Mysterious journey

Chapter 461 Harvest 2

"You!!" The eldest princess began to burst into tears again. Suddenly, she turned around and ran away.

The door opened with a click, and then was pulled shut with a bang. The eldest princess's sobs and grievances could be heard faintly, getting farther and farther away.

Garen quietly sat back in his seat and carefully looked at the secret treasure in his hand. After a while, he frowned slightly.

This secret treasure cannot be activated at all, it feels like an ordinary necklace. Nothing special at all.

"There is still a lack of activation code." He suddenly remembered. I want to get up again and call the eldest princess back, but I just lost her popularity just now. Whether she is willing or not is still a question.

After a while, the door was gently opened again. The two maids walked in and bowed before speaking.

"His Highness has something to convey to the Palace Master."

"Say." Garen was still playing with the necklace in his hand.

"If you want to activate the secret language, you must agree to His Highness's request."

"What's the request?" Garen raised his head.

"If you are afraid that I will dirty you, how about a girl who is absolutely pure, a girl who has never been touched? I hope you can regard her as me." The maid took out a small pink box and opened it. The voice of the eldest princess was conveyed intact.

"If you don't accept her, I will never tell you to activate the secret language." The eldest princess continued with a firm tone.

Garen was stunned, he didn't expect the eldest princess to pull this trick.

After thinking about it for a moment, he couldn't figure out what she was trying to do. An ordinary girl would have no effect on him.

"Okay, I'll take her."


The box is closed.

"please wait."

The two maids resigned.

Garen nodded.

Although I don’t know what tricks the eldest princess wants to play, but since she is here, she must bring the flash barrier back. If the Duke of White Nok hadn't been standing behind the eldest princess and had a connection with Bai Lan, he would have started to rob her.

Waited for a while.

The door opened again.

A familiar figure walked in slowly, head lowered.

This is a girl who is no more than twenty-three or twenty-four years old. She has long gray-brown hair tied into a ponytail and wears a silver close-fitting armor specially designed for the Royal Guards. There are only a few pieces of this kind of decorative armor, which only clearly shows off the proud parts of her body, especially a pair of slender and round legs, which are white and delicate, with very conspicuous proportions. At the same time, they extend upward, outlining the straight and tight curves of her hips.

The door was slammed shut.

"Are you Sylvia!?" Garen finally recognized the girl's identity.

Sylvia raised her head, and her confused eyes suddenly became clear.


She opened her mouth so wide that she could barely close it.

She had been told that the princess was going to give her to a powerful man and asked her if she was willing.

Sylvia has always wanted to get ahead by relying on her own strength, but the reality is cruel. Without totem qualifications or special talents, no matter how hard she works, reaching her current status is already the limit. Moreover, the sudden change of her best friend Hathaway stimulated her always strong character and self-esteem.

After weighing it, although she had heard about the quirks of those powerful people, she still gritted her teeth and agreed.

The two looked at each other, neither of them expected to meet each other in such an environment.

For a moment, the room was completely silent, except for Sylvia's rapid breathing and violent heartbeat. She didn't expect that Hathaway's cousin was actually...

When she thought that she was about to become the slave girl of the other party, she felt an indescribable weirdness in her heart.

Almost all of the girls sent out by the eldest princess were voluntary, and their status was that of the other party's slave girl. This was a secret that almost everyone in the upper echelons of the imperial capital knew.

But if it were anyone else, Sylvia could accept it, but it turned out to be Galen.

She bit her lower lip, not knowing what to say, her cheeks getting hotter and hotter.

It took her a long time to remember what she had been told to say in advance.

"The secret word. The secret word is..." Facing the cousin of her best friend, she felt like she wished she could crawl through a crack in the ground.

Garen was also a little embarrassed, but it was related to the secret words, so he had to listen carefully to what she said.

"Secret word, huh." Sylvia took a deep breath, "The secret word is written on my body, and it can only be revealed when the power of your totem touches it."

After saying that, her neck was so red that she felt hot.

There are five paragraphs in total of the secret language. To be precise, it was deliberately divided into five sections by the princess and written on the five parts of her body using a special technique.

These five parts are the most secret parts of women. As long as the other four of these parts are revealed, she can also see and record them on paper, but the last one is very inconvenient. Moreover, the condition for it to appear is that the totem master must brush it with the power of the totem. The condition for activating force against outsiders is physical contact

Sylvia's face turned red and she didn't know what to say.

Garen smiled.

Knowing that this was the intention of the eldest princess, Sylvia, who deliberately chose her, deliberately wrote the secret message in an absolutely private place.

Since the eldest princess has worked so hard, she must try every means to achieve her goal. As a normal man, he had no reason to refuse at this point.

But even if he wants to play, he can't help but pounce on her now. He really wants to study the eldest princess's method of controlling and seducing others.

Sylvia's body may have been specially treated. After returning, with complete equipment, Garen planned to figure it out by himself.

As for Sylvia being cousin Hathaway's best friend, it doesn't matter. Hathaway will be his sooner or later anyway, and their engagement is no joke.

It's not that Garen isn't aloof from women. There are many kinds of desires, and physical desire is just the lowest form of desire. He's not very interested in it. When he was in the world of secret martial arts, he learned to control this desire. Especially after the meeting at the Demon Elephant Gate, he focused more energy on other aspects.

"Let's go back with me."

"We." Sylvia couldn't help but speak, but she didn't finish.

Garen opened the door directly and walked out of the room, followed by Sylvia.

The eldest princess seemed to have expected that he would come out. Someone actually led him outside and led him outside.

Regardless of Garen's will or not, once Sylvia is examined by him, as an untouched baby, she can only become his.

After getting into the carriage arranged by the eldest princess, neither Garen nor the two of them had the intention to speak.

The wheels of the carriage were rattling, the afternoon light was a little dim, and the aroma of baked wheat cakes wafted in the air.

From time to time, the sound of iron was heard in the distance. This is the other palace area on the top of the mountain. It will take a long time to get back to the palace area on the top of the first mountain, and you have to cross the Abyss Bridge in the middle.

From time to time, the sound of children playing and the barking of puppies could be heard outside the windows on both sides.

Sylvia was sitting on the right side of Gallon. Although she was already a trading item of Garen, from the bottom of her heart, she still couldn't accept that the man next to her was obviously the cousin of her best friend. How could things develop like this?

Garen, on the other hand, didn't care much about this relationship.

Sooner or later, he would study the mechanisms on Sylvia's body, which meant that Sylvia would be his sooner or later, and he would get the imitation secret treasure of Xisirting, and a little beauty along with it, without paying any price in the process.

What he is thinking about now is what is the purpose of the eldest princess. Even if the Flash Barrier is a useless secret treasure, it won't be given to him in vain.

The whole journey was silent, and neither of them had the intention to speak.

The carriage passed through the streets and crossed several squares. Half an hour later, it finally reached the suspended bridge between the tops of the mountains.

The black bridge is like a stone slab with an arch-shaped bridge hole underneath. From time to time, birds fly over the bridge hole.

There are also bluebird stone houses built on the bridge on the right side. From these small black stone houses like square boxes, bluebirds fly out from time to time and shoot towards the sky in the distance.

Although this extremely fast creature began to decline with the popularity of communication methods such as radio, there are still people who like to use this method to transmit messages.

Before getting on the bridge, there is a speed bump, and when the carriages pass in and out, they will make a soft bang and bump.

Galen's carriage followed the car in front and bumped with the same bang.

Sylvia was still in a state of absent-mindedness, so she didn't pay attention. This caused her body to tilt slightly, and she bumped directly into Garen. Her not-so-large chest hit Garen hard on his right arm.

Her face suddenly turned redder, and she quickly sat up straight, not daring to look at Garen's face.

Garen smiled slightly and said nothing.

More than ten minutes later, the carriage finally arrived at the palace area.

There were already people waiting outside the palace wall to greet Jia Long and others.

The two of them, followed by a group of entourage, quickly returned to Blackpool Palace and took Sylvia directly into the heavily guarded inner hall.

Entering his bedroom, Gallon took Sylvia to the left side of the room, in front of a huge floor-to-ceiling oil painting.

The oil painting shows a landscape castle. Among the green mountains and green waters, surrounded by countless dense woods, a white spire castle stands in the middle. Black hawks circled in the sky, and a huge dark blue flying dragon loomed on the top of the castle, its eyes emitting dazzling green light.

Garen gently stretched out his hand and put a little bit between Feilong's eyes.


Amidst the slight friction sound, the large wall behind the oil painting actually sank inward, and then moved to the right, revealing a round arch-shaped two-meter hole.

The cave is brightly lit and is a light yellow rounded tunnel. The will extends downward to an unknown depth. The floor of the passage is paved with smooth black stone tiles, and exquisite lighting lamps are hung at intervals on the right side.

"Let's go." Garen took the lead and walked in. Sylvia followed anxiously. At this time, she had no choice.

In fact, from the time she signed the contract given to her by the eldest princess and wrote the secret words in her secret parts, her future was already destined.

The two of them walked forward slowly in the passage, one after the other. After a while, they turned a fork in the road. After turning several forks, they finally came to a black wooden door in a bungalow and stood in front of it.

Garen gently opened the door and walked in.

Sylvia no longer hesitated and walked in.


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