tianlong Zongheng, Garen felt empty in his heart, as if all the accumulated inspiration suddenly poured out.

He stood there until his heart completely calmed down and stopped beating violently, then he slowly opened his eyes.

If the Wanxiang fighting skills were all the essence of his own martial arts when he was a mortal. So this newly created move is the key to him truly integrating the totem into himself.

The power of Nine-Headed Dragon Heart was finally fully unleashed in this move.

Coupled with the auxiliary power of the Troll's Grip, it is unknown how terrifying the strength can be when used with the right hand.

Gathering his thoughts, Garen took stock of the environment inside the surrounding door.

Inside the Fireball Gate is a small square stone room.

Surrounded by smooth stone walls as dark as ink, traces of fiery red magic lines light up on the walls from time to time, giving people a psychedelic and unreal feeling.

There are three black bookshelf-like metal shelves placed in the stone room.

What's on each shelf is different.

On the shelf on the left are pieces of weapons and armor such as daggers, inner armor, and long swords. Each of these things is engraved with shimmering magic symbols on their surfaces. They are exquisite and gorgeous in appearance, with hollow and delicate patterns everywhere.

Garen walked over and took a look, and picked up a white upper breastplate. The breastplate was very thin and covered with patterns like wheat ears. It felt warm to the touch and had a slightly soft texture.

He held the breastplate and shook it slightly.

Buzz! !

A circle of white light suddenly spread from the breastplate and shone on Garen. Suddenly, the wound on his back healed quickly.

"Inactive healing effect?" Garen put down his breastplate. Such a strong healing effect is equivalent to multiple lives in battle, and is not ordinary precious to anyone.

The general healing effect requires at least ten minutes to barely close such a large wound, and the most important function is to activate the body's own recovery mechanism and consume the body's potential to heal. Too many such cures will shorten a person's lifespan.

But this thing actually relies on external sources to heal wounds without harming the person's own potential. No wonder it is collected in such a secret vault.

Garen was slightly knocked aside by a black crack, and the nine-headed dragon's totem light was instantly shattered. One of the dragon's heads was severely injured, and he almost lost his life.

After observing the nine-headed dragon in the black space, the injured dragon head was still shrinking rapidly, becoming more and more dry, as if all the water had been completely sucked out, and it became extremely old and shriveled.

The physical injuries were healed, but the totem's injuries could not be cured.

Putting down the breastplate, Garen picked up another small dagger.

The dagger is bright yellow in color, with a jade-like texture and a turbid, translucent feel. The end of the handle is curved, forming a J shape. The most conspicuous thing is that there are yellow rhombus-shaped gems inlaid at intervals on the blade.

This dagger is the most conspicuous item on the entire shelf and is placed on the highest level.

When Garen picked up the dagger, he felt the faint texture of flesh and blood coming from the weapon in his hand. It was as if what he was holding was not a weapon, but a living thing.

A gentle wave.


A yellow arc suddenly lit up in the air and disappeared in a flash.

A yellow snake-like creature suddenly flashed around the dagger. The creature looks a bit like a snake, but has a pair of transparent cicada wings on its head and ears.

In the blink of an eye, Garen could clearly see that the creature had only one eye, and a yellow current like thick liquid flowed in it.

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