Mysterious journey

Chapter 439 Chaos 2

The female representative was a middle-aged woman in her late forties. She pondered for a moment and discussed with her companions behind her, then nodded.

"Thanks to the patriarch for his attention, we are willing to develop in the auction house."

"That's good." Garen sent the last four guards with two people to escort them to the auction house.

Everyone in the family believed in his words, which made him very satisfied. Rumors spread everywhere that the imperial capital was about to be invaded by monsters, and many powerful and powerful families followed the three major agencies and fled.

Those left behind are either those without strength or top figures like Garen and the Grand Duke and Princess, who more or less know some of the real trump cards.

There was also a group of smarter people who stayed behind after seeing few of the big forces leaving.

This also caused the entire imperial capital to be mostly empty. The remaining nobles were busy fighting for resources and territory, and the chaos of the civilians was naturally ignored. Everyone only cares about their own territory.

The public areas are completely unattended.

After dealing with these, Garen left the manor with the last two black fire guards and rushed towards his cousin's house.

From time to time, you can see horse carcasses lying on the side of the road, houses set on fire, gangsters looting property, and some noble men smashing and robbing shops and houses.

The three men of Garen rode three batches of one-horned mutant horses and headed straight to the Yunguang District.

Of the three major districts in the imperial capital, Yunguang District is the most chaotic.

Most of the people living here are officials, wealthy businessmen and the like, and most gangsters come in to rob.

The three of Garen encountered several waves of gangsters who stepped forward to intercept them. After the Blackfire Heavy Guards directly sprayed venom and corroded them into puddles of acid, no one dared to stop them.

It took more than twenty minutes to arrive at the door of his cousin's small building in Yunguang District.

Outside this small white building on the side of the road, there were some corpses lying strewn about, and large areas of blood that had almost dried up and solidified on the ground.

Garen's horse stepped on the bloody water, making a wet slapping sound.

The two black fire heavy guards turned over and quickly searched around, beginning to eliminate all unstable factors in the surroundings.

Garen looked towards the second and third floors of the small building.

It was quiet inside the small building, and there seemed to be no one at all.

Garon rode his horse in a circle around the small building. No one was seen. Two Black Fire Guards broke into the door and searched, but also found no results.

The cousins ​​obviously left early.

Jialong was still not at ease, so he turned around and rushed towards Bai Fenglin Academy with the two of them. This is the place he ordered his cousins ​​and the others to rush to after the accident.


Dany felt like this day was like a dream.

She came home in the middle of the night and was planning to have a good beauty sleep. Unexpectedly, when she was half asleep, she was pulled up by her sister, put on her clothes and rushed out.

Along with them, there was the elder sister's best friend Sylvia, who also served in the palace.

Both of them looked worried and urgent.

She saw her sister and Sylvia encounter a middle-aged man at the door. The man came with a group of guards and said something to her sister with a serious expression. The two seemed to hesitate at the door.

But Sylvia seemed to say something, and then her sister finally agreed.

Danni was dragged up by her elder sister and followed the middle-aged man out of her small building.

When she left, her mind was still fuzzy and she hadn't woken up yet.

A piercing siren suddenly sounded in the sky outside, startling her.

The three of them were taken to a collective camp by the middle-aged man, which was a large open space with many white tents erected on it. A lot of people have gathered.

A noble man who claimed to be Cohen soon came and took them away. The three of them followed a group of men and women in gorgeous clothes and rushed towards the big lake in the back of the imperial capital. Along the way, these people pointed at Sylvia as if they were looking at a piece of goods, which made her very embarrassed.

"I told you that our number is full. You must bring her with you! Now, it's okay, she is alone, but she actually brought two more people with her." The sharp voice of the woman leading the team could be heard faintly. Come.

"After all, she is my brother's only daughter. We can help if we can." The man begged in a low voice.

Then there were two people, one dissatisfied and the other begging. Danny suddenly felt an indescribable feeling of depression.

"Don't worry, it's okay." A gentle male voice came from beside Dany. This was a handsome-looking man in white. "Like you, I am also an incidental person who evacuated with this family. My name is Kane. What is your name?" The man's gentle smile seemed to dilute the annoyance in Dany's heart.

"My name is Dani."

"Oh, you are the two friends brought by Miss Sylvia." Kane looked astonished. "Where are your sisters and the others?"

"It's in front." Dani looked forward and saw her sister and Sylvia standing with their heads lowered in front of a woman in a red dress, listening to the woman speak with disgust on her face.

Kane seemed to see it too. He ruffled Dani's hair vigorously. "Don't worry, it's okay."


Suddenly someone called him from a distance.

"come over!"

"I'll go over there." Kane turned and rushed towards the direction of the sound.

Dany watched him leave, and then began to look around boredly.

Their team was surrounded by guards wearing heavy white armor, mixed with a few men and women wearing robes of various colors. These people looked arrogant and looked at others with disdain. They chatted among themselves, as if talking to ordinary people was insulting their status.

"What's so great!" Dani curled her lips.

Suddenly, a voice that she might never forget appeared.

Not far from her, a sudden scream startled her.

Dany's energy suddenly came to her senses, and she looked over there intently. Kane, who had just left, was now covering his abdomen with his hands and kneeling on the ground. Blood continued to flow from his body and pooled on the ground. His eyes were painful and desperate, as well as helpless and helpless.

This man was like them, someone who followed the team later, and was also a friend brought by other members of the family.

Dany seemed completely stunned for a moment.

She felt as if the only man left in the whole world was the man who was wailing in pain. In front of him, a blond man with a distorted face was shaking the blood from his rapier, with a look of contempt on his face.

"Kill, kill, kill!" Dany felt like her mind went blank.

The man who just stood in front of her and spoke to her personally, the man with a gentle smile. At this time, his body tilted and he fell to the ground. No one in the surrounding guards even glanced at him, their expressions were indifferent.

Dany felt her mouth go dry, and an unprecedented sense of fear suddenly surged out of her mind.

The person who was standing in front of her alive just now was lying on the ground and quickly turned into a cold corpse.

This was her first time seeing someone kill.

Seeing a dead person for the first time, a dead person dying in front of her.

Dany's mind went blank. She didn't know when her sister came to her, nor when she was held in Sister Sylvia's arms.

She just kept replaying Kane's helpless eyes before his death in her mind. That look seemed to be looking at her.

"It's okay, it's okay." My sister's voice kept coming to my ears.

"How to deal with these drags?"

"It's too late, let them enter cabin three."

"But that one is pretending to be an animal."

"There is no room for them. If you want to leave, leave. If you don't leave, get out!" A sharp woman's voice came to my ears.

Dany felt cold all over. She saw Kane's fate. They had the same identity as him, and maybe they could end up like this.

For the first time, she felt that the outside world was so dangerous.

She has always lived within the circle where her sister can tolerate her, but this is the first time, the first time she has seen the cruelty of the real world outside.

When these normally humble, courteous, and elegant nobles bared their fangs, they turned out to be more cruel than ferocious beasts, treating human life as nothing more than livestock.

They followed this group of people aggrievedly. There were more than ten people like them, all with the same identity.

The disgusted expressions and impatient tones of the nobles in front of her continued to reach Dany's ears. For the first time, she discovered that the world she lived in before was so childish and ignorant.

Every day I argue with my sister self-righteously, over trivial matters and pocket money. I am willful and unreasonable. I steal things and sell them. I think I am very familiar with it in the Yunguang District of the imperial capital. Interacting with the gangsters on the street like sisters and brothers.

But at this moment, in this environment, compared to the powerful guards and totem masters around them, those gangster leaders who are ordinary people are as fragile as chickens.

Along the way, the team encountered several waves of robbers and gangsters. People were constantly dying around them, and people were constantly being seriously injured and left behind.

Dany's heart became colder and colder, and she became more and more afraid.

She also saw a trace of worry on her sister's face, as well as the gloom on her sister Sylvia's face.

Unknowingly, their team approached the large lake behind the imperial capital.

Dany's mind was confused along the way and she didn't understand anything.

Vaguely, there seemed to be waves of exclamations coming from the front, and the entire team suddenly stopped. Someone seemed to be in the way.

"Get away!"

A cold male voice came from afar.

"Lord Earl! We really don't have what you are looking for here," the sharp woman was pleading. It seemed that the power of the visitor far exceeded hers. She completely lost her arrogance just now.

Bang! ah! !

After a scream, the woman lost her voice.

"Everyone, stop and stand where you are and let the adults check!" A female totemist in the team shouted in a flattering voice. The guards began to maintain order.

There were hundreds of people in the entire team. There was a slight panic at the front, but it quickly subsided.

Time passed by minute by minute.

"Cousin!? Why are you here?" Suddenly a surprised male voice came from the front.

Dany looked up from her sister's arms.

What he saw was a familiar figure.

It's Ahashia! How did he find them?

Danni suddenly felt like a drowning person. Seeing a familiar person, the warmth and security in her heart seemed to fill her body.

He was hurriedly walking this way in a white shirt. He was followed by several flattering nobles and totem masters.

"I've been looking for you for a long time! Why didn't you listen to me and come here?! If someone hadn't seen you and informed me, I might not have been able to catch up with you! What happened to Danny?"

"She was frightened" the sister's voice whispered back.

"Come here!" Ahasia turned around and yelled impatiently.

Soon a figure covered in black armor came forward and lowered his head without saying a word.

"Hold her and let's go directly to the Royal Hospital! Forget it, I'll do it myself!"

In a daze, Dani felt as if she was being hugged by a broad chest, and an unprecedented sense of security slowly flowed out of her heart.

It turns out that Shia actually has such a side. Dany had never seen this side before, as if the companion she had known since childhood suddenly became an unknown person. It becomes dazzling, dazzling, and vaguely overlaps with a certain fantasy in one's mind.

She pressed her face tightly against the other person's chest, and soon fell asleep.

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