Mysterious journey

Chapter 469 Departure 1

Somewhere in Sannia

Among the ruins of the devastated city, groups of figures wearing red scarves and black veils walked silently. They were silent, with their heads lowered, and their lips seemed to be silently reciting something, with extremely pious expressions.

From time to time, a figure poked out of the underground hole in the ruins nearby, quietly watching the passing team. They watched with awe as the team passed by their 'home' from time to time.

In the ruined city, there are still many abandoned bungalows left, and those who are lucky enough to keep them intact.

There has just been a battle with the monster's lair here, and now the followers of the Evil God are patrolling around, cleaning up the remnants of the monster.

In a narrow bungalow space. A dark figure was leaning against the wall, breathing heavily.

Huh. Huh.

He seemed to be breathing out all his lungs, his whole chest arched high and then sank hard.

In the darkness, this man's eyes were extremely bright. For a long time, he stayed close to the wall, and then he gradually relaxed his breathing and seemed to begin to listen to the movements outside the wall.

"Is something going on?" Another voice came from the darkness.

"No, the patrol just passed by." The man with his back against the wall shook his head. "It seems it's safe for now."

"Hey! These bastards of the Evil God Cult! Sooner or later, I will kill them all!" The voice in the darkness finally became clearer, and it was the voice of a very young boy.

"How's Erin?"

"The situation is not good. She has a high fever. She must find fever-reducing medicine as soon as possible!" The boy paused, "Should I light up?"

"Come on." The man walked away from the wall and came to the depths of the house.


A small fire the size of a soybean lit up and quickly lit a white candlestick.

The dim yellow light suddenly illuminated most of the cabin.

There is a small yellow wood bed in the middle of the hut. Lying on the bed is a girl of thirteen or fourteen years old. Sitting next to it is a boy with white hair. The boy's brows actually have wrinkles, forming a clear word "Sichuan", and he looks like he is still young. Declined look.

At this time, he was looking worriedly at the girl on the hospital bed.

"We have to find medicine!" the boy said in a decisive tone.

"There must be people searching for us everywhere outside. If you go out now, you are looking for death." The man frowned and said, "Even if you have the Winged God Arm, you can't escape from Havana. There are at least two of Bainra's three chiefs this time. Come out to arrest us, don’t take any chances.”

"You want me to watch my sister die?!" The boy looked cold.

"I'm stopping your stupid behavior!" The man shook his head and said, groping from his arms, "I found this when I went out just now."

He took out a small black round box and threw it to the boy.

The latter caught it and suddenly showed a trace of doubt when he saw the round box.

"what is this?"


"Radio?" A hint of joy suddenly appeared on the boy's face, "You mean?"

"Of course, with this, we can contact the outside world and get information from the outside." The man nodded affirmatively, "Maybe we can also find a way to get antipyretics."

"As one of the Eighteen Evil Gods, Havana should be summoned by the Evil God King this time. As long as he leaves here temporarily, we have a chance." The man said solemnly, "Now I heard that people from the Black Sky Society, the three major organizations It’s all here, if you can get close to the Ancestral God Pillar and inherit the power of the Ancestral God, then”

"It won't be that simple." The boy interrupted him, "The Evil God King won't let us go so easily. It may not know that I can inherit the power of the ancestor gods, but it will never allow any accidents to occur."

"What should we do?" The man was helpless.

"Don't be impatient. The more forces that come, the more opportunities there may be. The three major institutions and the Black Sky Society are all outsiders. They have little impact on the foundation layout of the Evil God Religion. Their layout for thousands of years is not a joke. Just for fun, this matter must be considered carefully." The boy fell into thought.


Two weeks later.

Garen stayed in the Shining Pond for nearly a month. Apart from practicing secret martial arts every day, he studied the Shining Water or randomly tuned the radio to receive sounds from different frequency bands from the outside world.

Occasionally, Wu Guang and Wu Guang would go out and scavenge the surrounding low-level mutant creatures. Although the potential points obtained were pitiful, it was better than nothing. All the high-level monsters around were wiped out by Wu Guang. If you want to find stronger ones, you can only go further. place.

Without waiting long, the people from the Evil God Cult finally arrived.

In the afternoon, fine raindrops fell outside the hall door, and the breeze blew into the hall, bringing bursts of chill and humidity.

Two men in red clothes wearing black horn helmets were sitting on the right side of the cave hall, looking proudly at the owner of Wuguang Island in the main seat.

"The requirements of our Evil God Cult are very simple. We must take over the Shining Water and this Shining Pool. This is the most basic bottom line." Among them, the green-eyed young man with a fair face and no beard said loudly, speaking awkward Kuwaitan language that was nondescript. It sounds completely out of pitch.

"Are all the people from the Evil God Cult so rude when they come out?" A female guard next to Wu Guang scolded.

"We have been very patient and polite." The young man said coldly.

"You!" The guard suddenly became even more angry, holding the handle of the knife at his waist, obviously ready to take action. The guards in the surrounding hall also looked solemn, holding the handle of the weapon, and turmoil might break out at any time.

Wu Guang raised his hand to stop his excitement. He knows the strength of the Evil God Cult better than anyone else. All the eighteen evil gods are Type 4 or above, and the King of Evil God is at the unprecedented peak of Type 5. He is the strongest master of Xenia together with the King of Xenia.

Unlike Cowaitan, which relied on secret treasures to build its country, Zinnia established a political regime by forcefully relying on killings, and their internal battles never stopped.

Perhaps in the past, the monolithic Kuwaitan could still rely on the secret treasure to be on an equal footing with Chania, but now, with its strength greatly reduced and split into four forces, Kuwaitan was no longer qualified to have a head-on dialogue with Chania.

Just relying on the power of Kurosawa Palace, it is not enough to fight against the Eighteen Evil Gods, let alone the Evil God King and his secret trump card.

Presumably in the eyes of the other party, Kurosawa Palace is just a small force in a remote location and not worthy of much attention.

Wu Guang knew clearly that on the surface he was in charge here, but in fact it was the real palace master Jia Long who was in charge. However, outsiders did not know that Jia Long and Kong Qin had arrived here.

And Garen arrived here early and stayed here for so long, obviously waiting for something. Maybe he is waiting for the people from the Evil God Cult?

Wu Guang had some vague guesses. Could it be that the Palace Master had expected this to happen?

"Don't worry, you two. We can provide the Shining Water, but it is impossible to give up the Shining Pool. This is also a resource that we acquired at a great cost. Do you think it is possible to give it away for nothing in just a few words? "Wu Guang said with a kind smile. Although the opponents were only two type three totem masters and could not even touch the edge of spiritual light, he was not angry at all and showed a lot of patience.

"Scoff!" Unexpectedly, the young man sneered, "Sure enough, the Evil God Lord has long expected that you will not give up, so we should be here soon. The two of us are just pioneer messengers. In less than two days, Lord and others We'll be there when the time comes...hehe."

Wu Guang suddenly frowned slightly.

The strength of the evil god is about the same as him, at the same level, but the evil god has the most shameless ability, which is not to harm the origin of the evil god, so even if he is killed outside, he can be sacrificed and resurrected in the evil god's religion. The origins of the Eighteen Evil Gods are stored in the headquarters of the Evil God Cult and cannot be killed at all. This is the reason why the King of Xenia is powerful but still unable to do anything about the Eighteen Evil Gods. Unless the Evil God Cult is completely defeated and the origin of the Evil God is destroyed, the Evil Gods will be equivalent to immortality.

The biggest difference between the Evil God and the other four types is that he is immortal and cannot defeat you once. If I come back to life and come back a second time or a third time, I can grind you to death.

"As I said before, although our Kurosawa Palace is not too strong, we can't force them to retreat with just a few words." Wu Guang still replied calmly, "As for the evil god coming in person, we have to take action first." In the past, he faced Such a big force would not dare to say such harsh words. After all, he is the strongest on the island. Now that he has joined Kurosawa Palace, he has absolute protection and protection. In addition, there are many elders behind him, and there is an unpredictable palace master. , and his words are much tougher.

The other party was not angry either, and the young man laughed twice.

"Since the elder said so, let the Lord himself mention it later. Let's go!"

The two stood up and quickly left the cave hall.

Not long after the two left, Garen and Kongqin appeared silently on the two seats on the left.

"Palace Master, as you heard just now, the people of the Evil God Cult have no intention of trading with us." Wu Guang looked at Garen.

"It doesn't matter." Garen was wearing a black robe and sat on the seat with a calm expression. "If you want others to take you seriously, you have to show enough strength, otherwise no one will negotiate a deal with an ant."

"What does the palace master mean?" Wu Guang seemed to be guessing, with a hint of excitement on his face.

"Since they want us to show our strength, let's show it to them." Garen said calmly while stroking the armrest. "Aren't they going to rob me? It just so happens that I have to go to Sannia for something else."

"I'll be with you." Kong Qin nodded.

"Unplug all the strongholds of the Evil God Cult. Send an order to the forces under Kurosawa Palace. Anyone who sees the Evil God Cult will not be spared." A trace of bloodthirsty smile appeared on Garen's face. "It just so happened that I also I want to see how powerful the legendary Evil God King is."

"When more people die, they will naturally look at you." Garen's last words echoed slightly in the hall, but neither Kong Qin nor Wu Guang showed any cowardice, and there was a look of anticipation on their faces.


after one day

Bursts of red clouds appeared faintly in the sky above the Shining Pond. The clouds rolled and gathered together, showing a strange plasma color. Like thick blood, it seems to be about to drip.

"The great evil god Bakanseon has arrived, mortals, welcome the wrath of the god!!"

A majestic sound came down from the clouds in the sky, like rolling thunder. The Kuwaitan language, which was far more fluent than the messenger's, allowed all the totem masters and guard soldiers stationed below to understand the voice of the visitor.

laugh! !

A black light suddenly shot out from the Shining Pond Valley below. The straight line pierced the red clouds directly, revealing the golden sunlight beam in the sky.

A black figure floated out of thin air among the red clouds.

Garen calmly scanned the red clouds around him. These rolling red clouds were constantly filled with a strong fishy odor, and streams of highly toxic smoke kept getting into the pores of his skin.


A terrifying sound of huge inhalation sounded from the sky out of thin air.

Garen raised his head, and his chest sank suddenly, as if he had fallen into a big pit out of thin air.


The large number of red clouds around him were sucked in by him as if they were all flowing back into the sea.

In just an instant, the red clouds in the entire sky suddenly cleared, revealing a man in a blood-red robe floating in the air.

"How dare you absorb my Ten Thousand Blood Poison Cloud!!" The man's face showed a look of shock and anger.

He opened his palm, and three blood-red diamonds spun into a ring in his palm, spinning continuously.

"Really red blood diamond!!!" The man raised his hands and held up the ring-shaped blood diamond. An indescribable strong blood light bloomed from around him. The halo became more and more prosperous and stronger, even to the point of one A dazzling situation.

In the entire sky, even the brilliance of the sun is temporarily blocked.

"Go to me" Boom! ! !

Before he finished shouting, the man's whole body was suddenly pressed down by a huge hand of black air. The huge black cloud formed a terrifying giant hand and slammed the man into the ground. A clear figure suddenly appeared on the entire rocky area. huge handprint.

The earth is still reverberating with violent shaking and rumbling sounds.

Garen in the air slowly retracted his hand and glanced at the evil god below who had been knocked unconscious.

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