Mysterious journey

Chapter 451 Eve 2

"Lala, you've been following me for several years, right?" Garen suddenly changed the subject.

"Yes." Lala quickly adjusted her mentality and returned to calmness, but there was still uncontrollable ecstasy deep in her eyes.

She had been silently managing everything in the rear for Garen without any complaints. Even though she was almost dead after being captured, she still never asked Garen for rest or compensation.

Now I finally get my due reward.

She also has friends and relatives. During her time in the imperial capital, as Garen's influence grew, she also used the opportunity to find her lost relatives. These people united around her and naturally formed a force of her own.

To outsiders, she is the spokesperson of the Lord of the Black Fire Palace.

Her status is respected. Except for the other giants, everyone in the entire imperial capital must give her enough status and respect.

During the days when the imperial capital was calming down, she received many invitations to banquets every day. Part of her will refuse, and part of her will choose to go.

Countless people fawned over her and flattered her, all wanting to gain some profit and power from her. As long as he has a relationship with her, he will have a tiger skin with the notorious Black Fire Palace. You will have more confidence in whatever you do.

In an instant, Lala thought of many things.

She suppressed her excitement and bowed heavily to Garen.

"I won't let you down."

Garen nodded and watched her turn to leave. In this way, he gave most of the rights to Lala. With the protection of the Blackfire Guards and his reputation, no one dared to make trouble for her. Even the other three giants will give him face.


Over the next few weeks, Angel finally recovered for the most part after thorough recuperation. When she knew that she was awakened by Garen, she was in a state of confusion. It was obvious that the person she had always wanted to chase was actually Garen.

She had vowed to protect Garen in Titan City, but she didn't expect that Garen would overtake her by so much later. At first, I thought I could catch up.

But the cruel reality completely tore apart her remaining pride.

Although she never gave up and never admitted defeat, she saw herself being thrown further and further away, and in the end she couldn't even touch the edge. This feeling reminded her again and again of the words she had said while slamming the table in front of Garen.

She is a person with strong self-esteem and never thinks that she is no worse than anyone else. I originally thought that I couldn't keep up with those geniuses because they received different resources and different treatment conditions.

I didn’t expect to encounter a living example like Galen again.

For a while, she didn't even have the nerve to come see Garen, and she just kept pushing herself to become stronger. This mentality had gone astray, which made the totem cultivation even more stagnant, with one after another going wrong. Later, with the encouragement of friends in several circles, I tried to find a shortcut, and finally ended up in a coma and almost died.

After she woke up, she never came to formally meet with Garen.

But every morning, when Jia Long practiced the Ten Thousand Waters Blue King Kung Fu, she would stand and watch from a distance without saying a word.

At first it was just a coincidence, but later on, she got up on time, watching Jia Long sitting cross-legged on the ground and practicing secret martial arts from a distance.

Although she felt strange that Garen would sit on the ground motionless for a period of time every day, she didn't come to ask.

Garen practices secret martial arts every day and can feel the nine-headed demon dragon being slowly absorbed and fused by him bit by bit. Through the unique method of Miwu, the nine-headed demon dragon and his own blood and totem power are circulated, and the two gradually mix and adapt to each other.

Day and night, when I had free time to rest, I would play with the open communicator. This thing was directly called a radio by Gallon. To remember the days when the earth was here.


Another few weeks passed.

Angel finally formally walked up to Garen.

In the early morning when Garon was practicing secret martial arts, she finally took a step towards this side.

Garen, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes.

"You're finally willing to come over."

"I just don't have the shame to see you again." Angel bit his lip, his face still a little pale. "My biggest wish has always been to not let anyone think that my achievements are achieved by relying on others. So I have never mentioned my relationship with you to anyone."

"You are a bit extreme." Garen smiled and stood up from the ground.

"Is the ability on the war shackles still useful?" he asked casually, taking the mouthwash tea from the maid who came up from the side.

Angel didn't answer, but the displeasure on her face clearly showed her mood.

It’s not that it’s not easy to use, it’s that it’s too easy to use. But every time the ability on the war shackles increases, it means that the distance between her and Garen is getting farther and farther. The irony is that she has always wanted to surpass Galen, but many times outside, the people who saved her life at critical moments mostly relied on the ability of the shackles.

She even relied on this ability to protest against a type three totem master, and no one could do anything to the other. This also made her famous in the mercenary circles of small and medium-sized imperial capitals.

After all, the Imperial City of Kuwaitan is different from Iron City. There are so many powerful people here. If it weren't for the shackles ability, she would have been swallowed up long ago without even a shadow left. Not to mention getting a firm footing.

Garen took a sip of tea, rinsed it and spit it out.

"You just want to be strong and face-saving. You can't let go of your face. Sometimes, the strength of your friends is actually part of your strength. You have to understand this and use the opportunity to turn it into your own strength, then you will be truly strong."

Angel nodded reluctantly.

Looking at the young man in his twenties in front of him, this Cowaitan giant has been famous for a long time at a young age. Unconsciously, he has become a true genius who has escaped the category of the younger generation.

Some people even compare him with the three heroes of the three major domains.

Each of the three heroes is a powerful being who stands firm in the endless sea of ​​monsters and has achieved great achievements.

Garen himself is inextricably linked to Goth, the Eagle King of the Black Domain.

With such a background, such strength, and such a record, Garon has already become one of the big figures with strong influence on the situation in Kuwaitan.

His words and deeds, and the actions of the people around him, can even inadvertently set off waves of undercurrents.

"The situation in the Imperial City is different recently. Although many nobles have left, many remnants of the defeated defense lines have poured in. The three garrison legions, as well as civilians in the surrounding areas, have poured into the area around the Imperial City. More and more people have gathered, and the reserves have Food is also somewhat insufficient, it’s summer now, and we can’t support it until autumn at most.”

As one of the four giants in the Grand Chamber, Garen naturally received enough information about the situation.

The House of Representatives replaced the original imperial system, but the ministers below were still handling their own affairs and submitting summarized information as before.

The difference between the two is that in the past, Aiweike alone made the decision, but now the four giants in the entire Grand Chamber make the decision. Only when the differences between the four giants are too great to be reconciled, or even if the votes are the same, will the Grand Chamber vote be held again.

"The influx of elites from the Legion has largely robbed your mercenaries of their livelihood. In the future, competition in the mercenary world will become more and more intense." Garen looked at Angel. "I plan to establish an organization similar to a school and recruit disciples. It happens that I have a method to strengthen my strength, but it is more dangerous."

"What method!?" Angel felt like something was broken. Anyway, regardless of whether he wanted it or not, he was saved by Garen. Garen also relied on Garen for the shackles of war. She also knew that she was like this. There is no way I can surpass this person in my life, so I feel relieved.

No longer obsess over relying on Galleons.

"The risk is very high and you may suffer a lot of pain. I can let you try it first. If you can bear it, I can let you try it." Garen said seriously.

"I want to try." Angel replied without hesitation.

She has always been a resolute person. She was hunted for thousands of miles and fled from the Northern Territory. Never gave up once.

Garen nodded, Angel's answer was what he expected.

"Be careful."

As soon as he finished speaking, he stretched out his finger like lightning and placed it between Angel's eyebrows.

Angel's whole body felt as if he had been struck by thunder, and he stood motionless on the spot.

Her face became distorted, and the skin all over her body gradually turned red. Her hands were clenched into fists, and her fingertips pierced directly into her palms without any notice.


Garen stretched out his finger again and touched her forehead.

call! !

Angie immediately bent over, sweating all over his body, as if he had been fished out of water, and his clothes were soaked. In just over ten seconds, the sweat secreted from her whole body actually wetted two footprints on the ground.

She gasped violently.

"How is it?" Garen looked at her worriedly. "Such pain will be twice as strong when it really starts. This is just a slight simulation."

Garen opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he closed his mouth and let out a long breath.

I didn't expect Angel to have this kind of attribute. It's really the most amazing thing in the world.

No wonder she has such strong willpower. It turns out he is a masochist at all.

In fact, he also saw that although Angel's talent as a silver lantern master was stronger than his own, because he went astray and wanted to take shortcuts, he eventually lost his original intention. In the process of cultivating the totem, he lost the original adaptability of the totem. It gets worse and worse, and finally it will completely stagnate.

Instead of doing this, let her try the green vine ball route. In such troubled times, the most indispensable thing is ordinary people with strong will.

Extreme hatred, extreme desire, extreme madness, extreme sadness. All are products that can strengthen the spiritual will.

In troubled times, these things are never in short supply.

"Okay, get ready. In three days, I will announce it to the world and officially recruit disciples." Garen has already decided, and he will make a formal public announcement in three days.

This time his main target is ordinary people, especially those fighting masters who are increasingly declining. What many master-level masters lack is just an opportunity.

After the transformation of Sibaan's power, he soon became a powerful top master.

"Besides, your revenge."

"I'll handle it myself!" Angel interrupted Garen and said decisively. .

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