Mysterious journey

Chapter 471 Arriving at Shannia 1

Chirp! !

In the sky, a black carriage was flying forward quickly, suspended by a group of black hawks. The black eagles screamed from time to time, and their huge wings flapped a lot of strong wind, dispersing their own body odor.

Within a certain range, all monsters with a sense of smell retreated to avoid conflict with this group of yellow-eyed black eagles.

In the blue sky, white clouds drifted past the carriage, and below was the endless vast land. A series of yellow-green mountains lie on the green earth like centipedes. There are also deep dark canyons, turquoise lakes, and the faint roar of strange beasts on the ground.

Gallon sat by the window of the carriage and looked down, feeling a sense of desolation and vicissitudes of life coming towards him.

The vast and boundless land has no end at all. The carriage is dragged forward by the giant eagles and it is unknown how long it will take to reach the next destination.

The faint sunlight showed a cold white color without any warmth, and only reflected the paint on the surface of the carriage with a faint luster.

Garon put his hands on the car window, seemingly admiring the magnificent scenery below.

In the carriage, Wu Guang was touching his female guard with a lewd look on his face. The two were like glue and hugging each other. It was obviously not an ordinary relationship. They actually ignored Garen's presence and started flirting quietly.

"We have raided several strongholds, but the people of the Evil God Cult are not coming out. It seems that they are either preparing for more violent retaliation, or they are giving up temporarily and focusing on dealing with the domestic situation." Garen looked back at Wu Guang, "You have What do you think?"

"It depends on the purpose of the palace master." Wu Guang patted the waist of the female guard and looked up at Garen.

"Purpose, since the Evil God Cult needs the shining water, then if we don't get something good from them, wouldn't it be in vain that we have made so much effort to occupy the shining pool?" Garen smiled, after the Shannia Rebellion ended , the ghost gate is about to wake up. At that time, the royal alliance will be completely defeated and the Black Sky Society will grow stronger. If he does not take advantage of this period to gain some benefits and strengthen himself, I am afraid that he will really be unable to protect himself by then.

He didn't think he could fight against the basically invincible Guimen.

In order to escape for his life, the masters behind him paid the price of their lives to save him from being chased by the ghost gate again and again.

But that was Shi Yan's greatest hope as a member of the Earth Flower Club. He, Gallon, was not a top genius like Shi Yan. The royal alliance is not so great that it can sacrifice itself for others.

The origin of the evil god and the seed of the ancestral god, these are the two best things in Shannia. One is the foundation of the evil god religion, and the other is the foundation of the king of Shannia.

The Ancestral God, also known as the Winged God, is the patron saint symbol of the Zenia royal family. In fact, the source of its power comes from the Ancestral God Pillar.

How strong the power of the Ancestral Divine Pillar the King of Zhennia can exert will determine how influential the Zhennia royal family is.

"The best things in Channia are the Ancestral Divine Pillar and the Origin of the Evil God. However, although these two things are good, since our power lines have been finalized, they are of little use actually." Wu Guang apparently passed Kurosawa Palace The intelligence collection network obtained sufficient information.

"That's not necessarily the case. No matter what, it's best to get these two things. It's also a good choice to use them for research or for future generations to use." Garen said lightly.

"You must have other plans, right?" Wu Guang chuckled.

Garen didn't answer, just turned his head and looked out the window again.

Naturally, he would not say that he knew how to use the evil god's origin.

After comparing the original history these days, he gradually discovered that there was another major factor that led to the Black Sky Society's leader being able to greatly improve himself through the origin of the evil god. That is the fit of the adapter.

It just so happens that the child actually knows about the emergence of adapters. After some questioning, Garen fully understood the true secret role of the evil god's origin.

If the seed of the ancestral god can improve the totem master's natural qualifications, then the origin of the evil god is a treasure that can evolve the soul and spirit of the human body.

But because the evil god's origin contains the extremely powerful will of the evil god king, it is necessary to find an adapter to separate the evil god king's will.

Adapters have the spirit and soul that are naturally capable of resisting the Evil God King's will, and are the most suitable separators for the Evil God King's will.

And there is only one adapter in the entire Shannia.

That is Hannet Thunderstorm with the Winged God Arm.

This boy who was only fourteen years old was already a well-known wanted criminal in Sannia. The Evil God Cult wanted him everywhere and arrested him everywhere, trying to completely eliminate the only restrainer of the Evil God King. But it hasn't really been resolved until now.

There is obviously the shadow of the King of Shannia behind it.

"To Chania, we are just outsiders." Garen said.

"Yes, there are two giant forces in Xianiya now, the Evil God Cult and the royal family. There are a large number of masters standing behind them. The fourth type is not the key force occupying the left and right. Now Xianiya has gathered the most powerful force in the entire Eastern Continent. ." Wu Guang nodded in agreement, "To be honest, I don't recommend that we get involved now. The situation inside is too chaotic. If you are not careful, even you, the palace master, may be in danger."

"Then why are you still willing to follow me?" Garen asked.

"I just want to see how powerful the legendary Evil God King and the King of Xenia really are." Wu Guang chuckled. "I don't have any other hobbies except lust and fighting. If I don't fight for three days, I'll feel panicked."

"Then you and Blizzard should have something in common."

"You'll get tired of fighting the same person all the time." Wu Guang shook his head. "After we enter the fourth type, especially since we have begun to undergo substantial transformation and evolution, we already have a lifespan far longer than that of ordinary people. Wouldn't it be too boring if we don't have some fun in our long life?"

Garen smiled and said no more.

Now Shannia, the Evil God King and the King of Shannia are the protagonists. If outsiders like them want to get enough benefits, they need to truly take sides.


Two days later.

In the night sky, four scarlet rays of light suddenly cut through the night sky, bringing out four red straight lines, floating in the sky.

The four points of red light just blocked the black carriage flying rapidly in the sky.

Buzz! !

Four points of red light suddenly crossed and combined to form a red square light curtain, completely blocking the direction of the carriage like a glass wall.

"Let's capture him without mercy!"

Four male and female voices overlapped and spoke the same words at the same time, as if they were one person.

"You will be punished by God!"

The sound seemed to carry countless echoes, constantly echoing in the sky.

At the same time, the same red square light curtain lit up around the carriage, hundreds of meters away, surrounding the carriage in the middle.

There was a crash.

The carriage door was opened.

Garen and Wu Guang slowly flew out, a cloud of dark clouds and water vapor beneath their feet holding them up respectively.

"Is that you?" Garen recognized the leading man opposite him at a glance. He was the evil god he killed in the Shining Pool. "You actually recovered completely in such a short few days? You actually found a few helpers?"

Even he was speechless at the evil god's terrifying recovery speed.

The man in red robe was staring at Garen with hatred on his face.

"I wasn't prepared last time. I didn't expect you to dare to come to Shannia. Hey, I'm going to hang you upside down, peel off your skin, and use salt and acid to make bacon! The meat will taste better."

Garen frowned. The opponent's four evil gods were all at the peak of Type Four. He was not afraid of killing them all at once. But if he killed them this time, he wouldn't be the one to come next time with the eight evil gods, right?

If all the Eighteen Evil Gods arrived, not to mention him, even the head of the agency would be afraid.

He didn't come to Shannia to attract hatred, and being in the limelight was not a good thing.

This place is already at the edge of Sannia's border. If something big happens again, his purpose this time is likely to be disrupted.

"Do you want to take action?" Wu Guang asked in a low voice from the side.

"Are you going to get beaten while standing?" Garen rolled his eyes at him. He raised his hand and was about to take action.

boom! !

An astonishing pillar of white light crashed down from the sky.

It hit the light curtain where the four evil gods were with great precision. At the same time, the other three light beams also fell, hitting the remaining three light curtains hard.

The huge white light pillar was several meters thick, like a sudden flash of white lightning in the night sky. It fell in an instant, leaving residual light marks on the retina.

"When will it be your evil god's turn to make the decision on the border of Shannia?"

A clear male voice sounded from the sky.

A middle-aged man dressed in white appeared silently in front of the carriage belonging to Garon and stood between the two groups of people.

The light pillar disappeared, and the red light curtain of the evil gods had been completely dissolved.

They stood apart and retreated from the bombardment of the huge light beam at that moment.

The four evil gods stared at the man in white with ugly expressions.

"Holy Lake King Angmar!" A tall evil god spoke slowly. Unlike the evil god who was killed by Garen just now, as soon as he spoke, the other three fell silent. It was obvious that he was the one making up this temporary team. The person with the highest status.

"Aren't you in the Ancestral Pillar Canyon? Why did you come here in your spare time?" This evil god seemed to have extremely deep resentment towards the man in white.

"Wherever I go is my own choice. No one stipulates that I can't go to this place to relax, right?" Angmar, the man in white, said in a relaxed tone, but judging from his face, he was obviously very afraid of the combination of the four evil gods opposite him. .

"Okay, okay!! Count your luck... I'll let you go today!" The evil god gave Garen a cold look. "I hope you won't encounter me again! Remember, I am the hurricane god Vile!"

"Brother Six!" The evil god who had been killed by Garen shouted unwillingly.

"Shut up! Let's go!" Will glared at the other party fiercely. Pulling his right arm back, a large piece of red cloak pulled out with a crash, covering the four of them. The cloak spun quickly, getting smaller and smaller, and finally shrunk into a small piece of red cloth and disappeared with a pop. It was as if he had slipped into space and disappeared.

Galleon and Wu Guang were floating in their original position speechlessly. For them, even Wu Guang could kill two of the four evil gods, let alone Galleon. They could kill them with one hand without any pressure.

I just don't want to attract too much attention. Unexpectedly, the other party thought that they were afraid of them.

No matter how powerful the evil god is, he is only an ordinary peak type four person.

There is a huge gap between Wu Guang, a special fourth type with special secret techniques.

As if he noticed the two people's contempt, the middle-aged man in white turned around.

"Don't underestimate them. One evil god is not scary. The strength of the two will increase each other at the same time. Three and four will produce an evil aura, which can increase the power of the evil god to more than twice its original value. In addition, the strength of the evil god will be increased by more than twice its original strength. At the home court of Vail, the God of Hurricane Six, even the average Type Five can't escape their grasp."

Garen and the two men suddenly became awe-inspiring. Especially galleons.

He quickly and carefully calculated in his mind the strength of the four evil gods, including the unknown hurricane god. There are some forces that really need to be addressed.

If it was an opponent that could be solved with one arm, now it seems that it is still one arm.

I was speechless for a moment,

I originally thought it was powerful, but after careful calculation, it was still within the range of the Troll's Grip. Even if the power is increased twice, it's still one punch per punch.

You don't even need to use more than 20% of the Black Water True Skill.

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