Mysterious journey

Chapter 441 Chaos 4

"I didn't pay attention to this, but according to my grandfather, the three major agencies have completely given up on Kuwaitan. The situation here is a foregone conclusion. Now all their forces are concentrated on Xenia. The situation over there is even worse. But there is still hope of recovery." Bai Lan said simply.

"But if this continues, the situation in the imperial capital will get worse and worse. Without fields, how will we get food? How will we get daily necessities?" Garen frowned.

"So we have to stabilize the situation as soon as possible." Bai Lan shrugged. "What my grandfather means is that we join forces to convene a grand assembly of nobles and form a noble house to unify and integrate the situation in the imperial capital, or in other words, the situation in Cowaitan."

"Indeed, the forces of all parties are strong now, and no one is convinced by anyone. Only in this way can the political situation be stabilized as soon as possible." Garen nodded, "I agree, it depends on the situation of others."

"Okay, without further ado, I'll go back and report to Grandpa right away."

"Okay, I just have to deal with some things." Garen responded directly, "You can take care of my cousin and the others."

"Of course!"

After coming out of the hospital, Garen and the green-haired aristocratic man who had tipped off the news directly mounted their horses and ran towards the National Experiment Bureau.

The National Experiment Bureau is a key technology center that Aiweike has always strongly supported, and Weisga has always been in charge of it. Finance is also tilted here.

The method of processing mutated monster meat that can be eaten by civilians was developed here.

Taking advantage of the current chaos in the Imperial Capital, Garen rushed directly towards the Experimental Bureau.

Behind them were more than ten batches of mutated horses, all of which were followers of the green-haired nobles. There are two people inside who are type-1 totem masters, and the rest are all ordinary people who have practiced fighting skills. But he looks powerful and intimidating.

Along the way, the group of people ran rampant and unscrupulous. Everywhere they went, everyone gave in. At this time, even some indifferent gangsters and mobs had no choice but to avoid it when they saw this momentum.

"What's your name?" Garen finally remembered the young man who tipped him off.

The green-haired aristocratic man suddenly showed a look of surprise.

"My name is Biwen! Biwen Keles! Sir, I am your loyal supporter!"

"You did a good job this time." Garen nodded, initially accepting this guy's surrender. Being able to have such a vision, not being afraid of his notoriety, and having enough courage is already considered a talent and can be put to use.

As soon as these words came out, not only the green-haired man, but also the men and women behind him all looked happy. But they also know that this is just the beginning. The most troublesome thing about following the Black Fire Palace Master is not letting him accept them. It’s about accepting the pressure that comes with it.

The Lord of the Black Fire Palace executed too many offended people in the palace. Those who could enter the deep palace had some background, but Garen would kill them as soon as he said it, and it would be useless for anyone to plead for mercy. In other words, he didn't give them any time to intercede, so he took action directly.

He also offended a lot of people, but with Galen's reputation for suppression, no one dared to take action first. But it couldn't be easier to do something secretly.

Although the Lord of the Black Fire Palace is strong, no one in the imperial capital can control him. The two Grand Dukes and the Minister of Defense, Mr. Vesga, even if these three are excluded, Garen is only one person after all. There are more masters of Type 4, and through the superposition of magic formations, they are also a big threat to him.

Garen himself also knew where his bottom line was.

One type four and two types four may not matter much, and three or four may not be a big deal, but seven or eight, the power gathered by using the magic array is very impressive. After all, he is not Type 5 yet. When faced with Type 4, once he is caught in a force-gathering formation such as a spell formation, even if he has a few lives, he will be consumed to death.

What's more, the two grand dukes definitely have an ultimate secret treasure in their hands.

The original Black Crow Formation was just an imitation of the ultimate secret treasure, but it was so fierce that it could maximize the power of the four types. If the true ultimate secret treasure were fully utilized, I don't know how powerful it would be.

After sorting out the information just obtained, the National Experiment Bureau also arrived.

The block outside the door was deserted and deserted. The ground was littered with garbage, paper and clothes, store nameplates, an overturned carriage, and two corpses that were burned into black carbon.

This is located in the western suburbs outside the imperial capital.

Surrounded by large black mountains, there is only one deserted street in the entire experimental bureau that connects to the carriage road outside, which can be regarded as the only entrance and exit.

The Experimental Bureau is like a ring in the black mountains, surrounded by high-rise buildings and factories. Standing outside the entrance and exit gate, looking in, there is a mushroom-shaped white tower standing quietly in it.

At the top of the tower, there are blue arcs surrounding it from time to time.

"Palace Master, what are we doing here?" Biwen, the green-haired man, asked softly.

"Looking for something, something I once dedicated to His Majesty." Garen replied calmly, without any concealment.

"Let's go in and search!"

Garen took the lead and walked directly to the closed door.

Just as the horse's head was about to hit the door, a red shadow flashed past.

boom! !

The door was directly knocked open, and the metal door more than ten centimeters thick fell directly inward. A large piece of the high walls on both sides was torn down with it.

There was a sudden crackling sound in the air, but no light or shadow appeared.

"Huh?" Garen glanced at his left hand, and the back of his palm was burnt black. "Invisible electricity?"

When he released the dragon shadow with his left hand and knocked open the door, he was also paralyzed by the powerful current. In just a moment of contact, his entire right hand was instantly scorched. The light of the nine-headed dragon's defensive totem was actually penetrated like this. This made Garen feel more and more that Kuzuryuu's defense was not enough.

As the places entering and exiting become more and more dangerous, although the dragon skin defense of the nine-headed dragon is stronger than that of low-level totems, it is far behind compared with the same level. Recently, the totem light has been penetrated at every turn.

You must know that if the totem's light is penetrated once, it means that the totem has been seriously injured once. For other totem masters, if it is to recover through natural cultivation, it will take years to recover from horrific serious injuries.

Generally speaking, this is difficult to happen. After all, the defensive light of the totem master is twice as powerful as the totem itself.

But for Garen, this situation has become somewhat more frequent recently.

No wonder the Nine-Headed Dragon has nine lives. It turns out that between defense and regeneration, he chose the latter to evolve. Only then did Garen become a little enlightened.

After sensing the situation of the nine-headed dragons in the dark space, one of the dragon heads has withered again.

Garen quickly deducted twenty points from his potential points and added them to restore his nine lives to perfection.

But the previous potential value was only over fifty points.

Leading people strode into the National Experimental Bureau.

Inside the gate is a large circular green grassland, which is equivalent to the size of three or four football fields and is extremely wide.

The white tower stands in the middle, with blue electric arcs constantly flowing and flashing at the top. The surface is as smooth as a mirror, giving it a weird futuristic feel.

Garen walked directly towards the White Tower without looking at the tall buildings around him, and the others followed directly.

The sound of dense footsteps quickly came from the surroundings, accompanied by dull trampling sounds.

laugh! !

A white beam of light passed sideways in front of Garen. It almost touched the tip of his nose.

"It's the White Guard!!" The green-haired Biwen panicked and quickly reminded Garen, "Palace Master, the White Guard is the highest masterpiece of the Experimental Bureau, half human and half totem, very powerful, not afraid of life and death! There are a hundred people in total, They are all transformed by the high-end totem masters of death. The palace master must be careful!!"

"How is your strength?" Garen had already seen the white armored men surrounding the group.

"This depends on the level of the totem master who has been transformed." Bi Wen's face turned pale and he saw the people in white armor surrounding him.

These people's whole bodies were hidden under white armor, and their eyes were two blood-red crystals on their helmets, emitting a faint red light. Holding a knife in one hand, the other hand was transformed into a silver-white cylinder, with white light faintly shining inside, as if it could be sprayed out at any time.

"It seems that this is one of Vesga's trump cards." Garen glanced around in admiration, "It should be similar to my Blackfire Heavy Guard, but it seems to be stronger. Tsk tsk. Three-type wave. There are more than fifty of them, and there are more than a dozen who have transformed into spiritual lights, which is indeed amazing!"

The white guards around him all seemed as if they had not heard Garen's words at all. They all stood still, motionless, neither attacking nor giving way.

"Vesga, it seems that the white guards are far inferior to my black fire guards, right? If you don't want to waste your strength, get out of my way. I'm just here to get what originally belongs to me." Garen snorted coldly. , actually ignored the white guard blocking the way in front, and walked forward directly on horseback. Go straight to the white tower.

These powers, plus some trump cards, are also a certain threat to him, but what he is most proud of is his survivability. Without enough suppression by the same level of power, even if there is any power that can completely destroy him, he I am also sure that I will escape unscathed. This is the horror of the nine-life talent.

Bi Wen and others followed Gallon fearfully. Sure enough, the people in front of the white guard naturally gave way to a passage as they kept retreating.

There must be some way for Vesga to see the situation here directly.

Garen knew clearly that the other party was not willing to fight with him, and he would not find a way to fall out with Vesga. After all, this guy's strength is unknown, and he is also the peak strength of type four. There is also contact with another Grand Duke Cody.

Riding his horse to the bottom of the white tower, Garen dismounted and strode towards the tower door.

The white circular tower door has naturally rotated open. Inside, a sparse group of researchers in white clothes are busy coming and going, as if they are not aware of the changes outside. Each one showed a selfless attitude.

Garen strode into the tower. A voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Your things are in the third secret room on the second floor." It was Vesga's voice with the same old-fashioned and serious tone.

Garen smiled, strode through the crowd, and went up the stairs to the second floor. The others quickly followed.

In the white corridor on the second floor, the door of the third secret room was clearly lit with a red light, which seemed to guide Garen's direction.

This kind of light was a bit dazzling, and even Garen's eyesight couldn't help but squint. The rest of the people didn't seem to feel normal at all.

He strode towards the secret room.

There were two men in white guarding the door of the secret room. When he saw Garen approaching, he actually raised his foot and prepared to kick the door.

"You can't go in without the orders of His Majesty and the Minister of Defense!"

"Get away!" Bang! Garen pushed aside the blockers, strode into the laboratory, scanned everything inside, and immediately determined the location of the green vine ball.

This thing is packed in a crystal bottle, a cylindrical crystal glass bottle filled with green solution.

The whole green vine ball is like a ball of green wool with teeth and claws, and there are broken threads everywhere.

Garen walked over.

He smashed the glass with a bang, reached in, fished out the green vine ball, and pressed it on his left shoulder.


The green vine ball wildly waved its green tentacles, quickly piercing into the flesh and blood of Garen's shoulder, and soon completely melted into it.


Gallon turned and left the laboratory. If he stayed here any longer, he was afraid that Vesga's fragile nerves would not be able to bear it.

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